You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 234 The truth, obsession completed (first order plus 10 chapters)

"Oh, there are so many eyes."

Brian walked on the water, like a ghost moving across the water, and came under the tree at a slow speed: "Man, come down and have a chat."

Reinhard slowly stepped out from behind the tree.

He was extremely tall, even with a stooped back, he was over 1.9 meters tall. It was as if his joints were filled with a lot of unknown material, elongating his entire body.

The opponent's condition is not good either.

The abdominal cavity that was torn by the large-caliber bullet showed no signs of healing. A large amount of green liquid gushes out of it, almost draining him dry along the way.

The two looked at each other.

Reinhard looked at Brian's submerged calves: "Are you also a beast-turned-human?"

Brian shook his head: "No, this is just a force-generating technique. In fact, if you can control the muscles of your whole body, you can do many magical things."

"very nice."

Reinhard made a sincere comment: "Much better than a monster like me. By the way, I heard Flory call you by your name. Is your name Brian?"

"Yes." Brian nodded: "It seems that my fishing plan has taken effect. Are you Reinhard?"

"It turns out you designed it all."

Reinhard's face turned gloomy: "Do you know that because of your plan, more than four town residents were killed? Those beasts don't treat people as human beings at all!"

Brian looked at the monster in front of him strangely.

With a strong movement of his feet, he came to the shore and walked up to the other party:

"Don't you think what you said is ironic?

Should those children in the camp be burned alive in the flames?

Kuros originally had a good family environment, but did he deserve to be turned into a monster by you and even eat people?

What's the difference between you and Ellie? "

"What do you know?"

Reinhard became even more angry.

He spat out two mouthfuls of green liquid and glared at Brian with a pair of compound eyes: "If it weren't for me, not just those people would have died!"

Seeing that he showed no signs of taking action.

Brian took out a cigarette and threw it to the other party. He also lit a mosquito coil, and then threw the lighter in front of the other party:

"It looks like you are going to die.

Ellie's guys are so cruel.

The gunshot wound on your body should be caused by a bullet that exceeds 20mm. This thing can shred a 20mm thick steel plate within a thousand meters. If you can survive, it will be very powerful.

Why not talk about this while you can still breathe?

I want to know the truth, and you probably won't be willing to do it. Maybe I can help you fulfill your last wish. You may not know that I like listening to stories and I am also very willing to help others. "

It seems that it is not enough.

Brian also took out two pieces of 'paradise grass' found in the cave and stuffed them into his mouth to chew.

Seeing him being such a beast, Reinhard's mouth twitched twice.

This thing is very hallucinogenic, even he has a hard time resisting it.

This means that the pretty boy in front of him is physically stronger than the monster like him.

This was the first time he had seen such an animal.

There was a moment of silence.

Reinhard vomited blood and sat down cross-legged.

He picked up the cigarettes and lighters on the ground, lit them, and after taking a few puffs, he slowly said:

"It's a long story.

Let’s start with my misfortune.

Many years ago, I was an orphan and grew up on the kindness of small town residents, and I am grateful to them.

As I got older, I always wanted to do something to give back to everyone.

But I'm too ordinary.

No high education, no particularly outstanding talents.

I realized that ordinary people like me could only find opportunities to make a fortune in big cities, so I left Odoland and went to New York.

To be honest, I was disappointed at the time.

Although it was prosperous and crowded, there were many things that made me, a child from a small town, very uncomfortable.


I understand a new truth, that is, ordinary people are still very ordinary in another environment.

I can only do mechanical dishwashing, handyman work, and waitressing. The income is meager, just enough for me to survive. Even if I follow the example of my Chinese colleagues and work 11 or 2 hours a day, I still won't be able to save a lot of money.

In short, a lot of things happened in the middle.

I got into drugs and took out loan sharks from gangsters.

In order to pay back the money, I was even forced to participate in some underground drug experiments.

There are too many low-class people like me in New York.

I should have been like them, becoming a street vagabond, rotting away bit by bit, and finally being swallowed up by the metropolis and becoming nourishment.

Until I was scheduled for a new trial.

I don’t know the outcome, but I was taken by car to a building with only lights.

They locked me up.

There are many men and women similar to me around.

Next is the injection of various liquids into our bodies.

Some people died, badly.

Some people were fine before going to bed, but when they woke up, they were covered in abscesses. Yellow-brown liquid was crawling on their skin, and some bugs could even be seen inside.

