You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 242: Settlement, Going to Las Vegas (Supplement)

Seeing her father leaving, Susan had to pick up the phone again and asked Brian not to return to Los Angeles for the time being.

The two of them continued talking for a while before hanging up the phone.

the other side.

Brian put away his phone.

He didn't expect such a good thing.

Since he had a reasonable excuse not to go back yet, it seemed that he could fulfill the obsession of the man in black robe No. 3.

The obsession of the man in black robe No. 3: Kill Sudan, that stinky bitch, and avenge my family! ! !

Gift 1: 70 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 10 units of gift energy + body transformed into a python

Gift three: 1 unit of gift energy + thermal sensing imaging

Brian had seen Sultan interviewed on television before.

The other party is the daughter of a gambling king in Las Vegas. She owns a legal casino and hotel. She is probably busy building up her reputation recently, so you can often see her name and photos in the news about charity galas.

However, Las Vegas is only more than 400 kilometers away from downtown Los Angeles in a straight line.

Brian ran over with all his strength, it wouldn't take long.

"Well, after we get off the plane and Linda is settled, I will go and do this obsession."

Brian muttered in his mind and began to close his eyes and meditate.

This kind of woman who lures people to do human experiments and ruins other people's families doesn't need to investigate the other person's character.

It is not a pity that the other party dies.

Five hours later.

After a transfer, a small plane landed at a small airport in Alhambra, a small city in Los Angeles County.

This airport does not appear to be a commercial airport, and there are no planes parked there.

Brian paid $5,800 for the flight, and then paid the pilot $1,300 for his labor.

Out of the small airport.

The two came to the streets of this city.

It was already afternoon, and there were many pedestrians walking on the street.

Linda looked curiously at this city, which is more than 3,000 kilometers away from her hometown, and then pulled Brian: "Are there many Asians here in Los Angeles? I can't read the words on many signs on the streets."

I saw signs on the street. In addition to the normal federal characters, there were also many traditional Chinese characters.

There are only one or two whites and blacks among the pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, you can see one or two brown-skinned Latinos and native Americans. The rest are all black-haired Asians.

Hearing this, Brian smiled: "There are quite a lot of Asians here in Los Angeles, but the most are here. Most of the Asians here are Chinese. I heard that their mayor next year will most likely be Chinese." "

He's been here before.

Alhambra is located east of downtown Los Angeles. It is very close, less than fifteen kilometers away. The total population is currently more than 90,000, including more than 45,000 Chinese, not counting illegal workers.

The key point is that the Chinese here like to do business.

Many shops here are opened by them.

This has caused a very funny phenomenon, that is, the non-Chinese ethnic groups here who have settled here can at least speak a few words in Chinese, otherwise they will appear a bit out of place.

This is actually not an isolated phenomenon.

That is to say, most Chinese are not interested in politics and the like, and they are not very united. Otherwise, many developed cities in the American Federation would have a large number of Chinese federal officials.

After all, at this point in time, the political form of the American Federation and its attitude towards China are not as hostile as at the point in Brian's previous life.

But it's almost time.

Brian is not very interested in this aspect, so he is not very clear about the relationship between the two parties in this parallel world that is slightly different from his previous life.

In the popular science for Linda, the two came to a commercial street.

Looking at the sign, this street is called Valley Avenue.

When Brian was still in school, he often came here to play, because this is one of the major Chinese business districts in the entire Los Angeles urban agglomeration.

Here are basically shops, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. opened by Chinese themselves.

After taking Linda to eat some Chinese stir-fry, the two of them found a small hotel to stay.

During this period, the Chinese aunt looked at Brian with a very strange look.

After all, although Linda looks mature in appearance, she still has a slightly childish look on her face, which makes it clear to anyone with a little experience that this girl is not very old.

As soon as I register my identity information, oh, I am fifteen years old, which is quite a punishment.

The aunt looked at Brian even more strangely.

But she didn't have much to do.

At the age of fifteen, there are many people standing on the streets here.

"Brian, that aunt looks at you haha"

As soon as she entered the room, Linda threw herself on the bed and laughed.

Following Brian, her previous frightened mood was greatly relieved. Coupled with the reception of various novel information, the girl from this small town has regained some of her previous personality.

Brian rolled his eyes.

Linda had deliberately pretended to be reserved just now, which made people look at her in wild imaginations. She also looked at her in a strange way, as if she were looking at a pretty boy seducing an honest little girl.

"I'm going out to buy something, what do you want?"

Brian took out his phone and looked at the time and said casually.

He needed to prepare some supplies for the night's operation.

Linda licked her lips: "Water, I need some water. I'm not used to those Chinese dishes. I suspect I'll have diarrhea later."

Her reaction was quite genuine.

