You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 254 (7,500 words in two chapters, additional chapters 5 and 6 for monthly tickets in May)

Arrive at the office building.

Brian asked Green to call him if he had anything to do. Then he rode his motorcycle to the area where the target overpass was located in advance and found the tallest building in the area.

If others are following you, you need to disguise yourself nearby.

He is much simpler. He can see clearly from a distance of seven or eight kilometers, which is equivalent to a military human telescope.

At such a long distance, even if the murderer had a brilliant plan, he would never have guessed it!

I found a spot and parked the car.

As usual, Brian hung his police badge on his motorcycle, whistled, and walked toward the building.

This is an office building.

On the first floor, you can see densely packed signboards with various texts.

These are company names.

In urban Los Angeles, there are many small trading companies that will rent an office in this kind of commercial building. It is convenient and cheap, focusing on practicality. As for the property, you can just ignore it.

In this kind of commercial building, it is difficult to provide one person with one card.

Otherwise the visitors coming and going will annoy them to death.

Brian followed the crowd and blended in smoothly.

He randomly found a floor and got out of the elevator. He politely declined a few female white-collar workers who asked about his company's room number and asked for drinks after get off work. He whistled to the top floor and started to follow him.

Seeing each moving object being actively marked in his field of vision, and even a large amount of data such as distance, wind speed, and movement speed pouring into his mind, Brian sometimes felt like a flesh-and-blood robot.

Eagle Eye + Super Computing Perception, the fusion of the two talents makes his eyes really look like bioelectronic eyes from the future.

"Don't mention it, my ability is not only suitable for long-range sniping, but the tracking effect is comparable to that of a smart satellite, but it consumes too much brain power.

You should also be able to try gliding, downhill, wingsuit flying, etc. in the future.”

Brian thought boredly.

no way.

Under supercomputer perception, all moving objects that come into his sight, whether active or passive, will be captured by his eagle eyes.

Once a situation arises, he can find it.

Serious or not, the effect is the same.

However, Brian also found that he had acquired too many talents and abilities in a short period of time, and it was difficult for him to specialize in developing one or a few talent series.

He can only try his best to complement each other with the talents he has acquired, so that he has as few shortcomings as possible.

time flies.

Time soon came to evening.

During this period, Brian also received a call from Green.

The old black coroner in the town already knew what that special double-sided tape was.

That thing is called water-soluble fabric double-sided tape.

This is a special and niche special double-sided tape. It was developed not many years ago. It is mainly used for bonding clothes, slimming, and preventing light leakage. The effect is several times stronger than traditional double-sided tape for fabrics.

The popularity of this thing is very low. It is mainly used by some women for catwalks, attending parties, taking artistic photos, etc.

Of course, some ruthless people will also use this kind of special double-sided tape to stick to their own skin to open wrinkles, and then cover the thin special double-sided tape with foundation, and then rinse it with water to dissolve this special material. Special double-sided tape.

Because of the niche.

The market for this stuff is very small. Manufacturers directly use these special double-sided tapes as gifts for certain clothing. Most people who want to buy them cannot buy them or have access to them.

This is an important clue.

At least that's the case for Green.

With this clue, the suspects can be narrowed down.

Green's inquiry progressed poorly.

Among them, seven or eight parents did not come.

Those people are all doctors from a mental hospital. They are usually under closed management and cannot be contacted at all. Now they don't even know that something happened to their child.

The parents of the victim who came were not very cooperative either.

From what Green said, someone was deliberately looking for trouble and caused chaos at the scene.

The women were either crying or cursing, showing no trace of the restraint of the middle class.

The man had a sullen face and would always put pressure on him, telling how much money he paid in taxes to the federal government every year. In the end, the federal government couldn't even protect the safety of his children, accusing the LAPD of being a bunch of parasites who wasted taxpayers' money, forcing Green to do so. Hand over the murderer quickly

In fact, the main reason for this situation is color discrimination.

Discrimination against black people is even more serious among these large and middle-class people.

the reason is simple.

There are very few black people in the middle class.

Even if there are, they are either inheritances obtained from soft rice, or they are sports stars, or singers such as Rap, or serious professions or businessmen, very few, very few.

Another reason is that these people with a little money are not afraid of the police.

And Green himself doesn’t have much experience in asking questions.

It is easy for these social elites to see the newcomer's background, which in turn increases their contempt for him.

Brian sat on the edge of the balcony more than 20 stories high, dangling his legs.

