You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 236 Take Linda away, Benjamin is here

"Hello, is this Linda's home?"

Brian stood at the door of a house and rang the doorbell.

Affected by the attack and the impact, most of the few residents in the town stayed at home and did not come out to join in the fun.

Not long.

The door was slightly opened, revealing the vigilant eyes inside: "Tell me your purpose, stranger."

Brian waved his hand: "My name is Brian, I am an official agent sent to investigate the missing person case. I solved the case. Can I go in and talk?"

Looking at Brian's obviously ill-fitting and cheap shirt, the owner of the eyes hesitated.

But considering that there are many official personnel around to clear the town.

He still opened the door.

Behind the door is a middle-aged man with a beard. He is holding a pistol in his hand. It is a very common Glock 17, with many bullets, good power, and cheap price.

A brand new Glock 17 in the gun store only costs a few hundred dollars, and there are a lot of people in stock.

Behind the man, there is a woman holding a long gun.

There are also three children sitting on the sofa, one big and two small, watching TV.

Brian noticed a photo frame on the cabinet.

It was a family photo of the man and woman in front of him, and four children.

This was a family of six, and they were quite fertile.

This gave Brian a lot more confidence in taking Linda away.

"Very good awareness of prevention."

Brian glanced at the situation in the house, his nose twitched slightly, and cast his eyes on the stairs on the second floor: "Linda is upstairs?"

"What are you looking for Linda for?"

The couple looked at Brian warily.

Brian took out his undamaged ID: "I am a senior staff member of NW in Los Angeles. It's like this. Ms. Linda is involved in a special case. Her current situation is more troublesome. If possible, I want to recruit her to join our team and become..."

"No, don't even think about it!"

The woman holding the long gun pointed the gun angrily: "No one can take my daughter away, no one!"

The man also blocked the door, with an expression that you'd better make your words clear.

Brian shrugged.

He took back the certificate:

"We are an organization with a higher level than the police team, and the benefits are very good.

The average salary of formal employees is 10,000 dollars per month, and there are additional bonuses. The family members of employees also enjoy the services of the private medical institutions we cooperate with.

There are also paid vacations and free travel every year.

By the way, the average bonus of employees in my group exceeded six figures in just three months. You may reconsider it."

Speaking, Brian made a gesture to leave.

The couple looked at each other and stopped him again: "Sorry, maybe we can sit down and talk about this in detail. By the way, handsome gentleman, do you want coffee or water?"

Facts have proved that everyone loves Franklin.

Ten thousand words did not directly put out the income to shake people's hearts.

Many people think that everyone here is rich.

In fact, this is a very wrong way of thinking.

In the federal township area, if the area has no resources, the average annual income of most residents, at this point in time, the annual family income is only about 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars.

There are even no job opportunities and no income at all. They can only rely on doing odd jobs, growing something by themselves, and social welfare.

This is not a joke.

The conditions Brian offered were tantamount to a class-crossing for their family of six.

So he went to the small room on the second floor and saw Linda curled up on the bed.

Linda was not in a good condition. Her little face was still frightened, her eyes were red, and her body was trembling slightly. There was a bloody short shirt on the ground not far away, with a bullet hole on it.

But Brian noticed that Linda was not injured.

Linda's parents went to communicate with each other before leaving the room, leaving the two of them alone in the room.

But they did not close the door.

This was also a warning to Brian: we could rush in at any time.

"Who are you?"

Linda got up, wrapped in a quilt, and looked at Brian with some fear.

Today's attack was the first time she encountered it, and the experience frightened this young girl.

Until now, Linda felt like she was dreaming.

She seemed to have been shot, but there were no injuries on her body, but there were bullet holes on her clothes. All this was too magical.

Brian briefly introduced his identity and smiled at Linda: "Do you feel that your body has undergone some subtle changes?"

Linda did not speak, but just looked at Brian with big eyes.

The next moment.

A layer of white film popped out of her eyes and kept closing, showing the tangled emotions in the little girl's heart.

This scene, in a movie, is a horror transition scene.

