You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 238 Can't you just wait to die? (Two in one)


Benjamin roared.

Seven or eight men in black robes waved their hands, and a large number of cannon fodder lycanthropes roared with various sounds and rushed towards the old swamp boat in front.

Brian's body was shaken.

An invisible gas enveloped Linda in the cabin.

The moment she fell unconscious, Brian appeared in mid-air and kicked a lycanthrope in the chest. Then without looking, he used his strength to move around and kicked another lycanthrope again. on people.

Even in muscle burst mode, his speed is still astonishingly fast.

Relying on this method of borrowing power, in just a short moment, the dozens of figures in front of him were cleared, and he returned to the deck again.

Dong dong dong~

There were sounds like bombs falling into the water.

Blood and water, flesh and bones, now became the only music in this swampy water.

This group of beast-turned-human cannon fodder has no sense at all.

The remaining lycanthropes had already rushed onto the swamp boat from the other side, roaring and pounced on Brian who had just landed. There was no fear of death that normal creatures would have at all.

"Well done!"

Brian laughed, stepped forward, kicked one by one, and lifted each of the lycanthropes more than ten meters into the air like a ball, blooming into bloody mist flowers.

It's a pity that it was night, otherwise the scene would have been gorgeous.

Brian killed quickly, and the lycanthropes emerging from the water came even faster.

Who knows how many lycanthropes are hidden here.

He killed more than thirty lycanthropes in one breath, but more lycanthropes emerged from the water and surged towards the ship.

Regarding Brian's exaggerated fighting ability.

Fear appeared on the faces of the seven or eight disciplinary knights of the Doomsday Cult.

The leader glared at Benjamin: "Benjamin, you bastard, how dare you lie to us! Is this the first-order life form you are talking about?"

They are all first-order life forms, but they are simply not capable of Brian's exaggeration.

They even suspected that Brian's physical body had reached the level of a second-order life form!

A second-level life, this is a being that has the strength to physically resist the siege of hundreds of modern armies!

Put in various official offices, that is the third-level staff, which belongs to the top level in the true sense.

In their doomsday sect, this kind of person is at least a bishop in charge of the academic affairs of several states!

Is this a person they can mess with at will?

Benjamin was not surprised but overjoyed, and let out an ugly laugh: "This is a good thing. He has only joined NW for a few months, but he is so strong. He must have a secret. This is your training base. There are enough cannon fodder, even if he is a second-level Life will also be consumed by us."

After hearing this, everyone's faces looked much better.

These crocodile-human cannon fodders are transformed by some captured low-level people. There are two to three hundred of them in the base. They usually kill each other for food and use them to cultivate first-level life form cannon fodder.

So despite the fact that Brian was killing happily, he was actually just consuming his own physical strength.

The leader in black robe nodded: "There is too much movement here, and it will definitely be exposed later. We can only give up this breeding base, and that Tiger can't stay. He knows a lot about us."

Benjamin glanced greedily at the blood around him and the men in black robes in front of him, and nodded: "I'll deal with him."

The lycanthrope, whether it is limb modification or injection of lycanthropic reagents, will have some impact on the sanity in the end.

The most obvious one is emotion.

This is the case for these doomsday sect disciplinary knights.

The tense fighting environment affected their judgment, and they did not even notice the obvious malice in Benjamin's eyes.

They nodded and turned their attention to the swamp boat again.

While they were talking, the deck of the swamp ship was already covered with a thick layer of flesh and blood and broken leather limbs. It was unknown how many dead cannon fodders there were.

Looking at these idiots, Benjamin shook his slightly unconscious head and softly comforted: "Don't worry, I will take you to eat delicious food now."

The tentacles on his back actually moved twice in an anthropomorphic manner, waving more freely in the void.

On the deck, Brian let out a breath.

The surrounding air was completely filled with the smell of blood.

After killing one hundred and thirty-seven lycanthropes in succession, his physical strength dropped significantly.

The explosive state consumes too much physical strength. Without consuming the gifted energy, it will be difficult to maintain a high-intensity battle.

In fact, he can deal with those cannon fodder in a more labor-saving way.

But it’s a rare pleasure.