Listening to Green's complaints on the phone and the noisy voices over there.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Green, you have been studying with me for so long, and you have been joining the B6 group for almost two months. You have learned well in other areas. Why don't you and I, the team leader Susan, do the most critical thing?" Learned?”


On the other end of the phone, Green's mind immediately pictured Brian's coolness in giving someone a big dick, and Susan's ruthlessness in pulling out a gun and shooting her head off at every turn.

He lowered his voice and said with some hesitation: "Boss Brian, these people are all middle-class people. They are either professors, well-known lawyers, doctors or the CEO of a certain company. Isn't it appropriate for me to just shoot them?"

You know, this is the Commonwealth of America, a place where double standards are particularly serious.

To put it bluntly, the group of people in front of him, even if they commit crimes of the same level, go to court, plead guilty directly without a lawyer to defend themselves, these people will be sentenced to at least three years lighter than those at the bottom of society and those with low education. one part.

Different punishment for the same crime is not a joke, it is reality.

the reason is simple.

The jury and the judge will believe that this group of people are social elites and talents. The crime must be impulsive or extenuating, and they must be dealt with lightly. Otherwise, it will be degrading and a waste of talents.

The rate of these people being released on bail pending trial or parole is particularly high.

As for ordinary people

That means having an anti-social personality, a tendency to retaliate against society, and having criminal genes. You should stay in prison more often, work on sewing machines, and use your remaining energy to contribute to this society.

If he took action against this group of people, the complaints would crush him to death.

Green felt somewhat guilty.

"What's inappropriate?"

Brian hates that iron cannot be transformed into steel:

“Do they respect you?

Just tell them that if they don't cooperate, they will be arrested for obstructing official business.

Don’t we have a lot of empty rooms in our office building?

Enough of locking them up.

If they don't obey, they will be punched and kicked.

You can also learn a few tricks from the old Harden.

He used to be a prison guard and knows a lot of tricks.

When the time comes, keep this group of elites honest! "

Brian then taught Green many cruel and vicious tricks, which made the passionate little policeman somewhat doubtful about life.

How can people be so bad?

As expected of Boss Brian!

It's not just the people he listens to who doubt life.

The conference room also became quiet.

Old Harden stood up helplessly, walked to the door, and patted Green on the shoulder: "Green, you need to change your mobile phone. The voice of this broken mobile phone can hear your conversation several meters away."

Green looked at the conference room in confusion.

I saw the messy family members of the victims before, all looking at him and Old Harden with complicated eyes, as if they were looking at two gangsters and shameless robbers who were wandering in the society.

A lawyer took out a voice recorder in frustration:

“As a police officer, it’s okay for you not to help investigate our child’s murder case, but you actually discussed how to deal with us!

Are you worthy of our annual taxes?

I will definitely disclose this matter to the media and complain to all of you.

You are a bunch of social trash, bedbugs, shameless and despicable parasites, vile..."


A big mouth slapped him in the face, interrupting his curse.

The lawyer lay on the ground and looked at Green with dull eyes.

No, are you really doing it?

I'm a lawyer!

It's a lawyer!

Aren't you afraid of revenge?

Believe it or not, I will sue you for bankruptcy!

Green bent down, pulled off the recorder from the other person's hand, threw it to the ground, and crushed it with his foot: "Brother Brian is right, you can't be too shameless. I don't understand why your child was killed. Not only If you don’t cooperate with the police’s inquiry and investigation, you will interfere with our work!”

He pulled open the corner of his clothes, revealing the gun holster inside, and stepped on the promising lawyer:

"Man, I'm impressed with you. Everyone else was very cooperative until you spoke.

What is your purpose in obstructing the police's investigation of the case? "


He was just depressed because his child was killed, and he saw that the interrogating detectives were two black men, so he took it out on them. He had a fucking purpose!

He is a well-known lawyer and a family member of a victim.

What's wrong with scolding you a few words to vent your anger?

As a result, the other party really took action!

The world is really crazy!

The lawyer is not stupid, he knows that the other party is using him as the leader.

Situations are stronger than people.

Under everyone's gaze, he blushed and apologized: "Sorry, I got a little emotional when I heard the news that my child was killed. I'm sorry."

Not to mention what this group of people will do next.

At least things are starting to click for Green.

In the face of violence and shamelessness, these middle-class people finally regained their former polite and civilized side. In cooperation with his inquiries, they also regained their normal, soft side of the victim's family members.

the other side.

Brian hung up the phone speechlessly.

This guy Green is really a stick.

Fortunately, although these people are from the middle class and have some social influence, they are not considered capital. They can only be regarded as tools and mouthpieces in the hands of capital.

