You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 252 Autopsy, clues, and the murderer's further hint (6,000 words in 2-in-1, additional

The murderer successfully aroused Brian's interest.

If his attention to this case was only about 10% before, it has now increased to 70% or 80%.

In the eyes of the murderer, this case is just the beginning of his game.

In Brian's eyes, the game has begun to count down.

Two days, at most two days, he will make the other party offline!

Unfortunately, there was no obsession ball at the scene, otherwise Brian would increase this time to half a day.

Because of the discovery of the projection, everyone climbed to a high altitude, filmed the scene for evidence, and then started to clean up the scene again.

Looking at the projection information in the camera, Green's eyes were solemn: "Boss Brian, I read in the file that generally the murderer who makes such provocative behavior is either arrogant or a high-IQ criminal. I feel that we have encountered the latter."

He felt that this case was a test for them.

Brian nodded.

Green was right.

Solving a case and fighting are two different things.

If he can't find the key clues, even if he can blow up a tank with one punch, he still can't find the murderer.

But the same old saying: the more you do, the more mistakes you make.

After doing so many illegal and criminal things, Brian understood a truth: there is no absolutely clean crime scene. If there is, it must be that you did not find the traces left by the other party.

The dead can speak.

The difference between a master and a layman lies in whether you can find the key to open the dead's mouth.

With the harvest at the scene, the convoy began to gradually leave the scene.

This place will still be blocked, but only two patrolmen will be arranged to guard it in shifts, which is more formalistic.

There are so many corpses that ordinary places can't really fit them.

Sheriff Gild is a talent. He not only called a refrigerated truck to come and pull the corpses temporarily, but also pulled all the corpses to a frozen warehouse in the town.

This is actually a kind of ability.

Otherwise, if a sheriff without connections were to handle this matter, there would be no way to coordinate such a frozen warehouse in such a short time.

The boss can completely ignore the face of the police.

The frozen warehouse is located on the edge of the town. Except for a cement road, there are no residential buildings on the side, which seems relatively quiet.

When the convoy arrived, the place had been cleared.

The warehouse is divided into storage warehouse, freezing warehouse and cargo warehouse.

The environment on site is not clean. There is no way to clean it in such a short time. Fortunately, all the messy goods have been dealt with.

Rows of frozen pigs hanging upside down were pushed inside and blocked with transparent curtains.

New carts were neatly placed in the open space, allowing the staff to place the bodies of the victims on them.

This is the cargo pickup platform of the previous warehouse. There is an automatic washing equipment on the side. It looks more automated than the general autopsy workshop.

To a certain extent, forensic doctors and butchers only serve different customer groups and have different skills. There is no difference in essence.

Brian changed his clothes and asked Green to assist him and started the autopsy directly.

The bodies have been neatly placed, and all the clothes on their bodies have been taken off and placed aside, waiting for possible inspections.

According to the normal process, the steps of autopsy are generally physical examination, local examination, dissection, visceral examination, and tissue testing. The steps are very cumbersome.

Brian was born in a wild way, and with his talent, he has his own autopsy ideas.

He likes to smell first.

In this case, the death toll was 33, and the driver's body was taken for autopsy by the town's coroner, so there were a total of 32 bodies at the scene.

Among them, there were 28 children's bodies, 3 adult male bodies, and 1 adult female body.

Because this is a freezer, many livestock bodies are frozen, and in the workshop, there are many slaughtered large livestock bodies that are transported here for cutting and storage.

The smell at the scene is very unpleasant.

This adds some difficulty to Brian, but it is not a big problem.

His current thinking is far superior to ordinary people. He can easily mark some site odors, and then block them, artificially creating a clean autopsy environment.

Brian walked among these corpses, catching the subtle smells emanating from them.

These corpses all smelled fresh.

In addition to the normal biological residual odor, some of them carry unpleasant body odor, some exude strong perfume and cosmetics, and some exude unique body odors formed due to different eating habits.

But almost all corpses emit some special pheromone odor molecules.

This pheromone represents fear.

Human emotions are actually affected by hormones in the body, so emotions can affect a person's physiology.

For example, happy people tend to be in better physical condition, have stronger immunity, and have a lower threshold for dopamine secretion.

They are easily in a good mood, optimistic and confident, and have a longer lifespan.

The pheromones emitted by such people are more pleasant.

When ordinary people stay with such people, although they cannot smell those pheromones, they will subconsciously relax and feel comfortable.

