You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 244 Massacre, unexpected visitors (May monthly ticket plus 1)

Beep, beep~

Police cars surrounded this place with flashing lights.

A large number of tourists were evacuated.

Brian also caught up with the escort car that had escaped before, smashed a big hole in the car window, and after questioning them, he shot them one by one and sent them away.

He avoided the hotel security team that came after hearing the news, climbed on the outer wall of the hotel, and climbed to the top floor of the hotel under the cover of night.

This operation was a failure.

It was obviously an assassination, but it turned out to be a forced killing.

The uncertainty of intelligence is so inconvenient.

In order to speed up efficiency.

Brian didn't even pay attention to one or two obsessions that broke out.

This kind of obsession that ordinary people burst out has little appeal to him.

This approach also found an opportunity for Brian.

Underground parking lot.

Looking at the tattered bulletproof car, a dozen armed security guards opened their mouths slightly.

The security captain rubbed his eyes: "Oh my God, has this car been attacked by a Tyrannosaurus?"

A team member who was checking the situation inside the car said with an ugly face: "Captain, dead, everyone in the car is dead, the blood is still hot, the murderer may be nearby."

A group of people were frightened and gathered together, looking around in horror.

Security guards, sometimes they can't even protect themselves.

The captain looked at the unbearable performance of his subordinates, and said to the communication with a dark face: "Monitor, have you found anything?"

The pager flashed with an electric sound: "The murderer is a British guy in a suit, definitely a British guy, he left the garage and is not in the monitoring range."

"Got it, pass the message to Director Kulunbul, let all guests stay in the room and wait for the police to come."

"Okay, Captain."

Director Kulunbul is the person in charge of the hotel and casino.

The other party is a relative of Miss Sudan, a stupid pig who only knows how to enjoy himself.

The people in the monitoring room sent messages several times, but no one answered the call. Knowing that the other party was probably having fun again, they had to ask the hotel waiter to go up and notify him in person.

When the hotel waiter arrived, he only saw two security guards lying in a pool of blood, and a bloody group lying on the floor with their skin peeled off and stuck to the wall.

Next to the bloody group.

Several young girls with dog collars around their necks and bath towels wrapped around their bodies fell to the ground.

The waiter came up, obviously he was also a confidant.

He knew that these were the toys that Supervisor Kulunbul kept here.

The waiter trembled and went forward to check the situation of the next few people, and found that they were just fainted, not killed.

This made him feel relieved.

Not that he was happy that these children were okay.

He was not so noble, he simply knew that the murderer should have left and he was safe.

This was the fact.

Brian had left.

He was covered in blood and jumped on the surrounding buildings with a gloomy face.

According to interrogation.

The disgusting fat pig revealed that Sudan was only the owner of the casino hotel on the surface, but actually the boss of the Rat Gang.

The Rat Gang was a gang specializing in human trafficking.

The little girls in the fat pig's room were provided by the Rat Gang.

This kind of business is not very profitable.

Compared with the casino hotel, this kind of gang is destined to be small, and it is estimated that the profit of a whole year is not as much as the profit of the casino hotel in half a month.

The key risk is still high.

Fat Pig has never understood why the Sultan cares about such a small gang and sits in person.

But Brian knows.

The other party should be one of the "material" suppliers of the Doomsday Cult.

In addition, the people who are trafficked can also be used as temptation to attract those politicians who are glamorous on the surface. The transaction is hard to describe.

At this time.

An apparently abandoned factory.

Brightly lit.

A woman with a fierce look put down her mobile phone and looked at her subordinates who were busy in front of the containers: "Everyone stop, take your weapons, and enter the first level of alert!"

This group of people are well-trained and do not have the loose discipline of normal gang members.

Almost the moment the woman gave the order.

The group of people put down their things in an orderly manner, lined up to the weapons and ammunition box nearby, put on bulletproof vests, and took the standard automatic rifles.

The sound of mechanical doors closing was heard around.

The infrared warning lines and lights turned this large factory into a closed warning fortress.

Seeing this, the woman stood up and prepared to go to the security room to ask about the specific situation at the hotel.

The next moment.


A loud noise came from the top of the head.

Countless debris fell.

Everyone looked up in astonishment, but saw a figure jumping down from a gap in the sky more than ten meters high and landing directly in front of the woman.


