You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 232 The confusing truth, taking the bait (First order plus 9 chapters)

With anticipation, Brian crushed the ball.

The ball turned into rainbow light and shot into Brian's eyes, and then a message appeared in Brian's mind: Kuros is going home, his parents promised to pick him up, Kuros is going home and will be with his family forever!

Gift 1: 50 units of gift energy points.

Gift 2: 20 units of gift energy points + psychedelic poison

Gift 3: 1 unit of gift energy points + python body alienation

At the end of the obsession, there is a picture of a family of three smiling brightly at the camera.

In the camera, Kuros has blond hair and brown eyes, handsome looks, and a bright smile. He should be a handsome guy who can enjoy life when he grows up, but now he has become a monster on the ground, and he has lost his human appearance

This obsession is not difficult to see.

Brian frowned slightly.

Judging from Kuros's obsession, it seems that he did not simply disappear more than two years ago. Did his parents know about it?

What is the truth here?

For some reason, Brian felt an inexplicable familiarity with the relationship between him and his uncle.

"I hope it's not what I thought, otherwise it would be really cruel for Kuros, even crueler than turning into a monster..."

Brian laughed at himself.

Calming down his complicated mood.

Brian turned his attention back to Kuros's obsession with gifts.

After his third transformation, his blood moon gift ability came with its own explanation and became more complete.

As Brian's consciousness was infused.

He naturally knew the effect of the 'psychedelic poison': it produced colorless and odorless hallucinogenic gas, which would change its properties and show more changes when integrated into similar plants.

"Heavenly Grass"

Brian looked at several wild cannabis plants in the distance.

This should be the reason why the person behind Kuros arranged him here.

Normally, this should be a hidden thing.

After all, there is enough food in this area of ​​water, but Kuros didn't expect that for some reason, he started to attack humans, which led to the exposure of the matter.

The specific truth depends on whether Ellie has gained anything.

Brian once again poured his consciousness into the third gift.

Python Body Alienation: The body's skeletal muscles change and become alienated in the direction of a forest python. The nature of the tissue muscles changes and increases significantly. The strength increases significantly, the bones soften, and the structure changes.

Along with the explanation, there is actually an image of Brian after receiving this gift:

It should be because Brian has physical control, so there are two forms in total.

One is similar to Kuros's current appearance, which is very strange, and the structure of the eyes and nose has also changed. It is really similar to a soft humanoid python.

These special structures are the reason why Kuros can easily move and see underwater.

The other image is a humanoid python with delicate scales, which looks a bit like the half-human and half-snake appearance of Kabuto Yakushi in Naruto that Brian had seen in his previous life.

Under the action of dense muscles, even if Brian has physical control, his appearance also presents a grid muscle pattern similar to the scales of a python, which is not better than the first form.

This makes Brian a little unhappy.

To be honest, this talent of "Python Body Alienation" is really amazing.

Imagine it.

Brian's muscle strength, combined with the greatly increased number of muscles, the power that bursts out must be very scary.

Even if it is affected by factors such as bones, it is impossible to be as exaggerated as the theoretical data, but it is still no problem to double the strength.

"Can I just have the benefits without such an ugly appearance?"

Brian tried to see if he could use his blood moon gift power to divide the gift benefits.

His ability is very strange, similar to the power of rules.

The previous one-third super-adaptive talent also gave Brian inspiration.

The gift of talent does not necessarily need to be complete.

His physical talent can be freely integrated, taking its advantages and removing its dross, which is a more suitable path for him. Otherwise, with more and more talents on his body, it will be difficult for Brian to continue to maintain a normal human form.

This is a human society, and becoming a heretic will not have any good results.

Brian does not want to live a secluded life away from the crowd.

He can be non-human, but he cannot look non-human.

Brian's idea is indeed feasible.

As he thought.

The options for Gift Three also changed:

Gift Three: 30 units of gift energy points + Python Body Alienation (Muscle Characteristics)

Along with the change of gifts, a third image appeared in Brian's mind:

He is still the same as now, with a slight force on his body contour, but a lot of muscle fiber contours have been added, directly from a tall and well-proportioned figure, it exploded into the ghost back style of Hanma Yujiro.

"This is pretty handsome."

Brian's eyes lit up.

His muscle shape is very well-proportioned, but there is no such oppressive feeling. The key is to look at this image. Normally, he still looks like an ordinary person, not so ostentatious.

I'll choose this one!

Psychedelic gas actually works well, but Brian already has a flesh-corrosion poison sac, and with the special characteristics of his body, he can also achieve similar effects with chemical reagents.

I can only give up with pain.

The dead body has a distinct smell.

Brian is preparing to follow the special pheromones emitted by the corpse to find the place where the other party lived before.

This place should be underwater, otherwise he would have smelled it.

at this time.

A phone call came.

