You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 255 Complete the obsession, brother, you are an iron pipe

Chapter 255 Fulfill your obsession, brother, you are an iron pipe...

Brian squeezed it with his little hand, and the obsession ball immediately turned into a rainbow light and shot into his eyes.

next moment.

A piece of information came to his mind.

Sudan Obsession: What is soft-hearted?

Seeing this obsession, Brian was stunned.

Isn't this a question?

This was the first time he encountered such questioning obsession.

Geniuses are often paranoid.

It seems that this Sultan has suffered from being soft-hearted and has become obsessed with it.

Brian continued to read.

Gift 1: 95 units of gift points.

Gift 2: 50 units of gift points + careful observation

Gift three: 1 unit gift point + self-deception

Judging from the first gift, Sultan's potential is indeed very high, at least his mental strength is not low, almost reaching the level of Uncle Brian.

Brian focused his attention on the following two gifted talents.

Observant: Your ability to observe is naturally strong and you can notice details that ordinary people tend to overlook. Your heart is sharp and you can easily see through the true emotions of people around you.


[You even lie to yourself. When you lie to your body, your body will unconditionally choose to believe you.

Brother, I say you can do it, you can do it, stand up!

When you are paranoid enough, the appeal of your words increases.

Your emotions will affect those around you. 】

The talent of observing subtle things was directly ignored by Brian.

This talent is not as good as his supercomputer perception.

Although the initial potential of supercomputer perception is not as subtle as this observation, at least in terms of gift energy units, this is the case.

But as his other hardware continued to upgrade, this talent that had been with him from the beginning began to play an increasingly important role.

Therefore, the versatile talent actually helped Brian even more.

As for 'deceiving oneself'...

Brian: "...what does it mean to be a brother? If I say you can do it, then you can explain that you are a bit naughty."

This thing is actually Brian's own blood moon gift talent, which will transform the obsession gift talent into a meaning that Brian can understand.

In other words, the style of the annotations was influenced by Brian's personality.

Of course, he thinks he is a serious person and does not recognize this.

After reading the gift.

Brian rubbed his chin.

The gift of self-deception is actually easy to understand.

For example, when Sultan takes action, his body suddenly becomes explosive with speed, and his sword-wielding hand is also very stable.

But as we talked, Brian felt like a normal person.

That change should be caused by Sultan’s blood moon distortion talent ‘self-deception’.

The key is to read the explanation. This self-deception can not only deceive your own body, but when you are confident enough, it can also affect the people around you.

This talent should be more awesome than it appears on paper.

As for mind reading...

There is none in Sudan.

Mind reading is considered a mental skill.

Considering that Sultan said that he has a doctorate in psychology, this should be achieved by his own talent and knowledge.

Many psychological applications, such as micro-expression observation, the art of speaking, etc., actually have the core of observation.

Such as Brian.

When he communicates with others, he can easily capture the changes in the other person's micro-expressions to determine whether the other person is lying.

However, this ability is only useful to undefended people.

For those who are mentally prepared in advance, you can only feel that the other party is very wary, but you can't get much information. In addition, if you are a good actor, it is difficult to tell whether the other party is telling the truth through simple communication. .

Unfortunately, Sudan did not.

Brian was a little disappointed by this.

Sure enough it didn't.

When Sudan asked him earlier if he was wearing a fake face, Brian realized that Sudan should only rely on micro-expression analysis to control a person's psychology, and then rely on his own verbal appeal to play with others.

And so it turned out.

"Forget it, whether it's gift one or gift three, they both look good. It's just this obsession. How should I answer it?"

Brian wanted to touch his chin out of habit, but he lifted Sultan's dead head.

He threw his head on the ground with some disgust, walked up to an unconscious black man, and prepared to take off the other person's clothes and wrap them around the Sudan's head.

As a result, before I even squatted down, I smelled a strong body odor.

This smell is really too strong.

Brian sighed, took out his cell phone, and called Green.

It's getting late.

Green is still working overtime.

There are too many victims, and there are too many parents of them. In addition, if you have a certain social status, you will inevitably offend people, so there is a lot of messy information provided.

Plus information provided by schools and camps.

This screening process consumes a lot of brain cells.