There’s no point in saving.

After having a good time with his fists and kicks, Brian looked at the lycanthropic cannon fodder that was still emerging, and opened his mouth slightly.

next moment.

upbraid! ! !

A silent ultrasonic wave shook right in front of Brian.

One after another, the beasts transformed into human cannon fodder, and as soon as they appeared, their heads exploded. The scene was quite spectacular.

The men in black robes who were hiding far away were not spared either.

Among them, the stronger one only had his head swaying a bit, and he was a little confused, unable to realize what happened.

The weakest among them covered his head and screamed.

A stream of nosebleeds poured out of their noses and dripped on the water.

They felt as if their heads were being pierced by countless needles at this moment. While the pain was stinging, it was difficult to concentrate and they could only rely on instinctive roaring to relieve the discomfort in their heads.


One roar killed dozens of cannon fodders. This feeling is completely different from the experience of being invincible.

The roar ended.

Brian took a deep breath again, turned his head and roared back.

Bang bang bang~

Dozens of heads expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then exploded.

Compared with those black-robed people, the only advantage of these cannon fodders is that the scales on the surface of their bodies are very thick, similar to crocodile skin, but the inside is ordinary. They can't withstand Brian's powerful fists and feet, nor can they block the pervasiveness of ultrasound.

Headless corpses floated on the water.

A large amount of flesh, blood, scales and broken bones were scattered everywhere.

This scene can be called purgatory on earth. Even if it is placed in a plasma film, it is estimated that few directors are willing to spend a lot of money to construct such a scene for the audience.

All this is just the result of Brian's attack for less than five minutes.

When he gets serious, the advantage of numbers is meaningless to him.

Now there are firearms to check and balance him.

In ancient times.

It is only a matter of time for him to destroy a country alone.

Brian cleared the scene with two range attacks.

This time, the entire swamp surface was finally much cleaner and drier.

He twisted his neck and jumped into the water. His nearly 300-pound body half sank into the water, like an upright human-shaped motor yacht, breaking through the water and crushing the remaining beastmen one by one.

When the beastmen recovered from the ultrasonic attack, there were no new beastmen coming out of the water except for the corpses all over the scene.

The swamp was quite cold at night.

I don’t know if Brian was cold or not.

At least these black-robed men who regarded ordinary people as ants were quite cold at the moment.

Where are the cannon fodders?

Where are the hundreds of cannon fodders in the base?

All gone?

At this moment, they finally realized that the identities of the prey and the hunter were different from what they imagined at the beginning.

The man in front of them was not a so-called lone wolf at all, but a ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex!


The water ripples.

Brian came ten meters away from the crowd and looked at the eight black-robed men with interest: "Weren't you just discussing how to divide my body? Come on, I'm here."


The leader of the black-robed men didn't say anything nonsense. He waved his hands, tore off the black robe on his body, and stood up. He and the other three turned into human-shaped water spiders and killed Brian.

The remaining four people also disappeared on the water.

The aura exuded by these people was much stronger than those cannon fodders, probably equivalent to the illusory snake beastman encountered in the lake camp.

The leader was even more comparable to the mantis beastman who was killed by the CD machine gun.

Beastmen are easier to form combat power than enhanced people, but they have defects and are not recognized by most official organizations. Only ordinary staff will choose this path.

The eight people in front of them are equivalent to eight defective first-level life forms.

With this lineup, any other second-level staff member would have little chance of survival even if they were holding firearms.

Unfortunately, they met Brian.

Facing siege.

Brian's muscles made a crisp sound of tightening steel cables. His muscles were like machines, adding strength layer by layer, and finally gathered on his right hand, punching out.


The water splashed up seven or eight meters high.

Countless water waves were like sea waves, forming waves in front and pushing away.

The four humanoid water spiders were the first to bear the brunt, as if they were hit by countless water splashes like sharp arrows, and then the fist wind roared, shaking their heads buzzing.

Before they could fight back.


Brian roared silently.

At close range, the invisible sound waves turned into visible sound waves and rushed over.

The four black-robed beastmen had almost no power to resist, and blood flowers exploded from their seven orifices, and they were directly hit hard.