Yes, bugs, nasty stuff.

I knew I was done.

I want to commit suicide but can't.

The group of people in white coats were very experienced and had taken all measures to avoid waste.

Anyway, I was lucky and ended up becoming a reformer.

I'm quite special. I've adapted to insect transformation, and I'm still the kind of mantis transformation that's very capable in close combat.

Maybe that's why.

I got the chance to join them, but a special chip was implanted in my head, which can be located at any time and even detonated.

They also implanted various metal grids on my body, and my head was replaced with a very disgusting thing that made it metal.

The process is very uncomfortable. It involves injecting some liquid into your head. Then the liquid will corrode your skull bit by bit, solidify, and finally become your new skull.

The peripheral nerve sensations drive you crazy, but there's nothing you can do about it.

In short, relying on my strong strength, I became the gold medal hunter of that organization in a few years.

I didn’t mean that, but I wanted to live.

Return to the town alive. "

Listening to Reinhard's ramble, Brian was not in a hurry.

He casually asked: "What is the name of that organization?"

"Doomsday Cult."

Reinhard Machine Road.

An invisible smell surrounds the surroundings.

He didn't know that he had been poisoned by the hallucinogenic component of the 'paradise grass' excreted from Brian's body without even knowing it.

Serious injury + drug effect.

Reinhard was already sinking when he bent down to pick up the cigarette.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard the name Doomsday Sect.

This was just as he guessed.

The issue is.

Since this is something caused by the Doomsday Sect, why would Benjamin, a scientific researcher from the NW organization, know that this place is dangerous from a distance of thousands of miles?

"Go on, man, these things must have been hidden in your heart for a long time. Say it. It will make you relaxed. There is no need to hide it. Say everything you want to say."

Brian let out a devilish whisper.

Reinhard's compound eyes were blurred:

“Yeah, I do feel a lot more relaxed.

After staying in the Doomsday Sect for several years, I helped them do a lot of things and became a member of the group I hate most.

They are very good at genetic engineering.

It also supports many groups called aberrants, probably hundreds of them in total, and only the outstanding individuals among them will be absorbed.

This group is similar to us. They also have some strange abilities, but they are all weak and easy to lose their minds. They seem to be more insane than us.

The doomsday cult relies on a potion to control them.

They are treated better than us.

I also went on several missions and helped the doomsday sect capture several aberrants who were unwilling to join.

Until I met a special girl.

She looks very young.

She saw my disguise and gave me a bottle of red blood, saying that she could help me in exchange for going over to help her when notified by her.

The blood was very strange and aroused my appetite.

I couldn't help but swallow it. When I woke up again, my body had undergone wonderful changes and became what it is now.

After I went back, I realized that I was stronger.

They call me a first-order life form.

My authority has also been improved and I am now qualified to move around freely.

But you still need to accept the task.

In order to return to the small town, I had no choice but to choose a targeted cultivation mission. "

"Directed cultivation?"

Brian touched the paradise grass on his waist: "Is it cultivated paradise grass?"

He actually wanted to ask about the girl, but Reinhard was in a confused state and he wanted to know the truth first.


Reinhard nodded:

"As far as I know, the Doomsday Sect has three mature directional cultivation routes. One is a sickle warrior like me, one is an undead warrior, and the remaining one is a hallucinogenic snake.

The Doomsday Cult gave me two precious special reagents.

They asked me to find a living being that did not reject these two reagents, preferably a child.

So I returned to the town and used the money given to me by the organization to open a lake camp, attracting a steady stream of children from around here.

Before coming, these children need to undergo our physical examination to ensure safety.

This gave me the opportunity.

However, there were very few suitable targets, and I was never able to make up my mind to take action.

The sect is very dissatisfied.

In desperation, I can only complete the organization's tasks from time to time to avoid their interference.

Until more than two years ago.

The doomsday sect sent people to check on my situation again.

This time, Kuros was found to have a physique suitable for the Illusive Snake reagent.

If he is modified and strengthened by the reagent, the probability of survival is about 10%. This probability is very high, at least dozens of times higher than mine.

Because of this reason, I had arguments and fights with people sent by the Doomsday Sect.

I didn't win.

He set a fire and threw the dying Kuros in front of me.

In order to save him, I could only inject the reagent into his body.

He was lucky enough to survive.

After that, I changed my identity and kept raising him with my own flesh and blood, but he was too young and his mind was very unclear. I could only continue to find his parents and train him into a relatively obedient individual. "

"his parents?"

