You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 243 Oh, bulletproof car (supplement)

The old man's car was parked in the parking lot of the logistics company.

On the way to the bar, Brian also saw the prosperity here.

Many foreign landmarks can be seen here, such as the Eiffel Tower. Brian even saw a building imitating the Chinese city tower, and he didn't know what it was for.

Pedestrians can also be seen on the road, without the night depression of most areas.

There are colorful and gorgeous lights everywhere.

This city makes people know what real luxury is.

Watch all the way.

The car came to a bar in a residential area.

The name of the bar is very popular, called Daddy Bar.

The bars that old drivers like to go to are all good sources of information.

Many guests here are also drivers.

With the guidance of his brother, Brian easily met a lot of well-informed truck and taxi drivers, and successfully got some information about the target Sudan.

Ordinary people may not pay attention to the information of these public figures.

They are different.

They often listen to the radio, and sometimes even sell some exclusive news to the media to make extra money. In addition, they like to complain when they get together, so they are more sensitive to these.

I beat up a bunch of new friends.

Brian burped, paid the bill, and staggered out of this niche bar.

When he appeared again, he had changed into casual clothes and came to a hotel called Sultanville.

The lower floor of the hotel is a casino.

Hotel + casino is the regular configuration here.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and there were still many people in the casino.

Most of them were actually tourists who came to play in the surrounding area, and some were tourists from abroad, but there were not many locals.

Brian had never been to such a place before.

When he stepped into the casino, he almost thought that this casino was located on the street during the day.

The decoration above the head was obviously specially designed, showing the blue and white color of the sky, soft light, imitation natural light, passing through a row of electronic gambling machines, which are some leisure and entertainment places.

You can see coffee shops on the roadside and public benches on the street.

There are also some food stalls.

If you stay here for a long time, if you don't look at your phone, you may even have the illusion that you can't tell whether it is day or night here.

This environment is specially arranged for gamblers.

There are also many entertainment venues here.

It can be imagined that even if someone wins money in the casino, as long as they don't leave immediately, the money will eventually be spent on luxury projects.

A draw from the gambling table and a draw from the entertainment project really fits the saying: the casino makes money and the casino spends it, and once you leave, you want to take it home.

After a walk.

Brian left the hotel again and sat down on a chair on the street outside, waiting for the prey to appear.

According to the information he got.

The target Sudan is a very ambitious strong woman. She creates the persona of a charitable strong woman outside. She brings an accountant here every day to count the bills and then leave.

It is estimated that in order to strengthen this persona, reporters often take pictures of the other party busy until the early morning and leave.

This also saves Brian a lot of things.

Time passed bit by bit.

During this period, two call girls came to ask Brian if he wanted to spend a good night. For only two hundred US dollars, he could go to their territory to play.

This is actually not a real prostitute at all, but a honey trap.

If ordinary people want to find it here, they can either be taken to some community streets by locals, or in the hotel, someone will call to ask if they want service.

Both are relatively safe.

As for this kind, it is either a trap or taking you to various consumption pig-killing schemes.

They specifically target tourists who look like out-of-towners, walking on the edge of the law, and it is useless even if you call the police afterwards.

In the middle, Brian also met gays and a few people who approached him and whose purpose was unknown.

This made Brian depressed.

If it weren't for the underdeveloped intelligence, he wouldn't have to wait so hard for others, and it would be much more fun to just lock the location and kill.

"The more prosperous the place, the more filth is hidden."

Brian lit a cigarette and thought about how to build an intelligence system specifically for himself in the future.

His casually built urban ghost story organization actually had ideas in this regard, but there were few people and a lack of professional leadership, and now there was no framework.

Time passed.

Until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

There were fewer people on the street, and then a heavy car, escorted by the vehicles in front and behind, slowly drove from the hotel driveway to the main road.

Brian twisted his neck.

Finally here!

He was about to get up, but someone beside him moved faster.

Not far away, a man and a woman who were sitting on a table and chair on the corner of the street, enjoying dessert and coffee and chatting, took out a camera and took pictures of the convoy.

The leading escort vehicle saw this, but did not react at all, and continued to drive forward, and deliberately slowed down the speed.

Seeing this, Brian smiled.

These two people should be arranged by the Sultan.

It seems that what the group of people in the bar said was quite accurate. This Sultan really likes to create her own personality on this. Reporters and passers-by often take pictures of her itinerary and promote it on local TV stations and websites.

This kind of information bombardment will not have much effect in one or two days, but over time, it will subtly change the image of Sudan in the eyes of the public, and regard the persona created by the other party as the other party's real "person".

This trick is common in the entertainment industry.

But these have nothing to do with Brian.

Taking advantage of the convoy slowing down and being stuck at the corner of the lane.

Brian did not hesitate and quickly walked towards the vehicle guarded in the middle.

His move immediately aroused the vigilance of the odd vehicles.

The driver looked at his companion: "Are there other reporters arranged today?"

The companion shook his head: "No, and the group of people in the operation department never arrange unfamiliar faces."

As he said, he rolled down the window and said to Brian who was approaching: "Man, if you don't want to cause trouble for yourself, stay away from here...."


Accompanied by a gunshot.

The shouting bodyguard's eyes widened.

Strands of blood flowed from his forehead.

His lips moved twice, and he fell weakly on the car window, and was shot in the head on the spot.