The call was from Susan: "Brian, something happened. After the NW organization received the information from the CD Ministry of Internal Affairs, it sent a special service team to capture Benjamin. He killed three special service soldiers and disappeared."

Brian was stunned: "Is he so powerful?"

“On-site investigation revealed that Benjamin illegally transplanted organs from banned mutant animals.

He ate those special service soldiers.

I went to see the scene. The scene was very strange. There were only three melted skeletons, no flesh and blood could be seen, and there were very few traces. Other employees of the research institution did not hear the sound of fighting at the scene.

Based on monitoring and tracking.

With a normal expression, he swiped his card and left the institute, rushing towards you. "

Hearing this, Brian was stunned.

Is there such a good thing?

Giving someone a gift from a thousand miles away is light on courtesy but heavy on affection.

Brian hoped that this guy Benjamin would not make a mistake, take the wrong path, and find himself nowhere to be found.

That is to say, there is no contact information, otherwise he would send a location to the other party.

Suppressing the random thoughts in his heart, Brian comforted the worried Susan, and asked Susan to find her father to discuss this matter and ask the NW organization for compensation.

Benjamin is not only a second-level scientific researcher at NW, but also a person from Blacklight Biotechnology.

Normally speaking, even if he sent people to attack Brian, the worst outcome would be that the people from NW and Blacklight Biotechnology would pay a price, compensate Brian and Ni, and then save Benjamin.

Talent is rare.

Benjamin is such a rare talent who can become a member of a large concentration of talents like the Scientific Research Department and be promoted to a second-level staff member.

What Brian had thought before was to use this opportunity to usurp Benjamin's rights and research institute.

I didn’t expect Benjamin to be so impulsive and kill someone and run away.

This time the other party will die.

But in this case, if Brian wants to achieve what he wants, he has no chance to rely on himself alone and can only rely on external forces.

Susan's father and family are the biggest connections he has.

Don't eat soft rice for nothing.

Now is the time to harvest.

Listening to Brian's confident voice, Susan eased the tension and worry in her heart: "Okay, I will go find my father now, but he has retired for a long time, I don't know if it will work."

"Just do your best."

With that said, Brian Green Tea said: "Susan, you know, I hope that when we get married, no one will think that you have found someone who is not worthy of you. You are my motivation to keep climbing up."


On the other end of the phone, Susan was moved to tears.

She clenched her fists: "Brian, don't worry, if my father doesn't help, I will ignore him!"

hang up the phone.

Brian chuckled.

A father-in-law who can't explode gold coins is not a good father-in-law. I hope Susan's father, Mr. Dean, won't be stubborn, otherwise he will elope with Susan and make Laoden mad.

Brian comforts and pua Susan on the other side.

Sheriff Flory opened the rotting coffin that was hung up in front of a group of people.

An indescribable stench, heavier than rotten eggs, filled the air.


There was a loud sound of vomiting.

Sheriff Flory looked at everyone helplessly.

He told them not to watch, but to come and watch the fun.

If he hadn't been the police chief here for decades and had a high prestige, some people would even come out with guns to prevent him from disturbing the peace of Reinhard's body.

Among the crowd, an old man covered his nose and walked tremblingly outside.

He seemed to be unable to stand the smell of the scene, and kept mumbling: "The body of the deceased is disturbed, and the soul of the dead will no longer rest in peace. All of this will have bad consequences."

A kind-hearted girl saw this and quickly helped the old man: "Snoppy, you are so old, why are you here to watch the excitement? It stinks."

"Linda...", the old man trembled: "Reinhard is a good person, the Sheriff should not disturb his sleep."

The girl named Linda looked like she was only fifteen or sixteen years old. When she heard the old man's words, she nodded in agreement: "Mr. Reinhard is indeed a very nice person. He has helped the town a lot and also brought great benefits to the town. Business, Sheriff, they’ve gone too far!”

Hearing the girl's words, the old man's eyes showed relief and helplessness.

He loved this sense of recognition.

However, this place has been exposed. It has been delayed for so long, and the traces that should be cleaned up have almost been cleaned up. It is difficult to leave the homeland, but we have to leave, otherwise it will bring disaster to this place.

It's time for me to leave with Experimental Subject K-2.

While thinking.

The old man was supported by the little girl and returned to a wooden hut with a yard.

After entering the house, the old man's rickety back slowly straightened.

He was just getting ready to leave with his equipment.

Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

He reluctantly resumed his old man form and opened the door: "Linda, what's wrong, you..."

Looking at the strangers in front of him, his voice stopped abruptly.

Ellie looked at the old man in front of her with a joking look in her eyes: "Should I call you Mr. Snoopy or Mr. Reinhard?"

The charitable smile on the old man's face slowly disappeared.

There was a moment of silence.

He sighed: "I don't want the peace here to be broken. I just want to complete the task and leave here quietly. Why do you want to die?"

Reinhard realized that the excavation just now was just fishing.

He was the fish that took the bait.

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