You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 237: Encirclement, clothes bursting, one punch to each kid

"Where are you?"

Benjamin's voice is a little different from before, a little hoarse.

I don't know if it's because of the blackening.

This guy's voice now is not a good guy, and he has a bad guy effect.


Brian chuckled: "I received the news that you killed the NW special agent and defected. Is my charm to you so great that you have been targeting me?"

"Tell me the location!"

Benjamin's condition doesn't seem to be very good: "Hurry up, come to XX.XX coordinates, otherwise I will kill everyone you know, I only give you one day!"

Beep beep~

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Brian frowned slightly.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

He felt that Benjamin's voice had a heavy tone, how to say it, it was like more than one mouth was talking.

According to Susan's information, Benjamin privately performed a limb transplant of a deformed beast, but NW has not yet found the type of deformed beast transplanted by the other party.

This means that Benjamin's deformed beast limbs are foreign objects and do not belong to NW.

Put away the phone.

Brian looked at Linda who was standing by his side obediently: "I'm going out for a trip. Are you going with me, or should I help you find a place to hide?"

He was more worried that Benjamin was not alone, so he played a trick on him.

"I want to follow you."

Linda got up immediately and walked to Brian's side.

When she left, except for her younger brother and sister, her parents only reminded her to be safe and make money well. They were not reluctant as she imagined, but relieved.

If Brian disappeared again, she didn't know where she would wander.

"Okay, take your personal belongings and go."

Brian nodded.

The two of them packed up briefly, checked out and left.

Out of caution.

Before leaving, Brian deliberately opened all his perceptions.

To his surprise, he smelled the scent of Tiger who had returned before.

All kinds of perceptions can also confirm that it was the other party.

This guy was sitting downstairs in the hotel, reading the newspaper quietly, and had no intention of coming up to disturb him.

He went downstairs.

Brian walked up with Linda: "What's going on?"

The bald strong man Tiger dropped the newspaper in his hand and said: "I heard that you took a little girl away, and I came to arrest you for illegally living with a minor."

As he said this, he raised his eyebrows at Brian, a little bit obscene.

Brian: ".I still have things to deal with, let's get straight to the point."

"Okay, you're pretty boring now." Tiger threw the newspaper on the table over:

"Odolan Evening News, a small passenger plane lost contact.

The staff of the CD Operations Department found the plane with the help of equipment.

It landed in a suburb more than 50 kilometers away from Odolan.

The pilots, passengers, and flight attendants on the plane were all killed.

They were eaten, and the cause of death was consistent with the cause of death in the wanted warrant we just received."

Brian glanced at the newspaper: "What does this have to do with me? At that time, I should have been in the town with your people."

"The owner of the wanted warrant is called Benjamin."

Tiger put away the frivolous expression on his face and said in a serious tone:

"He killed your NW arrester and came to find you.

We are fine Why did he know about the disappearance here and use this case to harm you.

The disappearance was caused by the Doomsday Cult.

This is very important to the CD organization, so I came.

You didn't leave immediately, probably to wait for him, why not go together? "

Brian shook his head: "I don't like people interfering in my affairs."

"No, no, no, this is no longer your business alone.

Benjamin attacked a passenger plane!

He attacked a passenger plane in the activity area of ​​our CD organization!

This matter is very bad.

Brian, agree, I don't want the situation to be awkward, as an apology for disturbing you, you can take this little girl away without hindrance. "

Tiger touched his chin: "A very special little girl"

In their territory, how could they not pay attention to the movements of Brian, an outsider.

So the moment Brian took Linda away, the special agents of the CD organization went to Linda's parents to understand the situation and learned some things.

Those characteristics are very consistent with the characteristics of beastmen.

And beastmen, the murderers of the previous disappearances, are all beastmen cultivated by the Doomsday Cult.

This is too coincidental.

The CD organization didn't come directly because they were concerned about Brian's identity.

Hearing this, Brian nodded: "Okay, I must declare that this operation may not be safe. I will only take care of Linda, not you."

"No need to take care of him."

