You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 253 Waiting for the Rabbit

This murderer was also unlucky to meet Brian.

In order to deal with a large number of missing cars on the road, Brian memorized the electronic traffic map of the entire Los Angeles city at the Park Center, and used his talent of memorization to imprint the electronic map in his mind.

So when he saw the lines on the three cleaning cloths, after a few simple combinations, he recognized the meaning of the lines.

This thing is a certain section of the Los Angeles highway traffic route.

The routes of the three pieces of cloth overlap somewhat.

If you understand the meaning of the blue lines, arrange them according to the original position of the highway route, and stack them together, the overlapping coordinate point connected by the lines should be the location of the murderer's next crime.

Judging from the location, it seems to be under an overpass.

Brian took out his phone and looked at the time.

It's almost noon now.

The overpass location connects three highways, and there are a lot of vehicles coming and going during the day. The murderer shouldn't be so arrogant, and he probably won't have all the fun if he makes a big move during the day.

There is still some time.

Brian was going to check the information of all the victims and then go to the overpass for a walk.

This is actually very important.

In homicide cases, the motive is a very important part.

Except for the insane and perverted, no one would kill a fellow human being for no reason.

Whether it is killing for money, seeking revenge, emotional problems, or passionate quarrels. As long as the motive for the murder can be found and combined with the clues found at the scene, the suspect can be easily screened out.

Just like the current case.

Based on Brian's criminal psychological profile of the murderer, it was inferred that the murderer was a conceited person who might have suffered some setbacks recently.

His motive for committing the crime was most likely to vent his anger, show off his strength, commit random crimes, and provoke the police. It was less likely that he wanted to take revenge on those who had caused him frustration.

This is the characteristic of a murderer.

If something similar happens to happen to the victim's parents, then the person who meets the conditions is likely to be the murderer.

Of course, this case also exposed a very fatal problem for the murderer.

"Boss Brian, do you understand what these blue lines mean?"

Seeing that Brian was confident, Green said curiously.

Brian nodded and asked, "In addition to investigating the situation between the victim's family, do you think we can investigate this case in other ways?"

Green has clearly thought about similar issues before.

He said a little unconfidently:

“I feel like the murderer is either from the school or from the camp.

The crime scene looked weird, but it couldn't hide some of the information revealed by the murderer.

The camping site was located on the seaside more than 60 kilometers away, which was actually very close to downtown Los Angeles. However, the murderer had prepared enough ropes and selected the location in advance.

No matter how he committed the crime.

This at least shows that he knew about the camping trip and was prepared to commit the crime in advance.

This information will not be made public on the Internet.

If you commit a random crime, you will not prepare so many ropes and other items for no reason. This way, once you encounter a highway patrol officer, it will be difficult for him to explain what he has prepared, which also increases his risk of exposure.

So no criminal in his right mind would do such a thing.

Rule out this possibility.

I think the murderer is hidden among these four groups of people: students, students’ families, school employees, and camp company employees.

This is a revenge crime! "

Hearing Green's unconfident narration, Brian gave him a thumbs up: "Green, my good buddy, you really surprised me. I mean, your case-solving thinking and observation skills have improved very quickly. This will help you succeed in the future.”

What Green said were the fatal clues that the murderer was forced to reveal.

Again, the more you do, the more mistakes you make.

This murderer is an example.

This is why, after Brian saw the crime scene, he was confident that it would take at most two days to find the murderer and crush his neck!

Hearing Boss Brian's unreserved praise of himself, Green's big black face burst into laughter.

The boss is praising himself.

Hey hey hey~

While the two were talking, Sheriff Gilder ran in sweating profusely.

He held a lot of information in his hands and panted:

“This is all the victim information I want, including the victim’s family information, the camp’s contact number and staff information.

Here's something I thought might help the case.

If you need anything else, I'll take care of it right away. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded appreciatively.

Or how can someone become a local police chief?

The other party's ability may not be outstanding, but in terms of communication skills and attitude, he is really not bad, surpassing many people here.

"Thank you, Chief Gilder. Your information is very comprehensive. Just place it in the open space in front. In addition, we have completed the basic autopsy on the bodies of these victims. We need to make proper arrangements next..."

"no problem!"

Sheriff Gilder put down the information and patted his chest: "This refrigerated warehouse is opened by my nephew. He won't have any objections. I will make all arrangements."


