You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 246 The Thirteenth Edition of Holy Water, Billionaire Brian (Happy Dragon Boat Festival))

Feeling Linda's hug getting tighter, Brian quickly lifted her into the air and threw her back on the bed.

"You have to be lucky that there is no child marriage system left in the area where you live. Otherwise, if you were so precocious, you would probably be the mother of several children by now."

Blaine complained.

Linda shook her head and denied Brian's statement:

“No, I wouldn’t be that stupid.

I simply like your appearance and the sense of security that is visible to the naked eye. In addition, there is a T-marriage in Florida. A girl I met before was married to an older man when she was only a teenager. "


Brian was stunned.

Linda jumped out of bed and nodded:


She told her that the man who raped her was a deacon in the diocese. We have many believers there, and my classmate’s whole family is also a believer.

This is a scandal.

So the final outcome of this matter was marriage.

Later, I checked the relevant laws and found out that as long as the girl's parents and the local judge agree, then she will be legally married off.

What's even worse is that people under the age of 18 do not have the right to sign divorce legal documents.

She can only accept her fate without anyone's help.

In fact, it’s not just my classmate.

I read an investigative paper written by a women's and children's protection organization and found out that tens of thousands of cases are registered in the federal government every year, and those perverts can legally commit crimes at will.

From that time on.

I even thought that if something like this happened to me, I would shoot the man.

Fortunately, I am lucky and have not experienced this kind of thing.

Otherwise I would definitely be a murderer now. "

Her words were slow and firm, obviously not nonsense, but real experience, and she had even thought about it seriously.

Brian was silent for a moment and nodded: "Okay, but I'm really not suitable for you. Even without Susan, I prefer girls with plumper figures. You are just a little bean sprout."

Linda looked down at her toes and fell silent.

These words hurt her more than several rejections.

Brian's little bean sprout words caused lasting harm to Linda.

Until the next day, when the two arrived at the B6 team's office building, she was feeling weak and lacked energy.

After Susan saw Brian, she ignored a group of colleagues in the office and gave him a warm hug and kiss.

This can be considered a public announcement.

This guy Green just whistled and started cheering.

Teddy mix reactions vary.

There was a little regret in Ivan's eyes.

Glenn was filled with envy.

Although the team leader Susan is a bit violent, she is beautiful, capable, clean, and has a good background.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

Thinking that he had almost been exploited by a man's wife, Glenn made up his mind to improve his aesthetics and taste.

I won’t go to bars to find a partner anymore.

He was going to the gym to find it.

Old Harden and the others were much more normal and just applauded. Although they didn't know why they applauded, they applauded anyway.

Linda stood behind Brian awkwardly.

She felt that she was a little redundant in this unfamiliar environment.

Fortunately, Thirteen came to her rescue.

Seeing that Susan, a big female dog, had occupied Brian for so long, she howled in displeasure.

Susan let go of Brian with some displeasure and glared at Thirteen: "Hey, tell me clearly, why do you mean I'm stealing your boss? This is my partner, mine, not yours!"

Thirteen clamped his tail and looked at Brian aggrievedly.

Brian laughed, knelt down and touched Thirteen's dog's head.

It's better to come back and stay comfortable.

After leaving for more than two days, Brian executed more than 600 lives with his own hands. Brian was somewhat affected, and his eyes became sharper.

But as soon as I came back, just seeing these familiar people made me feel a lot more relaxed.

Maybe this is what companionship means.

Brian hasn't forgotten about Linda either.

He started introducing Linda and the guys to each other.

Brian also gave Glenn a hard look when he mentioned that Linda was only fifteen years old.

This guy was not averse to meat and vegetables, and he would dig into any holes, but he looked like a dog. He was really worried that Linda, a pretty girl, would be deceived by Glenn.

Glenn raised his hands aggrievedly: "Hey, Brian, don't look at me like this. I'm not an animal. I won't attack such a young girl."

Green rolled his eyes and said, "Come on, last night you were telling three little girls dirty jokes, and finally asked them who wanted to lose their virginity."

When Susan heard this, her eyes immediately turned cold: "Glenn, I thought you had some bottom line!"

Her hands went directly to her waist.

Glenn paused: "I just want them to know that the bar is full of bad people, and they shouldn't sneak in at that age."

