You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 231 Monster dies, new obsession is gained

The monster with a human head and a snake body was a little confused at this time.


Who is the monster?

You call me a monster with a head that moves around like a ghost?

Its face, covered with protruding and protruding blood-colored muscles, was twisted, revealing its fangs, and its voice was hoarse: "It's not a monster, Kuros is not a monster!"

When Brian heard this name, his heart moved.

Kuros was the owner of the face captured here during the previous search. He had previously drawn portraits of the other person in three different age groups based on the facial bones, and finally determined the other person's identity.

Kouros was only nine years old when he disappeared in the camp fire, and two years later, he is only eleven years old.

Brian didn't know how the other party became like this.

The biotechnology in this world is somewhat closer to magicism.

Kuros's biological transformation was even more terrifying and outrageous than the Spider-Man that Brian had seen before.

Think about it.

He twisted his neck back, turned around, and waved to Kuros, who was entangled in the tree: "Kulus, I am a detective. Your family has always believed that you are not dead, so they entrusted me to find you and come down to chat. chat?"

If you are conscious, it means you can talk.


Kouros on the tree, his bloodshot eyes flashed with human confusion and pain, and there was even a strange transparent eye mask constantly flashing in his eyes, like a human blinking.

See it.

Brian continued to name Kuros' parents and even fabricated some information about daily life.

Kuros' information is on file with the police.

Brian has seen it all. As for daily life...the daily life of many white people in urban families here is the same. Whether it is food or other things, they are all the same and there is nothing new.

Listen to Brian's ongoing description.

The expression on Kuros's face became increasingly painful.

There seems to be some problem with its memory: "Kullos remembers that Kullos has a family, but Kullos can't remember clearly. His head hurts, his head hurts!"

See it is delirious.

Brian quickly said: "Who asked you to be here?"

Kouros murmured: "Mr. Reinhard, he said that if Kouros cultivated a hundred plants of Paradise Grass, he could go home. A hundred plants of Paradise Grass only require a hundred plants of Paradise Grass."

Reinhard is the owner of Lake Camp Company!

Brian's guess was right, there was indeed something wrong with this person!

Just when he wanted to gain more information, the monster suddenly stopped mumbling.

It looked at Brian angrily: "You destroyed the paradise grass cultivated by Kuros, and Kuros is going to eat you!"

Countless dense scale-like patterns popped up on Kouros's python-like body, driving its body to swim and accumulate strength, like a tight bow, and its head shot out.

All this seems cumbersome, but in fact it happens in a blink of an eye.

The opponent was so fast that he actually made a sonic boom.

next moment.


The double-barreled shotgun in Brian's hand roared.

Two large-caliber bullets exploded at close range.

Flesh and blood are flying everywhere.

On the ground where Brian was standing, countless pieces of soil sputtered up, exposing a huge deep pit.

The monster's head was stuck in the soil, its body was as tight as an arrow shaft, and its whole body was like a shot arrow. An ordinary person would have been cold after being hit like this.

"What a powerful muscle, such hard bones, but the attack method is a bit stupid."

Brian stepped aside and inserted the two bullets again, and fired again at the opponent's neck where it was embedded in the soil.


Another flower of flesh and blood exploded.

In the face of dealing with carbon-based creatures, Brian has never seen a being that can truly resist bullets physically. Most of them can break through the defense, including him.

The monster also reacted.

Under the pain, its three to four meter long torso twitched around wildly.


The hard tree body was affected, and the bark exploded directly.


There was another burst of air.

Long whip marks were left on the dirt floor.

"What an exaggerated power"

Brian dodged easily.

Out of curiosity.

He noticed the twitching trajectory of the opponent's torso and moved forward with his right hand.

next moment.

Thousands of kilograms of force collide.

An unrivaled and domineering force surged forward.

Brian's body weighing more than 200 kilograms flew around, but he was no match for his strength.

Take advantage of the opportunity to drive away Brian.

The monster with a human head and a snake body also pulled its head out of the soil again.

It looked at Brian angrily.

A large amount of blood gushes out from its tube-like neck area, and the bright red granulations squirm on the mutilated flesh and blood gunshot wounds, and the bullet fragments squeeze out, as if it wants to recover quickly.

However, the bullet was too powerful and rolled in its flesh and blood tissue, causing a cavity effect.

No matter how hard it tried, it still couldn't heal the wound on its neck.

Its face was even more miserable. Although it was disgusting before, like an enlarged and uglier version of Freddy, now its nose and mouth were all missing, and the image was hard to describe.

I don’t know whether it was the bullet hitting his face, or the excessive bleeding, coupled with the exhaustion of several explosions.

After struggling for a while, it lay limply on the ground like a dead snake. Its bloody mouth kept roaring like a beast, but all it could do was spit out various blood foam.

Through these traces, some metallic luster can be seen.

This was probably the key reason why the opponent was not penetrated by Brian's bullet in the head.

Brian got up from the ground a little depressed.

This was the first time since he became powerful that he suffered a loss in strength.

He glanced at his arm.

The powerful right arm, under the collision of the monster's overbearing force, the tough iron bones were shattered in large areas, the joints were twisted and cracked, and there were even broken bone spurs, which pierced the skin as tough as bison hide, leaving it exposed and looking at it. Penetrating and miserable.

