You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 235 Second-order life secrets, Benjamin is about to arrive (supplement, six thousand eight t

Brian looked up at the sky, came to the old wooden house in the camp, took off his pants, and stood in the open space.

He took a deep breath.

The next moment.

The dense muscle lines were like tight steel cables, and the tough bone gaps were also stretched by the muscles, pulling Brian up to a height of about two meters and two meters.

This is not just growing taller, but the expansion of the entire volume.

In terms of conversion.

The previous Brian, standing in front of him now, is probably only half the size of his body, and even shorter.

"This feeling."

Brian murmured infatuatedly.

Infinite power surged in his body.

He felt that his current strength was at least four times that of before.

Unfortunately, this dilapidated wooden house, in addition to some bed boards left over from the past, only a few pillars that looked heavy.

Brian couldn't help his curiosity, walked to the front of the support, and grabbed one side of the pillar with his big hand that could hold a basketball in one hand.

Power burst.

The next moment.

The whole wooden house made a creaking noise.

Accompanied by a large amount of dust falling from the roof.

A huge wooden pillar weighing more than a thousand pounds, which ordinary people can only fix with a crane, was held in Brian's hand with one hand, and he played and swung it at will like a little brother of the sword god in the rape field.

"The power of one hand is about ten thousand pounds. To maintain the explosive state, the energy stored in my body is consumed very quickly, and the agility between body tissues has also decreased a lot.

But all of this is worth it.

Such a terrifying power represents a strong physical fitness.

I am afraid that I can now carry an ordinary car.

The speed and strength, running, is equivalent to a small Mercedes-Benz dump truck..."

Thinking of this.

Brian used brute force to force the wooden pillar back to its original position.

He came to the corner of the room and exerted force with his feet.

Muscle lines like steel bars gathered explosive power from bottom to top, forming a surging muscle wave like a wave, and finally concentrated on Brian's right arm.

With a heavy momentum.

He crossed a distance of five meters in one step and punched the void.

A powerful air shock wave hit the wooden wall.

The next moment.


The wooden house shook, and countless accumulated dust fell.

Dense cracks spread along the position of Brian's fist wind to the surroundings of the wooden wall, forming a violent concave pattern.

Seeing this, Brian took a breath of cold air.

You know, this wooden house is built with solid wood and fixed with a simple mortise and tenon structure. It is strong and durable, and can even withstand small pistol bullets.

As a result, just the fist wind from Brian's explosion almost smashed such a solid wall with one punch.

This result was far beyond Brian's expectations.

If this punch really went down and hit someone, then this person would be torn to pieces!

"Damn, I feel like a beast myself. Those who oppose me in the future will really be unlucky for eight lifetimes."

Brian even felt a little bit of silence for the upcoming Benjamin.

This guy messed with himself instead of anyone else.

With one punch, Brian felt that the scene would be very cruel.

While thinking wildly.

There was a slight movement in the distance, which was transmitted to Brian's perception.

He exhaled a foul breath.

The devil muscle man state that was originally collided was like leaking air, slowly shrinking, and even the hideous muscle ghost face on his back became flat and peaceful again.

Compared with before.

Brian in normal state is still much stronger, making people feel that his muscles are full of explosive power at a glance, without the previous symmetrical beauty.

In addition.

His weight has also increased a lot.

It is estimated to be more than 270 kilograms now.

There is no way.

His bone muscle density is originally large, and now the muscle mass has increased significantly, resulting in a sharp increase in weight.

The slim-fitting trousers he wore before are also tight and tight on his body at this moment, and it can be seen that he has a strong capital. The close-fitting trousers are also worn as tight pants by Brian.

This also makes Brian, who has a soft temperament, exude an aggressive sense of oppression at this moment.

Outside the house.

Several armed helicopters and armored vehicles rushed over, but they only saw a tall and strong man, shirtless, showing his sharp and explosive muscles, standing in the open space, looking at them from afar.

A group of armed soldiers were rappelling around and on alert.

The armed helicopter showed no signs of descending, only the machine guns that kept swinging at the nose revealed the pilot's nervousness.