Tiger was full of confidence: "He is just an old man in scientific research. His physical fitness is just like that. No matter how much he accepts transformation, his upper limit will not be too high. I can easily kill him!"

Because of Tiger's joining, Brian has a free driver.

According to the satellite positioning of the CD organization, the address provided by Benjamin is located in a swamp basin.

There are waters or some special soil terrains over there.

Normal people going to that area are either very familiar with the local terrain or take a special boat that can travel through the swamp.

In order to prevent Benjamin from running away, Tiger did not call for air support.

The three of them took a car and arrived there, then rented a swamp boat and rushed to the place Benjamin explained based on the GPS positioning.

The whole process is not pretty.

There are too many mosquitoes here.

What an exaggeration!

In the land of water and grass, they are densely circling, and the ears are filled with the buzzing sound of wings, which makes people feel upset.

The water quality here also exudes a fishy smell mixed with mud and rot.

Except for scientific researchers, there are few people here to suffer.

When the sky gradually darkened, the three of them finally arrived at the latitude and longitude coordinates mentioned by Benjamin.

This is a relatively wide body of water with no land around, not even soft swamp terrain.

This means that in this position, their only foothold is the boat under their feet.

This guy Benjamin found a good position.

Brian directly asked Linda to stand behind him instead of letting her enter the cabin to hide.

With all his senses fully activated, he stood on the top of the boat and scanned the surroundings.

Abnormalities appear everywhere.

I saw where the water and plants meet, hit by the waves, and the shore is crowded with a pile of short 'wood'.

But these were not real pieces of wood, but dried, flat crocodile carcasses.

Judging from their condition, it looked like they had been sucked dry of blood but not hollowed out of flesh and blood.

Brian lowered his head and said to Tiger, who was looking at the water: "Tiger, do you know about the blood of aberrations or obsessed creatures?"

Tiger shook his head:

"Very few, it is difficult for ordinary beasts to deform unless artificially induced.

For example, continue to cultivate outstanding individuals among them.

The NW organization has such technology.

They would even breed and tame some wild beasts for exchange by the people below.

Generally, only beasts that are smart enough will be affected by the blood moon.

Such as bats.

Some bat leaders may be deformed.

Oh, and there are some sea creatures.

For example, the octopus I told you before.

These guys are amazingly smart, and their mutation ratio is exaggeratedly high. They are our biggest enemies in the ocean.

These two are a group of aberrations that I know have a fondness for biological fluids.

I heard that over in Europe, the distortion abilities of some aberrations, influenced by folklore, would allow their bodies to get closer to those legendary monsters.

The vampires inside will also have this preference. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

Except for the deep-sea octopus, which he had never come into contact with, he knew a thing or two about what Tiger said.

During the conversation between the two.

On the water surface in the distance, ripples spread out, and a bald head with python-like lines all over its body slowly emerged.

He stuck out his long and thin tongue and looked at the ships in the distance with a ferocious smile.

The prey is coming!

If Brian felt something, he suddenly looked into the distance.

In his keen vision, a circle of ripples spread out on the water, but nothing strange could be seen.

Tiger glanced over there, but couldn't see anything clearly. He could only turn his head to look at Brian: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's probably a fish that comes to the water at night to breathe." Brian looked away.

Tiger nodded: "There are a lot of mosquitoes here, so the fish are kept very fat, but the fish meat here has an earthy smell, and everyone doesn't like to eat it."

Brian nodded, took out his cell phone, and called back Benjamin's previous communication.

The phone couldn't get through at all.

Brian put away his phone and looked above his head again.

It's getting late.

When the last light on the horizon disappears, this place will become a hunter's paradise.

Tiger also realized what Benjamin was thinking: "It seems that guy wants to go out on the road at night, and is probably hiding somewhere to observe us."

Brian sighed: "But I want to return to Los Angeles as soon as possible. Since he won't come forward, I can only force him to come out."


Tiger was stunned: "We don't even know his location, how can we force him?"

Brian didn't reply.

He stood on the edge of the boat, twisted his neck from side to side, and made a loud crunching sound. He grabbed a metal pipe, broke it off, and then twisted the hollow pipe into a solid twist.