Ivan also quickly explained: "What Glenn said is true, he still has a bottom line."

Looking at the chaotic scene in front of her, Linda clicked her toes in her shoes.

Why does it feel like this place is different from the law enforcement agency I imagined.

What about that kind of movie where you look handsome and majestic in a suit and sunglasses?

She pulled Brian: "I remember you have a friend named Thirteen, is he also there?"


Thirteen heard someone calling him and called Linda enthusiastically.

Linda lowered her head and looked at Thirteen.

Thirteen looked at Linda with his big eyes, and his tail twirled quickly.

Linda: ..

Very cute, but...

She turned her head to look at Brian, who gave her a positive answer:

"This is Thirteen, an agent of the B6 group of the NW Organization Operations Department.

It has a job, understands human language, can communicate in Morse code, and receives two salaries from NW and LAPD.

After you join the company, you can call it Agent Thirteen, and you can ask it if you don't understand.

Thirteen likes to be recognized and likes to eat beef, either cooked or raw, and beef jerky is fine"

Susan denied Brian's statement: "No, it has grown very fast recently, and prefers to use bones to grind its teeth."

Linda: ..

She felt like she was going crazy.

It turned out that Thirteen, the person she wanted to please before, was actually a dog! ! !

Listen to what Brian said.

As a newcomer, she had to line up behind a dog.

Seeing that she didn't move, Thirteen got a little emotional, and his tail drooped: "Wangwang~ (Doesn't she like me?)"

Ivan also knows Morse code.

He hurried to Linda and whispered: "Praise it quickly, otherwise it will bully you."

Linda: "Huh?"

At noon, because the team had a new member.

Everyone went out for a small gathering, which was also a welcome to the new member and to celebrate Brian's safe return.

As a female member of only fifteen years old, the team members still have some problems. In order to prevent Linda from growing up, Susan took the initiative to take Linda.

She became the leader's disciple.

In order to find out Linda's physical condition, after dinner, Susan took Linda out of the office building and rushed to the NW headquarters to prepare Linda for a comprehensive physical examination.

Beast people basically have some problems and sequelae.

If these are not figured out, it is difficult to safely develop capabilities, safely grow, and safely carry out the subsequent strengthening path.

In order to avoid subsequent troubles.

Brian also followed.

He was also going to ask about his compensation.

Although the research institute that Benjamin is in charge of may not have good things hidden, the weapons project that Benjamin mentioned has a framework, which is exactly what Brian needs.

The research institute is too mature, and he may not be able to get it.

The rest of the people, including Thirteen, continued to go back to the office building to be on duty.

Everyone returned to the office building.

Ivan sat back in his office drunkenly and picked up the mineral water on the table: "Tomorrow is Christmas. I am alone again this year. I want to find a woman to marry."


Everyone looked at Ivan in surprise.

Ivan shrugged: "Men are just my hobbies and a psychological disease caused by my unfortunate childhood, but people always have to look forward. I just saw the team leader hugging Brian, and I feel that I should start a new life."

As he said, he drank the water in his hand in one gulp.

On the side, Thirteen looked at Ivan expectantly with a pair of dog eyes.

The water went into his throat.

Ivan smacked his lips in a strange way, and then seemed to feel something, stood up suddenly, and looked at the brand of the bottle in his hand.

Everyone wanted to comfort Ivan, but seeing this, they were attracted by his strange behavior again.

These waters were purchased by Old Harden.

Seeing this, he said with a guilty conscience: "What's wrong, Ivan?"

Ivan shook his head:

"Nothing, I just feel that this bottle of water is a little different from the previous ones.

How should I put it, the taste is a little strange, but after drinking it, it feels warm and more energetic.

I usually feel sleepy after lunch, but I feel very energetic now.

This should not be an illusion.

Green, who was standing aside, heard this and his face changed slightly: "Is there something wrong with the water? I heard that some gangs will choose to mix drugs into mineral water for transportation, and sometimes there will be omissions and flow into the market."

Old Harden's face also looked ugly when he heard this.

These waters..

He just bought discounted goods that were about to expire, and they were definitely not miscellaneous brands.

