You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 240: Counting the Harvest, Exaggerated Benjamin (Two in One)

Except for the unconscious Linda, no one survived at the scene.

Brian once again skillfully exhaled green mist, cleaned up the scene, and also focused on checking Tiger's body.

Just as he had guessed before.

Tiger did not carry anything like the NW organization watch.

His greatest contribution was probably a small obsession ball suspended above the corpse.

"Deformers, deformed beasts, enhanced people and beastmen, the obsession explosion rate of these individuals is really high..."

Brian smiled.

This time the harvest was really great.

Adding up the front and back, there are a total of five obsession balls. Even if there are obsessions that cannot be completed, they will not be completely incomplete.

Adding the obsession of Reinhard before, that is six obsession balls.

This trip to Florida is really worth it!

After making sure that nothing was missed at the scene, Brian slowly returned to the swamp ship.

There are still traces of battle on the entire swamp ship, but there are not many traces.

This battle mainly took place outside the ship. As for the battle on the ship, it can't even be called a battle. It was simply Brian's one-sided slaughter. The biggest damage to the ship was the iron pipe marks that Brian had torn off before.

Brian's biggest loss was a broken coat and dirty shoes.

After checking the hull, Brian came to the cabin.

His ears twitched twice, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes. He said to Linda who closed her eyes: "Okay, don't pretend to sleep. The enemy ran away and we are safe."

Brian was a little surprised about Linda's awakening.

The anesthetic gas he released before could make people fall into deep sleep for at least 12 hours for ordinary people. As a result, Linda woke up before an hour had passed.

This little girl is worthy of being an individual who has been injected with the "Undead Beast Reagent". Her recovery, metabolism, tolerance to chemical drugs, etc. are many times that of ordinary people.

Hearing Brian's voice, Linda opened her eyes suddenly.

She looked at Brian in shock and rushed over excitedly, but Brian pressed a finger against her forehead. She couldn't get close to him even after trying twice with her short hands. She could only take the opportunity to touch Brian's abdominal muscles.

At least she got a little advantage.

Linda stood up and blinked at Brian: "Brian, you are so awesome. You beat all the bad guys away."

She couldn't forget the scene where Brian was like a god or a devil before.

Brian nodded: "You will be awesome in the future. Okay, we can go back now."

As he said that, he grabbed his backpack, took off his pants and prepared to change clothes.

Linda, who was watching with relish.


She seemed to think of something, lowered her head, and said a little frustrated: "I don't think I'm as awesome as you said. I don't know why I suddenly fell asleep before, and I couldn't even help."

Brian took two deep breaths.

His body temperature rose rapidly, and wisps of hot air came out of his body, steaming his wet body dry.

Hearing Linda's words.

Brian nodded with empathy:

"Yes, that group of people are really bad, and they used poison gas to stun you, trying to threaten me.

But you don't have to be depressed, no one is a natural warrior, this requires training, I said before, my girlfriend is very powerful, she will help you grow."

As a person who has experienced betrayal by his relatives, Brian has been emotionally stressed since then.

He no longer trusts a person easily.

Before, Brian deliberately let Linda see the scene of him crushing those cannon fodder, which was done by Brian on purpose to test whether Linda would keep her mouth shut in the future.

The anesthetic gas was released later, and those scenes were not suitable for Linda to continue watching.


While Brian was controlling the ship to return, he gave Linda some science about the truth of this world, and let her know what a deformer, a deformed beast, an enhanced person, and a beastman are.

This is actually the division of all non-human components after the blood moon.

For Linda, a 15-year-old girl from a small town, the other side of the truth of this world not only did not scare her, but she listened with relish.

Those cannon fodder crocodile beastmen gave her a big visual impact.

But young people have a high acceptance ability, especially those who are still at the age of fantasy.

Linda easily accepted the fact that she is now a beastman, and even thought that following Brian was equivalent to joining the superhero camp similar to American comics.

She is looking forward to the day when she becomes an outstanding heroine.

In response, Brian just smiled and said nothing.

Linda's ability, at present, is only strong cell metabolic activity and recovery speed. In simple terms, it is a sandbag.

If the opponent's physique is no longer suitable for reagent enhancement.

Then the opponent's upper limit will not be too high.

Back to the city.

As Brian expected, the CD organization here did not even know that a war had taken place not far from the city.

For this reason, a second-level staff member of their combat department died and the base of a doomsday sect was destroyed.

Thanks to Tiger's thoughtful arrangement.

Back to the hotel, the two simply packed up their things and headed directly to the airport.

The airport has more than just fixed flights.

If you are willing to spend money, you can also rent a temporary plane, or let them arrange a separate route for you.

With his official status, Brian arranged all this smoothly.

It wasn't until the small plane took off that Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this is the territory of the CD organization, and he doesn't want some unexpected events to happen, causing him to be stranded in Cheng County again.

As for the CD organization finding something wrong again after returning, then I'm sorry.

