You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 256: BUGs Born from the Fusion of Talents

As the saying goes, a gentleman hides his weapons in his body and waits for the time to move.

Brian's brother, under normal circumstances, likes to keep a low profile and doesn't like to show off or make a fuss.

As Brian thought silently in his mind.

A strange feeling surged through his body.

next moment.

A large amount of blood surged forward at a speed that was almost as fast as the body could bear, and Brian's brother was filled to the brim.

At the same time, the stratum corneum of my brother's skin also showed an increase in density.

Forget about the stinging taste.

The entire change process was over in less than two seconds.

Brian raised his eyebrows as he looked at his brother who stretched out his body, held his head high, and had sinister veins. He was no longer low-key.

Not bad.

He stretched out his finger and flicked it.


A slightly dull sound echoed in this small room.

It's not the crispness of hitting metal, but the dullness of hitting some kind of hard leather.

But in terms of hardness alone, it is no worse than ordinary iron pipes.

"It seems that the structure still depends on the foundation of the body. It is impossible to really turn skin and flesh into metal. I just try to rely on the characteristics of the iron pipe. I guess that Sultan is definitely not as ferocious as me..."

At this moment, Brian felt like his brother could penetrate the human body.

It would be no problem to break bricks with a stick.

The only problem was that this state was obviously unhealthy and made him feel very uncomfortable.

According to the feedback from the supercomputer perception talent, if he continues in this state for about five hours, he will lose his brother forever; for about four hours, the brother will only have the function of peeing; for about three hours, the brother will Lost consciousness for a while.

In short, the longer it lasts, the greater the damage to the body.

This made Brian a little depressed: "Isn't this thing equivalent to a different kind of physical control? At most, it's a little more magical than physical control..."

Did you choose the wrong gift?

With this depressed mood, he began various experiments.

With Sudan's physical fitness, he can explode at a speed of 100 meters and five seconds. There is no reason why he can only reach this level!

"Brother, you are not an iron pipe, you are an alloy steel pipe that can hit the wall at once!!!"

Brian lowered his head and said silently!

next moment.

Brian's face paled.

The blood surged.

His brother's waistline had nearly tripled and his height had swelled visibly to the naked eye. The high concentration of blood had almost solidified in those blood vessels, forcefully stretching all the folds on his brother's wealthy belly.

Losing a lot of blood.

Brian clenched his hands into fists and stood there, his body trembling uncontrollably and biting his lips to endure the pain that made him cry out in pain.


It hurts so much!

He felt that his brother was just about to explode.

"Fuck, brother, it's fake, it was all fake just now, go back, you're so scary!"

Holding back the pain of exploding, after collecting the data, Brian quickly asked his brother to stop being so arrogant, change his mind, and make a stick again!


Brian sat on the floor with lingering fear, his legs still shaking.

Feedback based on supercomputer perception.

In less than three seconds, his brother actually reached a strength similar to alloy steel, but it could only last for a few seconds before exploding.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly!"

Brother Bryan exploded. Although a new brother could be born, that kind of scene would probably be a shadow for normal people.

Even though he reacted quickly, he couldn't sense his brother's presence now.

His brother was obviously seriously injured in the process.

Suppress the feeling of fear.

Brian continued to try: "Brother, cheer up, you are fine, your normal state is the same as before, you are fine~"

next moment.

A warm current, similar to the healing and strengthening of gifted energy, surged through Brian's body, and finally gathered at the home of Brother Brian.

Brian's face turned pale again, and he felt weak, as if all the energy in his body had been drained out in an instant.

Correspondingly, his brother regained consciousness, felt numb and numb, and was recovering at an abnormally high speed.

How can I put it this way?

Similar to the fake and shoddy version of gift energy repair.

This state did not last long.

This repair stopped when Brian felt as if he had been hungry for days and nights without eating, as if he saw that he was too full of milk.

Squeeze out all the stored body energy.

His brother has almost returned to his normal state.

Brian quickly consumed a unit of gift energy to replenish his body's loss.

After regaining his strength, he looked happy.

This self-deception has a similar effect to his physical control, but it is more unique and unconventional.

The upper limit of this talent depends on the strength of his body, and it does not mean what he says, but it allows him to easily reach the limit of his body.

This is different from Brian's explosive state.

The extreme state brought about by self-deception is more similar to the disintegration of the demon, and similar to the overclocking state brought about by Brian's talent in controlling the physical body.

In the overclocking state, Brian actively burned all the cellular energy in his body. While fighting, his body was actively collapsing.

But this requires a process.

Deceiving yourself and others is different.

It can instantly burn all of Brian's cell energy, and then play the most brilliant blow in his life, with a strength far greater than his slowly collapsing overclocked state.

Of course, this is not the reason for Brian to be happy.

The reason why he was happy was because he found a BUG.

He had previously obtained a super-adaptive talent.

This talent allows his body to actively adapt to the environment in a passive state and passively evolve in that direction.

This is a very powerful survival talent.

The only pity is that Brian only obtained the "super-adaptive" talent with one-third of its strength.

He was somewhat regretful at the time.

Later, after the "body control" talent was integrated with the "super-adaptive" talent, Brian was a little scared.

Because the "super-adaptive" talent is actually a passive talent.

It is difficult for Brian to actively control it.

The key is that this talent will cause a change in appearance.

For example, if Brian is locked in a steel coffin and thrown into the sea, he may grow organs similar to fish gills, allowing him to survive in the water environment as quickly as possible.

At the same time, he may also grow organs that devour microorganisms in the water to help him not starve to death.

In short, this will passively change his body structure.

One-third of the ‘super-adaptability’ talent, when integrated into ‘body control’, has changed.

