You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 245: The exaggerated strength of Lao Deng, the truth about the Doomsday Cult (two in one, su

"Nice perception, Brian."

The shadow walked to a stop more than 20 meters in front of Brian. The sound was not loud, but it clearly reached Brian's ears.

"Hey Dean, are you out for a walk too?"

Brian waved to Dean, who was more than twenty meters away.

Yes, Lao Den is his father-in-law, Mr. Dean.

Dean shrugged: "No, I'm just here to find you. You smell really bad. Did you massacre a hundred people, or two hundred? Does Susan know that you are a murderer secretly?"

If you walk too much at night, you will inevitably see ghosts.

This is the first time Brian has been caught.

The person who caught the bag was his father-in-law.

Brian's expression became a little tense.

Before he came back, he went to the nearest safe house and washed his body with the chemical reagents left there in advance. However, Dean still smelled the slightest smell of blood on his body.

Lao Deng's sense of smell can rival that of Thirteen.

At this time, any explanation is too pale.

The massacre in Las Vegas will be on the news tomorrow morning at best.

With this combination, the suspect was immediately identified.

By then Dean will also know that Brian has the skill to disguise himself.

There is no point in quibbling.

Brian sighed and pointed to the roof of the small hotel: "The night is not bad tonight, let's go up there and chat."


With two jumps, he reached the roof of the hotel, which was more than ten meters high.

Dean looked at his strong figure and nodded. He exerted force on his feet and the ground shook violently. It was like a soaring cannonball, drawing an arc in the air, spanning a distance of more than thirty meters, and smashed towards Brian's location.

This scene was directly embarrassing to Brian.

Holy shit!

Is this Lao Deng so fierce?

Such an exaggerated ability to bounce on the spot directly crushed his current physical fitness! ! !

The key is that Dean didn't make any move to relieve his strength at all, he just kept going.

If this falls down, can the roof hold up?

Just when Brian felt that the old man was messing around, an invisible gas spurted out from the pores all over Dean's body, carrying his heavy body and gliding lightly in front of Brian.

Seeing the surprised look on Brian's face, Dean Laoden raised the corners of his mouth: "Do you want to learn? Leave my daughter and I will teach you."

Brian rolled his eyes: "Don't think about it. At worst, I will let Susan give you a grandson. When the time comes, your grandson will ask you to learn from me. Do you want to teach me?"

The names of grandsons and grandsons here, including many relatives, are actually the same. There is a lack of words. At most, they can only add a surname to distinguish them, but Dean can still understand it.

His face darkened, and he stared straight at the brat who threatened him.


Two streams of hot white steam spurted out from Dean's nostrils, revealing that his mood was quite complicated at this time.

Bring your daughter to please your father-in-law.

What a beast!

The two of them were on the top of the building, staring at each other for half an hour.

Dean is old after all.

He couldn't help but blink his eyes filled with murderous intent.

Brian said thoughtfully: "Are your eyes dry?"


Two more streams of white steam spurted out from Dean's nostrils.

He clenched his fists.

The surrounding air suddenly exploded, with clear air waves.

Brian's body tensed.

This Lao Deng's strength is really exaggerated.

Whether it's speed or strength, he is even stronger than he is now.

Even if he is in an explosive state, it may be difficult to resist.

Think about it.

Brian decided to give in and stop irritating Dean.

Susan was a calf guard, but it was too far.

He was afraid that Dean would bury Luo alive for him.

Think of this.

Brian quickly raised his hands in surrender: "Hey, just kidding, Dean, whatever you want to know, I'll tell you."

Men, that's all.

Likes to be competitive.

Seeing that Brian gave in, Dean's face looked better.

He nodded: "I don't care what you do tonight, tell me everything about Benjamin."

As he spoke, he also took out a recording pen.

Brian's sharp eyes saw the NW sign above.

Brian saw the recorder and realized that Lao Deng was not just looking for him, but to deal with the deep-sea submersible.

He spent a second in his mind to collect his thoughts, and then began to tell what happened.

This process was how Benjamin led a group of crocodile beasts and men in black robes to attack him, and finally he was defeated by them all.

Yes, Brian didn't follow the previous 'story'.

Except for briefly abbreviating his abilities, everything else he told was true.