Controlled the scene.

The armored vehicle with a huge belt-type machine gun on the roof also followed in.

A bald white giant with a figure of two meters, wearing a pair of sci-fi half-glasses, jumped directly from a helicopter ten meters high and landed in front of Brian.


The ground shook slightly.

A small earth pit appeared at the feet of the strong man.

This guy didn't even make any effort to release his strength, and directly relied on his body to resist the impact of the high-speed fall.

What a beast.

Brian looked at the other party curiously.

I don't know if the other party can withstand his explosive punch.

The bald white man was also doing the same action. On his single-sided frame, after locking onto Brian in front of him, a series of light-colored letters flashed: Brian, NW.

After looking at the information that appeared on the glasses and confirming the identity of the other party, the bald man's expression relaxed a little.

He said to Brian:

"I am Tiger, a second-level employee of the CD Organization War Department. Where is Reinhard? We received a distress signal from employee Ellie. They were all killed by Reinhard in Green Town.

Based on the traces of Reinhard's bodily fluids, we finally located this place. "

Green Town is exactly the name of Sheriff's Town.

Influenced by a certain fairy tale book, there are many small towns with similar names throughout the federation.

Brian pointed to the direction of the camp toward the lake: "He's dead. He was shot in the abdomen and calf by bullets. When he escaped here, he was already dying. I watched him die."

Tiger's eyes narrowed slightly: "Reason, the reason why he came here? What did Reinhard say to you before he died?"

Ellie is a close confidant of the Minister of the Interior and, of course, everyone knows about their relationship.

The other party is dead.

There must be an explanation for this matter.

Faced with the somewhat unkind tone and attitude of the other party, Brian, who had gained a lot, didn't care. He took out the bag hanging on his waist and threw a few 'Paradise Grass' over.

Then he briefly told the story here.

Of course, he didn't say anything about Benjamin, nor did he say anything about the woman's blood information that allowed Reinhard to break through the first level of life, which was the level of second-level employee strength.

Tiger probably didn’t expect Brian to be so cooperative.

He carefully put away the few paradise grasses and nodded to Brian: "Thank you."

As for the remaining paradise grass on Brian's waist, he just pretended not to see it.

Brian is a staff member II at NW.

The other person doesn’t look easy to mess with either.

He didn't want to make trouble, even if he was surrounded by their combat units.

This is the benefit of identity.

Not long after.

A group of soldiers packed Reinhard's body and hoisted it onto a helicopter.

Brian got a ride.

Tiger probably had a good impression of Brian because of his size. After a simple friendly 'handshake' with him and not taking any advantage, Tiger chose to ride in the armored vehicle with him.

On the way, Brian asked curiously: "Tiger, in your CD organization, are there many people with similar strength to you?"

Tiger shook his head:

“Very few, only three that I know of.

There are definitely some that I don’t know, but it’s definitely not too many.

The second-level staff in the combat department, except for the sharpshooters who rely on external objects, the rest are basically first-level lives. To reach this step, in addition to a large number of suitable resources, the more important thing is talent.

like me.

I went for pure physical strength and defense enhancement.

There is a big guy in the warhead, just like me, but my upper limit of strength is about 1500KG, and my body muscles can withstand small-caliber bullets. He is only 1000KG, and his muscle strength is not as good as mine.

But his speed is much faster than mine.

In a real fight with bare hands, I may not be his opponent.

Every first-level enhancer is a unique individual, and there is no way to make quantitative comparisons. "

Tiger knew from the information that Brian was a second-level employee who was born by chance after the blood moon radiation. The promotion time was very short, so he specially gave Brian some popular science.

The main thing is that Brian's resume is amazing.

Anyone in their right mind, looking at Brian's promotion curve chart, will know that as long as this guy doesn't die midway, he is destined to become a high-ranking member of the NW organization in the future.

Now they can sit as equals.

Maybe it will be a different situation when we meet again in the future.

In this regard, Tiger, who seems tall and powerful, is still very sincere and does not hesitate to express his kindness.

Seeing how easy it is to talk to him.

