You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 241: How to fulfill Benjamin's obsession (6,000 words in two parts)

Supercomputing brain:

You feel that one brain is not enough, so your body is alienated.

You begin to give birth to new secondary brain tissues.

Your thinking ability increases with the number of secondary brains.

The number of secondary brains depends on the body structure of the organism.

Your current secondary brain limit is 4.

"Isn't this equivalent to a biological computer?"

Brian muttered in his heart.


With several biological computers, the speed of the brain will not take off?

With curiosity, Brian checked his appearance after obtaining this talent.

The next moment.

A 'Brian' with three heads appeared in front of him.

Of these three heads, only the middle one is the same as Brian now. The remaining two small heads are scattered on the left and right of the normal brain and squeezed together.

The most outrageous thing is that this thing is worthy of being a secondary brain. The external image does not have the appearance of eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. It only has the outline of the head and face. The bald head also has brain flower patterns, which looks very creepy.

In addition, Brian's two pectoral muscles in the picture are also occupied by two protruding faces.

That's right, the remaining two heads grow on Brian's chest.

It is probably because this place is close to the heart and is convenient for nutrient absorption.

Brian turned off the screen display with disdain.

He really wants this ability.

Normal people would want it.

The problem is that this appearance is too disgusting.

He is not a humanoid octopus or other tentacle monster, with enough tentacles to carry those sub-brains.

Really choose this talent.

These conspicuous sub-brains will become Brian's physical weakness.

"This talent is a pity"

With regret, Brian continued to look at the explanation of the remaining two talents.

Super-mimetic skin:

Your skin undergoes magical changes.

You can perfectly capture the brilliance and appearance characteristics of the outside world, passively or actively promote skin color, and blend into the surrounding environment.

Your skin can analyze all the refraction and mimicry absorption of the external bands, and eliminate the refraction phenomenon of the bands.

Survivor bloodline:

You are born in an ancient and noble civilization.

You are the surviving bloodline descendant of a lost civilization.

You have forgotten the glory of your ancestors, but their bloodline is still protecting you.

Keep your bloodline pure.

Perhaps one day, you will rediscover the lost history of the empire.


Seeing the introduction of the two talents at the end, Brian's consciousness made a sound of surprise.

There are some problems with these two talents.

For example, this 'super-mimetic skin'.

This is actually the color simulation of octopus skin, similar to chameleon.

However, compared with chameleons, octopuses are more integrated into the environment. Not only does their skin color change faster than chameleons, but even their body tissues will change accordingly, from color to body shape, perfectly integrating into the surrounding environment.

In other words.

This 'super-mimetic skin' is only a part of the octopus's own talent for mimicking the environment.

This should be because Benjamin's alienation was not completed before he was killed by Brian, resulting in the failure to fully inherit the 'deep-sea submersible' talent.

Brian did not despise this 'super-mimetic skin' with only half the ability.

The gifted energy units deducted by the other party are enough to illustrate the value of this talent.

Of course, it is also possible that the mimicry of the body is not a talent for soft-bodied tentacle creatures like octopuses, so it has not formed a special talent.

As for Benjamin's poison talent, it is not presented here either, and it may be in the talent of the bloodline of the survivors.

As usual.

Brian checked his form after integrating this talent.

The next moment.

A void appeared in front of Brian.

He was stunned at first, and then he realized that it was not void in front of him, but "him", who perfectly integrated into the surrounding environment and refracted the surrounding light.

In human terms, he was optically invisible.

"Damn, this ability is very awesome in modern times!"

Brian's eyes lit up.

He can block the smell of his body. If he can also be invisible, then he can do whatever he wants in the future?

I just don't know if this ability will affect the camouflage effect if he moves.

As his mind moved.

The empty picture appeared inconspicuously with light fluctuations.

This phenomenon is very strange. The air, which is similar to nothingness, suddenly presents a hazy outline of a human figure.

In other words, if the action is slow, ordinary people may not be able to see the invisible Brian, but for those non-humans with enhanced vision, they can still detect the abnormality.

However, as the speed of 'Brian' in the picture gets faster and faster, the outline that is revealed becomes more and more blurred. It is estimated that even if someone sees it, they will only subconsciously feel that they are dazzled.

This is very good.

The key is that according to the introduction, the talent of 'super-mimetic skin' can analyze the refraction and mimic absorption of all bands in the outside world and eliminate the refraction phenomenon of the band.

