You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 247 Linda, the envy of everyone, and Brian, the rich man

"Unless the instrument is broken, it is."

The female researcher picked up a report:

"We found traces of modifications in her genes.

Part of it is the gecko's special genes, and there are also a large part of the ingredients that we can't understand, but these genes enhance the metabolic speed of her cells. "

As she spoke, she pointed to Susan’s two comparative data charts on the computer:

"If the metabolic rate of an ordinary person is 1, then her metabolic rate when injured is seven or eight.

This multiple is slowly increasing as she absorbs the nutrient solution, which means that her injury recovery speed is seven to eight times that of ordinary people.

This value is exaggerated.

The cell metabolism rate of an ordinary second-level combat employee is estimated to be only one-third or half of hers, unless they are those who are quick-recovery enhancers.

But even the quick-recovery enhancers probably don't have as high a value as hers. "

"Is it dangerous if my metabolism is so fast?"

Susan asked very humanely.

Strengthening carries the risk of genetic collapse.

Enhancing animalization is more than ten times the risk.

This is still the risk value of mature reagents.

As for experimental reagents and non-human biological organ transplants, they are not suitable for comparison here. They vary from person to person, from condition to condition, and from transplant recipient to recipient.

The female researcher nodded:

“With a fast metabolism, more energy is consumed, the individual’s energy and desire will be very strong, and the number of cell divisions will also be accelerated.

Biological cells have a limit to division.

According to our current research, some special reagents can repair and increase an individual's cell division limit and extend lifespan.

This is the principle of some current life extension reagents.

Maintaining this high cellular metabolic state for a long time will shorten her lifespan.

But based on our previous testing.

Linda will only speed up metabolism in certain areas of the body when she is injured or in an abnormal state, speeding up abnormal metabolism, recovery from injuries, and maintaining the normal operation of the body.

So don't worry about that.

After all, injuries will originally affect the upper limit of a person's lifespan.

Her body just shortened the process of 'injury recovery'. "

Hearing this, Susan nodded.

This is true.

The theoretical service life of a normal human body is about one hundred and fifty years.

But few ordinary people can live beyond a hundred years.

This is because many things in life are wearing down their bodies and reducing their service life.

Exclude the influence of disease and congenital genes.

Generally speaking, people who work hard will definitely have a shorter life span than people who are careless and wait to die.

The longer you work, the sooner you die.

This rule may not cover all, but it can represent the majority.

The female researcher continued:

“She should have been in a state of near-death before the lycanthropic agent was injected into her body.

This state greatly improved her ability to fuse and absorb the animal transformation reagent, but it also caused her body to be in a state of internal friction.

Fortunately, she was young and you sent her here in time.

Otherwise, she will grow up quickly in about half a month at night. "

Under normal circumstances, when injecting animalization reagents, one will deliberately put oneself into a near-death state to increase the absorption and fusion efficiency of the reagents, but will also ensure adequate nutritional intake.

Therefore, this process is usually carried out in the nutrition warehouse.

The Linda in front of her looked like a Yeluzi injection.

"Growing up soon?"

When Susan is outside of battle, her brain reaction will be a little slower.

The female researcher nodded:

"It literally means that her body is in a state of high metabolism for a long time and will 'ripen' itself to become more mature.

This process will continue until the end of her physical growth.

For normal people, this growth time is usually in their twenties.

She will reach this growth and development terminal early due to her high metabolic state.

This is quite normal.

For many children nowadays, if they are well-nourished, their bone age may be at the age of fifteen or sixteen at the age of eleven or twelve, and they may be close to the end of natural growth and development at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

So don't worry. "

The woman's words were a bit convoluted, and Susan directly captured the other person's last words.

Just be fine.

The female researcher was very envious of Linda: "Officer Susan, can you tell me what lycanthropy reagent she used? This reagent is very friendly to us women. It can keep the living body in a strong state."

"Exuberant state?"

Susan regretted bringing Linda here.

This should be left to Brian to handle.

She felt like she was in class now.

"Yes, exuberant."

The female researcher looked at Susan's expression and realized that she was a scumbag.

She thought for a while and explained in more popular language:

“You can simply understand that although her lifespan has not been extended, she will no longer age after her physical growth is completed.

She will not have troubles such as wrinkles and crow's feet, nor will she lose energy as she gets older, and she will always maintain strong energy.

As long as she has adequate energy intake, she will always be at her best.

Of course, as a price, her lifespan will be much lower than that of ordinary people.

Unless she can evolve her life to make her cells more active and increase her lifespan. "

The price of maintaining peak performance is a short life.