This shot came very suddenly.

The driver was startled at first, and then immediately wanted to close the window, step on the accelerator to speed up and leave the corner of the lane.


Another shot.

The bullet accurately passed through the body hanging on the window and hit the driver's neck.

He covered his neck and turned his head to look out the window.

I saw the electric window going up and down, clamping my companion's head again and again, and there was no chance to close it forever.


The two bodyguards in the back seat of the car realized what happened.

They quickly rolled down the window and prepared to shoot back.

The two cars behind also reacted.

The window of the middle car was quickly closed.

The last car began to back up, and the window slowly dropped into the gap, and the muzzle of the automatic rifle was exposed.

All this happened in just a few seconds.

On the opposite side, the two young people taking pictures screamed.

The boy with the camera took two close-ups of Brian, who was relaxed and kept approaching the car, and then pulled his companion into the screaming and hiding tourists.

Brian didn't care at all.

Almost at the moment when the car windows opened.

The bullets in his hand immediately poured into the head of the bodyguard who wanted to fight back through the gap, killing him with one shot, extremely cruel.

In the blink of an eye.

The three cars, except for the last car that began to retreat and tried to return to the back of the hotel, fell into silence.

Brian ignored it.

He came to the middle car.

The windows here have been closed.

The glass of these cars is special glass, and the situation inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Brian tried to aim at the car window, bang bang, two shots.

Pit pit~

The bullets hitting the car window actually bounced back.

In the car, a female voice with a timid voice was heard: "The car is the best bulletproof car, the hotel and the police will be here soon, tell me who sent you to kill me, otherwise you will die!"

Listening to the other party's voice, Brian's eyes were strange.

Is this woman so timid?

His ears shook twice, without hesitation, he raised his fist high.

Bulletproof car?

Can you defend against my fist?

Inside the car.

A woman in exquisite clothes curled up in fear.

Next to her, there were two bodyguards with their heads shot.

The driver was much calmer than her.

He waved his pistol: "Don't worry, the security team is here, this psychopath is dead."

From the way he spoke, he had no respect for his boss at all.

He punched a bulletproof car that could withstand bullets.

What else could he be if not a psychopath?

The next moment.


The modified and extended business car weighing seven tons shook violently, and it actually moved horizontally for more than ten centimeters on the ground.

The two people who were still alive in the car looked at the window in shock.

Outside the window, the attacker raised his fist again, as if he raised a sledgehammer, and slammed it on the corner of the window.


The car moved and shook again.

The driver, who was originally quite calm, was shaking with his gun: "FK, I must have taken too many drugs..."

One punch knocked a seven-ton modified car flat.

Too outrageous!

It would not be so easy to hit with a car!

Outside the car, Brian didn't care how scared the people in the car were at the moment.

He had heard the sound of sirens.

The full-strength burst form, the characteristics are too obvious.

Brian would not use it in public.

Looking at the motionless bulletproof glass windows and frames, he put the pistol back to his waist, raised his hands high, and his muscles and bones were like the most compact parts, accumulating and bursting as quickly as possible.


With the ground shaking and the vehicle swaying, countless afterimages enveloped this expensive bulletproof modified vehicle.

One punch can't break it.

Then a hundred punches, a thousand punches!

Countless forces gathered, and the endless recoil force was transmitted to Brian's bones and muscles, but his ingenious mechanical body transmitted the force to his fists again, causing each punch to be more powerful than the last.

Bulletproof cars do not have such advanced force-removing structures.

Continuous accumulation of power.

In just four or five seconds, the metal frames of the car windows and the corners of the bulletproof glass began to twist, deform, and even break.

In the horrified eyes of the two people in the car.


Accompanied by the last explosion sound.

The special alloy car window could not withstand Brian's violent destruction first. The metal deformed under stress, driving the bulletproof glass covered with dense cracks, and smashed into the interior of the car body.


Brian exhaled a foul breath and looked inside the car.

Inside the car, on the luxurious seat, a woman wearing a tight work skirt merged with the window that flew in.

The reason why only the work skirt is described is that the other party's top is flattened directly.

A little further forward.

A man holding a pistol and with a dull look in his eyes was also looking at Brian's head sticking in.


Brian frowned.

Why is there no hint of obsession completion.

He knocked on the car body: "Dude, this woman is not Sudan?"

The driver shook his head mechanically: "No, Sudan never really appears in public. Those on TV and outside are all stand-ins."

Brian nodded: "Where is she?"

"I don't know"

The driver became more and more sober as he spoke.

He looked at Brian in horror: "I really don't know where the Sultan is. I'm afraid only the casino manager knows. He is at the top of the hotel."

The driver with a gun in his hand has never been so vulnerable today.

The pistol can't give him any sense of security.

How can humans be so terrifying?

"Thank you."

Brian thanked him politely and turned to walk towards the car that ran away.

See his back.

Listen to the sirens in his ears.

The driver gritted his teeth, held the muzzle of the gun with both hands, and tremblingly aimed at Brian's back.


Accompanied by a gunshot.

The pistol fell.

The driver, who could have survived, touched the empty forehead in a daze and fell down helplessly.

Brian didn't even look back and put the pistol back into his pocket.

It's difficult to sneak attack him now.

It is recommended to directly cover with firepower, or use supersonic missiles.

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