Light is actually part of the electromagnetic band, and it is also a medium and short section that can be captured by the naked eye of living things.

Many human perception detection machines also use similar principles.

This means that the talent of 'super-mimetic skin' is not afraid of the detection of modern advanced equipment.

This is very powerful.

If this talent is placed on an ordinary person, it is estimated that the person can only do some relatively obscene things, such as peeping at people taking a bath, stealing and the like.

But if it is placed on a non-human like Brian, there are many things that can be done.

"The talent of 'super-mimetic skin' is worth nearly 300 units of gift energy points. It should be more than what I saw.

Unfortunately, although my blood moon ability has been continuously evolved and has a similar annotation function, and can also check my own form and ability after the talent is fused, I can't feel and explore the talent ability closely."

Brian felt like there was an ant crawling in his heart at this moment, making him feel itchy, just like reading a novel, seeing a wonderful plot, but the damn author broke the chapter.

You ask him: What's below?

He still has the nerve to tell you: There is no below.

This is very uncomfortable.

Brian is very tempted by this talent of 'super-mimetic skin'.

He now really wants to know the limit of the talent of 'super-mimetic skin'.

Invisibility, which man is not tempted?

Of course, Brian is not the kind of dirty person that some people imagine.

As a righteous man, he simply thought that this ability, whether used for escape or infiltration, was a magical skill. With such high value, there must be other magical special abilities.

The problem is that Benjamin, this beast, is obsessed with becoming a milestone in human history.

How can this be accomplished?

Just when Brian was thinking about finding an opportunity to go to the sea and kill another deformed giant octopus, he suddenly thought of the third gift-the blood of the survivors.

Brian's mind flashed.

This obsession may not be impossible to accomplish.

But there needs to be some "stories" in the middle.

Yes, stories.

The introduction of the blood of the survivors is very outrageous.

'Ancient and noble civilization', 'Descendants of the remaining blood of the lost civilization'...

These words all tell Brian that the small octopuses that are made into octopus balls, barbecued pork, and skewers every day may be descendants of an advanced civilization.

They don't know what they have experienced, and finally became the food they are now, and they can only rely on their strong reproductive ability to avoid extinction.

To be honest.

In the history that Brian knew in his past and present lives, no similar alien civilizations have been discovered.

At most, there are some legends.

For example, the Egyptian pyramids are imitations of alien spacecrafts discovered by the ancient Egyptians.

For example, the sea god worship civilization-Atlantis, which appeared in Plato's work "Dialogues" and had a highly developed civilization, but was destroyed by a flood ten thousand years ago.

There are many similar civilization legends.

But almost none of them have been verified.

In fact, there is one that fits the most, that is, the "Atlantis" civilization.

Because archaeologists have discovered some relics from a long time ago in the place where the legends are spread.

Those relics are ancient, before the emergence of human written records, and the time is long.

In addition, this civilization worships the sea god and is close to the sea.

This is also consistent with the shape of the octopus.

However, judging from the situation of those relics, there is no trace of highly developed civilization at all, more like the traces of earthen buildings after the ancient humans were flooded.

In addition, the East and the West, at about the same time, have passed down myths and legends about floods.

Therefore, some scholars believe that a global flood should have occurred on the planet a long time ago, which led to the destruction of many early human civilizations, leaving behind those traces.

If you think about it this way, it is unlikely that these big octopuses originated from the legendary civilization of "Atlantis".

Brian believes that they are aliens from outer space.

After all, the structure of octopuses is different from other creatures on the planet.

All of the above are factors that give Brian some confidence to complete Benjamin's obsession.


If humans knew the origin of their biggest enemy in the ocean, those "deep-sea divers", what would they react to?

Sense of crisis!

After all, if it were just those marine deformed beasts that affected human shipping, and due to the number, they also affected the human activity environment, in fact, it could only be considered a nuisance at most.

Humans with modern advanced technology and a large number of terrifying weapons would not regard this group as a real threat.

But what if the other party also has its own civilization?

This is completely different!

This is equivalent to the survival struggle between humans and the descendants of another civilization.

As the current rulers of the planet, humans would never want such a group to appear and compete with them for the position of ruler.

Brian's previous conjectures, other informed humans would also think of them, and even think more.

This plan is very feasible.

So how can humans know the true origin of those octopuses?