Unhappy people are different.

The most obvious are women and patients with depression and anxiety.

The structure of women's bodies makes it easier for them to secrete various hormones, which means that they are inherently more susceptible to emotional manipulation, and their bodies are also more susceptible to emotional influence.

If they are in an unhappy environment for a long time, they are very likely to suffer from emotional diseases.

The same is true for depression and anxiety.

In severe cases, they will have somatic symptoms, such as hand tremors, sweating, abnormal heart rate, etc.

Brian can actually see the mood and personality of a person by smelling the pheromones contained in the smell of a person.

He now smells the horror contained in these corpses.

In addition to the horror, most of the corpses also have some residual smells such as happiness and heavy sweating.

This is very interesting.

In the late December weather, the night temperature in the mountains and forests is about 15 or 16 degrees, which is damp and cold. Wearing short sleeves overnight is easy to catch a cold.

In this environment, or when they are held hostage, why do these people feel happy and sweat a lot?

This... is one of the information contained in the corpses: before they died, they had experienced great emotional ups and downs. This emotional change affected their physical changes, which led to the secretion of a large amount of sweat as if they were relieved of a heavy load.

This is a physiological phenomenon.

Even if an experienced forensic doctor does not have Brian's dog nose, he can draw similar conclusions after testing the body secretions, but not as easily as Brian.

By smelling, Brian came to a conclusion:

Before executing these victims, the murderer played with the emotions of these people, causing their emotions to fluctuate greatly, and finally turned into more serious fear.

Brian pointed to several corpses: "No. 7, No. 13, No. 27, these three corpses are registered, and I will see their personal information and family member information later."

These three corpses have been in fear.

They are either timid or treated specially by the murderer.

Look, the clues are here, aren't they?

Sheriff Gilder, who was waiting on the side, nodded quickly: "No problem, these victims are all from the same school. We have complete experience in the camp and the school, and we have collected it."

Another unfamiliar face, a black man who looked to be in his 50s or 60s, couldn't help but ask: "Is there anything special about these bodies?"

He is the autopsy officer in the town.

Green also looked at Brian curiously.

Brian nodded and simply taught: "You touch the muscles and joints of these three bodies, compare them with the surrounding bodies, and then touch their backs and compare them again."

The two did as they were told.

Green had little experience in this area, and after touching them, he was still puzzled: "I feel that the joints of these three bodies are stiffer. Why is that?"

"Because of nervousness."

The black old autopsy officer was quite experienced. Looking at the crystals on his fingers, he explained:

"These victims died within twelve hours. They were killed at night, where the temperature was not high, and their body characteristics were maintained.

The joints of these three bodies are stiffer than others because they are under greater psychological pressure, and their muscles are subconsciously tense for too long.

It is difficult for ordinary people to detect this subtle difference.

Mr. Brian, You are amazing!"

Brian shrugged: "This does require some experience and observation. What do you think of crystallization?"

The black autopsy officer thought for a while:

"This is salt stains formed by sweat solidifying in a short time.

People who are nervous tend to sweat easily, but because of the tight muscles, the sweating is more concentrated around the forehead.

Considering that the wind in the woods is strong and the temperature is lower than outside, sweat evaporates easily, so the conditions for sweat stains are more difficult, and it is easier to form sweat stains when sweating a lot in a short time. "

"What does this mean?"

Green absorbed these knowledge that might not be useful, but could broaden his horizons.

"It means that except for these three individuals, the other victims had extreme emotional fluctuations before their death.

Generally, this situation will occur when they relax after a lot of exercise.

For example, when you run vigorously for a period of time and slow down, a lot of sweat will be discharged from all parts of your body, and salt stains will appear on your clothes.

If it is placed on emotions, it is when their tense emotions suddenly relax.

Emotions can affect a person's muscle state.

For example, if the murderer tells them that they will only target these three people and the rest will be fine, it can cause a similar effect.

At this time, their tense emotions suddenly relax, and the tense muscles relax, and the pores of the skin will be in a relaxed state, causing a large amount of accumulated sweat to be concentrated and discharged from the body.

The external temperature will form salt stains on their body surface."

The old black forensic doctor explained, and after speaking, he deliberately glanced at Brian, and he was relieved when he saw that the other party nodded in approval.

Green nodded.

I learned it.

As expected of Brian, the boss, he just turned around and found the special features of these three bodies.