Brian tentatively asked: "What about the third-level staff? In fact, I have always been curious about the difference between the third-level staff and us, but my foundation in the NW organization is very weak, and I often have to go on missions, so I have no chance to understand."

"Level 3 staff..."

Tiger thought for a moment and whispered: "There are very few third-level employees in the world. I don't know the difference between them and us. I only know that the higher-ups are restricting the birth of this group."


Brian was shocked.

Could there be some secret in this?

Seeing this, Tiger knew that Brian was thinking wrongly, and quickly explained:

"Don't be nervous, there's nothing dark like you imagined.

Third-level combat personnel, also known as second-level life forms.

Their numbers are small, one reason is resources.

Most of the aberrations are no longer able to provide the strengthening reagents required by third-level staff.

I have been a second-level employee of the CD organization for more than ten years, and I have never even seen such a powerful aberration.

So if we want to continue to become stronger, we must rely on those distorted sea beasts in the deep sea.

They are a very scary group, especially those disgusting octopuses. I am a little scared of these things now.

In short, if we want to continue to grow stronger, it will be difficult without the help of big forces.

Behind the birth of every second-level life is the consumption of a large number of soldiers and weapons resources that died in order to capture the aberrant sea beasts, which cost a lot.

Without the help of powerful forces, ordinary people like me who are promoted would not even have the chance to touch. "

Brian mused: "That makes sense."

Tiger continued:

“The second reason is talent.

I heard my commander say before that in addition to being physically powerful, second-level life forms also involve will.

It is a state that cannot be described in words and can only be experienced by oneself.

In short, without a steely will, even if you are given resources, your final result will be to fall into a strange state of madness, lose your mind, die on the spot, or become a test subject.

This has also led to many second-level employees not thinking about promotion at all.

After all, the social status we have now is enough to ensure a superior life for ourselves and our descendants. No one likes to trade a good status quo for an unknown future.

Major organizations are not willing to waste their hard-earned rare resources and cultivated strong men on gambling.

This is also the main reason for restricting the birth of second-order life. "

This information is important.

Brian did not expect that enhanced people, like deformed people, would test their will if they continued to improve.

I don’t know if it’s because the strengthening resources for strengthening people come from aberrants or aberrant beasts.

But at the end of the day, the two seem to have reached the same destination through different paths.

Tiger waited for a moment to give Brian time to absorb the information before continuing: "There is a third reason, which is to eat."


Tiger nodded:

“Yes, just eat.

Brian, you should know that at our current level, just to maintain daily physical needs, we need to eat a lot, or take those special nutritional pastes and nutritional solutions. "

Brian nodded.


His strengthening relies on gift energy of unknown composition, which can be achieved in one step without consuming any additional energy reserves of his body.

But you still have to rely on yourself to maintain it.

He was hungry now, very hungry.

If Brian hadn't deliberately suppressed it, his powerful intestines would have made a thunderous gurgling sound at this moment.

"Then have you ever thought about how much food and resources those third-level employees in the combat department need to consume to maintain their daily needs?"

Tiger seemed to have thought of something interesting and smiled:

“I heard an interesting thing.

Those third-level employees have extremely exaggerated body cell activity and strong digestive capabilities, but they can barely maintain their basic needs by simply eating meat and high-calorie foods.

So at the beginning, the enhanced people who were the first to reach the second level of life could only sit on the toilet every day, eating and defecating. It was not until those scientists urgently synthesized some special nutritional ointments that this funny state ended.

However, even those nutritional ointments can hardly sustain their high-intensity battle consumption.

This also makes it difficult for these strong men to go on missions. They can only stay in a certain place to reduce their body's energy consumption and chew on those unpalatable things every day.

Plus their bodies are too strong.

Ordinary enjoyment has little stimulation to them.

Whether it is women, tobacco, or even drugs, they will all be metabolized by their exaggerated cell activity.

So they're actually not doing very well. "

Brian was somewhat surprised when he heard the information Tiger revealed.

Are those guys so miserable?

No, not those guys.

Brian felt that his muscles were exploding, which should be the second level of life that Tiger said.

No wonder he felt particularly hungry now.

