You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 239 Humanity's Greatest Enemy High-Quality Obsession


Brian's face looked slightly tired and he let out a breath.

Friends who kill pigs often know that killing pigs is okay, but cutting pork is tiring.

Benjamin is such a pig.

To be precise, he is a monster, a monster in the true sense!

When Brian dismembered Benjamin's body, he actually discovered that this guy had five heads!

Five! ! !

In addition to Benjamin's head on his neck, the four tentacles on his back not only have countless suckers and teeth, but also brains. Those four brains can also control those mouth-like suckers to mimic the sounds of begging for mercy.

This is so scary.


Benjamin's vitality is also exaggerated.

Brian had dismembered all his limbs and the four tentacles on his back. As a result, he looked liberated. Apart from howling and screaming at the beginning, his current mental state was actually better than before.

"What the hell did you transplant?"

Brian shrank in size and kicked Benjamin's round torso: "What on earth is that deep-sea submersible?"

Benjamin spat out a mouthful of blood.

The color of this blood is different from the previous blood. It is similar to red dye mixed with a little bit of blue blood. It is distinct and bright in color.

What's even weirder is that as this mouthful of blood was spit out, the originally weak heartbeat in Benjamin's body became stronger and stronger again.


Brian's ears twitched slightly.

If he heard correctly, this was clearly a beating heart that had just been added to Benjamin's body to supply blood and maintain his dying vitality!

This made Brian even more curious about Benjamin's aberrant organ transplant.

This thing looks like an octopus.

Seeing that Benjamin didn't speak, Brian probed: "You transplanted the tentacles of a deformed octopus, and the brain on the tentacles affected your thinking, forming a symbiotic relationship?"

Brian likes to see the world of animals and knows something about strange creatures like octopuses.

Octopus is a short-lived species in the ocean, with a lifespan of only two or three years, but its structure is peculiar.

They have nine heads, eight tentacles, three hearts, and blue blood.

Those tentacles are covered with sensory nerves and an independent head, which has independent memory and thinking capabilities. The tentacle cells also carry pigment cells, rainbow cells, rainbow cells, etc.

how to say.

This gadget is very smart. It can use shells and other tools to improve its survivability. It can also use the developed neuromimicry throughout the body to simulate the color of the surrounding environment in less than a second and avoid danger.

This mechanism is faster and more colorful than a chameleon, and can simulate almost any color.

Just change the color and blend in perfectly with the surroundings.

This guy's nine brains can also control the muscles of the whole body, allowing the body to blend into the environment, forming a true perfect integration of form and color.

This superb biological hiding ability allows octopuses to rely on camouflage to avoid danger and hunt.


Octopus' tentacles are broken, similar to geckos, and can regenerate. When encountering danger that they cannot avoid, they can also spray ink to block the predator's view.

By the way, they also have poison sacs in their bodies.

All means are available.

The most outrageous thing is that they can form memories of the environments and dangers they have encountered.

Some scientists have done experiments.

They locked the octopus in an underwater maze. After one exploration, the time it took for the octopus to pass through the second time was greatly reduced.

This means they have a literal memory.

In addition, if you put this octopus and another octopus that did not participate in the experiment together, and then let them re-run the experiment together, then the octopus added later will directly let the octopus in front lead the way...

This means that they will simply communicate and even pass on experiences to the same kind.

In human society, this gadget, made into skewers and octopus balls, is a delicacy. Some people even like to eat octopuses raw and feel the excitement of them squirming in the throat and trachea.

Of course, eating it raw is not only cruel, but can also easily lead to suffocation. This fool loses his life every year.

From the perspective of ordinary people, octopus is a strange-looking food that can be eaten.

But from a biologist's perspective, the octopus is a creature that is so strange and perfect that it simply doesn't look like a creature on earth.

Looking at the animal world, human physique is not actually top-notch, but in the end we became the overlord of the planet. What did we rely on?

One is to use your brain and use tools.

One is the inheritance of knowledge.

Octopuses do both.

But the only problem with them is that they are short-lived.

Once the octopus has completed mating, the male octopus will either be eaten by the female, or it will cut off its third mating tentacle and remain in the female octopus, starving to death.

As for female octopuses, they will also commit suicide when their fertilized eggs hatch.

That is to say.

Every little octopus born is an innate orphan body.