He felt that he would never reach the level of Boss Brian in his lifetime.

If he learned some basic knowledge, it would probably be enough for him to make a name for himself in solving cases.

Didn’t you see the look of the old autopsy officer in his 50s or 60s looking at Boss Brian with admiration and admiration?

This is Boss Brian’s strength!

After the smell, the next step is to check the body.

There are indeed no other signs of trauma on the surface of these bodies except for the marks left by the ropes, and there is no blood stasis in the mouth and nose.

This means that the murderer did not use fists or feet on these victims.

The next step is to operate.

Brian's autopsy once again stunned the old autopsy officer who had never seen him in action.

It's so smooth!

The toughness of human tissue is very strong.

Skin and flesh, flesh and bones, and biological tissues and fat between each other, etc., seem to be easily cut under the scalpel, but in fact, it best demonstrates a person's anatomical skills.

Brian's hand holding the knife, just two simple movements, the skin and flesh of the body are opened as if they are peeled off, exposing the largest angle of view, and the ribs, various tissues, and internal organs inside the body can be clearly seen.

An expert knows whether there is any problem with one move.

A simple dissection shows Brian's familiarity with the human body and his precise control of force!

Without decades of surgical skills, it is impossible to do it!

After internal examination.

Brian also did not find any signs of internal injuries or poisoning on these bodies, and there was no special smell of poisoning in the smell.

Except for the heart.

Most of the hearts and blood vessels around the hearts of these dead people showed signs of slight damage.

This situation is usually caused by the heart beating overload for a long time.

In short, it is consistent with the conclusion of the old black coroner on the cause of death of the previous body: death by fright.

After completing the autopsy of all the bodies, Brian also felt a little tricky.

These victims died too cleanly.

It was as if these victims took the initiative to cooperate and frightened themselves to death?

Is there really such a thing as a magic flute?

How did the murderer do it?

It takes time to test the body fluids.

Brian is going to hand these over to official agencies.

He is not good at these either.

After thinking about it.

Brian changed his gloves, walked to the bodies of the two male security guards, picked up their belongings and began to check.

Both security guards were carrying guns.

Their equipment was also very complete, whether it was firearms or some gadgets, it was no worse than that of the police.

The two men had obvious muscle lines on their bodies and their hands were full of calluses. They were elites who maintained high-intensity training every day.

Even though Brian didn't know much about the security circle, he knew that these two were elites in this industry. They might even have entered the army for further training and seen blood.

Such people's psychological quality would not be too bad, at least much better than ordinary people. When they encountered danger, their reaction ability was much better than ordinary people.

But according to the situation at the scene, they didn't even pull out their guns.

This was also unreasonable.

Without getting any useful clues, Brian was not in a hurry.

He first carefully looked through the clothes of the two security guards, and then turned his attention to the remaining female corpse.

The woman was an employee of the camp. She looked to be in her forties. Her eyebrows looked kind, but the twisted expression on her face completely destroyed this kindness.

The other party's body was slightly fat, and the two bags on his chest were seriously sagging...


Brian's eyes suddenly focused.

He reached out and lifted the bag on the left of the other party, looking at the skin under the bag.

I saw that there were many small bumps on the skin under the other party's bag.

This thing is prickly heat.

Prickly heat is also called heat rash. It is generally caused by the inability to sweat due to damp heat, and finally forms blisters or inflammation of the skin.

This thing is more likely to appear on children, especially some children in China.

The elders there like to wrap their children tightly, and then when the weather is hot, they are easily covered with prickly heat.

But this is Los Angeles.

The woman is also an adult. Judging from the drooping shape of the bag, she belongs to the category of not wearing "bad omens". She is wearing short sleeves and has good ventilation.

In other words, the other party does not have the conditions for prickly heat.


Brian thought of the possibility and quickly grabbed the woman's clothes.

The other party was wearing a short-sleeved skirt, a seamless V-shaped shorts on the lower body, no safety boxer shorts, and a short-sleeved skirt on the outside. It looks solemn on the outside and cool on the inside.

This is a middle-aged white woman with a stuffy look.

Of course, this is not the focus of Brian's attention.

He carefully examined the marks on the short sleeves and chest of the woman's skirt.

This time, he really found something!

He stroked the material of the skirt on both sides of the woman's chest twice, and then touched the material on the chest, frowning and wondering.