Fortunately, Ivan shook his head and denied: "No, no, no, it's definitely not drugs. I'm fine now, my mental state is also stable, I'm very energetic, simply very energetic, my body is no longer sleepy, and my mind is very clear."

Ivan is not a person who likes to joke.

Their work also hides unknown revenge and danger.

Finally, for safety reasons.

Everyone still chose to start checking the mineral water.

Bottles of mineral water were opened and tried in small doses.

The mineral water bottle in Ivan's hand was also sent for testing.

Everyone got busy.

The only one who was not busy was probably Thirteen.

It sat listlessly on Brian's workstation, swinging its tail in boredom.

Why did the guy who said bad things about him drink his own urine but didn't spit it out?



Susan took Linda away alone.

Brian was invited to a small meeting room.

The layout of the meeting room is a bit special, presenting an oval shape, similar to the layout of the Knights of the Round Table, with projection equipment densely covered above the head.

Wait for a moment.

Sid, the deputy director of the Ministry of Operations whom Brian had met before, walked in with a young-looking man with white hair.

He smelled a rotten old man's smell from this unfamiliar face.

Seeing someone come in.

Out of politeness, Brian stood up and greeted Sid: "Nice to meet you, Minister Sid."

Sid felt a little ashamed: "I'm sorry about your experience, Brian. I didn't know that Benjamin, that bastard, had colluded with the Ministry of Internal Affairs to give you a special order."

Brian shrugged: "So, where is the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who participated? I want to talk to him about the consequences of murdering a second-level employee."

In negotiations, especially when you have the confidence, the best way is to open the roof as soon as you open your mouth.

In this way, the other party will agree to your request to open a window.

The method is old-fashioned, but very practical.

The premise is that you have the confidence, otherwise you will be regarded as not knowing the overall situation, not knowing how to advance and retreat, and not understanding the difficulties of the organization, and finally being marginalized.

The 'young man' standing in front of Sid looked unprepared: "Neilma did nothing wrong in the process, he was just deceived by Benjamin!"

"Who is this old man?"

Brian's nose twitched, and he looked at him again. After confirming that the other party's muscles were loose and he was not a master, he looked at Sid.

Sid looked helpless: "This is Mr. Sidel, Neilma's father. His father is one of the financiers of our NW organization and the helmsman of the Himedun Consortium."

Brian has heard of the Himedun Consortium.

This is a global consortium with assets of more than 100 billion. Its main industries are aerospace materials, energy, weapons manufacturing and research.

100 billion, at this time.

No wonder the other party knows the ins and outs of the matter and still doesn't give face.

I guess the other party thinks that coming here is a face for a small character like him.

Sidel was angered by Brian's words.

He glared at Brian: "Didn't your parents teach you how to speak politely?"

Sid felt bad and instantly flashed in front of Sidel.

The next moment.

A fist with a violent fist wind stayed at the tip of Sid's nose, stimulating his eyes so that he couldn't help but close them.


The next moment, the sound of a sonic boom echoed in this narrow conference room.

Sid took a breath of cold air.

It's been a long time since we last met.

This Brian seems to have become stronger again!

This is too outrageous!

But now is not the time to think about this.

He quickly opened his eyes and looked at Brian pleadingly: "Calm down, he can't get into trouble at the NW headquarters. Let's deal with your compensation first."

Brian looked at Sidler, who was stunned on the spot, with cold eyes, and nodded: "Minister Sid, I'll give you this face."

Since Dean Laoden can bloodbath NW and retire successfully.

If necessary, he can too!

The meeting was not only attended by the three of them.

As Sid put his pass into an instrument, the entire conference room projected a series of three-dimensional projections, forming men and women with different postures.

At the same time, a stream of light and shadow also scanned the three people in the conference room.

It was the first time that Brian saw this kind of projection meeting, and he looked at these people curiously.

This scene was a bit like the Resident Evil series of movies he had seen in his previous life, a group of Umbrella leaders meeting.

Unexpectedly, in his lifetime, he became one of them.

Sure enough, the movie shined into reality.

Those people were also looking at him curiously, but their actions were more covert, with a bit more of the aristocratic etiquette.

Seeing that everyone was gathered.

Sid began to preside over the meeting, briefly explained what happened, and introduced the identities of these people to Brian.