While enduring the pain, Brian had a thought in his mind.

The next moment, his miserable right arm muscles began to wriggle automatically, squeezing the broken bones out of the body, and the flesh and blood connected with each other.

in a blink.

A tattered arm returned to its normal form.

As for the fallen blood, bone fragments, and flesh and blood residues, they were also in the process of falling, wrapped in a green mist, and disappeared into the air before they fell to the ground.

"The flesh-corroding capsule, combined with pheromone control and physical body control, is really easy to use. You don't have to worry about body tissue information remaining outside."

Brian bared his teeth and forced the gift energy to surge into his hand.

In less than five seconds, Brian's almost disabled right arm, except for some traces of blood stains, had completely returned to normal.

Even those blood stains were corroded and disappeared in the next second, wrapped in a little green mist that diffused from his pores.

Looking at his fair and clean right arm, Brian nodded with satisfaction.

Really environmentally friendly.

In fact, he can even block pain.

The reason why I don't do this is simply to temper my will.

A weak person cannot become a strong person.

A truly strong person should also have a strong mind.

Brian picked up the double-barreled shotgun, reloaded the bullets, came to a safe distance, and looked at the monster with the head of a man and the body of a snake in front of him.

The monster was a person before, with a name, Kuros, and a family.

But when it eats people, whether actively or passively, in Brian's mind, it is no longer human.

Kouros' biological modification should be a snake modification, and it is a very thorough one.

This should be the reason why the opponent's strength is so exaggerated.

Snake musculature is very developed.

An adult has about 700 to 800 muscles in the whole body, while snakes have 10,000 to 15,000 muscles, and the strength of each muscle is similar to the human biceps.

This is a very exaggerated value.

Of course, due to structural limitations, snakes cannot perfectly unleash the power of these muscles, but transforming humans is not a normal creature, so it may not be impossible.

Brian is not a normal person. His muscle fibers are like rubber, and their density and toughness are far beyond those of ordinary people. However, the overall number of muscles cannot be compared to that of a non-human snake-like cybernetic.

The FBI is best at this kind of transformation technology.

The animal pavilion under the FBI has transformed a large number of spider-men to carry out various tasks.

Brian has also encountered the animal transformation of the FBI's special service team several times.

This made him have to suspect that there were people from the FBI behind all this.

But a discovery made Brian lose his confidence.

"The inner skeleton of this guy's head."

Brian noticed the metallic luster revealed deep in the monster's mouth when it vomited blood.

He seemed to have seen this scene before.

Under the powerful speed of brain operation, a scene from a few months ago appeared in Brian's mind.


It was the shapeshifter he killed.

A similar metal device was also implanted in the other party's body.

However, there is a strange metal grid implanted in the shapeshifter's head. After being smashed, it becomes as soft as lead, and its properties seem to have changed.

After the body was handed over, Brian paid little attention to it.

Kuros in front of him seemed to have undergone a similar transformation.

Brian licked his lips:

“If I remember correctly, the shapeshifters are doomsday sect members.

The relationship between the Doomsday Sect and the FBI is very complicated, similar to that between Blacklight Biotechnology and the NW organization, but the Doomsday Sect obviously does not obey the FBI's instructions and is more like a private aberration force with a lot of FBI technology and technology..."

Susan's father and his uncle Billy all vaguely mentioned similar content.

Could it be that all this is caused by the Doomsday Sect?

With thoughts.

Brian waited a moment.

The monsters on the ground are really powerful.

Even though the blood on the ground had flowed into a small puddle, the struggle still did not stop.

Considering that this guy's mouth was smashed, his consciousness was probably not very clear due to the transformation, and it was difficult to even communicate normally.

Being a good guy, Brian decided to let the other person go peacefully.

After all, before Kuros' accident, he was just an innocent nine-year-old victim.

The fault for turning into the ghost he is now is not Kuros, but this deformed world.

"I hope you have better luck in your next life, man."

After chanting something ritualistically, Brian raised the double-barreled shotgun, pointed it at the connection between the opponent's neck and torso, and pulled the trigger again and again.

This should be the most vulnerable part of the opponent's body.

The bullet's powerful flesh-destructive power forcefully punches flesh and blood gaps in the opponent's body tissue.

The skin here is also covered with a special metal mesh material, which is very similar to the one on the previous shapeshifter.

General pistols or even rifles are unlikely to cause fatal injuries to this structure.

Unfortunately, the double-barreled shotgun in Brian's hand was specially obtained by the sheriff to hunt crocodiles without a sense of boundaries, and it is very powerful.

This layer of metal mesh was destroyed when Brian fired the first shot before, and it did not hinder the subsequent bullets at all.

Shot after shot.

The flesh, bones, and metal mesh of the monster's neck were all torn apart.

After the sixth bullet filling, only a body with a human head separated was left on the ground.

Almost at the moment of death, a dark red obsession ball condensed and emerged from the sky above the corpse.

It's shipped!

Judging from the color, the quality of this obsession ball is not bad, but it is not very good.

Brian doesn't care much.

He values ​​several special abilities of the other party.

Especially pythonization.

His muscle strength, combined with some characteristics of python muscles, is scary to think about.

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