Brian thought for a moment and got the answer.

The more you do, the more mistakes you make.

It is enough to reveal some real information about deep-sea lurkers, and then use Benjamin's words to reveal that deep-sea submersibles have their own civilization.

How to say it specifically requires a little acting skills.

In this regard, Brian has made some achievements under the training of his uncle for several years.

As long as the official people believe this information.

Then Benjamin's obsession may be judged to be completed.

Don't you want to become a milestone in human history?

As an evil scientist who transplanted prohibited objects to gain power, Mr. Benjamin, under emotional shock and unclear consciousness, revealed the true face of the deep-sea divers, leading to a civilization war between humans and deep-sea divers.

Look, the battle between human civilization and non-human civilization began with an evil transplant by Mr. Benjamin. This can be called a milestone in human history, right?

If Brian's plan succeeds.

Perhaps a long time later, Benjamin will have a chance to be included in human history books and be described in a few words.

Thinking of this, Brian felt that he was somewhat selfless and great.

The other party wanted to eat him.

But he was thinking about how to make the other party famous in history and help Benjamin fulfill his greatest obsession in his life.

Damn, he was too selfless.

Who would have known that in this cold and materialistic world, there is such a handsome man who is grinding his way forward behind the dead one by one, just to satisfy their last obsession before they died

The above psychological state may explain why Brian, an ordinary time traveler, gained the potential for distortion after the blood moon.

The efforts of his uncle Billy were just icing on the cake.

The root cause is Brian's thick skin.

After all, Susan once said that the most potential distorters are not perverts or psychopaths, but perverted psychopaths who always think they are normal people.

Brian has all these elements.

He didn't become the boss of the distorters, all because of the blood moon's blindness.

In Brian's fantasy, the plane they were on landed at a small airport.

They need to transfer here to a flight directly to Los Angeles Airport.

The waiting time will not be too long.

There are more than 20,000 airports in the entire United States, not counting some small privately built airports. The flight attendant business is like the train schedule in other countries, which is the best in the world.

Waiting time.

Brian took Linda to replenish some food, and then called Susan.

Susan was probably busy, and after waiting for a while, an excited cry came from the other end of the phone: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, I miss you so much~)"

The person who answered the phone... dog, was Thirteen.

It was much more proficient in using Morse code.

Brian was also a little happy when he heard Thirteen's cry: "Thirteen, I'll be back soon, where's Susan?"

Linda on the side was stuffing food into her mouth like a starving ghost.

For some reason, her appetite has grown a lot.

Hearing Brian's slightly happy voice, Linda quickly puffed up her squirrel mouth and pricked up her ears.


Judging from Brian's reaction, this Thirteen seems to be a very important person to him.

Linda was a little happy in her heart.

After she arrived in Los Angeles, she planned to establish a good relationship with this man named Thirteen, and then see if she could influence the attitudes of the people around Brian and snatch Brian from the woman named Susan.


Fifteen-year-old Linda was at the age of daring to love and hate, and she didn't care about some rules in the eyes of adults, otherwise she wouldn't have asked Brian if he minded having another girlfriend.

Now she just wanted to chase Brian, the man of her heart!

Brian didn't have the ability to "eavesdrop on the voice of the heart", and didn't know what Linda was thinking at the moment.

He chatted with Thirteen briefly, and then asked Thirteen to give the phone to Susan.

According to the simple information provided by Thirteen, Susan seemed to have returned home, and had a quarrel with her father in the middle, and was now complaining to her mother.

Brian felt warm in his heart.

Susan was quite efficient, and she would go back to her father to help him run Benjamin's research institute.

It was hard for her father-in-law Dean.

But Dean only had Susan as a daughter.

His things belong to Susan, and Susan's things belong to him.

We are all family.

Brian believes that Dean will be happy to help his son-in-law -- Wea Famulei (We are a family).

After waiting for a while.

Susan's voice came from the other side: "Brian, are you okay?"

She has been worried about Benjamin.

Brian said in a relaxed tone: "Not bad, I completed the field mission assigned by NW, and found a good seedling by the way. By the way, I also encountered Benjamin. This guy attacked me. You can't imagine how disgusting he is now."


Susan's voice became nervous on the other end of the phone.

On the side, Susan's mother Neil saw Susan's appearance, shook her head speechlessly, and took a sip of the black tea beside her.