Green was having a headache when he received a call from Brian's boss, telling him that the murderer had been solved.

"Boss Brian is so efficient..."

Green happily threw the information on the conference table, took his coat, hurried to the parking lot, drove the survey vehicle and rushed to the location provided by Brian.

What a joy it is to follow the right person!

Waiting process.

Brian was not idle here either.

He imitated Dean's old posture and tried to light a cigarette with his fingers.

Unfortunately not.

He was so naked that he didn't even see Xing Xingzi.

"I still have to practice showing off..."

Brian sighed and took out his lighter.

Exhaled with a puff of smoke.

Brian's brain was working faster and faster, and little by little it began to substitute into Sultan's behavior pattern.

Sultan's obsession seems to be just a problem.

But this problem is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

According to Brian's own understanding.

This kind of problematic obsession is more like inner demons and knots.

Fulfilling obsessions is actually similar to psychological counseling, untying the knot in the other person's mind.

The problem is that Sudan himself is a doctor of psychology, and he easily killed a group of people by playing with their psychology. Such people are completely useless for simple words of comfort.

He may understand these principles better than you, but he just can't get over the hurdle himself.

What does that saying say: It is difficult for a healer to heal himself.

This is the situation in Sudan.

Think and act like a sultan.

Brian tentatively gave a few answers.

The result is useless.

Obviously, in front of a paranoid genius like Sultan, he simply does not agree with ordinary answers and cannot convince him.

"This obsession seems simple, but if you don't understand why he has this obsession, it's really difficult to deal with." Brian finally gave up on completing this obsession temporarily.

In order to arouse Brian's emotions, Sudan deliberately told some about his own past, but there were no details.

Brian couldn't deduce the causes and consequences of why the other party had such a knot in his mind.

More than half an hour.

Green drove over in the on-site investigation and body collection truck assigned by the B6 team.

This model is a common ambulance, converted from a truck, with a large closed compartment at the back, equipped with a trolley, body bags, fixed buckles, etc.

"Wow, boss, you are so strong."

Looking at the headless corpse with a deflated torso and the bloody spine connected to the head, Green kicked the opponent in the head with a normal expression: "Is this skinny little guy the murderer? It looks like Somewhat like a bookworm."

After a few months in the B6 team, he has barely seen anyone. He is no longer the little patrol officer he was when he first joined the profession.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and pretend."

Brian rolled his eyes.

Green shrank his head, put on gloves, and began to clean up the scene like picking up trash.

When he saw several black people on the ground, he actually recognized one of them.

These guys were beaten to the ground by Sultan before and did not faint. Later, they were frightened and knocked unconscious by Brian's brutal methods.

The description in the text is too pale.

The scene of forcibly pulling out a person's head and spine from the body has a very powerful impact on people, and is much more exciting than a horror movie.

Green stopped moving.

Brian flicked the cigarette butt from his hand in a very unprofessional manner: "What, do you know this guy?"

Green nodded with a complicated expression:

"I know him. He is my neighbor. He often bullied me when I was a child. Later, he joined a gang and made a living by stealing cars with a group of people.

After they steal the car, they will sell it to the owner, who will transport the car to the cooperating terminal in a truck as soon as possible. When the car enters the container, even the locator is useless.

Because the cars will be sent to other countries to be modified and sold.

So these guys are very ruthless. I heard that they even stole ambulances before. "


Damn, this industry chain is too mature.

If I hadn't kept an eye on my motorcycle before I joined him, it would be hard to get it back if I found it later.

Just when they had almost tidied up the scene and were about to go back.

The black man who ran away actually brought a few patrol officers over, and then pointed at Brian excitedly: "That's him, this madman, he actually pulled out the human spine from the body, this devil!!!"

So scary!

Now thinking about that scene, the black man who left his companions and ran away, trembled all over.

When the patrol officers got out of the car, they had already drawn their pistols, and some even had automatic rifles and shotguns.

But before they could shout out their identity as LAPD as usual, someone took the initiative to recognize Brian.

The patrolman who recognized him quickly stopped several colleagues: "Hey, hey, don't point, put your gun away, this is Brian Coroner from NW, he is not a bad person."