Listening to the noisy sound of the metal twisting, Tiger swallowed.

Oh, God!

Is this guy so strong?

He tried to imitate Brian's movements, but found that as a strength enhancer, he could barely bend the old iron pipe, but could not break it at all.

Seeing this, Brian chuckled: "This requires some vision and transportation skills."

As he spoke, his sleeves exploded, and the muscles in his right arm were like a raging python. The muscles were as tight as steel cables and expanded to the thickness of an ordinary human thigh. He accumulated strength and exploded in one go.

next moment.

The 'threaded steel pipe' in Brian's hand made a sharp explosion that tore through the air, and instantly disappeared from the sight of several people.

Waited for more than a second.


The water surface shook.

Then a scream came, and the calm water surface rippled from a distance.


Tiger looked at the darkness in the distance and looked at Brian with strange eyes.

Does this guy have visual enhancements?

Linda on the side looked at Brian's exaggerated right hand with fear and surprise. She had all kinds of random thoughts in her mind, thinking that she would be like this in the future.

Brian seemed to know what Tiger was thinking, and explained without looking back: "I was lucky, there were no mosquitoes around there, so I tried to attack."

Tiger squinted his eyes and looked over there, reluctantly accepting this explanation.


The air pierced and exploded again.

Another hand-threaded javelin broke through the air and disappeared before his eyes.

The same script plays out again.

Another scream came from the distance.

Brian grabbed the third steel pipe, and while twisting it, he smiled shyly at Tiger: "Luck, I'm lucky."


The sound of piercing the air exploded again, and then another scream came from the other direction.

Tiger: ..

Three shots, three hits.

You tell me luck.

Benjamin was also confused by Brian's unreasonable move.

A man in black robe looked at the monster in front of him angrily: "Benjamin, just do it, otherwise if this continues, all my men will die."

Benjamin slowly raised his head and looked at the man in black robes in front of him somewhat sluggishly.

Looking at the monster in front of him, the man in black robes trembled.

Benjamin's appearance at this moment was completely different from before: his limbs turned into entangled dark brown tentacles, sitting cross-legged on the water, four more exaggerated tentacles behind him were dancing in the void, and the densely packed mouthparts opened and closed, exposing Countless sharp hollow teeth.

If it were just like this, he wouldn't be afraid after seeing too many deformed men in black robes.

The issue is.

Benjamin’s face became even more disgusting.

His originally gentle and handsome face actually had five pairs of eyes. On the back of his head, you could still see the outlines of several pairs of eyes, forming a 360-degree field of vision with no blind spots.

Unknown flesh tendrils squirmed on his lower jaw, like some kind of sensory organ.

Looking at the man in black robe in front of him, Benjamin grinned: "Are you afraid of me?"

The man in black robe opened his robe, revealing his blinking compound eyes, and patches of scales appeared on his face:

“I’ve put up with you for a long time, Benjamin!

You secretly used our people to trap and kill Brian, causing our precious breeding farm to be destroyed. If the higher-ups hadn't asked us to cooperate with you, you would have been taken back to the sect for approval!"

His words trailed off.

Seven or eight figures appeared behind him, looking at Benjamin with evil eyes.

The appearance of this group of people restored some clarity to Benjamin's somewhat sluggish mind.

He nodded: "I understand. In that case, let's just do it. I only want the blood. As for him, according to the agreement, he is yours."

"There's a secret!"

Seeing Benjamin's compromise, the man in black robe asked: "We have so many sect knights cooperating with your private affairs, not for that excellent experimental subject. You know the purpose above!"

The NW organization obtained a special substance in its early years and used it to develop a magical weapon.

This special weapon contains a secret.

The Doomsday Sect did not choose to retaliate against Benjamin, but sent people to assist him in his personal affairs. Naturally, it was not for the outstanding individual named Brian.

The secret of the weapon that Benjamin was responsible for was the purpose of their sect.

Benjamin did not continue to speak, and disappeared from everyone's eyes, approaching the ship in the distance.