As an enhanced person who is going the gunner route, Susan's psychological quality is beyond doubt.

As Susan's mother, she has not seen her nervous appearance since Susan entered the NW training camp. Unexpectedly, because of a man, she saw her daughter's little girl posture again.

It seems that Susan really likes this guy named Brian.

Neil has a good impression of Brian.

Brian has a good appearance and excellent ability. He was promoted to a second-level employee in a short time. He has great potential and a promising future.

These are the shining points that can be seen in Brian.

She does not reject Brian's relationship with her daughter Susan.

That is her husband

While Mrs. Neal was thinking about how to get her husband Dean, Susan was also listening to Brian's 'story', exclaiming and asking questions from time to time.


Susan hung up the phone solemnly.

She looked at her mother: "Mam, I have something urgent to do with my father and need to leave for a while."

Nell held a small cookie and nodded:

"Go ahead, I will talk to your father about Brian tonight.

You should stop arguing with your father, as this will make him more hostile to Brian. Maybe you should take some time to come to me and learn how to control a man..."

Susan rolled her eyes and left in a hurry.

The two guns on her waist were more straightforward than any words, so she didn't want to follow her mother's theory.

Castle lookout.

Dean looked at the coastline in the distance with some depression, holding a shotgun thicker than an ordinary person's arm and wiping it with his hand.

Although last time his daughter Susan came back with that pretty boy, he knew that his little cabbage and little cotton-padded jacket would be farther and farther away from him, but when Susan asked him to help the pretty boy deal with some radical elements in NW , asking for a meaningless research institute still made him very depressed.

Before she got married, she asked her old father to help her boyfriend do things.

What if we get married?


Dean paused for a moment, then pretended not to know, and quickly poured some wine from a bottle on the ground on himself, and took a few big sips, making himself smell of alcohol.

As the smell of alcohol dissipated, the expression on his face turned into sadness.

After about ten seconds.

Da da da~

Crisp footsteps came.

Susan rushed along the narrow passage to the observation deck with a cream-colored puppy.

When she saw Dean, she was about to say something, but she found her old father looking melancholy at the seaside in the distance, looking sad...

Susan subconsciously thought of the previous dispute between herself and her father, and couldn't help but feel guilty in her heart. She was a little embarrassed and said: "Dad, I'm sorry, I just talked to you..."

Under her body, Thirteen sniffed and immediately called Susan something.

next moment.

The guilt in Susan's eyes immediately disappeared and turned into anger: "Dad, you lied to me!"

The melancholy look on Dean's face changed.

He touched the stubble on his chin in embarrassment: "You're a pretty good dog. You can also communicate in Morse code. Susan, why are you here in such a hurry?"

Distracted by Dean, Susan also forgot to trouble her old father.

She remembered her purpose and quickly told some of the information she got from Brian.


Dean's expression became serious: "Are you sure?"

Susan nodded more affirmatively than Brian:

“Brian told me this, he won’t lie to me!

Moreover, Brian's financial status is innocent, and it is impossible for him to know the origins of so many deep-sea submersibles.

Even in major official organizations, this information has not been leaked in written form. Only the soldiers who have personally been to the deep-sea battlefield and members of our family know about it. "

Dean rolled his eyes.

Brian... is clean.

Are these two words appropriate together?

That is to say, he loved his daughter so much that he couldn't bear to make Susan sad. Otherwise, after learning about Brian's experience, he would have blown his brains out the last time they met.

There was a moment of silence.

Dean picked up the shotgun in his hand: "I understand. I will go to the NW headquarters to deal with this matter in person. Please ask Brian not to return to Los Angeles and wait for my news."

Susan said blankly: "Why?"

Dean rolled his eyes again and pinched Susan's cheek: "Be good, my baby girl, think less and ask less why. This is good for both of us."


Susan clenched her fists.


The hurricane roared.

Except for a large sunken pit in front of him, there was no trace of Dean anywhere.

Susan was not surprised.

She puffed her mouth and stared a hundred meters away, but she could only see a little bit of dust rising up and disappearing into the forest in the distance.

That was the sound of her father running.


When Susan was very young, she saw her father's more exaggerated displays of strength.

Many people in NW like to call her a female tyrannosaurus, not because she has a hot temper and shoots people's heads off if she disagrees with her.

There is only one real reason.

Her father, Mr. Dean, also has a nickname: Humanoid Tyrannosaurus!

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