You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 251 The arrogant murderer, provocation

Along the way, Brian's sharp eyes saw a lot of walking traces and some small footprints left on the ground.

In general, in open areas, it is difficult for traces to remain for a few days.

The mountain wind will drive the fallen leaves to eliminate the traces.

This shows that these traces are very fresh.

Judging from the traces and footprints, these are not left by those police officers, but more like the traces left by the victim's children walking through the woods.

In open areas, it is difficult to leave traces, and it is even more difficult to leave smells.

Exercise + strong wind, the odor molecules have no chance to attach to the surrounding environment and will be blown away.

In addition to being able to smell some residual urine, Brian did not find any special smells along the way.

Walk about fifty meters.

Passing through the messy trees, Sheriff Gild was waiting under a bunch of big trees.

There were also several patrolmen on duty around.

Most of them looked unhappy.

The reason is very simple.

In front of them, there was a somewhat evil scene: corpses were hung on the trunks of big trees, blindfolded, motionless, swaying in the wind.

These corpses formed a big circle.

Below them, an old big wine barrel was supported by a rack, with a faucet-like device on the barrel, and a conical "silver carpet" was laid underneath.

The "silver carpet" was very large, almost covering the bottom of all the corpses.

The wind blew.

Bryan's keen ears could still hear the slight metallic sound of the silver carpet.

That thing was a thin metal skin.

There was still a lot of liquid on the metal skin.

The liquid was colorless.

Bryan sniffed it gently and confirmed that it was water.

In addition, all the dead were blindfolded, with cloth strips stuffed in their mouths, and the expressions on their faces were exaggeratedly distorted.

Combined with the bent branches of the withered and yellow branches at the scene, it gave people a sense of despair.

It's fine now during the day, but at night, if anyone sees this scene and doesn't scream in fear, he is considered brave.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly.

This crime scene is very artistic.

This murderer doesn't seem to be a simple guy.

Seeing Brian and his friends finally arrived, Sheriff Gild didn't ask about Alpha before.

He pointed to the crime scene in front and said:

"Mr. Brian, the reporter saw the camping car parked outside the woods and was curious about the existence of such a car, so he came to check the situation and finally found this place.

After we received the report, we sealed off the scene and took down a body for preliminary examination.

The result was very unexpected."

"What did you find?"

Brian retracted his gaze and looked at Sheriff Gild.

This efficiency is a bit fast. It is estimated that there are too many dead people, and the parents of the children have some status, which makes this group of people burst out with such high efficiency.

Sheriff Gilder had a strange expression on his face:

"Except for a cut on the right wrist that only broke the epidermis, no external injuries were found on the body surface.

The coroner in charge of the examination dissected the body.

He found that the deceased was frightened to death.

He said that the symptoms of the deceased were very similar to a psychological suggestion experiment done by Martin Garrard, but the effect was even more amazing.

The problem is that the environment at the scene did not meet the conditions of that experiment at all."

"What experiment?"

Green asked curiously.

Sheriff Gilder smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I was a bit upset at the time and didn't remember much."

Green rolled his eyes.

This sheriff is a fool.

He didn't even remember such an important clue.

Brian explained:

"This is a very famous psychological suggestion experiment.

Martin Garrard is a psychologist.

He conducted experiments on death row prisoners.

They blindfolded the death row prisoners, tied them to the bed, and placed various instruments on the death row prisoners to detect body temperature, blood pressure, electrocardiogram, and electroencephalogram.

Then the judge came to the bedside of the death row prisoner and announced the execution of him.

The pastor also wished his soul to ascend to heaven as soon as possible.

At this time, the death row prisoner was told that he would be killed by bleeding.

With the judge's order, an assistant who had been prepared came forward and scratched the wrist of the death row prisoner with a small piece of wood.

In fact, the wood chip only scratched the skin of the death row prisoner's wrist.

Then, the group turned on a faucet prepared in advance and let the faucet drip water into a copper basin under the bed, making a ding-dong sound. 's sound.

With the dripping rhythm from fast to slow, the prisoner felt a great fear in his heart.

He felt that his blood was leaking out bit by bit!

Various detection instruments recorded the various weight changes of the prisoner truthfully: the prisoner showed typical "blood loss" symptoms.

Finally, the prisoner fainted. "

After listening to Brian's narration, Sheriff Gilder nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, that's the experiment."

Green shrank his neck with some disgust: "These researchers really torture people."

"Death row prisoners are prisoners who have lost their human rights. They are just for scientific research and dedication to atonement. By the way, Martin Garrard is not dead yet. Green, man, you have a chance to say this in front of him."

After Brian finished speaking, he stepped on the metal plates and squatted in front of the wine barrel.

The mouth of the wine barrel was transformed into the shape of a dropper.

The structure of this dropper is quite special.

From a mechanical point of view, water drops will continue to accelerate and drip onto the metal sheet as the amount of liquid in the barrel decreases.

The metal sheet below will amplify the sound of water drops hitting it.

From these clues, it does conform to some steps of Martin Garrard's psychological suggestion experiment.

The problem is that the core of this experiment is actually psychological suggestion and scaring oneself.

People in a closed environment are prone to wild thoughts, and they are blindfolded. Coupled with the previous psychological suggestion, the emotions will be strong enough to affect the physiology from the psychological.