You know, he can control his body, so he has low energy consumption and will not waste energy at will. He can also keep his body in a low-frequency state most of the time.

Even so, after just a simple test of his strength, he was still very hungry.

Those third-level employees who cannot keep their bodies under low-frequency consumption may be in a worse situation.

No wonder Tiger's talk about eating also influenced the birth of the third-level staff, that is, the official second-level enhanced person.

Tiger was a little disappointed that Brian didn't laugh when he heard the miserable situation of the third-level staff he described.

When he first heard it, he laughed for a long time.

Brian's disrespectful reaction made him lose his desire to talk.

He added dryly:

“Don’t worry too much.

Now the scientific research departments of major official organizations have been working hard to solve this problem.

You know, a group of aberrants will also give birth to second-order life forms.

But they are different from us enhanced humans.

When their life level increases, some special changes will occur, producing some strange body organs, reducing body wear and tear, and enhancing their absorption of food.

Enhanced people are a group born from the bones of aberrations.

I believe that in the near future, we will not only be able to safely become second-order beings, but we will also not be as unlucky as those predecessors. "

As he spoke, Tiger pulled out a copper box from his pocket.

The box opened and inside was a row of hand-rolled tobacco.

Brian smelled the smell of marijuana from above.

Tiger lit one, took a deep breath, and then exhaled a puff of smoke comfortably:

"To be honest, I sometimes feel that aberrants are the real evolved life forms.

While they are powerful, they do not affect the body's senses at all, unlike us.

Now I drink and smoke, but I don't even feel the taste. Sleeping with a woman will make her body tattered at every turn, which is no fun at all. "

Hearing this, Brian smiled and said nothing.

Unlike an enhanced person like Tiger, he can not only control his power finely, but also maintain his previous senses. He does not need to rely on drugs like Tiger to bring some physical stimulation.


Brian seemed to have thought of something, and looked down at the bag containing Paradise Grass at his waist.

Couldn't these specially cultivated marijuana be a recreational product specially cultivated by the Doomsday Sect for those who are strengthened by high-level officials in official organizations?

Back to town.

Brian meets Sheriff Flory again.

There are also many people from the CD organization here cleaning up some traces of the battle left in the town.

Sheriff Flory was in a bad mood.

He squatted in an open space, staring blankly at the CD organization's logistics staff cleaning the battlefield, not knowing what he was thinking.

It wasn't until he saw Brian returning that Sheriff Flory's dull eyes regained some clarity.

He rushed up angrily and asked Brian: "Why did you secretly arrange a fishing plan? You got killed."

A big hand suppressed the rest of Sheriff Flory's words.

Tiger pinched Sheriff Flory's neck with one hand, as if pinching the neck of a chicken, and said to Brian calmly: "The compensation that Ellie promised you is in the hands of the field staff, go and get it. I'll help you solve it."

In his words and expressions, Sheriff Flory, an old police chief who has served the town for decades, has a life like an ant, a low status, and can be easily crushed to death.

Brian was stunned and shook his head.

Seeing this, Tiger nodded: "Okay, I'll go back first and see you again when I have the chance."

After saying that, he threw away Sheriff Flory in his hand, got back into the armored vehicle, and left the town.

Watch the armored vehicle leave.

Brian looked at Sheriff Flory who was lying on the ground, covering his neck and coughing, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Ellie's group acted with such indifference to life."

He has been with NW Operations for a long time.

Subconsciously substituted that side here.

Although the NW Operations Department's team has considerable authority, its main responsibility is to protect the safety of citizens and find hidden aberrant criminals.

This way

Whether it's looking at Ellie's behavior or Tiger's behavior just now, it's a little different from them.

Perhaps this is the true attitude of these official organization employees towards ordinary people.

Tiger's pinch also awakened Sheriff Flory's sanity.

He wiped the drooling corners of his mouth, sat on the ground dejectedly, smoking and saying nothing.

What happened today was a big blow to him, the police chief who had maintained law and order in the town for decades.

Seeing this, Brian was about to collect his compensation reagent, and by the way, he was looking for the girl who used Reinhard's rare reagent.