Even so, the female researcher was still very envious.

She believed that if they could maintain their youthful beauty and youthful vitality, 99% of women would choose to live less years.

A bald male researcher on the side couldn't help but said: "Forget about women, if I can keep the strong body of an eighteen-year-old, I would only live to my fifties or sixties. Anyway, the last period of time is of low quality. "

The other male researchers nodded in agreement.

Susan was also a little moved when she said this.

She was going to go back and ask Brian what kind of lycanthropy agent Linda had injected.

Enhanced people can also accept a variety of enhancements, but the risk will be greatly increased, so few people will do so. Instead, they will choose a fixed route of enhancement to reduce the probability of genetic collapse of the body.

Generally, only people with strong body cell activity will try to do this.

Like her father, Dean.

As far as Susan knew, her father was not only the first third-level employee of the NW organization, but also had some special encounters later, which resulted in as many as four different types of strengthening of the body.

These were also things she heard her mother say accidentally.

Susan also didn't know how strong her father was.

She only knew that every time she violently beat her friends when she was a child, she would eventually receive small gifts from their parents as a way of thanking her for helping educate her children.

This special experience led her to form the habit of not using her brain now.

Brian has finished negotiating all the compensation matters, but Susan is not finished yet.

Supplementing nutrients is like recharging a battery.

There is a conversion rate in the middle.

The special nutrient solution in the nutrition compartment + Linda's high metabolic absorption and digestion ability make her similar to a fast-charging state, but it takes a long time to consume.

According to the researcher's speculation, this process will last at least three days and consume nutrient solution worth at least ten merit points.

That is to say.

Linda had just joined NW and already had ten merit points in debt, joining the group of people who were in debt.

The internal exchange price for one merit point is about 40,000 to 50,000 US dollars. Due to the tacit understanding of the unspoken rules of the 'bookmakers', it is not as high as expected, but very few people will use this thing to exchange for cash.

People with merit points either exchanged for strengthening reagents, treatment reagents and the like that are rare in the outside world, or used them as rare resources to conduct some PY transactions with those responsible for collecting them.

The merit points in Brian's hands have long been gone.

This bill can only be paid by Susan.

Because there are still a lot of things to be busy with, Brian is going to leave Susan here to guard Linda to avoid some unpleasant things happening.

Before separation.

Susan seemed to have thought of something and handed a document to Brian: "This is the compensation document submitted by the Blood Association to the NW Organization. You sign it and then you can go and collect the compensation."

Brian only remembered it when he saw the file.

Previously, due to the death of a female star, a fool attacked him and his assistant Thom.

Compensation was negotiated at that time.

However, because of Benjamin's plan, Brian went to Florida to perform his annual field mission.

Blood Association Capital is backed by Squid people.

After signing the understanding agreement.

Brian received a thermostat containing seven reagents from a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Are these people too generous?"

Brian was a little surprised when he saw the list.

Although these reagents are very basic strengthening reagents, they are almost the kind that you can get for free if you take the exam to join the NW War Department and go to overseas battlefields.

But if you want to redeem it yourself, it will cost you sixty or seventy merit points in total.

Blood associations are private capital forces.

If they want the NW organization to help pay the compensation, the price they need to pay will be even greater.

Is this still the group of scheming people who value money more than their own lives?

Seeing this, the foreign affairs staff in charge of the reception explained with a smile: "Originally, there were not so many, but the person in charge of the docking over there saw the information of you and Susan, and after learning about some things, he took the initiative to increase the claim settlement. Quota.”


Susan stopped talking.

Although she was very violent, before she met Brian, she had rarely used the power of her family to 'actively' force others.

But no one in their right mind would mess with Susan.

As for Brian...

This guy is promoted quickly and has amazing potential.

The key point is that the person who provokes him will either lose face or suffer heavy losses in compensation, and is not a good person.

The Blood Association ignored him and was worried that the compensation would be less, so he got involved with these two unsavory people and simply suffered a massive hemorrhage.

This is also a kind of business wisdom.

Brian is the kind of person who is shameless and skinless.

After hearing the words of the foreign affairs staff, not only was I not ashamed, I was somewhat happy.

It seems that after being around for so many months, his reputation has spread outside.

In addition, the unlucky guy who had just been asked for nine-figure compensation by himself.

The corners of Brian's mouth turned up.

I believe that if someone provokes me in the future, the other party will know what standards to pay compensation without having to say anything.


It's fun being a villain.

Bring an incubator.

