You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 233: The whole group is wiped out, and Linda comes back from the dead

"Don't get excited."

Erin pointed into the distance.

Reinhard looked around and saw that in the open space in the distance, long guns and short cannons were all pointed at this side. The most outrageous thing was a flat-belt machine cannon.

Seeing the muzzle of the machine gun, his expression finally became serious.

The bullets of this thing are at least ten centimeters long. They are usually used for air defense or mounted on helicopters. One shot can shatter a person, literally.

Reinhard said slowly: "Aren't you afraid that this will destroy this town?"

"It'll be fine if you behave and get caught, otherwise these crimes will only be blamed on you, Mr. Reinhard!"

Ellie's eyes showed no emotion at all: "If I don't want to arouse your suspicion, you are now surrounded by armed helicopters. Wear an electronic bracelet, or die. It's your choice."

As she spoke, she threw a circle in front of Reinhard.

This thing is as thick as an adult's big toe, and it shines brightly. At first glance, it's not a serious thing.


Reinhard grinned: "Compromise is just the sorrow of the weak, and pity is just a boring pastime of the strong. You have no idea what kind of monster you have provoked."

An invisible pressure spread out.

Ellie's expression changed.

These are at least first-level enhancers or deformed ones!

The first level corresponds to the second-level combat staff of various official organizations.

She knows very well what kind of strength this is!

"Do it!"

As Ellie spoke, she stepped back.

The two men behind her, with expressionless faces, pulled out their guns and started shooting.

Da da da~

Two people and four guns were fired by them like automatic rifles.

in a blink.

Four pistols and more than a hundred rounds of bullets were all poured into the body of the seemingly frail old man in front of him, making him tremble all over.

The strange thing is that no one can see any trace of blood.

next moment.

A cold light flashed.

The two gunmen stood frozen on the spot, a red line spread around their necks, and finally slowly hit the ground with a tearing sound of adhesion. Only the body that was still standing on the spot sprayed out two fountains of blood, smearing the surrounding area. It became a smelly mess.

Ding ding ding~

Bullets were squeezed out of Reinhard's body.

Along with the bullet exiting the body, there was also his skin.

Reinhard's clothes and skin slowly tore apart along with the bullet holes.

As the bones writhed and fused, his hands, which were hardened like sickles, slowly tore open the surface skin, transforming into a handsome boy who was about 1.9 meters tall, with distinct joints, and a thin, curvy body.

"Still as comfortable as normal."

Reinhard stretched his body lazily, looking at the crowd in the distance with his dense compound eyes, his feet flashed, and his figure disappeared.

far away.

Ellie is still rushing towards the main force.

She regretted it a little.

Reinhard is so strong!

I shouldn't have taken the risk.

As an administrator who has little power, does little, and gets a lot, it is really irrational for him to take risks on the front line.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and ran fast, and there were two cannon fodder behind her to block time.

Because they were not sure who the suspect was at the beginning, the action team ambush outside the town. After the suspect was identified, they started to act, so it was a bit far away from the hut, more than a hundred meters away.

For Ellie, a person who has strengthened her leg muscles, it only takes about eight seconds to cross this distance, even with short legs.

Those two cannon fodders, no matter how rubbish they are, can still delay them for eight seconds.

Ellie's adrenaline surged, and her mind began to have random thoughts.

Even a first-level master cannot withstand the intensive concentrated fire.

As long as she ran into the crowd, she would be safe.

next moment.

Ellie saw the horrified expressions on the faces of the combat team members in front.

Then, regardless of their own life or death, they opened fire! ! !

Ellie was a little confused as to why these people opened fire regardless of their own life or death.

I am a close confidant of the CD Organization’s Minister of Internal Affairs!

Following her thought.

A figure turned into an afterimage and disappeared from her side.

Ellie was shocked to find that her angle of view was getting higher and higher for some reason.

It's really high.

As a short person, she rarely had this strange perspective.

It wasn't until her head rolled and her remaining visual nerves saw the familiar headless body flying up due to the inertia of running that Ellie realized what had happened.

She was beheaded!

At this moment, time seems to have stopped.

Countless memories flashed through my mind.

Endless darkness erodes.

At the end of her life, Ellie had only one thought left: Why did the director ask her to strengthen her body in order to feel more comfortable, but she was afraid of pain and only chose to strengthen her leg muscles?

He killed the offending woman with one blow of his hand.

Reinhard walked through the hail of bullets, roaring to the sky.

He dodged every bullet.

Unable to dodge, he was cut open by him with his knife.

Those people's nervous reactions were too slow and they lacked experience in dealing with enemies with exaggerated movement speeds. As a result, although they had more people and more guns, most of their aimed bullets could only land on Reinhard's afterimage.

Only the flat-firing muzzleloaders, some of which had no regard for civilian casualties, could cause him trouble.

But that doesn't make sense either.

He could split ordinary bullets in one go, except for the anti-aircraft machine gun.

The operator seemed to have dynamic vision, and the bullets followed him like a shadow, causing great psychological pressure on Reinhard.