After thinking for a while.

Brian waved to the black old coroner who was holding his breath to observe his movements:

"Come and touch it.

I suspect that something was hung on the chest of the deceased before his death, but no similar marks of strangulation were found on the surface of the other party's body.

How do you think the murderer did it?"

The old coroner nodded and stretched out his fingers to touch the place Brian had just touched.

There was nothing unusual about the material on both sides of the dress.

However, when he touched the chest of the skirt, he found something unusual: it felt rough.

This is the internal fine fibers on the surface of the clothes, which are pulled up by external force to bring about the convex feeling.

He thought for a moment, and said uncertainly:

"There are no special marks on the sides of the dress, which means it is not a normal transparent tape.

I feel that there are some traces caused by double-sided tape, and it is the kind of high-quality double-sided tape, but I did not feel the material residue after the tape was applied.

With simple double-sided tape, it is difficult to stick something slightly heavier to the surface of clothing made of skirts, and it is also difficult to remove it without leaving any residue.

There are very few materials that can do this!

The murderer probably also used straps to fasten things to the deceased's body.

let me think

I seem to have seen similar materials! "

The old black coroner was lost in thought.

Here’s the advantage of being older: you’ve seen more.

Hearing this, Brian mentally agreed with the old coroner's inference.

The other party's judgment was consistent with his speculation.

Also consistent with the symptoms of prickly heat.

The belt was tied around the chest of the deceased woman, causing her flesh bag to be close to her skin. In addition to the secretion of sweat, she kept covering it. The skin of the deceased woman may also be relatively sensitive, which is why prickly heat appears.

This is the most appropriate explanation.

The only thing Brian wasn't sure about was the traces of tape used by the killer, and he didn't know much about that.

Clues exploration requires not only observation but also experience.

Otherwise, the clues are placed in front of you and you don’t know how to start.

In this regard, Brian is somewhat lacking.

He also needs experience in cases.

The old coroner is old and his memory is not very good.

While the other party went back to look through the files, Brian continued to examine the cloth stuffed in the mouth of the deceased.

The material of these fabrics is very ordinary, just ordinary kitchen wipes. You can buy a lot of these things in any supermarket.

These wipes were soaked in the saliva secreted by the deceased, exuding a very unpleasant odor.

Watch all the way down.

Brian didn't find any special clues on these wipes.

But he wasn't impatient.

Solving the crime itself is a tedious process of discovery and verification that requires some patience.

It's almost time to reach the end.


Brian's hand paused.

I saw a few light blue lines on the cleaning cloth on his hand.

This rag was stuffed into the mouth of one of the three corpses he marked.

Green's eyes widened.

He quickly looked at the remaining fabrics.


Green also found blue lines on the cloth in the mouths of two other children.

The cloth removed from the mouths of the others did not have these things.

"What do these lines mean?"

Green felt that his IQ was somewhat insufficient.

This case was more special than any he had seen or heard before.

Brian shrugged: "The clue can also be understood as the murderer's declaration of committing the crime. If I guess correctly, this should be him telling us his target for the next crime."

Hearing this, Green was stunned: "Is this murderer so arrogant?"

"The murderer is so arrogant."

Brian put the three wipes together, looked at them, and said with a smile:

"The fact that the other party deliberately arranged the corpses and used the phenomenon of light to form the shadows into a criminal declaration shows that the murderer has a high IQ and is very confident.

The murderer was proud.

His growth environment should be accompanied by praise and admiration, and he has shown excellent learning ability since he was a child.

Such people will become extreme once they encounter setbacks or obstacles.

Such as now.

He has gone from being confident to being arrogant. He believes that even if he puts the clues in front of us, we will not be able to decipher them before he commits the crime.

He should be enjoying the process.

Let's imagine.

When he commits another crime and we see a new crime scene, we see these lines again and realize their meaning. Will it be very frustrating? "

Green nodded: "A cat will definitely feel frustrated if it is played by a mouse."

"Yeah, that's what he wanted to do."

Brian said with certainty: "He must have suffered some kind of bad experience recently and is trying to regain his former confidence from us."

Playing with psychology, right?

Excuse me.

Although he had only briefly read a few psychology books, Brian had committed many crimes and easily became involved in the other party's criminal psychological activities.

Looking at the wiping cloth with blue lines on his hand, Brian smiled slightly.

He already knows what the lines mean!

The murderer has gone too far!

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