Brian thanks again.

I saw Chief Gilder calling several patrol officers to come in to help.

Brian also took Green with him, took the materials, found a rest room, divided a part into each other, and started reading.

Brian first looked at the information of the three victims he pointed out before.

The three victims, two boys and one girl, were all 11 or 12 years old.

Their parents are also of minor status.

There are lawyers and university professors.

The mother of that girl is also the owner of a private psychological consulting company in Los Angeles!

The other party's name is Yelena Morton. She is forty-three years old. She is well-known in psychological counseling and has even published a best-selling book on psychology and social phenomena.

Brian also read this book when he was in college.

He memorized the information about several people in his mind and picked up other information to read through.

On the side, Green looked at the information about the parents of these children in his hands. From time to time, he smacked his lips, and said with some emotion: "As expected, they are all children studying in private middle schools, and their parents are rich..."

His mother, considered a very far-sighted member of the black community, did not spend money recklessly and worked hard to make money. She supported him through high school and forced him to attend community college.

Although it was of little use, it gave him many advantages over other black people when signing up for the LAPD.

The police force needs black people.

Green has no criminal record and average academic performance, but community college is also a university.

Such a comparison.

He passed all interviews without any pressure.

As a metropolitan police officer, the LAPD's rookie patrol officer's income is not low. Even if he does not meet Brian later, Green can at least live a life without worries about food and clothing under his mother's plan.

In Green's eyes, he was already a pretty good person on his own street.

But when he saw the occupations of these children's parents, as well as the school's fee tables for some courses, it made him extremely sad.

More than ten years of hard work is not as good as the starting point of a child.

The key point is that if he had not met Boss Brian, he would have struggled all his life and it would be difficult for his children to enter this private middle school.

At this moment, Green felt what real social class was.

Hearing Green's complaints, Brian chuckled:

"Don't be envious.

This group of people is actually the most tired group of people in our lives.

Can't go up, can't go down.

High annual insurance, living costs to maintain a decent class life, trying to climb up the ladder, sending children to private middle schools with high tuition fees

When children are in school, in addition to taking courses far beyond those in public schools, they also have to participate in various interest classes, leaving little time for rest.

This is another big expense.

Both adults and children are tired. "

Green shook his head speechlessly: "If I were them, I would never let myself and the children be so tired."

Brian shrugged: "When you reach that level, you will be forced to follow suit, unless you want your offspring to become a waste."

Greene was a little too naive.

He has no idea how cruel the rules of this federal society are!

The educational resources here are polarized. The richer the children, the more difficult they are.

Children at the bottom prefer happy education, and most of them are reduced to blue-collar jobs, manual laborers who have graduated from high school, small bosses, etc. They have little chance of turning around and are just consumables.

Even if someone has good talent or is lucky enough to get into a good university, the high tuition fees will make them miserable.

Not everyone can get a scholarship.

University tuition is not cheap, and the interest rates are also high.

Otherwise, Brian wouldn’t have had to work part-time to repay the loan.

Let’s put it this way, the Department of Education of the American Federation is the largest financial institution in the federal government in terms of student loans.

Some people also jokingly claim that the Department of Education is the most profitable commercial bank in the United States.

Student loan interest is compounded.

Even if these children graduate from college, unless they are particularly good and get a high salary after graduation, or they suddenly win a lottery and get a large amount of money, they can pay off their student loans in one go.

Otherwise, they who seem to have decent jobs will still have to work hard for many years to pay off all the loans after paying taxes, daily expenses, travel and social expenses, etc.

It's equivalent to saying.

In essence, they are still college-educated, relatively high-quality middle-class social animals. There is no essential difference from those at the bottom. They are all consumables.

This society has settled everything, forcing people from all walks of life to continue working and create value for the operation of this society.

Thinking of this, Brian sighed slightly in his heart.

He understood more and more why his uncle Billy was so obsessed with improving the Camo family's social class.

In this society where social classes are becoming more and more solidified and opportunities are becoming less and less, some things have been decided while you are still in amniotic fluid.

At this moment, Brian was actually somewhat grateful to Blood Moon.

He is a relatively talented person.

If it weren't for the gift of the blood moon, perhaps his greatest achievement in his life would be to become the American Soft Rice King.

There are quite a few wealthy widows here.

Take back the emotion.

Brian looked at the information carefully again.

There is not much information on the victims.