He didn't dare to resist this thing head-on.

But it didn't matter.

It was too short!

The distance between them was too short!

A distance of just over 100 meters, in front of him, a highly agile and extremely rare insect transformer, only took two or three breaths, five or six seconds to cross!

Seeing the afterimage getting closer and closer.

The combat team was anxious.

One of them shouted: "All horizontal shooting!"

Everyone followed subconsciously.

Countless bullets, like raindrops parallel to the ground, covered Reinhard's surroundings.

In this situation, there was no way to hide.

Ding ding ding~

Reinhard's hands turned into countless afterimages, knocking away bullets one by one. Because of the high-speed impact, a lot of sparks flashed between his hands and the bullets.

He did not scream after being shot, but behind him, there was the sound of the wood of the house bursting under the weight, and the screams of the unlucky people hit by stray bullets.

Although the houses in the town are densely distributed, the residents of the town were gathered together because of the excavation of graves and coffins, and because the scene was too disgusting, they left again.

These unlucky people who were shot were the townspeople who returned.

They were walking on the road fine, but they didn't expect that there were bullets coming from across the house.

Listening to the screams of the townspeople in his ears, Reinhard's densely packed compound eyes on his face burst out with amazing murderous intent.

He roared to the sky: "You federal trash, you really deserve to die!"

Reinhard jumped seven or eight meters and fell behind the combat team. His hands were like the sickle of the god of death, leaving countless afterimages in the void.

In an instant.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, and bones shattered.

A group of people were dismembered into countless pieces of flesh and limbs before they could even scream.


Reinhard looked at the mess on the ground, stood on one foot, and spit out large mouthfuls of green blood.

He touched the void in the middle of his stomach.

The machine gunner who was suspected to have dynamic vision still hit him with two bullets.

One bullet tore off half of his calf, and the other pierced his abdomen.

If it weren't for his body structure being different from that of ordinary people, the whole person would have been cut in two.

His right hand covered with armor plates squirmed, and from the gap between the armor plates, a metal syringe the size of only a little finger was squeezed out. Just as he was about to inject, he seemed to think of something, and jumped up and down with an expressionless face, appearing behind his disguised house.

There were three unlucky guys who were shot here.

It should be that when they passed by, they suddenly heard the gunshots, but they didn't see the scene of the shooting, so they delayed hiding for a while, and when they reacted, they were directly shot to death.

There was also a blood stain on the path, spreading to a yard.

Reinhard jumped into the yard, only to find the body of a beautiful girl with her eyes looking at the sky in horror and her chest no longer moving.

She was shot in the abdomen, and then she dragged her body to crawl here, but she died in the end.


Reinhard's eyes showed pain.

This girl was the girl who supported him in front.

The town was not big, with less than two hundred people in total.

He liked these children very much.

Children meant the hope of life.

Reinhard squatted on one leg, and his hands, like the sickle of a mantis, shed the armor-like muscles and restored his normal human hands.

He trembled and took out the bullet in the girl's body, and then injected the life-saving reagent into the girl's neck, hoping that a miracle would happen after such a short time.

This reagent had an unknown composition, and it reacted immediately after being injected into the girl's body.

Her dead body began to tremble violently.

The wound on the abdomen was activated and peristaltic at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally connected together.

A large number of dense scales appeared on the girl's body.

Under Reinhard's expectant eyes, these scales stopped abruptly after spreading over most of Linda's body, as if the energy was exhausted.

Reinhard's ears twitched twice.

There was no heartbeat as he expected.

This girl was dead.


Reinhard cursed angrily and punched the fence of the small yard in front of him.

The next moment.

A bullet hit him right in the middle of his eyebrows.

Then came the sound of dense gunfire.

Reinhard reached his hand to his head with a gloomy face and removed the bullet nailed on it. At the same time, his muscles squirmed, squeezing out the bullets that had been injected into the surface of his body.

In the distance, Sheriff Flory held the gun with both hands and emptied the magazine.

He was not happy at all at this moment.

After hearing the noise, he hurriedly dispersed the townspeople and rushed over, but he only saw craters everywhere and several houses hit by stray bullets.

And Ellie, the woman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent by the CD organization.

Her petite body fell in a pool of blood, and she was beheaded by a knife, and died with her eyes open.

Further away, it was like a bloody slaughterhouse, with bloody and fleshy remains all over the ground, and all the heavy weapons were dyed blood red. The scene was horrifying.

What happened here?

Sheriff Flory was puzzled.

Until he followed the traces and saw the monster in front of him.

This monster has a rickety body shape, slender hands, and clearly visible bone lines on its body. Its abdomen is obviously hollow, but it is still alive and well.

Especially the green liquid outside the other party's body.

This damn thing doesn't look human at first glance!

After years of duty, Sheriff Florey suppressed his fear and fired.

The result left him despairing.

His little pistol is more like tickling the opponent.

It's over.

My decades-long police career is probably over today.

Sheriff Flory was despairing.

With trembling hands, he began to change the magazine.

Even if you die, don’t be afraid!

Just do it!