They cannot get the inheritance of knowledge at all, and have to rely on luck and experience to start over and accumulate the most primitive survival experience.

This means that civilization is not derivative, ethnic groups are difficult to gather, and newborns have a high loss rate.

In short, it is not a good thing that is conducive to racial evolution.

This reproductive characteristic of octopuses is almost unique in the global animal kingdom. It is like some invisible shackles that limit the extension of their lifespan and the inheritance of knowledge and experience.

Otherwise, this kind of creature may not be able to develop its own civilization in the ocean.

So what if this kind of creature happens to be a special individual with the arrival of the blood moon, which is far more intelligent than the same kind, refuses to mate, lives for a long time, and then happens to be radiated by the blood moon?

The miracle of life lies in various coincidences.

The possibility of this situation happening is very high!

Thinking of that scene, Brian felt a slight chill in his body.

According to his understanding of the blood moon, this thing is more spiritual.

The higher the spirituality of a creature, the greater the potential for distortion, and the more magical the abilities conferred by distortion.

An octopus has one master and eight mates, a collection of nine independent heads!

If they become distorted, what will they become?

The deep-sea submersible that Tiger talks about?


Benjamin probably felt better after vomiting. The newly activated heart in his body also provided him with some strength, giving him the strength to speak:

"I thought that your genes are very suitable for the products of aberrant biotechnology, but I never thought that you are a aberrant. No wonder your strength has improved so quickly!

How do those idiots from the NW Ministry of Foreign Affairs do things! "

There was still strong reluctance in his eyes.

He risked his life, fused with the banned aberrant beast organization, resisted for so long, and successfully became the head of a research institute.

The most fortunate thing is that this research institute also hides the projects that best suit your situation.

All of this is simply a gift from God and the blessing of the goddess of luck!

Then Brian showed up.

Something unpleasant happened between the two parties.

Before that, Benjamin had not had any evil thoughts.

Until he saw Brian's resume, his exaggerated progress speed, and his own body that was overwhelmed and quickly on the verge of collapse.

What is this called?

This is called another gift from God!

The genes of such an outstanding individual must be very suitable for the aberration biotechnology.

This is the best neutralizing gene serum to solve the crisis of losing control of your body!

At that moment, Benjamin almost thought that he was the chosen one!

Then came the plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

Benjamin has always had close ties with the Doomsday Sect.

They provided him with some taboo research materials, and he provided them with some research materials from time to time.

Paradise grass is his product.

So Benjamin knew the situation here, and in the last period of time when he was gradually losing his sanity, he made a crude plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

To say it is crude is hard to say.

Benjamin was in very bad shape at the time, and there was a doomsday sect's cannon fodder breeding base here.

To be sure.

He had already prepared the idea of ​​exposing his affairs, using the Doomsday Sect, and finally eating them all.

Evolution requires energy.

These lycanthropes and Brian are the best energy.

This is the cause and effect of this matter.

Benjamin calculated everything, but the only thing he missed was that he never expected that there would be such a perverted person in the world. In just a few months, he would be so powerful that he could destroy a group of cannon fodder and doomsday sects by himself. Retribution Knight.

You must know that although the disciplinary knights are all mass-produced lycanthropes with congenital flaws in their IQs, their combat effectiveness is even stronger than ordinary first-level enhanced humans with their bare hands.

A first-level enhanced person is a second-level employee in any official organization.

Brian is just a newly promoted second-level staff member of NW.

How to lose in this kind of situation?

Benjamin never thought they would lose.

He is very unwilling now!

"Yo, you look very unconvinced!"

Brian kicked Benjamin's chubby body without limbs: "How about this, you answer my questions to satisfy my curiosity, and I answer your questions to satisfy your curiosity."

"Don't even think about it!"

Benjamin let out an ugly laugh:

"Brian, you are indeed scary, but you are too stupid to come here on your own initiative. Why do you think I brought that idiot Tiger here?

This is."


Brian interrupted Benjamin:

"Stop pretending, it seems that I helped you remove those disgusting tentacles through physical surgery, allowing your IQ to regain the high ground in your brain, and you still know how to intimidate me.

Are you trying to say that Tiger joined to catch my failure and use it to smear me or expose the situation here? "

The smile on Benjamin's face faltered.

Even if this guy is so strong, why does his brain react so quickly?

In order to break this guy's mentality, Brian continued:

“Actually, I’m very grateful to you for arranging this guy Tiger.