But Brian read very quickly, and it took him less than ten minutes to read through all the information.

There is nothing to gain from this information.


The normal procedure for solving crimes is to visit the homes of these victims.

But Brian was not so free.

He stretched:

"Let's go and send the electronic files of these data to Old Harden.

Tell him to notify the families of the victims and report them all to our office building, as well as the school, the teachers of these children, and the leaders of the camp company, and let them all go.

What to ask, you should know, right? "

Green nodded:

"Yes, ask them if they know anyone who is a good person, who has been offended recently, or has other setbacks. Focus on asking the parents and teachers of Nos. 7, 13, and 27.

I also got Mr. Jason's phone number and will keep an eye on his situation. "

Jason is the old black coroner in front.

The other party is now going to look through the old files to see if he can recall that special double-sided tape.

Green always felt that it was also a very important clue.

After all, special means that it can be used in fewer situations, so it is better to target the user group.

After hearing Green's answer, Brian nodded: "Yes, it's that simple. Let's go back."

With Green as a young man with a flexible mind and strong execution ability, it is quite worry-free.

Seeing that they were leaving, Chief Gilder quickly followed up and looked at Brian expectantly: "Mr. Brian, may I ask about this case..."

Brian felt that his senses were okay, so he nodded: "Don't worry, it will be done within two days. At that time, I will have someone indicate Chief Gilder's help in the case on the closing report."

"Two days?"

Chief Gilder was actually just trying to find out what he was talking about. Unexpectedly, the handsome detective in front of him actually told him that the case would be closed in two days.


He felt that Brian was bragging, but out of kindness, he warmly expressed his thanks and personally sent them to the car.

After getting in the car, Green realized belatedly and reacted: "Boss Brian, you just asked me how to interview the families of the victims. Do you have any other arrangements later?"

Brian nodded:

"Didn't you ask me earlier what those blue lines represent?

It was a location where the killer told us he was preparing to commit his next crime.

I'm going to squat there and give this arrogant murderer a surprise. "


Green was still thinking about how to catch the murderer.

Unexpectedly, the murderer would be so arrogant and take the initiative to reveal the location of his next crime.

Isn't this seeking death?

The question is, since Boss Brian knows where the murderer will appear, why does he bother to ask the families of the victims?

Brian saw Green's doubts at a glance.

"Are you curious why I asked Old Harden to call someone to our office building to cooperate with the investigation?"

He patted Green on the shoulder: "The reason is very simple. Think about it carefully."

Green's mind is quite bright.

He thought for a while and guessed: "To paralyze the murderer?"

Brian nodded:

“One reason is to follow the procedure and prevent me from guessing wrong.

Another reason is to paralyze the murderer.

Since this guy has left clues, he will definitely watch our show in secret. The more this happens, the more we have to follow his script.

I was looking forward to his expression when he thought he was playing a trick on us, but found out in the end that he was the clown! "

As he spoke, Brian clenched his fists with a sinister smile on his face.

A high-intelligence crime that plays Nima.

Since you like to show off your operations, I will just sit back and wait, go straight to the yellow dragon, and blow your head off with one punch!

Seeing the ferocious smile on Brian's face, Green shuddered.

He didn't dare to ask any more questions and quickly started the car.

The last time I saw Boss Brian look like this was when he was a group of drug police officers from Las Vegas.

As a result, the other party's boss burped on the spot and saw blood himself.

In Green's eyes, the life of this murderer who tried to show off his manipulations and toy with the police had entered a countdown.

the other side.

A pale-faced white young man with long hair wiped the sweat from his forehead and pushed a small cart out of a small room full of scratches and bloodstains.

Occasionally, people passing by smelled the smell on the cart and subconsciously avoided the young man's side.

Occasionally, some people would deliberately slow down their pace, salute the long-haired young man doing the job with disgust and gloating in their eyes, and then leave happily.

Seeing a once dazzling genius fall again before he has risen, and still doing disgusting and dirty work that even a cleaner is not willing to do, makes many people who were jealous of the other person feel very comfortable.

The young people turned a blind eye to these.

He kept his head down and moved forward.

Covered by long brown hair, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Some time ago, he was still a future star in everyone's eyes, but now he has fallen into this situation, and has been burdened with huge compensation, making it difficult to turn around.

"Human nature is really ugly..."

The young man murmured in his heart.

Wait, then.

You losers will regret it!

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