Boom boom boom boom~

Four consecutive sound explosions came again, and four groups of blood mist exploded.

Under the huge force of ten thousand pounds, even a beastman of the first-level life form would have no power to resist if he fought head-on, and would die tragically on the spot.

A set of combined punches was finished.

In the blink of an eye, the four were beaten to death by Brian.

It was not until then that several figures came out from underwater.

Brian stood still, looking coldly at the still turbulent water surface.

I don't know when, this water surface has turned into a miserable green, dyeing the surrounding area into a poisonous area.


"Gurgle gurgle~"

Screams and choking sounds came from underwater.

Figures covered with disgusting abscesses and blisters rolled and screamed on the water surface.

I saw that the few people who had dived underwater before were now sizzling all over, emitting fishy and rising white gas, like fish in a boiling pot, constantly jumping and struggling, but because they were in the water, they could not even escape except stirring the surrounding water to make it turbid.

The screams lasted for more than a minute.

When the sound stopped, only a few floating skeletons of flesh and blood remained on the water, floating on the water without any life.

"The corrosive poison dissolves in water, and the concentration decreases, which greatly reduces the damage to first-level life. If it were on land, these guys would have a chance to escape."

Brian touched his chin.

As the eight black-robed men were easily killed by Brian, the scene fell into dead silence except for the sizzling sound of flesh and blood corrosion.

Brian returned to the deck and checked Linda's condition first. After making sure she hadn't woken up, he began to clean up the battlefield.

As for Benjamin?

He couldn't get away.

Corpses were thrown onto the water surface and then enveloped by green mist.

Brian's face was somewhat ugly as he watched the bones gradually decay into liquid and dissolve in the water.

These beast fodders probably no longer had any human brilliance.

Hundreds of cannon fodders, but none of them had any obsession.

Fortunately, the eight black-robed men had a high drop rate and produced three obsession balls.

First-order life forms, whether they were enhanced humans, beastmen, or deformed beasts and deformed humans, would not have bad obsession gifts.

Add to that the obsessions of the Japanese ninjas.

All completed, Brian had great information that his physique could reach 1.4.

With his talent, his 1.3 physique was so awesome.

He didn't even dare to think about what 1.4 would be like.

Flesh against rifles?

Or blow up an armored vehicle with one punch?


It's so beautiful just to think about it!

He is getting closer and closer to the realm of the 'dragon'!

With expectations for the future.

Brian didn't bother to check the contents of these obsession balls.

After he made sure that most of the traces of blood, flesh and corpses at the scene were cleaned up, he couldn't wait to chase in the direction of Benjamin and Tiger.

At this moment.

Tiger looked at Benjamin who was catching up with him with a gloomy face: "Old man, I have some deals with the Doomsday Sect, but not with you. If you chase me again, I will blow up your head with one punch!"


Benjamin's tentacles kept crawling forward, approaching Tiger's position.

He looked weird:

"Blow up my head?

I have so many heads, which one do you want to blow up?"

Almost at the same time, the four dark brown tentacles that were wriggling in the void behind him, the tips of which turned to Tiger, split open to reveal a disgusting product similar to a mouth, and then said: "I have so many heads, which one do you want to blow up?"

These voices were different, and the scene was terrifying.

Tiger, a second-level staff member of the CD organization who was knowledgeable, had killed countless lives, and even dared to collude with the Doomsday Cult in private, was frightened to the point of white lips when he saw this scene, and no longer had the previous violent demeanor.

He trembled and looked at the tentacles behind Tiger:

"Deep Sea Submariner!

This is not an ordinary limb transplant of an octopus mutant beast, this is a limb transplant of a deep sea submariner!

You are crazy!

You lunatic!

How dare you transplant such a taboo thing!"

"This world is already crazy, so what if I am a little crazy?"

Benjamin had unknowingly approached Tiger ten meters away.

He stopped moving, opened his hands and turned into soft tentacles, hugging Tiger:

"The evolution of life requires some adventure!

Humans have their limits. If I want to explore the true meaning of life, I have to stop being human!

Tiger, come!

Join me and become one with me!

Let's evolve gloriously together!!!"

"You lunatic, die!"