To achieve that level.

Quiet environment, sufficient psychological suggestion, being alone... these are all very important.

This is why many hypnotic methods are common in movies and TV shows, but in reality there are almost no hypnotists and psychology experts who can hypnotize others by snapping their fingers or shaking a pocket watch.

The environment in front of me is in the woods.

When the wind blows, the leaves rustle, all interference.

The victims are also gathered together. Although their mouths are stuffed, it does not prevent them from making some sounds.

In addition, the existence of the group can only cause group panic at most, but it does not help the atmosphere created by psychological suggestion, but will interfere with this atmosphere.

So how did the murderer scare so many people to death at the same time?

Brian became interested.

This case is more interesting than he thought.

After checking the scene.

Brian began to open the door... and observe the bodies on the trees more carefully.

From several bodies, he smelled the urine smell he had smelled on the road before.

Urine carries a lot of unique pheromones.

These pheromones are one of the sources of the smell of each individual.

This is why wild animals use urine to mark their territory.

This discovery also confirmed that the dead in the trees walked here by themselves.

Brian continued to scan the surroundings.

After a circle, his brows frowned slightly.

Green on the side whispered: "Boss Brian, what happened?"

"The scene is so strange. These victims should have walked here on their own initiative, but there are no traces of a large number of adult footprints at the scene, and no traces of clearing clues are seen.

This shows that the number of murderers is not large.

It is winter now. Even though the climate in Los Angeles is good, it is difficult to remove footprints without leaving any traces in the woods.

I suspect that there are only one or two murderers, or even just one person.

How do you think he can control so many children, as well as several armed security guards and camp teachers?"

While saying this, Brian also pointed to the bodies of two strong men on the tree.

On their waists, you can see pistol holsters and pistols left on them.

Hearing Brian's words, Green's eyebrows also frowned.

This is really hard to understand.

The armed security guards are all professionals, with much higher combat effectiveness than ordinary people, and the pistols on their bodies are still there.

The several camp teachers, judging by their muscle contours, are also the kind who exercise regularly.

Even if the murderer is holding weapons and forcing these people to cooperate, there will always be a chance for the murderer to fight back when he ties them up, right?

The traces at the scene were like this group of people had no idea of ​​resistance, cooperated with the murderer to hang them up, and then waited for death to come.

The more he thought about it, the more weird Green felt that this place was.

He shrank his neck and whispered: "Boss Brian, there is something wrong with this case. I feel that these victims are like the mice in the fairy tale who were controlled by the magic flute to jump into the river, and let the murderer slaughter them."

The magic flute is a story in Grimm's fairy tale. It is probably about playing the flute, and the mice will follow the flute player and jump into the river and drown themselves.

Hearing Green's words, Brian shook his head directly: "There is no such thing as the magic flute in reality. Even for the deformed, it is very difficult to achieve an effect similar to the magic flute. The possibility is too small."

The most magical thing he has seen is the silver box he encountered in the prison before, which is another project of Benjamin's research institute.

The things in the box can use the emitted radio waves to continuously impact the prisoners living in that cell, and provoke some negative emotions of the other party.

But this process takes a long time.

The key is Benjamin's attitude. That thing is also very important to Black Light Biotechnology Company. They have sent a master to contact Brian.

If the criminals have this technology, they would have been surrounded and suppressed long ago.

As for the mutants.

That possibility is even less.

Precise hypnosis is almost equivalent to the blood moon gift ability of the rule type.

At present, apart from himself, Brian has only seen similar abilities in the old man Meng, and the rest are basically physical talents.

If you are really lucky enough to meet a mutant with this ability.

That would be a lottery and a happy New Year.

Excluding the above two possibilities, how did the murderer make this group of people cooperate so well?

After thinking for a while.

Brian said to Sheriff Gild: "Let someone pack up the bodies and take them back. I want to perform a comprehensive autopsy on them."


Sheriff Gild nodded, took out his mobile phone, and arranged for someone to come and collect the bodies.

More than 20 minutes later.

Seven or eight people came here carrying stretchers.

Some people were smarter and got a folding ladder.

Seeing this, Brian saved himself the trouble.

He was originally going to jump up and untie the bodies, but now that someone else could do it, he didn't have to bother.

Rights, rights.

If you have to do everything yourself, what's the point of having rights?

Under Green's command, everyone began to pack up the bodies.

A thin police officer, holding a knife, took the initiative to climb up the folding ladder and prepared to untie the ropes.

He was about to lower his head to ask the person holding the ladder to be careful not to let him fall.


The police officer's eyes widened, staring at the ground, and exclaimed: "Shadow, Shadow!!!"


Upon hearing this, Brian did not hesitate at all. He flashed and jumped to a height of more than three meters. Then he reached out and grabbed the tree trunk, crossed his hands, and forcibly "pulled" himself to the top of the tree more than ten meters high, and looked down.

Under the sunlight, the ropes and the shadows of the bodies swaying in the wind were projected on the ground into a line of letters: This is just the beginning..

Brian pursed his lips.

Interesting, really interesting.

What an arrogant criminal.

Killing people is fine, but also leaving a message at the scene to provoke.

So interesting!

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