It is impossible for NW to trouble a potential star like himself for some tools.

Just complain.

He can carry this responsibility.

More than four hours have passed.

Night falls.

There are long lines of traffic and the roads are crowded.

This situation lasted until around eight o'clock in the evening before getting better.

the reason is simple.

Except for some bustling commercial streets, if you continue to stay outside, the risk of encountering danger will continue to increase.

On the street, except for some homeless people, the number of normal passers-by is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After nine o'clock.

Scattered groups of people began to wander in and out of the streets.

At some street intersections, software-hardened girls wearing high heels and cool clothes also began to appear.

Under the overpass that Brian was paying attention to, there was a group of young people.

They squatted there, stopping passing vehicles from time to time and approaching to say something.

Some older young people with gang markings on their bodies were scattered around, kicking their hands in their pockets to warn against possible hostile gang members or policemen.

This is like selling powder and leaves.

These gangsters love to recruit children into the industry.

They are cheap and difficult to prove against them if caught.

Because the child’s testimony requires parental consent.

Those parents are not afraid of the police, but are afraid of gangs, and will never allow their children to testify.

Brian looked away helplessly.

Why hasn't the murderer shown up yet?

He didn't even see suspicious people coming out to check the spot.

Did the murderer choose to kill randomly this time?

With this thought in mind, Brian set his sights on the parking spot below.

His beast motorcycle stopped at his feet.

Don't be blind...huh?

Brian raised his eyebrows.

There are really some people who are short-sighted.

I saw a small figure standing in front of his motorcycle.

At the opponent's feet, there were several young black Americans lying in the West Coast style, and a pickup truck was parked on the side of the street.

Judging from the situation, this group of people had been eyeing his precious motorcycle for a long time. They waited until no one was around before driving a pickup truck over and preparing to carry the car away. However, as soon as they got off, they were stopped by someone.

Why was Brian so sure that the group of black people lying on the ground had just appeared?

Because the time he spent scanning the circle below was less than two minutes.

This group of people appeared within these two minutes.

There are not many good Samaritans left now.

Without thinking, Brian jumped from the roof of a building more than 20 stories high.

Every few meters, he would stretch out his palm and quickly apply force on the corner of the building. After two or three breaths, he would fall from the sky and appear in front of a black man who was touching his waist. A big foot would kick him around. Five meters away.

After kicking away the black man who was about to shoot him, Brian looked at the long-haired white young man standing in front of his motorcycle: "You're good at skills, but you're just a little less vigilant, you?"

"Why are you interrupting my game?"

The long-haired white young man tilted his head and looked at Brian with strange eyes.


This guy..

Just now, because of the angle, he didn't notice the other person's appearance.

Now that he was down, Brian realized that something was wrong with this long-haired white young man.

The other party's long hair was slightly curly, and his face showed a corpse-white color under the light. His eyes were sunken, with dark bags under his eyes, and his eyeballs were pointed upward. It was a rare white eye that gave people an uncomfortable feeling.


Brian narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you a game enthusiast?"

The long-haired man shook his head: "No, I am a staff member of a mental hospital doing some research."

"It seems that the work of studying mental illness is not easy to do. You don't seem to be in a very good mental state." Brian slowly approached the other person: "By the way, my name is Brian. What is your name? Do you need help?"

The long-haired white young man tilted his head and watched Brian getting closer and closer.


He turned to look at the Beast motorcycle parked on the side of the road: "Is this your car? It looks very good."

"It's really good. It cost me a lot of money and it's a limited edition."

Brian was already five meters away from the opponent.

This distance is no different from standing in front of him.

The long-haired white young man nodded: "This car is worth spending a lot of money on. By the way, my name is Sudan, Brian? This name sounds familiar. The dog I used to take care of was called this name. He was too noisy later. I just fed it chocolate. Do you like chocolate?”

Listening to the other party's frivolous words, Brian knew that this guy was the prey he was waiting for.

But he didn't expect that this prey would not appear on the other side of the overpass, but at his own observation point.

Coincidence, or something else?

He was a little unsure, so he didn't take action directly.

See him and say nothing.

Sudan stretched out his hand, followed the tail of the beast motorcycle, and finally stopped on the police badge stuck on it: "I am surprised that you can solve my mystery. It seems that the target of the game tonight is going to be changed. "

Brian looked at him like this: "You have many flaws. Without that answer, I would have found you. By the way, how did you get more than thirty people to listen to you and wait to die?"

Sudan flipped his hair:

"A very simple application of psychology, I used bombs to hold them hostage, and then when they were frightened, I told them that I just wanted to play a game with them, and as long as they cooperated, I would let them go.