The CD organization can argue if it wants to, but he won't do it.

Just as Brian was about to close his eyes and check out the five obsessions for today's delivery, Linda, who had been curiously looking at the scenery outside the window, suddenly tugged on his sleeve.

Brian turned to look at Linda: "What's wrong, are you a little worried about the future?"

Linda shook her head.

She bit her lip and whispered hesitantly: "Brian, you really have a girlfriend."


He said in a positive tone: "Really, I told you, her name is Susan, she is the leader of our team, she is a sharpshooter, she likes to blow people's heads."

Linda was a little scared when she heard this.

Is it so fierce?

But she still mustered up the courage and said, "Then do you mind having another girlfriend?"



Linda lowered her head in frustration.

Her crush was over before it even began.

After taking care of the adolescent girl Linda, Brian finally had time to check his receipt.

In this battle, Brian slaughtered more than three hundred lives.

Most of them are crocodile beastman cannon fodder cultivated by the Doomsday Sect.

This thing has average strength and speed, but it can survive underwater, and its skin can withstand ordinary small-caliber pistol bullets. It is somewhat of a threat to humans, but it is meaningless to the military.

These beast-turned-cannon fodders don't have much intelligence, and they don't even have a single obsession.

I don’t know what the point of the doomsday sect cultivating this kind of burden is.

After all, not having much intelligence means that he is unable to use modern weapons and cannot perform some delicate tasks. In modern times, he is considered cannon fodder in the true sense.

But it may also be for the accumulation of technology, or for other purposes.

Brian didn't bother to dig into it.

He figured out one thing: What's yours is mine.

To him, these cults are like leeks. He can harvest them when needed and eliminate harm for the people, which is very comfortable.

There is nothing gained from the cannon fodder.

Those guys in black robes revealed three obsessions.

Brian looked at these three obsessions first.

The obsession of the man in black robe No. 1: The bodies of babies under one year old are the most chewy and tender. Eat a hundred of all races to know which race of babies has the best taste.

Gift 1: 56 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 15 units of gift energy + body transformed into a python

Gift three: 30 units of gift energy + thermal sensing imaging

Worthy of being a first-level life, a second-level combat employee of the official organization.

The starting point for a gift is more than fifty units of gift energy.

But the other party's obsession was a bit disgusting and anti-human. As a human being, there are things to do and things not to do, so Brian chose to give up directly.

Obsession of the man in black robe No. 2: The giant snake mother body cultivated by the organization looks really beautiful. I really want to try what it feels like to have cross-race communication...

Gift 1: 60 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 20 units of gift energy + body transformed into python

Gift three: 40 units of gift energy + thermal sensing imaging


Aren’t any of these lycanthropes’ obsessions normal? ? ?

The key point is that these lycanthropes look like products produced in a standardized manner. Even the gifts are only different in energy, but the talents are the same.

Brian is not Xu Xian.

He didn't want to know what the female snake felt like.

Although this obsession is not to kill him for revenge, it is not appropriate either.

Brian could only continue to look down.

The obsession of the man in black robe No. 3: Kill Sudan, that stinky bitch, and avenge my family! ! !

Gift 1: 70 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 10 units of gift energy + body transformed into a python

Gift three: 1 unit of gift energy + thermal sensing imaging

Seeing this obsession, Brian became energetic.

If he remembered correctly, the owner of this obsession was the leader of the group of men in black robes.

Finally came an obsession that could be accomplished.

Behind the gift, there is an image of a woman.

Brian was stunned when he saw the woman's portrait.

He has seen this woman before.

To be precise, I saw it on TV.

The other party is the daughter of a gambling king in Las Vegas and is in charge of a casino.

Brian didn't like gambling. Normally, he wouldn't be impressed by such a character.

I can't stand this woman who often appeared in the media some time ago, attending various charity galas, and trying to build her reputation.

Brian has a powerful memory and super-computer perception. If he glances at it at random, he will passively remember it. He will not think of it at ordinary times, but once the key information is triggered, the relevant memory will emerge from his mind.

"Los Angeles is very close to Las Vegas. After I go back, I can go there under the guise of a temporary break to fulfill this obsession."

Brian muttered to himself.

He still cares about the thermal imaging in gifts.

The more diverse the way of perception, the fewer shortcomings he has.


As time goes by, as long as Brian does not perish on the way, he is destined to become the true BUG of this era and the god on earth.

He just needs a little time.

After reading the obsessions of the three black-robed men, Brian put his consciousness into the obsessions of Tiger, Benjamin, and Reinhard.

Tiger's obsession: Kill the evil Benjamin, torture him!!!

Gift 1: 60 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 30 units of gift energy + master-level hand-to-hand combat

Gift 3: 10 units of gift energy + strong body

After the gift, it is the scene when Benjamin finally killed Tiger.

Seeing this scene, Brian's consciousness grinned.

He suddenly thought of what Tiger said to him with full confidence at that time.

