You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 250 Big case, unexpected gain

Although NW's underground base has very realistic virtual projection technology, it still feels depressing.

Brian doesn't like it here.

the next day.

He said goodbye to Susan early and returned to the city with Thirteen.

Return to the apartment.

Brian put on his NW serial watch, put on the special bulletproof suit he had obtained through compensation, tidied up his appearance, and took Shisan, who had finished eating, to the office building of Group B6 again.

Generally, the period after holidays is when the police are busier.

This busy period tends to last one to two weeks.

If the patrol police are busy before the holidays, then the departments responsible for death cases will become very busy after the holidays.

the reason is simple.

Christmas is not only a time for family reunions, but also a time when many family conflicts and murders of passion occur.

Distance creates beauty.

Many family members who had never seen each other a few times a year gathered together to celebrate Christmas, eating and drinking, and then talking about past events.

Who doesn’t have any embarrassing incidents in the past?

Quarrels are likely to occur during this period.

Coupled with relationship breakdown, infidelity, drug abuse, and the proliferation of guns, many factors converge, resulting in a high incidence of family murders at this time of year.

Most of these are crimes of passion.

The case is not difficult, it just takes time.

Come to the police station.

Today, for the first time in history, everyone arrived very early. It was only around eight o'clock, and the office was already full of hot coffee steaming.

"Good morning, Brian."

Glenn hummed a tune and greeted Brian warmly.

He had rarely been so proactive before.

After last night's experiment, Brian was now Glenn's thigh, the guarantee of future happiness.

Be less enthusiastic.

What should I do if all the leg hair on my thighs is given to someone else?

Next Brian saw the passion of his colleagues.

Thom, Green, Old Harden, Ivan.

They took turns.

Brian was surprised to find that everyone's emotional intelligence was much higher. Even Eli, a boring guy who liked hiding in underground shooting ranges and ammunition depots, never stopped saying nice things.

In this scene, Susan came and she was jealous of Brian.

But everyone didn't stay in the office for long.

Ivan and the others took over the robbery and murder case. They had a busy day yesterday and found no clues, witnesses or surveillance. They could only take out delicious food and take Thirteen to the police.

Ivan understands Morse code, so he can have some simple communication with Thirteen.

"Time flies so fast, Thirteen has begun to take the initiative to call the police."

Brian picked up the Los Angeles Times that the doorman had delivered today, crossed his legs, held a small cup of coffee, and began to kill the time at work today.

Younger brother Green did not follow Ivan and the others to investigate the case today.

Boss Brian is back.

He must closely follow the boss's footsteps.

Green even brought a small ball over today and played with throwing and catching it in the corner to practice his reflexes.

Black people do have a good innate physique.

Green should be regarded as the member with the best improvement effect among the group of people who were injected with the reagent the day before yesterday.

Even the strong Ivan is not as good at absorbing the reagent as Green.

Considering the history of black people in this commonwealth...

Back then, those black people with poor physical constitution had no chance of leaving offspring. But now, those who can leave offspring are those with high-quality genes among the best.

When you think about it this way, it becomes easier to understand.

Brian still admires Green's diligent attitude.

Diligence may not allow you to transcend class, but it can definitely raise your lower limit a lot.

It's about ten o'clock in the morning.

The office phone rings.

Old Harden stretched and picked up the phone: "This is the B6 team office of the NW Operations Department... Are you sure you are not kidding?"


Old Harden stood up in shock and knocked the chair behind him to the ground, making a noisy sound and attracting the attention of several people in the office.

Old Harden did not react.

He picked up a pen and paper with a serious expression, quickly recorded information in his notebook, and kept nodding.

Brian put down the newspaper and pricked up his ears.

This was the first time he had seen Old Harden so gloomy.

what happens?

After five or six minutes, Old Harden put down the phone.

He looked at Brian and Green beside him: "There is a big case. A vehicle filled with children traveling to the suburbs lost contact last night. Someone saw the vehicle in the woods today."

Brian nodded.

His hearing was much better than before, and he knew everything from the phone call.

The children who went to camp this time were students from an aristocratic private middle school. There were twenty-eight of them in total.

These twenty-eight children, together with the driver who picked them up from the camp, the two teachers who accompanied them, and the two security guards with guns who were responsible for taking care of them, were all hung in the woods where they were found.

The parents of those children are either rich or noble.

This case is indeed not a small one.

Old Harden also briefly described the circumstances of the case.

After listening to his account, Green asked doubtfully: "Isn't that the jurisdiction of the A1 team? Why did the dispatch center transfer the case to us?"

Old Harden shook his head:

“I don’t know, but according to my experience, this should be a direct request from the energetic parents of those children after they receive the news.

After all, our B6 team has the best performance in the entire operations department. "

The B6 team does not have many members, but the cases it takes over are solved very quickly, and except for some cases that were actively intervened by the headquarters, there have been no missed cases so far.

Of course, the main reason is Brian's BUG.

