You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 249 Christmas Eve, Warmth (May Monthly Pass Plus 2)

Christmas saved Thirteen.

Everyone got busy.

Brian didn't have time to manage the institute for the time being.

He called the institute to let them know that he was on holiday, and planned to go there when he had time to see how to arrange the institute and the sealed projects.

This Christmas, Brian spent a lonely time.

In previous years, there were a group of people from the Kamo family and adoptive parents.

This year, some of them died and some ran away.

Susan stayed with Linda at the NW headquarters.

All team members were on duty, busy with yesterday's case and new cases.

The group of people who had just been strengthened were now full of energy and were in the adaptation period of a healthier body.

Old Harden, the old hand, became active and immersed himself in the platform construction and small game development of Brian's previous online game company with a group of friends.

That was the "Thirteen Online Game Company" that Brian had set up when he was short of money.

The development cycle of a game is generally not too short, and Brian's requirements are relatively "non-mainstream", so everyone has little experience and does not have a fixed team.

All these require time to explore.

For this company, it was just an attempt and layout made by Brian.

It's just that things are unpredictable.

A few days ago, he was still struggling with the lack of money, but now there is a nine-digit cash in his card, and the interest can be used for retirement.

Of course, this money has to be spent as soon as possible, otherwise the tax will give Brian a headache.

There is no way, the status of NW employees is not tax-exempt.

In addition, Brian has not given up on building a game company.

This thing makes money really fast, and it is a cash cow that produces milk continuously.

The operating cost of online game shell companies is not high. In this era of lack of online games and loopholes in legislation, many viral promotion methods can be used.

It is really difficult not to succeed.

A lot of money will be needed in the future. Brian, who is building a biological research company, will naturally not miss this money-making model.

It's slow.

He plans to take out a part of it to hire someone to operate the Thirteen Game Company, which doesn't even have a framework, and the rest will be invested in the research institute.

Everyone is busy.

Brian is embarrassed to slack off.

After the video call with Susan, he wore casual clothes and took Thirteen, who was wearing a police vest, to ride a motorcycle on the street and wander around.

In his previous life, Brian liked a movie called "Home Alone".

At that time, the movie gave him a lot of foreign festival fantasies when he was still young.

However, after coming here, he realized that the scene of Christmas lights shining, orange warm light in the house, the family sitting around the dining table praying, and snow fluttering outside actually happened in New York.

As for Los Angeles... it rarely snows here.

So Brian always feels that Christmas here lacks the atmosphere in his memory.

Walking on the street, you can already feel the festive atmosphere.

Many companies here have holidays in advance.

Some communities have hung up various colored lights early, and even some more affluent communities have stage performances and so on.

On the commercial street, you can see many festive signs and employees wearing Santa Claus costumes and carrying red small bags to entertain guests and children.

The most eye-catching are the Christmas girls and the sexy reindeers dressed as girls.

They are really hot.

The festive atmosphere diluted the heavy social atmosphere of the escalating violence and death cases in Los Angeles since September.

People are actually very adaptable creatures.

At first, everyone will be very nervous. After a few months, when they see some reports of death cases again, or even more frequent gun battles around them, they will start to get used to it and even think that it is like this.

In this way, one person and one dog came to a square.

Brian parked his car.

He deliberately hung a magnetic LAPD badge on it to tell some people with ulterior motives: This is the sir's car, don't ask for trouble.

Although those patrolmen are more like little brothers who do odd jobs in front of Brian and other NW staff, in fact, no matter which state the police department is, for ordinary people, the law enforcement authority is very, very large.

The reason is the legal right to use lethal force.

This right is also jokingly called the federal police's legal right to kill.

If you don't understand, let me give you an example:

When you are patrolling, you suspect that someone is sneaking around, so you identify yourself and let the other party be questioned.

These seem fine, right?

There is a big problem.

When the police identify themselves, no matter whether the person hears clearly or reacts, the police have the legal right to use deadly force.

In other words.

At this time, he can set you up and legally shoot you.

After all, there are no law enforcement cameras now, and whether the deceased is a "threat" depends entirely on how you talk.

If you are good at making up stories, even if the other party reaches into his pocket to take out a piece of toilet paper, you can say that you suspect that the other party is pulling out a gun, and you filled the other party's body with bullets to ensure your own safety.

Experienced police know very well what to do, so that after killing someone, they can successfully pass the investigation procedures and judgment of the Sheriff's Office, and get paid administrative leave by the way.

This also leads to the fact that unless they are those who are crazy about taking drugs, they will not take the initiative to provoke the federal police.

Of course, it is rare for federal police officers to deliberately trap and kill others.

After all, the dead also have relatives, and those relatives also have guns.

They don't want to be blackmailed either.

In short, Brian's approach can avoid a lot of trouble.

Sure enough, when they saw the police badge affixed to the cool beast motorcycle, many greedy eyes disappeared from the crowd. Most of the remaining eyes still looking at it were young people who simply wanted to take a photo with the car.

Brian was not disgusted with this.

Thirteen, who has grown up a lot, is swaying and attracting the attention of many passers-by.

It attracts small children.

Brian was responsible for attracting the women and girls who brought their babies out.

Fortunately, he had a police badge on his chest.

The most the women could do was glance at her, and few came up to strike up a conversation.

Just walk around in a circle.

One person and one dog came to an indoor sports venue and were ready to eat something.

There are many children playing here.

A more courageous boy came to Brian on a skateboard and asked curiously: "Wow, a Labrador wearing a police dog vest, are you playing COS?"