Brian called a helicopter and sent him directly to the roof of the B6 team's office building.

He is a second-level employee of NW, and he is also familiar with some people, so using official aircraft for private purposes is nothing more than a trivial matter.

Come to the office.

Green and the others were gone, leaving only Old Harden and the female clerk Edna sitting busy in front of the computer.

No way, tomorrow is Christmas.

Criminals also hope that they and their families can have a better time during the holidays, so they will be more diligent in doing business during this time.

The pressure on public security will naturally be greater.

Meet Brian.

Old Harden stood up and hammered his waist: "I thought I heard the sound of a helicopter just now. Man, your cards are getting bigger and bigger. I seem to be witnessing the rise of a big shot again."

Brian grinned: "Then do you want to consider kissing my boots? Otherwise, I'm worried that you won't be able to kiss them in the future."

This is an American joke.

In the past, this action represented surrender.

Now it's more of a meaning of admiration and approval.

For example, you can see similar scenes in many sports situations. Players collectively run up to teammates who have performed well, and pretend to help clean their shoes or kiss them.

"Of course, I really want to do this, but unfortunately my old waist does not allow me to bend down."

Old Harden pretended to be helpless.

"Then you can try this..."

Brian patted the box in his hand and opened it, revealing metal injection reagents of different colors inside.

This move, combined with the suit he was wearing, to be honest, looked a bit like a door-to-door salesman selling health care products.

The moment he saw those reagents, Old Harden's eyes were stunned.

He said with some trembling: "Is this a strengthening reagent?"

"Yes, it's a more basic type. Do you want to get one with a mortgage?"

Brian smiled.

Edna, the female clerk on the side, also blinked and looked at the box in Brian's hand with some fervor.

She is a latecomer, but through daily communication, she also knows that there is a magical reagent inside NW that can make people stronger and healthier.

It's a pity that she is a clerk and hardly works in the field. She relies entirely on the small group to make money.

There are bonuses, but merit points are rare.

The biggest hope is that after serving for a certain period of time, there will be an opportunity to buy reagents with money.

However, these people basically give the opportunity to use reagents to their grandchildren, giving them a starting point that is better than ordinary people.

Of course, if you have a strong person in your group and have a good relationship, you can also use money to trade with such group members and spend money to buy reagents.

It's a pity that when Brian had a bunch of merit points, everyone wasn't that familiar with them yet.

Naturally, they missed such an opportunity.

In front of them, there was a row of seven reagents, placed in front of them.

"How much?"

Old Harden, a stingy man, didn't hesitate at all at this moment, with a tone and expression like "I want to win!"

He doesn't care, but he hopes his grandchildren will have a better starting point.

As a young man, he tried.

He lost a lot because of this and completely lost his ambition to make progress.

Now this opportunity was placed in front of him again, and it was within easy reach.

Edna also looked at Brian expectantly, hoping that he would tell him a price she could afford.

"Five hundred thousand dollars. As a colleague, I can accept installments of up to thirty years. No interest is required, but a contract needs to be signed."

Brian said seriously.

Kindness turns into hatred.

His conditions are already very favorable.

Old Harden did not hesitate at all: "Buy, I will buy, Brian, thank God, you are simply the most generous guy I have ever seen. If you need anything in the future, just ask me!"

Edna also raised her hand and said sincerely: "Thank you, Brian, you are so generous. I need it too, but I need it in installments!"

They all had gratitude on their faces, and they didn't feel that Brian Lion was opening his mouth at all.

In fact, for ordinary people, if they want to get the chance to redeem reagents, they have to pay the price of their own lives and join the war department of NW and other similar official organizations to fight those monsters.

Or rely on luck.

The prerequisite for this is that they themselves have joined the official organization and are employees of it. Then with good luck, they can find aberrations and kill or arrest them.

That's not all.

Act as a contract worker.

Old Harden and his group are also lucky enough to follow their bosses who will not be greedy for their merit points and are willing to give them the opportunity to redeem them.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that you will only receive some cash rewards.


Brian's giving them the opportunity to buy it directly with money is already a kind of generosity.

Not to mention that he can also provide interest-free installments for up to thirty years.

For federal people who are suffering from high interest rates on credit cards and various loans, this is no less than a generous and charitable person.

Seeing the happy looks of the two of them, Brian chuckled softly.

He asked Old Harden to call Green and inform them that they were also coming back.

Cases are not rushed.

Brian looked forward to everyone's joy at seeing these reagents.


When the time comes, if they don’t flatter themselves, they will raise interest rates, and raise interest rates severely!

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