The Operations Department, to put it harshly, is a place for training for the second generation of some families within NW who are not considered outstanding.

Leaving Brian, a second-level employee here, is completely a reduction in dimensionality and suppression.

"Don't worry about why the case is in our hands, let's go, Green."

Brian picked up his suit jacket, stood up and walked outside.

"Wait for me, Boss Brian!"

Green quickly chased after him.


No matter why this case was assigned to their team.

With Boss Brian here, it won’t be a problem!

There were more than thirty corpses, and their team's on-site investigation and body collection truck simply couldn't hold them.

The two simply drove over in a car.

The car belongs to Green.

This guy changed cars again.

Green also installed a whistle device on his newly purchased car and threw it on the passenger seat.

"Why did you buy this?"

Brian asked curiously.

This thing is usually configured for patrol officers. It is illegal to configure this thing for private individuals.

Of course, Green has official employee status and meets the usage standards, but no staff in the operations department likes to have this thing in the car, and they generally don't use it.

Green drove the vehicle, looked ahead, and explained:

"In recent months, police fatalities with the LAPD have exceeded those of the past year.

The police union had strong objections, so the LAPD was given a major facelift.

They have equipped many police cars with new equipment. I heard that there are also independently connected micro-car computers that can perform GPS positioning and navigation, and can also contact the center to mark the location of police dispatch, etc.


There are also new body armor and firearms usage regulations.

Anyway, it was free, so I went along and got a set. There was also a special shotgun in the trunk. It used a cross-head slug and one shot could break a steel plate as thick as my little finger.

I tried it and it was really strong. "

Hearing this, Brian's heart moved: "You mean, the police have relaxed the rules on the use of weapons?"

He really wanted to get a legal Vulcan cannon.

With his physique, various talent blessings, and the exaggerated fire coverage and power of the Vulcan Cannon, the Terminator will have to be destroyed when it comes.

Green nodded:

“It’s a lot more relaxed.

In principle, it is to ensure the safety of police officers on duty.

Strong firepower is essential.

I heard that Government Z will also install a device called a gunshot capture device throughout the city. If a gun is fired somewhere in the future, the dispatch center will automatically receive an alert and then arrange for nearby patrol police to go check it out."

Greene has always been well informed.

During the rest of the journey, he continued to tell Brian about many changes that he had not paid attention to before.

More than half an hour later.

A large number of vehicles parked on the roadside attracted the attention of the two people.

The crime scene has arrived.

This is the turnoff of the highway.

There are several small towns not far away.

The woods where the campervan was found were right next to the town and the road, so townspeople who went to work in the city noticed the abnormality early in the morning.

Green drove the car directly to the woods.

There are also several police cars parked here.

Next to the police car is a bus surrounded by a barrier. It looks like a school bus, but it is spray-painted with a lot of paint, giving it a cheerful feel.

Some officers were walking in and out and taking photos.

Not far away, there were some crying men and women, blocked from the isolation zone and unable to get close.

Well-informed reporters have already set up long guns and short cannons to face this side.

More than thirty people died at one time, which was considered big news even in these days of frequent murders.

Brian even saw foreign reporters stationed in Los Angeles. Judging from the patterns on their equipment, they were all reporters from major media organizations.

It is foreseeable that if this case is not handled well, the LAPD will bear a lot of public opinion.

Outside the woods, there were people waiting for Brian and the others to arrive.

A middle-aged white man with a big belly saw Brian and Green getting out of the car. He seemed to have seen his biological father. He trotted over and said, "Hello, I'm Gilder, the chief of the Jiao Town Sheriff's Office. May I ask? Is it an agent sent by the NW Operations Department?”

"Yes, my name is Brian, and this is my assistant Green. Please tell me about the case."

Brian nodded.

Gilder wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Let's talk as we walk. The victim's body is still a little further inside the woods."

The three of them were about to go inside.

In the distance, a tall and thin white man rushed over while the patrol policemen were not paying attention, and shouted to Brian: "Mr. Brian, I have something important to ask for!"


The words are not finished yet.

He was pinned to the ground by two strong patrol officers.

He probably felt embarrassed.

One of the patrol officers scolded the other man while kneeling on the other man's back in a standard posture, while the other one quickly searched the man.

Brian looked around and found that he didn't recognize the other person.

But the other party can call you by your name...

Think about it.

He said to the two patrolmen: "Let him go and let him come over."

Gilder on the side said quickly: "Listen to Agent Bryan."

Only then did the two patrolmen pull the man up from the ground bitterly.

The tall and thin man looked very weak, but his face turned red from being suppressed just for a short time. When he got up, his body became a little weak and he was breathing heavily.

Slow down.

He walked up to Brian with great emotion: "Mr. Brian, you may not know me, but I am a staff member of the Edener Research Institute, and my name is Alpha."

"Staff who remain on base?"

Brian was surprised.

Alpha nodded: "Yes, after the institute's holiday, I returned to Jiao Town. Unexpectedly, my sister's child died less than two kilometers away from me, so I asked Gilder who came first. The Sheriff recommended Team B6.”