It is estimated that Tiger did not expect to confront Benjamin at that time, and he did not take Benjamin, a scientific researcher, seriously in his heart.

So, don't raise the flag for no reason.

Almost as soon as Brian received this obsession, a warm current immediately emerged from his body, announcing that he had completed this obsession.

This... is very cool!

As for the choice of gift.

Brian directly chose Gift 1: 60 units of gift energy.

The reason is simple. Gift 3's strong and powerful talent seems to be of good value, but it is useless to him.

Strong and powerful: Your flesh, blood, and bones are inherently 50% stronger than those of your peers. Your male rapid secretion is vigorous, your body size is higher than that of your peers, you desire the opposite sex, you desire to fight, and you are a natural warrior.

Because of the gift ability of the blood moon.

Brian naturally knows that this innate 50% stronger than the same kind is an innate talent, and the target individual is an ordinary human individual.

This means that people with this talent are inherently athletes, have good tolerance for strengthening reagents, have great potential, and belong to the genius type.

But these are meaningless to Brian.

He checked the screen after the simulation of choosing strong and powerful, and the result was as he guessed. After absorbing it, it had almost no effect on improving his strength.

With 60 units of gift energy pouring into the body, Brian's stored gift energy also broke through 100 again, reaching 154 units.

Tiger's obsession is like giving it away for free.

This made Brian unable to help but label him as a generous and kind person.

There are two high-quality blind boxes waiting to be opened.

Brian sighed a little and hurriedly continued to look down.

He habitually put the best at the end, so he checked Reinhard's obsession first.

Reinhard is a special product breeder arranged by the Doomsday Cult.

He is a victim. He is not bad by nature. At least he is good to his own people. But his ability is a little poor and his character is a little weak.

Just when Brian was labeling Reinhard, the other party's obsession made him take back the label he had just put on Reinhard.

Reinhard's obsession: Find the girl who helped me break through the first-level life, force her to tell me the secret of helping me to advance, and then kill her and monopolize the secret!


Brother, I just praised you for your good nature, but you did this to me?

You are indeed the descendant of a robber and a criminal.

He checked Reinhard's gift speechlessly.

Gift 1: 65 units of gift energy.

Gift 2: 15 units of gift energy + body mantis alienation

Gift 3: 1 unit of gift energy + instant attack

Brian has never liked gift 2, which changes the external structure of the body.

He directly focused on the instant attack talent.

Instant attack: Your upper limb muscle and bone structure is special, which can withstand greater power bursts and can burst out the strongest power of the body at the fastest speed. The greater the power, the faster the speed, and the faster the speed, the higher the damage...

At the same time, a virtual picture appeared in Brian's mind:

He swung a hand knife.

The next moment.

The empty air actually showed visible air ripples and shocks, rushing forward, and then the sharp sonic boom of the air being torn apart was heard.

The most outrageous thing is that the compressed air carried by the tip of the hand knife rushed straight out more than three meters away before disappearing.

Brian's eyes lit up.

Wow, the attack speed is faster than the speed of sound. The key is that the greater the power, the faster the attack speed will be, and it grows with the growth of the body.

This instant attack talent looks ordinary, but it is really good for improving combat power when it is given to the right person.

Brian quickly focused his attention on the final impact of the obsession.

He wanted to complete this obsession as soon as possible.

As his mind turned, the girl in Reinhard's obsession appeared in front of Brian.

Brian was shocked when he saw the girl's appearance.

This girl is exactly the same as the hunting target he saw in the death replay of the female veterinarian Laura!

Brian became interested.

If he remembered correctly, this girl was a deformed person, or the kind of deformed ability related to life span. She lived for at least several decades, but she didn't look old at all.

Later, the other party was captured by Laura, but was rescued by two deformed people from the Doomsday Cult.

During this period, the other party also kidnapped Brian's Thirteen, and was also related to Brian's uncle Billy's Blood Gang. After that, he disappeared.

Brian didn't expect that he and the other party had such a fate.

Keeping this obsession in mind, Brian looked at the last obsession.

Alienated Benjamin's obsession: Become a milestone in human history.


Your obsession is really simple!

Become a milestone in human history?

Why don't you go to heaven?

Suddenly, Brian, who was speechless, was attracted by Benjamin's name.


Brian has completed many obsessions, but this is the first time he has seen this kind of character label with a prefix.

Is Benjamin so unique?

He quickly looked down.

Gift 1: 300 gift unit energy points.

Gift 2: 10 gift unit energy points + super computing brain

Gift 3: 10 gift unit energy points + super mimic skin

Gift 4: 1 gift unit energy point + survivor bloodline

"So awesome?"

Brian was a little shocked.

Three hundred gift unit energy points!!!

Three hundred!!!

This is the first time he has seen an individual of this level!

The problem is, Benjamin, this weak chicken, doesn't look worth the price at all?

What the hell is this?

He quickly looked at the introduction of several gift talents.

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