It's like building a dam.

If you don't give them any hope, they will run away or even shoot back, but if you give them an opening, their will to resist will become very weak, and they will even act according to your will.

Human nature is strange.

The more people there are, the better the effect of this trick will be.

Even if someone wants to take risks, they will be stopped by their companions.

They would rather leave their fate to me, a criminal, than take a chance. "

See that he is willing to communicate.

Brian was no longer in a hurry to take action.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and held it in his mouth: "Then how did you kill them? It was like a psychological suggestion method, but I don't understand how you achieved that effect."

"It's very simple."

It seemed that Sudan had not spoken to anyone for a long time.

He snapped his fingers, with a sick smile on his face, and pointed at the black men lying on the ground:

"Just like them, first give hope, and then crush their hope little by little.

This degree is difficult to grasp and needs to be done repeatedly.

Eventually despair will take them away.

If you don't show up.

I'll give them a shot before I crush their arms, but I won't kill them.

What do you think I would do? "

Brian suddenly thought about the emotional turmoil of those victims.

He said slowly: "When they think they are dead, you will let them take the initiative to vote for one person to be executed, and the remaining people can survive, and then when they think they have escaped, you will change another person." Gameplay, kill everyone in the end.”


Sudan looked at Brian in surprise and enthusiasm: "This is the first time I met someone who understands me so well. I like you very much, Brian. It's a very nice name. Do you want to try playing games together? It will be fun!"


Looking at this guy who was obviously mentally disturbed, he couldn't help but said: "Are you sure you were a staff member who studied mental illness and not the one being studied?"

The Sudan nodded affirmatively:

“I’m a PhD in psychology.

However, some time ago, some problems arose in my research. Many patients died, and the hospital covered up the matter for the sake of reputation.

Because of this incident, I was reduced from a researcher to a laboratory cleaner, and I had to be responsible for some research projects to repay the hospital's losses, otherwise I would become the subject of research.

Haha, how can there be no death in research?

These idiots have no idea of ​​the magnitude of my research project.

When I complete my research, I will use them as material later! "

The more Brian listened, the more strange he became: "What kind of mental hospital are you here? What is your research project?"

The Sudan shook his head:

"A small mental hospital, it seems to be an institution under a certain research institute. It accepts mentally ill patients for free on the surface, but secretly uses them for research.

As for my research project, haven’t you seen it?

is it beautiful?

I call it the Magic Flute.

This is a story I loved when I was a kid.

Destroy the hopes of those people over and over again, give them hope again and again, play with their hearts, and finally brainwash them into obedient little mice, actively being swallowed by despair.

The people in the mental hospital said that I had gone crazy doing research.

So I sent all their children away.

Those people don’t understand what greatness is. I can only use reality to tell them that I am not wrong.

They don't understand me simply because they are rubbish! "


Sultan's excited tone softened.

He suddenly looked at Brian with strange eyes:

"It's strange, I can't see through your heart.

I deliberately annoyed you, attracted your curiosity, or told you what happened in a cooperative manner, but the expression on your face was like a running mechanical program. It seemed that you were reacting, but in fact you remained calm.

Are you wearing a fake face? "

Brian didn't respond.

He looked at Sudan in surprise: "Can you read minds?"

Sudan's face turned cold: "You haven't answered my question yet, you are very rude!"

While talking.

A faint white breath came out of his nose, and his thin body slowly bent unscientifically, turning from an unhealthy height and thinness into an explosive bow shape: "Do you know why I left a message to remind you? Because It’s even more delicious when you think you’ve caught me, only to find out that you’re as weak as an ant!”

next moment.

With a ferocious smile on his face, Sudan suddenly crossed the five-meter distance, held a scalpel, and wiped Brian's body, across his neck.

He was like a swordsman who could kill one person in ten steps. He stood more than two meters behind Brian, with his back to Brian, without looking back, and said in a bleak and sad tone:

“Thank you for making me feel good.

damn it.

This is the happiness I pursue.

I like to communicate with smart people.

You could see through the clues I left, and you shouldn't have died in my hands so easily.

I want to talk to you more.

terribly sorry.

I know you are desperate right now.

Your despair is delicious.

A few months ago, I was emotionally unstable, and I didn't know why.

Hey, you were supposed to be a quality project material for me.

How about you cooperate with me? "


Brian looked at this lunatic talking to himself and couldn't help but interrupt him: "Your speed is indeed good, but is this it?"

Listening to his slightly leaky voice, Sudan's pupils contracted violently.