Due to eating habits, most Americans cannot adapt to authentic Chinese cuisine, even the light version.

Their mouths and stomachs have a hard time adapting.

Therefore, the popular "Chinese cuisine" is actually the kind that has been changed beyond recognition.


Blaine chuckled, nodded, and left the room.

In order to avoid interference, he did not tell Susan his whereabouts, otherwise the other party might drive over directly.

Susan is not Linda.

Brian was not sure that he could stun the other party quietly and go out for activities.

It's around eight o'clock in the evening.

Linda was lying on the bed watching TV.

From time to time, she glanced at Brian, who was lying on the sofa, flipping through magazines, and her face turned red.

So big.

This was the first time she spent the night in a room with an adult man.

Just don't know why.

Linda felt that her tiredness came very early today.

Drowsily, she closed her eyes and fell into sleep.

Brian, who was flipping through the magazine, immediately turned over.

He walked to the bed, adjusted Linda's sleeping position, and pinched her baby-fat cheeks.

The feel is okay.

What a wonderful age.

Linda is particularly drug resistant.

In order to avoid the fear of the other party waking up early and finding out that he was gone, Brian thoughtfully left a note on the bedside table.

Immediately afterwards.

He locked the door with a chain from the inside, and then carrying a small backpack, he jumped out of the hotel window and disappeared into the night.

Leaving the city of Alhambra.

Brian changed his clothes, changed his appearance and height, and rushed along the highway towards Las Vegas.

He saw in all directions and heard in all directions. He was not affected by the darkness and had no scruples. He spread his speed as fast as possible.

The whistling wind filled my ears, and the plants on both sides passed by quickly.

The sensory stimulation brought by this kind of free running cannot be experienced by means of transportation.

There are very few vehicles on the road at night.

There is generally no emergency and few people are seen on the interstate at night.

The reason is simple: it's scary.

Most of the interstate highways here have no street lights.

The whole road is so dark that you can only see a small section of the road illuminated by the car lights. Not only does it make driving fatigued, but a scarecrow, a street sign, or a road phone box on the side of the road can make you energetic. Nervous and cranky.

This taste is very unpleasant.

Occasionally, when he encountered a passing vehicle, Brian could hear the noise from a long distance and move out of the way.

More than an hour later.

There are more street signs around.

Each fork in the road represents a small town.

This situation generally only occurs around big cities.

Las Vegas is such a big city.

Brian didn't have his cell phone with him.

He slowed down and found an opportunity to catch a ride with a truck driver.

The opponent was a bearded man with a somewhat untouchable face. He had a general's belly and a long gun hanging at his feet. He looked untouchable.

This is also normal.

At this time, only this kind of people dare to show good intentions and lead people on the road.

Brian's image at the moment was a British face with slightly sunken eyes and a straight nose. Overall, he looked pretty good, but he had a little more of the unique charm of a mature man.

He thanked the driver: "Thank you, man, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do in this dark night."

"It's okay, everyone needs help sometimes.

In fact, you can easily find a motel where you can stay overnight along those trails. By the way, man, why are you outside at this time? "

The bearded man drove with one hand, leaning against the open window with the other hand, holding a piece of tobacco between his fingers.

"I had a fight with my partner and she left me on the side of the road. I paid for that bitch's car!"

Brian glanced at the driver's attire, quickly analyzed the driver's general experience, and pretended to be angry.

These words resonated with the driver.

He nodded:

“Yes, there are many bitches here, they spend men’s money but live their own free lives.

Such as my wife.

I gave her a lot of money every year, but she gave me a black bastard, FK. At that time, I really wanted to kill all the black people in the community."

Then came the brother's desire to complain.

Like many drivers here who drive long-distance trucks.

He also received a cuckold.

After the woman left him a dark-skinned child, she ran away with the man's money from his sports car for many years.

Don't want any children.

You must know that the drivers who drive big cars here are high-income people.

Their per capita annual income is around US$70,000 to US$80,000.

If you have your own car and work hard, it is normal for your annual income to exceed six figures.

Therefore, many truck drivers here, for the sake of family harmony, will choose to take their wives to drive sports cars together before they have children, so as to reduce the possibility of their spouses cheating and visiting prostitutes.

This man is obviously a family man who doesn't want his wife to suffer.

But the other party's ending was not very happy.

Brian's complaints resonated with my brother.

After arriving at the destination, the elder brother parked the car at the logistics company and insisted on taking Brian to the pub to get drunk and relieve his worries.

This is also Brian's purpose.

The target, Sudan, is a public figure. The driver bar will definitely yield some useful information.

There is no other way.

Brian does not have his own source of intelligence.

The action is rushed, and it is too late to buy intelligence on the black market.

This is the only way.

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