All right.

So that's it.

He looked at Alpha: "So why did you stop me?"

Alpha looked sad:

“My sister was divorced early in life and placed most of her emotions on her son and daughter. However, after hearing the news, she committed suicide this morning.

Mr. Brian, I have researched some information about you and know that you are a very powerful person.

I beg you to find the murderer."

"This is my duty, you can leave." Brian nodded indifferently.

He will solve the case.

But Alpha's approach made him feel a little uncomfortable. Inexplicably, he changed from taking the initiative to solve the case to being forced to solve the case.

The key is that this guy is still his future subordinate.

This feeling is even more unpleasant.

This guy doesn't seem to have any emotional intelligence. He probably didn't do well in the research institute before, otherwise he wouldn't have been left to him by the group of people from Blacklight Biotechnology Company.

Alpha didn't notice Brian's emotional change at all.

He looked at Brian gratefully and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket: "Mr. Brian, I don't have much money. This is a private research result of mine that has not been published yet. Please help me kill the criminal. I... "


Can this be said on the spot?

Well, this guy really has no emotional intelligence.

Fortunately, we are far away from the reporters here.

Sheriff Green and Gilder also pretended not to hear and turned their heads.

Brian took the USB drive and looked at Gilder.

Sheriff Gilder obediently walked forward and stayed away from here.

He didn't know Brian, but he knew that people in NW were not easy to mess with, and the case also required the pretty boy in front of him to help solve the case or take the blame together, so he didn't want to make him unhappy over such a trivial matter.

I saw people walking away.

Brian said casually to Alpha: "What kind of research is this?"

Alpha said seriously:

“What a great study!

Decades ago, the institute had a research project called the gluttony gene.

Individuals injected with this genetic molecule will have a strong appetite for the flesh and blood of the same kind, and can absorb some special ingredients in the flesh and blood of the same kind and mutate.

However, there are very few individuals who can integrate the gluttony gene. It seems that it only appears once among tens of thousands of individuals, and it consumes a lot of resources.

So except for the surviving individual, the project was sealed.

I felt that although this project was cruel, it had great potential, so I changed my mind and relied on gene grafting technology..."

Next, there is a series of unintelligible professional terms.

But Brian did understand the last words.

It was probably Alpha who applied this technology to plants, and finally, after tens of thousands of experiments, he developed a special piranha flower.

Not only does this piranha have a vitality that far exceeds that of most existing plants, it can also be cultivated through flesh and blood to produce a special red fruit.

Alpha tested.

This red fruit contains a lot of energy.

Ordinary experimental mice only need to eat a little bit, and they can still stay active without eating for a week. If they eat too much, they will bleed from the mouth and nose.

After hearing Alpha's introduction, Brian's eyes flashed with shock.

Holy shit.

Isn't this a high-energy food?

Similar things are also studied by major official organizations in order to ensure the combat needs of high-level warriors.

Such as nutrient solutions, special energy bars, etc.

But the synthesis of those things is not cheap, otherwise it would not require merit points to redeem them.

Special energy bars can be bought with cash, but the price is no cheaper than merit points, and they are also available in limited quantities.

If the special piranha that Alpha mentioned really only needs flesh and blood to grow and bear fruit, then this research is really valuable!

Think of this.

Brian put the USB drive away, and his indifferent expression immediately turned into enthusiasm:


You are a staff member of my institute, and you are one of my own, Brian!

Your business is my business!

I, Brian, treat all of us as brothers!

Don't worry, I will find the bastard who killed your nieces and nephews and your sister, and I will twist his neck off with my own hands! "

What is low emotional intelligence?

This is clearly a talent obsessed with research!

He accepted this talent!

Alpha, who used to be rejected by his colleagues in the research institute because he couldn't speak, didn't expect the new boss to be so good!

He choked and nodded: "Thank you, Mr. Brian, you are a good man."

"Sir, call me boss!"

Brian patted Alpha on the shoulder: "Okay, Alpha, you don't look very well, go back first, I will contact you after the murderer is solved."

"Yes, boss!"

Alpha looked at the depths of the woods with some sadness, turned and walked outside.

He still had to claim his sister's body and deal with the aftermath.

I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected gain this time.

In a good mood, Brian was about to lead Green to the scene for investigation.


He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Gluttony gene. Cannibalism"

Isn't this the innate characteristic of the little girl mutant that he and Green encountered in an 'Alice Garden' when they investigated the missing case on the highway before!

Brian's current sonic attack and exploration came from that little girl mutant.

By the way, the research institute he took over was the one responsible for the little girl's project.

After killing the girl mutant, Benjamin, the new head, began to contact him and finally died in his own hands.

Touching the USB flash drive in his pocket, Brian's mouth curled up.

Fate, it's really wonderful.

In order to win people's hearts, Brian was also prepared to solve this case beautifully.

He quickened his pace to the crime scene.

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