You are very confident that you can capture me this time, so you arranged for him to clean up the traces of my movements.

This actually helped me.

After all, I don't like to reveal my true strength.

Otherwise, how could I see you, an idiot like you who overestimates his ability to cause trouble for me, and finally be trampled under my feet? "

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is so cliché but so fun.

Brian's apparent strength and status are no longer weak.

This can not only prevent some minor characters from harassing him, but also ensure that the really important enemies despise him, just right.

Benjamin was slapped in the face by Brian's words, but he still said something unwillingly: "We will kill you and then leave. Why do we go out of our way to clean up the traces? You think too much, young man!"

Brian curled his lips disdainfully.


Naturally, it's because this is a stronghold of the Doomsday Sect.

Just look at the huge number of lycanthrope cannon fodder.

Benjamin has only been here for a long time.

How could he mobilize so many doomsday sects to surround and kill him in such a short period of time without attracting the attention of local officials?

There is only one truth: these people were originally here.

As for Tiger's involvement, Brian was actually surprised.

The second time Tiger waited for him downstairs at the hotel, he had Benjamin's scent on him.

They've been in contact.

It's just that Tiger didn't expect that Brian had a lot of talents and abilities, and he also had a sense of smell comparable to that of a dog, so he directly determined that there was something wrong with him.

As for Tiger's role.

Very simple.

That is to control Brian's movements and clean up the traces of their movements.

If Brian guessed correctly, the swamp boat and the like were all arranged in advance, including Tiger's car when he came over.

With the cooperation of Tiger, a member of the CD Armed Forces, when the NW organization discovered that Brian was missing and sent people to investigate, the final result of the investigation was that there must be no clues.

Of course, Tiger joined the operation just in case.

For example, if Brian runs out, Tiger can use his identity to reappear and sneak attack Brian.

Tiger's role is probably the above, and definitely does not include those mentioned by Benjamin.

Seeing Benjamin talking back, Brian also lost his patience.

He twisted his neck, with a ferocious smile on his face: "Forget it, you can talk or not. Anyway, I am just curious about deep-sea submersibles. When I go back and inherit your research institute, I will have answers to everything I want to know."

As he spoke, he raised his feet high.

Benjamin looked at Brian's muddy soles. Under the desire for life, his eyes finally revealed the fear of death.

He spoke very quickly and begged for mercy:

"do not do that!

I said, whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you!

That research institute is just a shelf with nothing in it.

Don't kill me, I will help you in the future!

Research institutes are meaningless, scientific researchers are the real wealth, I”

Brian's feet were getting higher and higher, and at the same time, the bulging muscles gathered in his calves and continued to expand.

This method of execution, in which death was imminent, gave Benjamin great psychological torture and pressure.

He ignored the last bit of reserve and threw out the life-saving chips somewhat incoherently:

"The deep-sea divers are the family of aberrant octopuses and the marine dependents they deliberately created.

They are our biggest enemies now!


The research institute where I work has a big killer weapon developed for the deep sea people.

That is an existence that can be called a biological nuclear weapon!

It was because I knew this clue that I took the risk of implanting their organs into my body.

Once my plan succeeds, I will gain the power to subvert human technology and become the leader of the times.


You can't kill me!

I am the future king!

I am a milestone in human history!

I am mankind's greatest wealth!

You can't kill me! "

Looking at the soles of his feet that began to fall slowly, Benjamin was going crazy:

"You have no right to kill me!

For the sake of the future of mankind, you should take the initiative to put it in my mouth and be eaten by me.



The ground shook.

Benjamin's last crazy words came to an abrupt end as his head was crushed and his brains were covered in holes.

Looking at the headless body at his feet, Brian's eyes were cold.

"Are you done?"

He rubbed the soles of his feet in disgust: "After that, you can go and die!"

Benjamin is a carbon-based creature after all.

Even though the heart in his chest, after losing his head, stimulated its last potential, kept beating violently, carrying all the remaining energy of the body, trying to stimulate the cells of the body, and making a final effort to survive, it was still in vain.

Three or four seconds later, a small, almost dark ball floated over Benjamin's body.


Brian grinned when he saw Obsession Ball.

It was no wonder that he wasted his breath and deliberately executed Benjamin slowly.

The quality of this obsession ball is very high at first glance!

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