Brian also felt surprised.

He walked to the makeup cabinet, took out a small mirror, and threw it in front of Linda: "Your body has changed, but you don't want to believe it. Look at your eyes."

Linda picked up the mirror hesitantly and looked at the eyes in the mirror.

The next moment.

She screamed.

Outside the door, the ferocious couple immediately rushed in.

They did not see the picture they imagined, but they saw their daughter Linda. In her beautiful big eyes, a layer of white film closed uncontrollably, and even a thin layer of gray scaly material appeared on her face. .

They were also frightened by this scene and exclaimed. this still their daughter Linda?

".A small passenger plane bound for Odolan lost contact with the ground. According to an employee at the dispatch center, the passenger plane..."

In the hotel, Brian turned off the TV and opened the box on the coffee table.

Inside the box are three reagents, all of which are hearing-enhancing reagents, ear-drop type, and come in a set of three. The effects vary from person to person.

By fulfilling the captain's obsession, Brian obtained a weak hearing enhancement.

This weak talent, combined with his physical fitness, has a very good effect.

He now wants to try it and use reagents to strengthen it. Will the effect be better?


The girl in a daze looked at Brian's movements with dull eyes, and suddenly said: "What is this, Mr. Brian?"

"Enhanced reagents can give people some special abilities, similar to your current situation."

Brian explained patiently.

The girl is Linda.

When her parents saw Linda's monster characteristics, they took the initiative to help convince Linda to follow Brian without Brian's initiative.

This hurt Linda.

Her parents are not the tolerant parents portrayed in movies.

They looked at Linda with nothing but fear and repulsion.

The parents even hoped that Brian would keep it a secret and take Linda away quietly so that no one in the town would know that Linda had turned into a monster.

This made Linda frustrated, and she followed Brian into the car stupidly.

The words just now were the first words Linda took the initiative to speak after leaving home.

Seeing this, Brian was a little relieved.

Just be willing to speak.

Otherwise, he doesn't have a lot of experience getting along with a little girl who is only fifteen years old.

Brian comforted him gently: "So you are not a monster, you are just a new human being that ordinary people don't know. If you are a monster, then I am too, and so are many official employees. You are not an exception."

Linda's eyes regained some agility.

She looked at Brian expectantly: "Really?"


Brian nodded affirmatively.

He picked up the glass ashtray on the coffee table and clasped his hands together.

next moment.

The sturdy ashtray shattered as crisply as potato chips. It was crushed by Brian's palms and turned into countless glass shards that fell into the trash can.

Seeing this scene, Linda opened her mouth in surprise: "It's amazing!"

"Ha ha."

Brian touched Linda's head: "So don't worry, I will take you to Los Angeles, meet some new friends, and you will also have a new life. It is very prosperous there and you can do a lot of things."


Brian painted a lot of pie for Linda.

He doesn't understand fifteen-year-old girls, but he understands human nature.

The human body has a sense of self-protection.

When they feel that the current situation is terrible, they will subconsciously want to escape from the current environment.

If someone paints a good prospect for her, she will look forward to it and even regard the new environment as the only salvation to solve the current situation.

In fact, part of the huge number of missing people in the United States every year is deceived by overseas scammers into sending them over on their own initiative.

Linda was attracted by the scene Brian described.

Her eyes became alert again, with a little more expectation for future life, and a little uneasiness.

However, this uneasiness was weakened a lot in the presence of Brian, who was tall and good-looking.

She even had some of the fantasies of a teenage girl.

Seeing Linda blushing inexplicably and lowering her head, her posture twisted.

Brian's nose twitched, and his expression suddenly became strange: adolescent children, regardless of gender, have strong hormones.

He simply took the box and returned to his room.

There are three tubes of hearing enhancement reagent.

Brian first dropped Reagent No. 1 into both ears according to the label.

Reagents are similar to pills. In fact, most of the ingredients may not be active ingredients.

The same goes for this reagent.

As the liquid enters the ear, the thing automatically condenses into a ball after contacting the air. It rolls into the ear with a slight tilt of the head.