For example, the gills can be transformed into skin breathing according to Brian’s wishes, actively exchanging oxygen with the outside world, and swallowing microorganisms in the water to survive can also control the changes in internal organs, rather than uncontrolled passive changes.

In other words, the passive talent of super-adaptability, in one-third of the cases, only has a worse effect and a slower speed of change, but it also gives Brian the ability to actively influence the change.

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In summary, in fact, this passive talent only increases the degree of difficulty in killing Brian.

His survivability has been greatly improved.

But he didn’t do anything specifically before.

Mainly because he didn’t have the time and energy.

Now it’s different!

When Brian was experimenting with ‘self-deception’ just now, he found that his ‘super-adaptability’ talent was actually actively adapting to his super-limit state! ! !

"Super adaptability + self-deception + physical control, the fusion of these three talents is too terrifying!

It means that from now on, I can continuously passively improve my physical strength according to my own ideas.

The longer this passive time lasts, even if I lose the enhancement of gifted energy in the future, I will become stronger and more abnormal day by day."

As long as I am alive, I will be invincible?

Brian did not expect that the fusion of these three talents would have such a big bug.

It's amazing!

Isn't this equivalent to Saitama's real human body?

So, Brian hurriedly started the experiment.

After about an hour, his face was surprised and happy.

What surprised him was.

This step consumes too much energy.

According to the information collected by the 'supercomputing perception' talent.

If you only rely on consuming the energy of the body to maintain this passive enhancement, then the intensity that can be increased in one day is limited. I am afraid that it will take years to calculate it before you can feel it.

And this speed is still slowing down as the body strength increases.

If you consume the gifted energy, the cost performance is very uneconomical.

He directly used the gift of blood moon to improve his physical strength, which was much more efficient than using it to replenish the energy consumed by passive strengthening.

Much more.

So this ability is at most equivalent to a passive strengthening BUFF, which can squeeze and utilize the food energy that Brian takes into his body to the extreme to strengthen his body, and there is no need to worry about him becoming a manure-making machine.

The good news is.

After all, it is an era of greatly improved productivity.

Some food is not worth much money, it just takes time.

Although passive strengthening is not as fast as adding points of gift energy directly, it can be used as a daily sign-in strengthening guarantee.

Over time.

He will become a real big boss.

As long as this talent has no limit, it is not a dream for the body to resist nuclear bombs.

There is another surprise.

That is his "super-adaptability" talent, which has been enhanced.

Relying on self-deception, stored gift energy, and super-adaptability, Brian can actively adapt to the surrounding environment in a very short time in extreme environments.

There is another small surprise.

He can quickly change his hair color, hair shape, eye iris pigment, skin color and other physical characteristics.

Really - a male version of a shapeshifter.

Brian likes this ability that appeared by chance very much.

He stood in front of the mirror, constantly changing his eye color, hair color, shape, and skin color..

In the mirror, a new face would appear in one second.

Sometimes it was a blond white, sometimes a blond black, and sometimes a typical curly black mixed-race.

One change can be completed in one second.

One change will consume about half of Brian's body energy, or consume 0.5 units of gift energy.


This is so interesting!

After playing for a few minutes and wasting more than 20 units of gift energy, Brian realized it later and felt a little distressed.


He slapped himself hard.

These gift units are all accumulated by his blood and sweat!

The next moment.

The supercomputer sensed and received a gift: his face skin, under his big slap, had extremely slight toughness and strength increase.


Forget it, today is a big day, let's waste it.

Out of boredom.

This time, when Brian absorbed the crystal of Sudan's obsession spirit body, he flipped through the other party's death replay.

This time it was a bit magical.

Brian actually saw all the memories of the other party three days before his death.

He slapped himself again in silence.


Death memories are too boring.

He hasn't actively watched it for a long time. After completing the obsession, he directly devoured the obsession crystal of the deceased, and avoided seeing too many dark things to affect his mood.

As a result, he only discovered this now.

This should also be the change brought about by the third transformation of the blood moon ability.

Brian became more and more speechless as he thought about it, and slapped himself a few more times.

Just treat it as training the toughness of his face skin.

The next day.

Brian hummed a little tune and came to the B6 group office building to deal with the case last night.

The bloody murder committed by Sudan was somewhat outrageous.

This case was also more troublesome to handle.

Next, there were some press conferences, arrangements for the small town police station, and arrangements for closing the case.

Ivan and his guys were not in Los Angeles.

This made a group of people busy.

It was not that Brian needed to deal with it.

Old Harden and his team could handle it well. The problem was that Sudan’s body was in such a miserable state. The person was dead and there was no evidence. The case was closed so quickly, which was more like a perfunctory approach by the police.

As a result, those reporters and the victims’ families were somewhat unacceptable.

In the end, it was Brian and Green who went to Sudan’s residence and found a video recording of the other party’s crime, and barely dealt with all the chaos.

As for why Brian knew that the other party had taken a video, it was naturally from the death replay.

The three-day death replay was just in the time period when the other party committed the crime.

Brian also learned about Sudan’s usual situation in the mental hospital.

He somewhat understood why the other party was so paranoid.

The group of people in the mental hospital probably stayed with the mentally ill for a long time. They really had no skills and no brains. They bullied a suppressed genius without thinking about being retaliated.

Brian didn't like these people very much.

His subordinates were too stupid and could easily cause trouble for him.

He planned to pack up and sell the mental hospital.

After everything was done, it was already four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

Brian did nothing today, just dealing with Sudan's follow-up situation, which was more annoying than solving the case.

The only gain was probably the thanks of the town sheriff.

By the way, he also got Sudan's information.

The information contained almost all the other party's information!

Don't say it, it's quite interesting. Brian found the tip of the iceberg of Black Light Biotechnology hidden under the water from it.

I used to underestimate the radicals of the NW organization.

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