This lecture will take place more than half an hour later.

At this time, the sky above had plunged into pitch black, and it was the darkest environment before dawn at four or five o'clock.

Brian and the other two were not affected by the light at all.

After listening to Brian's narration, Dean shook the recorder: "Are you done?"

Brian nodded: "This is what happened. These words were spoken by Benjamin himself before he died. He was influenced by the thinking of the remaining accessory brains on the tentacles, and the information he said should be true. "

Dean took out a handmade cigarette from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth.

I saw that he made no move to take out a lighter.

Brian very shamelessly took out a lighter from his pocket and leaned forward, wanting to light a cigarette for his good husband.

Dean waved his hand in disgust.

His index finger and thumb rubbed together a dozen times quickly, and sparks shot out from the afterimages, igniting the end of the cigarette in his mouth.

This scene left Brian dumbfounded.

Is this okay?

When it comes to showing off, Dean has taught young Brian a profound lesson.

Dean enjoyed the look on Brian's face.

This bastard has been angry with himself since the last time we met.

If he wasn't worried that Susan would fall out with him, he would have spread this pretty boy's ashes long ago.

There is no way for a female college student to stay in college.

With a tangled mood.

Dean finished smoking the handmade cigarette in one breath, threw away the cigarette butt very immorally, squinted his eyes and felt it for three or four seconds before exhaling a long puff of smoke.

Brian noticed that after smoking this handmade cigarette, Dean's breath leaking out was no longer as strong as before.

He asked tentatively: "This cigarette seems a little special?"

Dean nodded:

“This is a special psychedelic cigarette produced by the Doomsday Sect, which is generally used to slow down the emotional outburst of the aberrants at the top of the sect.

This thing is powerful.

I usually get one when I'm debating whether to kill someone.

I can't help it, I'm getting older.

Now, apart from using my fists to solve problems when things don't make sense, I'm still very talkative at other times. "

Listening to the other party's shameless remarks, Brian wisely closed his mouth.

Isn't this just a threat to stop trying to reason with him?

This Lao Deng feels even more shameless than him.

If he hadn't time traveled through his mother's womb, he would have doubted whether he was the seed that Dean sown when he was young.

The two men's gangster attitudes are somewhat similar, but Dean's gangster has been baptized by wind and rain and is more straightforward.

It was probably for this reason that Susan was so easily pursued by Brian.

Seeing that Brian stopped talking.

Dean thought for a moment and said softly: "What Benjamin said should be true. Major organizations around the world have been conducting research on the Ocean Blood Moon Familia. It's just that they are very cunning and hide in the deep sea. That is their home ground, so it's so For many years, we knew very little about them.”

"What about limb transplant attempts like Benjamin's?"

Brian knew this was an opportunity to learn the secret and asked quickly.

Dean shook his head:

"They should have tried it all, at least the NW organization has tried it.

All failed.

Deep-sea divers have very special genes and strong self-awareness, especially those with large maternal octopuses.

Each part of them has an independent consciousness, a truly independent consciousness. Once transplanted, the final result will be assimilation.

In fact, this is also the method of those big octopuses. They will actively control the assimilation of some marine life, form a family, and restrict the area of ​​​​human activities in the sea.

The only doubt now is Benjamin.

We searched all the areas where he had moved, but we had no idea how he could retain consciousness for so long after the transplant.

He must be hiding some secrets! "

Hearing this, Brian's heart moved.

He thought of something he didn't say:

Before Benjamin died, he said that he had a secret, that is, the research institute where he worked was deliberately selected because that research institute had a special weapon developed for deep-sea submersibles.

According to Benjamin, he was very confident in that weapon and even called it a biological nuclear weapon. Claiming that with that power, he would gain the power to subvert human technology and become the leader of the times.

This kind of statement is very arrogant and confident.

This may be why Benjamin’s obsession is so outrageous.

The other party can resist the erosion of the transplanted organ. Could it be the function of that weapon?

Think about it.

Brian didn't tell Dean about this.

He is also an ambitious man.

This secret may not be useful to him, but if it is useful to the NW organization and can artificially cultivate powerful lycanthropes, they may become his opponents in the future.

Why bother.

He is human anyway.

He possesses this secret, which is approximately equivalent to human beings possessing this secret.