When Tiger heard these words, he seemed to see a bullfighting red. He roared, his body expanded by three points, and with a whistling sound, he rushed towards the deformed Benjamin with a big pit with one step.

The next moment.

The four dark brown tentacles surrounded by the void merged into the night, like iron spears, with sharp sounds of breaking through the air at the tips, piercing Tiger who had no blocking or dodging.

Until the huge pain came, his red eyes recovered a little clarity.


Tiger was swept into the air by the tentacles, spitting out blood in big mouthfuls: "You, you are the enemy of all mankind, ahem... I'll wait for you in hell."


Accompanied by the sound of sucking, this powerful warrior who was more than two meters tall and could withstand a car was sucked into skin and bones by Benjamin like a dead dog.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Benjamin closed his eyes in fascination, and the state of his face also improved a lot.

The first-order life form really alleviated his out-of-control state.

When I go back, I will suck those beastmen, and then use the equipment here to make Brian into a special serum and inject it into my body.

By then, I will definitely become a miracle of the new era!

The name of Dr. Octopus is not bad.

Thinking of that scene, Benjamin couldn't help but look up to the sky and let out an unpleasant laugh: "Hehehe~"

"Your laugh is really unpleasant."

Benjamin paused.

He didn't move his body and turned his head back.

A tall figure with steaming heat all over his body appeared behind him at some point.

This person was Brian who rushed over.

When he came over, Tiger was in an abnormal mood and rushed towards Benjamin without thinking, so he just stood aside and watched the show.

Benjamin remained silent, but the tentacles that devoured Tiger's body fluids and flesh accelerated their creeping speed.

Brian was not in a hurry either.

The other party was stalling for time, so was he.

He touched his pocket and found that the cigarette in his trouser pocket had been soaked, so he simply pulled a piece of grass from the side and held it in his mouth: "What is a deep-sea submariner?"

Benjamin tilted his head and looked at Brian: "Want to know?"


"Then merge with me!"

Benjamin let out a strange cry.

The next moment.

An invisible wave was transmitted to Brian's sensory organs.

He paused, and his eyes became dull.

Countless whispers immediately rose in Brian's heart, impacting his soul and evoking some of the memories of the past that he hated the most.

Even the mysterious substance that was agitated and turned red because of the excitement of fighting was aroused by this invisible impact, and along with those whispers, it merged into his spiritual consciousness.

Almost instantly.

Brian's dull eyes turned into an extremely evil dark red.

A visible blood moon afterimage was looming in his eyes, like two red lanterns in the dark night.


Benjamin, who rushed towards Brian, saw this weird scene, and his body suddenly stopped, looking at Brian vigilantly.

This look happened to meet those eyes.

What kind of eyes are these!

Blood, brutality, tyranny... In addition to human nature, Benjamin saw almost all the negative emotions in the world from Brian's eyes.

Especially the blood moon afterimage.

He almost turned into Tiger just now, and his voice trembled: "Aberrant, you are aberrant!!!"

Brian grinned: "Correct, but there is no reward!"

Why did he bring up his unhappy memories.

Can't he just wait to die?

He is so angry now!


The ground shook.

Benjamin's five heads barely caught the approaching afterimage.

He screamed like crazy: "Aberrant, I will eat you too!"

Six tentacles slapped the void, driving Benjamin to spin like a gyroscope, blocking all the angles around him that could attack.

The next moment.

A palm grabbed one of his tentacles and pulled it hard.


Flesh and blood separated.

Benjamin screamed as if his hands and feet were torn apart.

Brian casually threw the tentacle that was still squirming and even screaming to the side, and the blood in his eyes became even more intense: "Don't be afraid, you still have seven tentacles. To thank you for arousing my memories, I will give you a good experience."

"No, don't!"

Benjamin didn't realize the horror of Brian until a tentacle was torn.

This is completely the difference between a child and an adult.

Not only did his most powerful method not lose the other party's mind, but it was like releasing a monster.

At this moment, he regretted it very much!

It's a pity that everything is too late.

All this was destined when Benjamin regarded Brian as prey!

Under the silver moon, on the dead silent land, the shrill screams resounded for more than half an hour before returning to silence.

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