Brian asked: "Do his parents know about their son's condition?"

"I know, but he was eaten by Kuros when he was mad." Reinhard's voice became weaker and weaker:

"I realized from that time that this was just a simple beast. In order to protect the town residents from being killed by the doomsday sect, I could only control Kouros to cultivate Paradise Grass according to their requirements.

Blame me.

I was reluctant to leave the town.

Kuros had a serious mental problem, almost like a wild animal.

Although I tried hard, he would still attack any creature that approached the heaven grass.

This also led to the disappearance of several children later.

After the incident, I knew that it was all going to end.

So I was busy cleaning up the traces and preparing to take him away.

In the end, I was still a step too late.


The green blood had gathered into a small pit under Reinhard's body.

He had almost drained all his body fluids.


I didn't expect that Kuros's parents, who were obsessed with him, had been eaten by him a long time ago.


What a tragedy.

The Doomsday Cult, an organization that actively created monsters, deserves to die!

Fortunately, Reinhard was a good person. Afterwards, he buried the undigested bones of the unlucky couple under the camp.

Putting the bones together, it can be considered a family reunion, right?

Brian then asked the other party about the address of the Doomsday Cult.

As a result, the other party did not Clear.

Every time he went out, he was very secretive.

He was not a beastman with enhanced perception, so he did not know the location of the base.

Brian could only continue to ask about Benjamin.

But Reinhard still did not know.

His growth trajectory was very simple, and he did not have any ulterior motives. Even after he made it in the Doomsday Cult, he did not think about getting promoted, and he did not care much about these things.

In fact, if he learned from Brian to form cliques and flatter, the result would probably be much better than it is now.

He did not get what he wanted.

Brian had to continue: "Where is the girl who helped you? And where is the reagent under you? "

Reinhard stared at the sky with his compound eyes, smiling: "The girl lives in XX. She has been staying in that hotel to accompany her daughter. The reagent was used by me on Linda. I saw it. I saw that she was alive. It's good that she is alive."

Brian wanted to ask more questions, but saw stars emerging from Reinhard's body, condensing in the air, and gathering into a crimson ball of obsession.

He died.

Brian was silent for a long time.

He got a lot of useful information from Reinhard.

Targeted training

The more you understand this doomsday sect, the more you will understand it. , the more exaggerated.

Brian suspected that this sect was not only involved with the FBI, but also cooperated with Blacklight Biotechnology and even other organizations.

Black, white and gray.

At this moment, even Brian, who was "one of us", couldn't tell them apart.

And the address of the girl who helped Reinhard evolve.

It was in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

The key point was that Brian felt a sense of inexplicable familiarity when listening to Reinhard's narration.

"It seems that if I want to know why Benjamin knew the situation here and used a knife to kill someone, I can only ask him to answer. "

Brian thought and crushed Reinhard's obsession ball.

He did not rush to check the content of the other party's obsession, but returned to the place where he killed the python monster before.

Brian dragged the other party's corpse to the burial place mentioned by Reinhard. Through digging, he really dug up two skulls with traces of acid corrosion.

This should be the remains of the parents in the obsession of the python monster Kuros.

Throw the bodies together and cover them with soil.

A warm current surged.

Kuros' obsession is completed!

Obsession completion is the stage of selecting rewards.

To be honest.

After testing the effect of "Heaven Grass", Brian was a little shaken.

The talent of "Psychedelic Poison" is also very useful.

No need to interrogate in the future.

Thinking for a moment.

Brian still chose the selective alienation of python muscles.

According to Reinhard's description, the three routes of strengthening and transformation of the Doomsday Sect , it is already very mature and can even be mass-produced.

The talent of ‘psychedelic poison’ can be brushed later.

At this moment, the Doomsday Sect and even all the official underground organizations have become copies in Brian’s eyes.

He will not have any psychological pressure to brush these inhumane organization copies.

But these are all later.

With Brian’s choice, strange changes surged in his body.

Muscles were differentiated and filled all parts of his body in a more reasonable way. The bones also underwent subtle changes and became more flexible.

After a few seconds.

Brian was like a king cobra with his body opened, his muscles were fan-shaped, and the muscles on his back squeezed like a ghost face, and he was alive with his breathing, wriggling and swallowing.

He looked at his ordinary big fist, felt the explosive power in his body, and inexplicably had the illusion that he could shatter the void with one punch.

This time the enhancement was so effective!

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