It is better to have biological nuclear weapons in your own hands.

Dean wasn't a thinking person either.

He thought for less than a few seconds before shaking his head: "Forget it, what about love? In the face of modern technology, even if those big octopuses are civilized, they are no match for us."


He looked at Brian:

"The task ahead is NW. I took the initiative to take over it because I don't want people from NW to make things difficult for you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing outside talking about this matter now.

As Susan's father, I wanted to know more.

Tell me, what's going on with you tonight? "

What he said was very flattering to Brian.

The subtext is that I took over this task for Susan's sake, to take care of you, and to disclose information to the outside world. I'm protecting you. You'd better be more sensible. If you have anything to say, tell it directly, don't hide it.


My father-in-law has said this, what can he do?

In desperation, Brian had no choice but to reveal that he was in Florida, completing a special task assigned by the NW organization, and then accidentally discovered that the Doomsday Sect was using people for research.

As for his actions tonight, they are very simple.

Before a man in black robe died, he begged himself to kill the person who sent him here.

After his own investigation, he found that the other party did not lie to him. For the sake of justice in the world, he transformed into a bloodthirsty coroner and slaughtered those beasts.

If you tell your own story, you must be magnifying what you say.

This is also true.

After hearing this, Dean smiled disdainfully: "You do have a heart of justice. The cases you handled before, including those death cases, were all caused by you."

As a daughter's father, he almost found out the color of Brian's underwear about his daughter's boyfriend.


He shrugged: "The law is fucked, just take matters into your own hands."

These words seemed to bring back some memories for Dean.

His eyes were blurry for a moment and he nodded:

“The law is really fucked.

The purpose of its existence is only to ensure the most basic order of society, and now it has become a means for politicians to protect their interests.

But it's dangerous for you to do so.

You will habitually assume the role of a law enforcer.

You will think that you are righteous.

Over time, you will become paranoid and murderous and lose your mind.

At that time, the things you believe will be the truth in your eyes. You will not think that you are wrong, you will only think that the world is wrong. "

Brian shook his head: "Maybe, but so far, I don't have innocent blood on my hands."

The people he killed were either criminals, scum, or enemies.

There are never innocent people.

Seeing that Dean still wanted to speak.

Brian turned from passive to active and spoke first: "Dean, you feel very deeply about this aspect. You were quite frivolous when you were young, right?"


He started to talk about it again and again, saying something about how young people's madness can be called madness, that is called individuality, that is social baptism, that is growth, and other words that Brian could not understand.

Brian kept smiling and said nothing.

Dean clenched his fist: "I just have a friend who was paranoid for a period of time. He was so bloody that he almost killed himself and his family. I'm worried that you will do the same."

In a trance.

Brian seemed to see the muscle lines vaguely forming a German character on Dean's fist.

If you dare to ask: Could that friend be you?

Then the virtue in Dean's hand will hit him on the head.

For the sake of harmonious coexistence between his son-in-law and his father-in-law, he could only nod his head without conscience: "Dean, you are right, I will pay attention to it in the future."


Dean nodded.

He glanced at the sky and said: "By the way, if you didn't handle the matter in Las Vegas cleanly, I will have someone write you a note. Then you will be legally enforcing the law."

Brian shrugged: "I am a coroner. I am quite experienced in handling traces at the scene. I also disguised myself during the operation. By the way, Dean, do you have a high status in NW?"

Dean looked a little embarrassed.

He turned his back to Brian:

"It's okay. When I was young, I was the first third-level employee of the war department. Later, because of some things, I killed many of my own people and slaughtered two small families. I was finally expelled from the NW.

I felt bored, so I took a group of people wandering around the ocean and land hunting. When Susan came out, I took the old guys who wanted to live a normal life back to retire.

But my words in NW still have some effect. "


Could it be useless?

People are also afraid that if you are young and frivolous again, you will cause a bloodbath in NW.

Moreover, Dean himself said that he was a third-level employee of the war department, but Brian didn't believe it at all.

NW’s third-level staff are second-level beings.

strictly speaking.

Brian's strength should barely reach the combat power threshold of the second-level life in the state of being in a state of bursting clothes and ghosts. With his various talents and blessings, his true combat power should not be weaker than that of an ordinary second-level life with bare hands.