These people are all shareholders of Black Light Biotechnology Company.

Of course, they have another identity, that is, the radicals of the NW organization.

Some are the heads of major projects.

Some are the spokespersons of the sponsors.

They should have known about the course of events a long time ago, and the meeting was also formal. Sid led the whole process without saying much, allowing the other party to hand over the research institute that Benjamin was previously in charge of directly to Brian.

However, from now on, they are no longer responsible for providing resources and financial support for that institute, and will also withdraw some senior researchers.

In other words, Brian only got the advanced machines of that institute and some outsourced employees who came to do odd jobs.

Brian had already had psychological expectations for this.

He nodded and agreed to the compensation plan.

Just as everyone was about to turn off the projection, Brian knocked on the table.

He glanced at everyone: "I need the projects and all the information that the institute already has, including sensitive projects, otherwise I will just get a bunch of garbage!"

Those people looked at each other, and finally a blond middle-aged man shook his head: "No, these projects are the wealth of our Black Light Biotechnology. This is a matter of principle. We..."


Brian punched the conference table.

The domineering power spread from the fist mark to the entire table, and the dense cracks were shocking.

As he retracted his fist.

The heavy table fell to the ground like a toppled building block.

Looking at the projection images disturbed by the broken wood, Brian said in a flat voice:

"Black Light Biotechnology Company is essentially a department of NW, and I am also an employee of NW. This is just an internal transfer of wealth, not to outsiders. What's wrong with that?

Do you look down on me?

Or do you look down on my father-in-law, Mr. Dean!"

The name Dean seems to be a taboo.

Now, everyone was silent.

In the end, it was Sid who tried to smooth things over.

Finally, Blacklight Biotechnology agreed to let Brian take over the entire institute, but the staff would still withdraw, and all projects would be packed and copied and taken away.

Blacklight Biotechnology also required Brian to sign a confidentiality agreement for these projects, and not to sell related research technologies without the consent of Blacklight Biotechnology.

The goal was achieved, and Brian was unwilling to talk nonsense and agreed.

Let's be honest.

The name of Dean Laoden was more useful than he thought.

I don't know what this Laoden did in NW that made these people feel like they heard a ghost coming to the door, and their principles became flexible.

Thanks to the thigh!

After this matter was settled, Sid, the deputy minister of the Operations Department, was more relieved than Brian showed.

Seeing that Brian seemed to be in a good mood, he started to deal with the second matter: "Brian, can we discuss the matter of the internal affairs staff? As for Sid, he just cares about his son."

Brian glanced at Sid, who was pretending to be dead, and said strangely: "I'm curious why this guy is so stupid."

Listen to Sid's introduction.

Hidal should be one of the heirs of the Himedon Group, and he should not be trained to be such a fool, especially in this parallel world with a special background.

This kind of heir does not even have the most basic mental ability.

Without waiting for Sid to explain, Hidal took the initiative to speak:

"The reason is very simple.

My father is now over 90 years old, and it seems that he can live for a long time, so I was deliberately trained to be like this.

Sorry, I was a little bit bad just now, but Neilma is my only son, I hope you can let him go."

Brian nodded: "Your son is equivalent to killing me. How much do you think my life is worth?"

The research institute has just been acquired, and the situation is still unknown.

He is a little short of funds.

More than half an hour later.

Hidal was dragged away by Sid.

Brian did not do anything to him, well, strictly speaking, he did not do anything to him.

From the time the other party left the meeting room.

Except for the clothes on his body, this "young man" who is actually 70 years old has nothing.

Looking at the nine-digit balance sent by the text message on his mobile phone, Brian was a little unsatisfied.

He has become a billionaire?

Although he has just entered this threshold, he is still a billionaire!

An idea came to his mind.

Is there any way to get more rich second-generations who are hostile to him?

Making money is not as fast as robbing money!

On the other side.

Susan looked at Linda, who was covered with various electronic devices, with surprise in her eyes.

She looked at the female researcher beside her seriously: "Are you sure she can withstand so much energy injection?"

In the early stage of transformation, the beastman will enter a period of rapid progress after about three days of transformation.

This period is also called the gluttony period.

The problem is.

This energy is too large.

This shows that Linda has high potential and has the opportunity to become a first-level life.

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