"No, it's not COS. It's called Thirteen. It's a police dog with registration and law enforcement powers."

Brian explained.

Thirteen looked at the little boy's skateboard curiously, and then looked at Brian eagerly: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, I want to play~)"

The little boy wanted to touch it, but he didn't dare to do it. He could only say: "Is that you a police officer too? Mr. Police Officer, why is it barking at you?"

Brian shrugged: "Dude, what's your name?"

"Gandol, my name is Gandor, I am nine years old, Mr. Police Officer."

"Very well, Mr. Gandor, now in the name of the LAPD, I will commandeer your little skateboard."


Gandor looked confused.

Thirteen is very talented in sports.

It quickly became familiar with the skills of using the scooter and happily joined the group of children playing. Its short legs pedaled very fast, causing waves of cheers.

After a while, everyone stopped playing and all watched Thirteen's performance.

A dog that can roller skate is much more fun than roller skating by yourself.

Mr. Gandor’s cooperation was also rewarded with some snacks.

Brian took him to sit aside and said with a smile, "No one is paying attention to you now. Why are you looking for me?"

When he came in, he noticed the little guy looking at him.

His police badge is pinned to his chest and is very conspicuous.

The education here, whether it is to take the driver's license test or anything else, will include safety education to teach them how to respond to the federal police's inquiries 'safely' and without causing misunderstandings.

These key contents will also be tested.

So the other party already knew his identity.

I was just pretending to be stupid.

Today’s kids are so smart.

The little boy Gandor did not expect Brian to see through his purpose at a glance.

He lowered his head somewhat cautiously:

“My father hasn’t come back for many days, and my mother hasn’t come back for many days either. I and my grandmother are the only ones left at home. Can you help me find them?

Others spend Christmas with their parents.

I miss them. "

Hearing this, Brian was silent for a moment and nodded.

After asking.

He called the main station and got the number of the community patrol officer.

The other party really knew some of the situation in Gandor's family.

Gandor's parents were divorced. They both had an affair, and they often fought because of it. They finally divorced before Christmas, and then each went to find a new love to spend the holidays.

This is obviously a pair of parents who live a relatively self-centered life.

Gandor was actually lucky.

He also has a grandmother to accompany him. Otherwise, according to his situation, the final result will be that the community will contact the child welfare center and be sent to a boarding and adoption family to become an orphan with parents.

There are many similar situations here.

Brian's situation with Gandor was actually similar back then.

Think about it.

Brian put away his phone, looked at Gandor who looked at him expectantly, and shook his head:

"Sorry, Gandor, your parents may not be able to spend Christmas with you this year.

But you don't have to envy others.

You still have your grandmother with you.

I think you should make her happy instead of spending this Christmas depressed because of someone who doesn't care about you.

Your grandmother would be heartbroken to see you like this. "

Gandor nodded listlessly: "Thank you for your enlightenment, Mr. Police Officer, I won't let my grandmother see it."

Thirteen played for more than ten minutes, but got tired of being looked at by a group of brats, so he returned the skateboard to Gandor.

The little boy was in a bad mood and was going to go back with his skateboard.

Brian stopped him and put a twenty-denomination note in front of him: "Thank you for your generosity, Gandor, you deserve this. Take it and buy a small gift for your grandmother." , she will be happy all year long.”

"Thank you, I will always remember you, Mr. Officer!"

Gandor took the banknotes, walked alone among the crowds of families out to play, and disappeared from Brian's sight.

Brian looked away: "Let's go, Thirteen, we should change places to play."

Thirteen tilted his head: "Wang~"

"amusement park?"

Brian nodded: "Okay, let's go to the amusement park."

Ever since.

Brian, who did not receive a request for help from the office, took his "colleague" Thirteen and wandered around for a whole day with pay. It was not until nightfall that they boarded a helicopter to the NW base.


Brian was going to take Thirteen to the base to spend Christmas Eve with Susan.

As a family, they had to be neat and tidy.

Susan was very happy about their arrival.

Really happy.

At least Brian had never seen Susan smile.

This silly girl probably didn't want to spend time here alone, but she was embarrassed to ask Brian to accompany her.

The cold base had a little Christmas atmosphere on the periphery and was decorated.

Here in the underground, there was no trace of the festival.

It was still cold here.

The two of them and the dog stayed in this cold place and spent their first Christmas Eve together.

The electronic clock at midnight rang.

Brian, who hugged Thirteen and Susan, felt warm.

He sighed slightly in his heart.

This was the fulfillment of Olena's obsession.

Olena was the victim of a previous serial prostitute murder case, and her obsession was to give the children in the children's home the gifts she promised to give them.

Christmas is here.

Those children also received the gifts that Brian left in the children's home.

"Oleena, the children have received your gifts, may your soul rest in peace."

Brian muttered in his heart.

He didn't know if there was a soul in this world.

Just as in this world, good people may not be rewarded, and bad people may not be punished.

But people always have to have some thoughts.

In the sound of the electronic clock, Brian kissed Susan's forehead, who was pulling Thirteen to watch the show, and whispered: "Susan, I love you..."

"I love you too, Brian, if you can help me get the Coke, I will love you more, I swear."

Susan replied perfunctorily, but her body subconsciously squeezed into Brian's arms, sticking closer.


Thirteen raised his head with some jealousy, and looked at Brian with a pair of big eyes: I want it too..

Brian laughed and reached out to give the Coke on the table to Susan and Thirteen.

He is in a much better mood now.

In this warm atmosphere, the blood-red moon in Brian's eyes slowly dissipated.

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