Behind him, Sheriff Flory suddenly said: "Where is Reinhard?"

"He died. He was seriously injured and died over there at the lake camp. I have also dealt with the murderer who caused the missing people. Next, the place will return to its previous peace."


Brian nodded, without looking back, and disappeared in front of Sheriff Flory.

If nothing else happens, the two will never meet again.

As for the compensation of the town residents, these CD organizations will handle it, and it is not his turn to worry about it.

He was just an outsider who came to help.

Under the leadership of CD logistics team members.

Bly was given a small silver suitcase.

Inside the box were two hearing enhancement reagents, plus his previous No. 3 hearing enhancement reagent, which happened to be the enhancement of a process.

At the same time, he also saw Ellie's miserable and mutilated body.

“This guy Reinhard is really ruthless.”

Brian sighed.


The face of a little girl suddenly appeared in his mind.

Talk about it.

His first obsession is to be a great mother and want to protect his daughter Ellie.

Ellie and Ellie have the same pronunciation.

That obsession was completed automatically before Brian had time to do it.

"Just go back and take a look at that little girl."

Carrying the suitcase, Brian knocked on the door of a town citizen and asked him to buy a set of clothes to put on. At the same time, he made an excuse to ask where Linda lived.

He didn't ask the Sheriff because the Sheriff was not in a very good condition right now.

It is probably because someone in the town was accidentally killed by the authorities, which caused the townspeople's attitude towards Brian not to be very good, but the other party's attitude towards Franklin was not bad.

Eventually Brian arrived at Linda's home address.

Linda was the girl Reinhard talked about last.

Before Reinhard came here, he obtained two rare animal transformation reagents from the Doomsday Sect.

One is the lycanthropy reagent used to transform the illusory snake, and the other is the lycanthropy reagent used to transform the undead.

It was probably the latter that Linda was injected with.


Of course it can't be such an exaggeration.

Brian suspected that this was some kind of animal reagent with strong self-healing ability.

Such as geckos and the like.

if it is possible.

He doesn't mind bringing the other party back to Los Angeles to join their B6 group, or directly join his urban ghost talk organization that was left there after it was formed.

the other side.

On the outside of a plane flying to Ordoland, a figure was like a sticker, stuck to an inconspicuous position on the fuselage, with eyes closed.



The figure's abdomen sent a hunger signal.

Benjamin slowly opened his red eyes and looked at the fuselage of the small plane.

The next moment.

Two black octopus tentacles suddenly broke away from the fuselage, waving in the air, and smashed the special glass of the plane.

Before the passengers in the cabin reacted, the tentacles covered with suction cups ejected a large number of hollow fangs, pierced their necks and bodies, and visibly bulged with liquid balls that were constantly transmitted to the outside.

These tentacles are sucking humans!

This scene is simply the real-life airplane version of "Deep Freeze"!

In less than two seconds, the two unlucky guys were sucked into skinny mummies.

The rest of the people finally reacted.

"Oh my God, am I still asleep?"

"Monster, there is a monster on the plane!"

Some people screamed, and some were at a loss.

Some people unbuckled their seat belts and tried to escape, but found that their bodies were out of control and their hands were shaking.

Some people grabbed everything around them and threw it at the two slender, dark, disgusting tentacles.

But it was meaningless.

This was just a small plane, and the space was so small.

In less than a minute.

More than a dozen passengers and stewardesses fell into the cabin, becoming a pile of skinny corpses.

"It's delicious..."

Benjamin licked his lips, and the red light in his eyes became even more intense.

He was like a liquid, crawling along the surface of the plane, and came to the cockpit on the ground.

The cockpit of the small plane also has a safety door, but it is not as complete as that of a large passenger plane.

Accompanied by a loud bang.

Four dents appeared on the metal door

A moment.

Accompanied by screams.

Benjamin sat in the captain's seat, picked up the other party's hot coffee, and sipped it elegantly.

It's almost there.


I'm going to find you!

Benjamin believed that the other party's excellent genes could be made into the best biological serum to suppress his loss of control.

Brian was his last hope!

The other party could not escape!

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