The opposite side shook slightly, raising dust.

Brian glanced around, pinched the neck of the woman with dilated pupils and a little dumbfounded, and slowly lifted her up in the air: "There is no camera installed here, you are really cautious, Sudan."

Sudan was really a little dumbfounded.

According to the news, the hotel casino was attacked seven or eight minutes ago, and his stupid uncle was found dead on the top floor of the hotel five minutes ago.

I heard that he died tragically, with his limbs broken and his skin ripped off while he was still alive, and he died in pain.

None of this frightened the Sultan.

What she did was destined to be retaliated by those inhuman creatures.

For this reason, the hotel casino was just a bait.

This was true.

As soon as the attack occurred, she received the news.

Even if the attacker knew the existence of this place, it would take at least seven or eight minutes to rush over.

Not to mention the need to torture the address here.

Her worst plan was that the other party could rush over within fifteen minutes.

This time was enough for her to turn this place into another trap.

But now only five minutes have passed!

Five minutes!

After the other party attacked, they tortured out the address here, from the hotel casino, to the transportation factory seven or eight kilometers away.

This is too outrageous!

Sudan was pinched by the neck, kept calm, and said with difficulty: "There is a self-destruct device here, the triggering medium is my life, there are more than thirty professional special mercenaries around, you can't leave even if you kill me!"

Various weapons of a group of people around have long been aimed at this side.


Brian tore Sudan's clothes in front of everyone.

He flicked his nails:

"I just wanted to send you away simply.

But you made me so embarrassed!

Why can't you cooperate?

Ms. Sultan?

Why did you force me to turn the assassination into a violent massacre?

Do you know how your uncle died?

I cut the skin along his neck, then rubbed it, used my strength to separate the skin and flesh, and finally shook along his feet, and the whole person's skin was taken off like taking off clothes..."

Smelling the fishy smell from the other party's fingertips, Sultan's pupils dilated to the maximum.

A foul smell came from her lower body.

She was scared to pee.

Cruel people are not necessarily brave.

They can be cruel to others, but when that cruelty comes to themselves, they may be more afraid and crazy.

The reason is simple.

They have seen too many miserable people struggling before death.

So they will start to imagine and scare themselves before they experience it.

Bryan is not kidding.

In front of all the guards and gang members, he cut open Sudan's neck skin, and then, with the opponent's shrill screams, he used an extremely delicate technique to crush the adhesion between the opponent's skin and flesh bit by bit.

This scene is really cruel and horrifying.

Sudan fainted in pain, and woke up in pain.

She screamed and asked someone to kill her.

The guards reacted and saw that someone really shot.

Brian then threw Sudan in his hand into the air, and his figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's sight.

When everyone's eyes caught that figure.

He had appeared in front of the guard who fired the gun, pressed his big hand on the opponent's head, and pulled it hard~

With a tearing sound.

A complete spine, connected to the head, was thrown to the ground.

This scene is chilling.

Watching their companions standing there, their bodies without spines and heads turned into human fountains, these gunmen who have done many bad things swore that at this moment they saw what the real Satan is coming!

Brian flashed and reappeared ten meters away, holding Sudan in his hands again.

He smiled at the guards: "I don't like being disturbed when I'm doing something, so keep quiet, okay?"


Someone screamed and dropped the gun in his hand, trying to escape.

The next moment.

Sudan took off again in a daze..

The same plot was repeated.

This group of elites didn't even see Brian's movements clearly, and there was another spine and head that was still wriggling on the ground.

The running body of the companion maintained a few steps before falling heavily to the ground.

They were indeed the elites that Sudan had spent a lot of money to train.

But in front of this monster, they were as fragile as a little baby who was bullied by a big child and could only hide in the mother's arms and cry.

This time, Brian didn't need to remind him again.

In the presence of the guards.

Brian slowly followed the process mentioned before, and Sudan, who had used threats, begging for mercy, and insults all over, peeled off his skin bit by bit.

These guards watched their master turn into a bloody mass wriggling on the ground.

Brian threw the other's things in front of Sudan with disdain, took out a bag of salt bought from a convenience store halfway, and evenly smeared it on the other's body.