How can it be!

He turned around and looked at Brian in disbelief.

Under the illumination of the street lamp, I saw this tall and handsome man looking at him with strange eyes.

Among the large cuts on the man's neck, there were no traces of blood spatters as he expected. There were only hideous and disgusting granules dancing in the void, merging with each other, and healing the wounds on the other's neck at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Sultan looked like he had seen a ghost.

Brian touched his healed neck: "It's quite cool after the trachea has been slit... Where did we just talk? By the way, mind reading. Do you know how to read minds?"

Sudan stiffly picked up his scalpel with his right hand, looked at Brian's completely healed neck, turned around and ran away without saying a word.

next moment.

Afterimages flashed.

By the time he reacted, his head had been completely grasped by a hand, and he was caught in the air.

Under the horrified gaze of the other party, Brian exerted a sudden force.


Flesh and blood torn.

Under the afterimage of the streetlight, Sudan's eyes widened. His head and spine were suddenly pulled out of his body by Brian with brute force.

"Don't tell me, you just want to talk but don't tell me!"

Brian held the other person's head and smiled coldly.

He promised his researcher that he would twist off the murderer's head.

Be trustworthy.

If you say take off your head, take off your head!


Sultan's lips wriggled twice, and his consciousness was submerged in endless darkness.

"You are the monster!"

"Your whole family is a monster!"

He is not used to this kind of guy who slanders him even if he can't win!

Brian cursed a few words, grabbed the other person's head, and was about to squat down to check the items on the other person's body.

A pickup truck suddenly rushed across the street.

Two gunmen rushed out of the car.

They glanced at their brothers who were lying on the ground, and immediately pointed their guns at Brian angrily. They were about to say harsh words, but they froze in place at the same time.

What is the other person holding in his hand?

I saw this man standing next to the headless corpse, holding the head of a long-haired man in his hand. Behind the head, there was also a long bloody spine that covered the ground...

The two menacing gangsters were frightened when they saw clearly what was in Brian's hand.

What a scene from hell! ! !

Brian didn't expect this group of car thieves to have support.

He frowned and looked at the two gun-wielding black men: "Is something wrong?"

Two black men were armed with guns, but they were the ones who were afraid.

See Brian speak.

A timid black man trembled with fright, his voice almost crying: "Don't come over, we will call the police! We have guns in our hands, we have guns in our hands"

The words are not finished yet.

He heard the car door closing.

The timid black man looked behind him with a dull expression. In despair, he found that his companion had rushed to the car. Without any hesitation, he started the pickup truck and drove away.

He turned his head stiffly and looked at Brian with trembling eyes. He was too scared to say anything, looking at Brian who was weak and helpless.

Brian grinned: "Dude, you're all alone now."


This young black man rolled his eyes and fainted from fright.

"Am I that terrible?"

Brian shook his head on his hands.

The head swayed, causing the spine that was dragged on the ground and still dripping blood to sway, and was projected on the wall like a dancing snake.

This thing is actually no different from a sheep or a scorpion.

Brian didn't understand why the two black men were so scared.

"It's boring."

He didn't bother to pay attention to the fainted coward, squatted down, and started groping for the Sudan's headless body.

This guy smelled fishy and disinfectant, and there was nothing on him.

In addition to another spare scalpel, Brian only found a small brand.

He picked up the sign and saw that it was a pass.

On it were written some letters and the face of the Sultan:


serial number


At the bottom are the names of the two organizations.

One is the Edenner Mental Hospital.

One is the Eden Institute.

Seeing these two names, Brian was silent for a long time, and then said somewhat speechlessly: "6."

The research institute he took over was the Edener Research Institute.

Unexpectedly, there is a mental hospital underneath the institute.

As for Sultan, he is his own employee.

This is true6.

What do the research institutes of these radical organizations usually study?

A slowly condensing red ball attracted Brian's attention again.

He looked at Sultan's dead-eyed head and shrugged: "Since you are an employee I have never met, I will be merciful and help you fulfill your obsession."

After saying that, Brian happily stroked the ball above Sultan's head with his left hand.

According to Sudan's narration during his lifetime.

This guy is definitely an aberration affected by the blood moon.

The opponent seemed to be very weak, vulnerable to a blow in Brian's hands, and was easily crushed to death.

This is simply Brian's abnormality.

The opponent's speed is about 100 meters and five seconds.

This has exceeded the limits of the human body and is barely at the critical point of first-order life.

In other words, Sultan is a potential aberrant.

Brian was looking forward to the gift from the other party's obsession.

It would be even better if you could read minds!

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