Even so, he still felt a lot of invisible pressure in front of Dean.

This shows that Dean's true strength may not be as simple as a third-level employee.

The opponent's true strength may have reached the officially defined third level of life.

This is somewhat outrageous.

Brian wanted to ask, but felt it was inappropriate.

never mind.

It would be safer to wait until Susan has children before asking.

Dean just didn't have the ability to read minds, otherwise he might have physically castrated Brian first.

He looked at the sky again and patted Brian on the shoulder: "Okay, don't worry about Benjamin's affairs. Go back at dawn. Don't let Susan worry."

See Lao Deng getting ready to leave.

Brian quickly said: "Dean, what is the situation of that doomsday sect? Why do I feel that it is connected to many official organizations?"

Dean was silent for a moment, then took out the hand-rolled cigarette from his pocket: "Did you see this? This is something sold openly by the Doomsday Sect on the black market. The existence of the black market is the official acquiescence. So what do you think the composition of the Doomsday Sect is? ?”

See Brian thinking.

Dean sighed:

"After the blood moon, aberrations are rampant, public security is chaotic, and human tragedies can be seen everywhere.

During that time, the world was in chaos.

This chaos also continued into the biotechnology explosion.

Let's imagine.

Many powerful people have the opportunity to solve the diseases and lifespan problems that they could not solve before even if they had money.

What will they do?

During that time, many death row prisoners died in research laboratories under the slogan of dedicating themselves to scientific research.

Some people agree, some people disagree.

At that time, the competition between ideas almost led to the split of many big countries.

After many struggles, everyone finally formed a tacit understanding.

Officials maintain order.

Radicals support skinny companies like Blacklight Biotech to conduct some cruel human scientific research.

Extremism has become a variety of non-governmental organizations that conduct criminal research that violates the law and is not covered up at all. The research results are then sold to official organizations in various countries in exchange for technology and scientific research equipment.

It is difficult to distinguish between black and white, forming a gray trading world.

Maybe one moment, the officials killed the other party's important leaders, and the next moment, everyone is sitting together to discuss the transaction of resources.

So how do you identify an organization like the Doomsday Sect? "


How to determine this?

There is no way to identify it.

To a certain extent, these organizations are clearly allowed to exist because of their connivance.


From the perspective of those in power, these organizations have value.

Dean patted Brian on the shoulder again: "Don't think so much. If they offend you, they are enemies. If they want to trade, they are outsourcing. Judge by your own interests, don't judge by right or wrong!"

Brian nodded: "Thank you, I think I understand."


After thinking about it, Dean put a business card in front of Brian: "Everyone has their own secrets, and I am too lazy to delve into your affairs. If you need some intelligence support in the future, please contact this number. It will be kept strictly confidential." "

My father-in-law said so, what else could Brian say.

He took the business card and said in a sincere tone: "Thank you, I will be nice to Susan, not because you helped me, but because I like her."

"It better be."

Dean nodded: "Otherwise I will unscrew your head and stuff it into your skin swallow!"

The words fell.


As the whole building of the small hotel shook violently, Dean's tall figure was like a goshawk rising from the ground. A large amount of hot tangible gas erupted from his body, and he glided and disappeared above a group of buildings.

Looking at Dean's exaggerated way of leaving, Brian's eyes narrowed.

What kind of strengthening route did Lao Deng take?

can't read!

I can’t understand it at all!

There was a lot of movement just now.

Listen to the screams and exclamations like earthquakes coming from below.

Brian silently jumped back to the hotel room.

As soon as it hits the ground.

A pistol was pointed at Brian.

Looking at Linda, who had her eyes closed and her body was trembling and telling herself not to move, Brian smiled.

So cute.

Linda's reaction was very fast. I don't know if she had special perception ability, but she was just too immature and not brave enough.

How can anyone point a gun at others and be so scared that they close their eyes?

Still have to practice.

"it's me."

Brian casually grabbed the pistol from Linda's hand.

Hearing the familiar voice, Linda opened her eyes and threw herself at Brian fearfully: "I haven't seen you since I woke up. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Brian frowned slightly as he looked at Linda hanging on him and eating tofu.

Why do you feel like you're being played?

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