He whispered softly: "It hurts, those who lost their children, fathers, wives, and mothers, their hearts hurt even more. The people I hate most in my life are human traffickers."


Sudan grabbed his skin and squirmed and screamed on the ground.

Tears flowed down, turning into blood and tears flowing all over the ground.

Living is worse than death, that's her current state.

After screaming for a few minutes.

Her pupils froze and she stopped struggling.

At the same time, a warm current surged in Brian's body.

The obsession of the black-robed man No. 3 was completed!

Brian glanced at the flesh and blood on the ground and knew that the other party was dying of pain.

Facts have proved.

There is no self-destruct device here.

If there is, Brian doesn't care.

With ordinary high explosives, it would be difficult to kill hundreds of gift units in his hands if it was not a confined space.

Smelling the blood in his nose.

Brian looked at the guards who were so scared that their legs were weak.

These people are not innocent either.

Come all come.

Kill them all!

There are also the gangsters patrolling the periphery.

Kill them all!

Kill them all!

All traffickers must die!

Thirty or forty minutes later, Brian, filled with an aura of blood that could not be dissipated, watched as a group of rescued goods fled, then turned and left.

Back to the factory.

Brian came to a high place, his eyes glowed with red fluorescence, and he scanned the surroundings to ensure that no one escaped alive, while cleaning the battlefield.

Although ordinary people's obsessions are worthless, mosquito legs are also meat.

If you have time, you still have to take it.

The obsession of the man in black robe No. 3 is completed.

After slaughtering a group of gang members and guards, Brian selected the opponent's thermal imaging talent.

This talent is amazing.

Brian's eyes can now see the temperature changes around him, and his tongue can sense the movement of heat sources within a radius of a hundred meters.

The combination of the two, combined with Brian's other sensory abilities, formed a very complex and strange three-dimensional field.

After all, calories are constantly changing.

This causes Brian to use this ability alone, and the world in his eyes will become a distorted scene, similar to the style of "The Scream":

But when combined with other perception talents, it's very powerful.

Brian even used this to find a sealed room.

He sensed a hidden vent, and then followed the vent to find a safe house hidden in the wall building.

There are also some clerks hiding here, and there are some cargo lists.

Follow the interrogation.

This small rat gang delivers more than three figures of 'goods' from the surrounding areas every year, and they often help some people find suitable goods privately, train them and then send them over.

This has formed an industrial chain.

The Rat Pack is just one link in this industrial chain.

Seeing the number on it and some information about missing persons, Brian sighed slightly in his heart.

The most malicious person towards mankind is always mankind itself.

Get rid of the hidden mice.

After checking and filling in the gaps several times to ensure that there were no survivors, Brian left with satisfaction.


This time I finally felt comfortable.

Compared to the casino hotel.

The action here is called a perfect sneak assassination.

This group of people also revealed seven obsessions, and only one is suitable for taking orders.

Of these seven obsessions, four are wanting to kill himself for revenge.

This definitely won't work.

The remaining three.

One is that he has not spent all the money and hopes to spend the hidden money.

This is okay.

One wanted to sleep with Sudan.

This won't work either. Brian can't do anything about Sudan's current behavior.

He is not a person who gives up his principles for a few units of energy.

The last obsession is to retire early and return to my hometown safely.

The bones were sent back, and Brian might have done it.

Come back safely.

Brian didn't bother to deal with the body.

Except for spending money.

The remaining six obsessions are not suitable for completion.

The obsession with spending money is also easy to accomplish.

The moment Brian followed the prompts and found the other party's private money, it was completed.

Five additional gift units were collected again.

Not to mention, that guy saved quite a lot of money. In total, he had over 100,000 in cash, which was all small denomination cash, enough to fit into a small backpack.

The money was all stained with blood, and Brian threw it away in an orphanage.

As for the people in the orphanage, he didn't bother to worry about what they would do after discovering the money.

It's past three in the morning.

Brian, who had changed his clothes and was about to crawl back to his hotel room, was about to climb up the wall.

Suddenly, he paused and turned to look at the street in the distance.

He saw a tall figure walking slowly towards him along the dim street lights a hundred meters away.

To Brian, the night was no different from the day.

See clearly the unhidden face of the visitor.

He was a little confused.

How could this Lao Deng appear here?

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