Seeing this, the man in black robe cursed quietly.

Without getting the secret, nothing can happen to Benjamin.

He took out a strange conch, put it in his mouth and blew it.

An invisible ripple spread over a radius of more than ten miles.

After receiving this sound wave, water patterns all moved towards the target ship from under the water.

on board.

Brian is preparing to throw his fourth handmade javelin.


His ears twitched twice, stopped, and looked at Tiger beside him: "Here he comes."

Tiger glanced around strangely.

What's coming?

next moment.

Four ferocious tentacles burst out of the water, wrapped up Tiger's tall body, and brought him into the water.

"Get away!"

Tiger roared, his body expanded, trying to break free.


The smelly swamp water drowned his subsequent movements.

"Is your acting so good?"

Brian chuckled.

This guy really acted like one.

It's a pity that the other party didn't know that he had a dog nose, and he had already discovered something was wrong with him.

Brian looked at Linda: "Go in and come out when I call you."

Linda ran into the cabin obediently, huddled in the corner, and looked nervously at Brian outside.

For her, who was born in a small town, this scene was almost no different from a movie scene.


Clothes were torn inch by inch.

Brian opened his hands, revealing his exaggerated figure that burst out of his coat: "Stop hiding, let's come together."


From all directions, there was the sound of dense water.

Figures climbed up along the sound of the ship and appeared on the not-so-wide deck.

This is actually a humanoid beast with a head covered in scales and a mouth full of fangs.

This group of monsters that looked like humanoid crocodiles rushed towards Brian without any hesitation.

The deck is just that big.

In an instant, Brian was faced with at least eight monsters attacking from all directions.

"too slow!"

next moment.

A sonic boom goes off.

Countless fist seals, under the terrifying power, mark the void, creating vacuum fist wind channels, like violent tornadoes erupting, tearing apart everything in front of them.

Bang bang bang~

It was almost the moment those monsters pounced on him.

It was as if their bodies were hit by high-speed dump trucks, which turned into blood mist and exploded in mid-air, without even a chance to scream.

They can be said to be scales that can withstand small-caliber bullets. Under Brian's violent fists, they are like toilet paper that breaks with a single punch and cannot even resist for a moment.

Tick ​​tock~

A series of ferocious teeth and broken bones hit the deck.

Linda covered her mouth tightly and stared.

In her field of vision, Brian's huge figure of two meters and two meters was bathed in the exploding blood mist. The outline of the muscles on his back was like a laughing and ferocious grimace, blurry, like a god or a demon.

What a safe picture! ! !

"Too weak and vulnerable!"

Brian shook his head in disappointment.

He stepped on the broken bones on the ground, walked to the edge of the deck, and looked at the dead water: "Benjamin, by the way, there are Tiger, and those few turtles who are hiding, come out and let me take a look. Your purity!”

Under the water, Tiger's face turned pale.

That's outrageous!

It’s so outrageous!

The eight-headed transformed fighting beast transformed in front of Brian, punched one by one, and was directly destroyed.

What kind of strength is this?

No wonder he pretended to propose military support, but the other party didn't agree.

If armed support from the CD organization comes, will it save Brian or them?

Tiger didn't even want to know why he was exposed.

He took advantage of the rest of the people to rush out of the water, turned around and swam to the shore without saying a word.

With Brian's voice falling.

One after another, figures emerged from the water again, and more densely packed humanoid crocodile scale monsters gathered towards this side, surrounding the boat in a circle.

Benjamin then revealed his head.

He looked at Brian's tall figure greedily, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth was secreting out uncontrollably.

It smells so good!

I really want to eat it!

Genetic instinct told Benjamin that as long as he devours Brian in front of him, his uncontrollable collapse of the body will be relieved, and he may even successfully survive this death disaster.

After just a few conflicts, how could he risk offending NW, CD and the Doomsday Sect to plot against Brian.

The real reason was that he smelled a chance of survival in Brian!

Facing more enemies.

Brian was not surprised but delighted.

There are so many meaty targets, enough for him to kill!

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