The moment it touches the eardrum, the spherical liquid melts and blends into the surrounding body tissue.

The other ear operates similarly.

This stuff works quickly.

Almost as soon as he finished doing this, Brian felt fever symptoms appearing in the areas of his two ears, and a large number of nerves became active and even began to proliferate.

According to the field staff and the previous Ellie, this process takes about ten seconds, the longer the better.

Brian estimated that it was because he had absorbed the weak hearing enhancement talent before his constitution +, and the absorption effect of the reagent was exaggeratedly good. It took half a minute for him to feel nothing.

He briefly tested the strengthening effect.

The auditory nerve has developed a lot and increased a lot.

His precise hearing range has expanded from about ten meters at the beginning to about three meters, which is equivalent to an increase of more than 20%.


The remaining two reagents were also used by Brian.

Under normal circumstances, the effect of this thing must be getting worse and worse.

It turns out that's not the case for Brian.

He is more like the previous auditory enhancement plug-in, which cannot meet the needs of his physical performance. Now with the supplement of the enhancement reagent, it is like a good rain after a long drought, and the effect is amazing.

All three reagents use absorption.

Brian's precise hearing positioning range directly reached a radius of more than thirty meters, and the effective hearing range reached nearly two hundred meters.

Two hundred meters away, even if someone whispers something bad about him, he can hear it now.

This is very cool!

Of course, with the obstruction of objects and the influence of external forces, corresponding fluctuations will occur in this range, and basic physical rules must be followed.

Strengthening is over.

Brian was about to leave the room when he clearly heard Linda making strange noises and some strange movements in the next room.

They all came from adolescence.

He understood instantly.

"Eh, my damn charm."

Brian sighed, walked to the window, lit a mosquito coil, looked at the street and the flow of people outside, his thoughts changed, and he was curious about how Benjamin would find him.

Ten minutes later.

The sound of water washing came from next door.

After that it's time to wipe down and get dressed.

It feels almost done.

Brian just opened the door and went out, asking Linda to have lunch with him.

"Mr. Brian, do you have such a good appetite?"

Linda wore small sunglasses and looked at Brian in surprise.

She still cannot control her body changes well. When she gets emotional, she will have some physical abnormalities and can only wear sunglasses when traveling.


Brian said perfunctorily, then he took the pound of standard steak in front of him, bit it into his mouth and swallowed it.

They had changed restaurants three times and had lunch three times.

Of course, the main force is Brian.

As for Linda, she has not shown any special symptoms in her diet so far. It is probably because the special energy carried by the lycanthropy reagent has not yet fully dissipated.

Brian is no longer the raw melon egg he used to be.

Relying on his extensive knowledge, he memorized a lot of confidential information and information about the NW organization.

Normally, after the body is transformed into a beast, there will be a period of crazy eating. This time is uncertain and each individual is different.

Some people who are not fully prepared, or some unlucky wild people who have obtained lycanthropy reagents, may attack humans at this stage.

Brian absorbs food very efficiently.

Twenty pounds of meat a day, plus some high-calorie food, is enough for him to maintain basic body energy consumption.

After eating.

He took Linda back to the previous hotel.

Brian was going to give Benjamin two days to find him.

Two days later, before anyone is seen, he will take Linda back to Los Angeles to deal with the research institute left by Benjamin.


Brian had just finished a somewhat boring phone call with Susan.

Linda, who was watching TV on the side, looked a little sad: "Mr. Brian, you have a girlfriend."

"Yes, her name is Susan, and she is also a strengthener. She should be able to help you grow by then, and you can get along well.

Susan has a great personality and gives people a special sense of security.

You should like her. "

Brian's affirmative answer shattered Linda's newly rising love and crush.

Linda nodded listlessly.

Just as Brian was about to get some midnight snacks, the cell phone he had just put down rang again.

He picked up the phone and looked at it strangely when he saw the unfamiliar caller number.

Damn it, this can’t be Benjamin.

The call is connected.

Brian was speechless when he heard the sound.

What a Benjamin.

This guy's way of finding people is really direct.

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