Reinhard spat out two mouthfuls of green blood again.

Looking at Sheriff Flory's actions, he was indifferent, but he just lost the desire to take action.

He took one last look at Linda lying on the ground.

After all, there was still no way to save him.

As expected, he still brought disaster to this place.

With a numb heart.

He pulled out a wooden fence for support and limped toward the outside of the town and toward the lake camp.

In fact, even without a calf, jumping on one leg would still be countless times faster than the current walking method, but Reinhard subconsciously didn't want to do this in front of familiar people.

Bang bang bang~

A few more shots hit Reinhard in the back.

He didn't look back and kept going.

Sheriff Flory froze. He released his finger on the trigger and looked at the tall, hunched figure in front of him. He was clearly a monster, but slightly desolate. He felt a little familiar.

He tentatively shouted: "Reinhard?"

Reinhard paused for a moment, then sped up and left. Just as his lips moved, he silently uttered one sentence: "I'm sorry."

When Sheriff Flory caught up, he only saw a fence stick stained with an unknown green liquid and several extruded bullet slugs on the ground.

He looked at these things, and then thought about the corpses of the townspeople on the road, as well as the corpses of Ellie who died tragically and those unknown armed men, he felt that this world was absurd and unexpected.

"Don't eat the sour radish!"

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

The adrenaline wears off.

Sheriff Flory, who was quite young, gasped for air and stood there, not knowing what to do next.


A faint cry for help came.

This brought Sheriff Florey back to his senses.

He quickly rushed towards the direction from which the sound came.

I saw a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, lying in fear where the monster stood before, leaning against the fence, looking at the corpses around her, and shouting for help.


Sheriff Flory saw the other party's appearance clearly and showed joy: "You're okay, thank God. I just saw you lying in there and thought you were dead!"

"Chief Flory!"

Linda also showed joy: "Come and save me, I've been shot!"

Upon hearing this, Sheriff Flory rushed over.

But when he followed the prompts and opened the girl's top with bullet holes, he found that except for some blood residue on the girl's flat belly, there were no bullet holes anywhere.

Sheriff Flory wanted to say something, but when he met the girl's eyes, he was frightened and backed away.

In the blink of an eye, the girl's eyes suddenly gained a layer of strange white film, which closed together like a human-shaped lizard.

Linda still didn't know what was happening.

She looked at Sheriff Flory who was running away in shock: "Chief Flory, I swear, I didn't lie. I was really shot. I thought I was going to die and I would never be able to eat my mother's delicious food again." It’s time for scones, I kid you not…”

Seeing the other party's sincere expression and the white eyelid membranes that kept opening and closing, Sheriff Flory's palms trembled slightly and he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it.

He took a deep breath and slowly looked up at the blue sky above his head.

FK Nima God's.

What happened to this world?

After living in this world for decades, he now feels that this world is a little strange, as if he has never understood it before.

Sheriff Flory is a little confused now.

the other side.

The muscles in Brian's feet trembled rapidly, like a small motor, supporting his heavy body, standing upright in the water, only his calves were submerged, and he was walking on the water.

The process is tiring, but cool.

He had just followed the underwater traces and searched for a long time. Finally, he accidentally discovered a large internal space underwater.

There should be a space washed out by the underground river. As time passed, the underground river changed its course, and finally formed an internal space under the forest.

The environment inside is hard to describe.

A large number of beast carcasses were left, as well as various kinds of excrement.

Most of them were bones that crocodiles couldn't digest, as well as some children's clothes.

Said it before.

When beasts are transformed, there is a chance that they will be genetically affected and suffer from mental problems.

Kuros as a python transformation.

Compared to the huge size of the crocodile, the child before him was able to swallow it in one bite.

All I can say is that this guy was innocent, but his death was not unjust.

In the cave, Brian also found a badge of the CD organization, which should be the missing people.

In fact, until now, Brian still doesn't know how Kuros got hold of those missing employees. After all, they went back first and then disappeared.

He didn't understand how the other party operated.

Unless this is the effect of Kuros's magical psychedelic gas, it may also be the effect of the cultivated 'Heavenly Grass'.

Unfortunately, Brian's physical resistance is too strong. Even if he eats those things raw, he still feels nothing except that he feels very comfortable.

For him, those poisons that can give ordinary people hallucinations can only be equivalent to high-concentration cigarettes.

In addition to some sundries.

Brian finally found some household items and a lot of vacuum bags.

There were more than a dozen marijuana in the bag.

These marijuana should be the so-called Heavenly Grass cultivated by Kuros.

Brian packed them all away.

Next to the cave, there is a pitch-black river.

Brian guessed that the river is the passage to Lake Iona in the center of O'Dolan.

The clothes of the missing person should have appeared there in this way, which led to the story behind.

Now Brian is left with a doubt.

Benjamin, that guy, asked to let himself come to this area.

This shows that the other party knows that there is a problem here.

Isn't this guy from NW and Blacklight Biotechnology?

With doubts.

Brian was about to go ashore, but suddenly looked at the dense forest in front of him.

Something is coming!

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