The black car thief shouted excitedly: "Stop joking, how could such a cruel guy be?"


A big mouth knocks him over.

The ending was that the car thief ran back on his own initiative. After being beaten severely, he and his companions on the ground were all taken away.

Originally, Brian was too lazy to deal with such a small character, but the other party insisted on coming back to send it off.

OK now.

Brian's motorcycle is worth millions.

This group of car thieves will probably spend a lot of time in jail.

I don’t know if his companions will beat him again after knowing the truth.

Return to the office building.

Arrange the body.

Brian suddenly said to Green: "Green, what do you mean by being soft-hearted?"

Green looked at Brian strangely: "Softhearted?"

He thought for a while and said uncertainly: "Boss Brian, everyone has a different definition of soft-hearted. For example, when I was in law enforcement, I didn't like being soft-hearted, because if you are soft-hearted, you may be killed by criminals. Your chance, but I may be more tolerant to people I know, and even if they have some problems, I will pretend not to know."

"Then why do you think a criminal would struggle with this problem?"

Brian asked again.

He was indeed rarely soft-hearted.

It can be seen from the way he does things.

In some stupid movies, the villain obviously has an advantage, but insists on chatting with the protagonist, and is eventually killed by the protagonist.

Brian was different.

He prefers to kill the enemy and then moan at the enemy's corpse.

The feeling of pleasure is the same.

Brian would only be soft-hearted and express some emotion towards harmless vulnerable groups: such as the woman whose obsession was to protect her three-year-old daughter, or the prostitute who died tragically without forgetting to buy Christmas gifts for the children in the children's home.

To some extent, Brian is a relatively self-centered person.

His soft heart only develops towards kind and harmless people.


Green laughed without thinking:

"The criminal is struggling with the issue of soft-heartedness. It must be because he is soft-hearted and he has suffered a lot.

Especially the extreme criminals.

They never reflect on their own problems and only think it is the fault of others and society. If they suffer the consequences of being soft-hearted, they will only become more extreme. "

After hearing Green's story, Brian had an idea flash in his mind.


How could a guy like Sultan be so entangled in being soft-hearted and then admit his mistake?

He had hit a dead end before.

The Sultan struggled to be soft-hearted, he must have suffered the consequences of being soft-hearted!

Thinking of this, Brian immediately whispered in his heart: "Being soft-hearted is like a knife stabbing yourself!"

next moment.

Warmth surges.

The Sultan agreed with Brian's statement.

Sure enough, he only regretted a certain soft-heartedness before and became obsessed with it!

"Oh, you were right!"

Brian grinned.

He immediately gave Green a thumbs up: "That's good, is it deep?"

Green:? ? ?

Why are you praising yourself all of a sudden?

Although confused, Green still giggled.

No matter why his boss praises himself, just laugh.

Come to the parking lot.

Green seemed to have thought of something and said to Brian: "By the way, Boss Brian, Ivan and the others, under the leadership of Thirteen, left Los Angeles today to pursue the murderer."

Brian nodded: "Yes, Ivan told me."

Ivan and the others were dealing with a robbery and murder case.

There were no clues at the scene and no witnesses. It was only after Thirteen passed away that the murderer's home was traced based on the residual smell on the deceased's body.

The murderer turned out to be a sixteen-year-old girl.

In order to buy a Christmas gift for her boyfriend, the other party secretly went to the street to earn extra money. As a result, she met an old man who told her in simple words that she was not protected by a gang. Afterwards, she refused to pay her and was stabbed seven or eight times by the woman.

These are what Ivan and the others learned about the girl's home through the girl's mother, with the help of Thirteen.

The girl has run away.

Ivan and the others pursued him for the sake of performance.

After listening to Brian's account of the case, Green said with emotion: "That girl is really nice..."

He said it seriously, not as a joke.


He has lived here for more than 20 years, but he still cannot understand the brain circuits of some people here.

After separation.

Brian rushed back to the apartment, took off his clothes, and began to receive the Sultan's obsessive gift.

He chose the three gift rewards: 1 unit of gift points + self-deception.


Brian, who didn't feel any changes in his body, lowered his head and said to his brother: "Brother, you are an iron pipe..."

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