You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 257 Eaten by Susan (Ahem)

"Damn it, I really don't understand why we give these reporters face..."

Green sat down on his chair with a somewhat ugly face.

The reporters' words were very sharp, looking for trouble, almost pointing at their noses, saying that they found a scapegoat to close the case.

This made Green, who thought he could be in the limelight, very uncomfortable.

Old Harden was also very tired.

He held the coffee cup and chuckled: "It's normal, these reporters like this, there is no news, but they have to make some news. Even if we have strong evidence, they will write the report very vaguely, so that the public will think they have seen a dark event."

Reporters, make a living by writing.

Sales and traffic are king.

If there is no explosive point, they will also take the initiative to create an explosive point.

As for whether the people at the center of the incident will be affected, it has nothing to do with them.

Because they are also in a hurry to find the next news explosive point.

Bryan is calmer.

He is flipping through Sudan's information.

The information revealed by Sudan before his death is basically accurate.

This guy probably thinks there is no need to lie to a dead person, so he is very frank.

The information was requested by Brian from the Eden Institute.

Although he has not yet gone there, he has already contacted the acting director.

According to the information.

Sudan is indeed a genius.

His academic performance has been excellent since he was a child. He showed his talent in elementary school and was finally contacted by an institution to sponsor Sudan, who came from an average family, to receive better educational resources.

This institution is actually the talent discovery agency of Blacklight Biotechnology Company, which has its own offices throughout the Federation and even the entire Western countries.

As the saying goes, talents start from childhood.

Many times, the progress of the times and technology actually relies on one or two cutting-edge talents to lead.

The founder of this institution is indeed far-sighted.

From this point, it can be seen that Blacklight Biotechnology Company is more powerful than Brian imagined.

In addition, geniuses like Sudan are not just as simple as being funded.

He also received many tests from experts to discover his strongest talent and then focus on training.

In this way, Sudan grew up in an excellent environment and became a doctor of psychology at the age of eighteen. According to the agreement, he joined the subordinate scientific research institution of Blacklight Biotechnology Company.

Because he was a special talent, after working for a few years, Sudan also had the opportunity to start working on some core research projects of Blacklight Biotechnology..

Next, it was what the other party told Brian.

The only new information was what happened to the other party.

Due to Sudan's research, he killed many of the consumables that were taken in for free by the Edener Psychiatric Hospital for "care". In fact, he was not so miserable as to become a cleaner.

The psychiatric hospital was just his starting point.

He was destined to have a bright future. No one would target such a genius for a bunch of consumables for no reason.

But he softened his heart.

After the incident.

According to the regulations, he was detained for investigation.

During this period, a girl he liked asked about his private research during the visit and finally recorded a report.

Sultan actually felt that the girl was asking questions and guiding him.

But he didn't expect the other party to be so cruel and wanted to kill him, so he took off his disguise.

According to the recording, Sudan was finally identified as having an antisocial personality, very self-centered and dangerous. Considering the other party's talent, he did not execute him directly, but wanted to suppress the other party's character.

This information was handwritten by the director of Edener Psychiatric Hospital and was included in Sudan's personnel file, so Brian was able to know it.

Sudan's soft-hearted obsession was probably because he couldn't get over the hurdle of being calculated by the person he liked. He thought he was too soft-hearted and actually took the initiative to reveal his ambitions.

To be honest.

After reading these materials, Brian was a little speechless.

Because in fact, this was just a case of harm between colleagues.

This kind of thing is too common in society.

There are too many colleagues who smile openly and stab in the back secretly for the sake of promotion and resources.

Including friends.

When you get along well, you can say anything, and even say some bad things about yourself.

Wait until there is a problem in the relationship.

Those words that are said become the weapon for the other party to stab your heart.

Too common.

So mature people know the truth of talking deeply about shallow friendships and talking about three points of people, and will not easily show their weaknesses to anyone.

Sudan's life is too smooth, which is why he has become like this.

Otherwise, Brian would have picked up another genius for nothing.

Thinking of this, he felt a little regretful.

But thinking of the gold coins that this genius had dropped, Brian's little regret turned into joy again.

If he died and got gold coins, he would still be a good employee!

Just when it was almost time to get off work.

Brian was slacking off with a newspaper.

Ivan and his friends had already caught the girl who had escaped and were on their way back.

They rushed back overnight, not because they were in a hurry.

But Ivan's credit card was maxed out.

Yes, maxed out.

Thirteen was going to eat him out of money.

If he stayed any longer, he would probably be forced to wash dishes in other places to pay off his debts.

In fact, these guys were rich, but after getting the money, Ivan bought a lot of personal items of male stars, just knowing what to do, and then there was the daily squandering.

As for Glenn, his money was not in vain, he spent it on women.

Because of tax regulations, most people here do not have the habit of saving, or in other words, do not have the habit of saving deliberately.

This made Brian somewhat dumbfounded.

Ding dong~

The office bell rang.

Brian stretched and was about to go to the beach to eat and start his daily strengthening work.


His ears twitched slightly and he looked towards the office door.

More than a minute later.


The office door is opened.

Susan had a gloomy face and led a strange woman in.

"What's wrong, team leader?"

Brian stepped forward.

At the office, he still prefers to be called Team Leader Susan.

Susan didn't speak, but walked up to Brian, put her hand on his waist, and gave him a hard squeeze.

Don't say it, it's itchy.

Seeing that the flesh on Brian's waist was twisted 360 degrees and he didn't react, Susan couldn't help but kick him: "Can't you cooperate with me?"

This was the first time that Brian saw Susan acting like a little daughter.

He immediately pretended to grin and screamed: "It hurts, it hurts~"


Only then did Susan let go of her hand with satisfaction, and then rubbed the spot where she was pinched with some distress, and said depressedly: "Brian, you are going on a business trip again."

Brian: "Huh?"


Only then did Brian realize the cause and effect.

It turned out that it was the end of the year, and as usual, the White Elephant Country (India) sent invitations to many countries to participate in the commendation ceremony for newcomers.

In fact, it is just to show off your muscles and give you a sense of presence.

The third blood moon has not yet come, so this kind of work is often handed over to the older generation of official organizations in various continents, which can also be regarded as an opportunity for the exchange of resources and interests.

This time the blood moon came again, a new star named Brian happened to appear in NW. In addition, because of Benjamin's incident, I was ready to give him some compensation, so I held a meeting and prepared to let him go.

This is a good thing.

Susan was angry because Brian was leaving again.

Brian's heart moved.

This is a good opportunity to complete Japan's package of obsessions.

He quickly hugged Susan and comforted: "Team leader, you are like the moon above my head in my heart. No matter where I am, I see the moon, and isn't Shisan here? I'm done Will come back soon.”

On the side, the strange woman who followed Susan in made a disgusted expression: "Brian, you make me feel greasy."

Green, who was hiding nearby and watching the show secretly, noticed that there was someone behind Susan.

There was no way, Susan was nearly 1.8 meters tall wearing shoes.

After taking various reagents, her figure became plumper again, and ordinary women looked somewhat petite in front of her.

He seemed to notice Green's gaze.

This strange woman stuck out her head and stared at Green: "What are you looking at!"

Green: ..

No, who are you?

Brian also looked at Susan and asked curiously: "Why is Linda acting so weird when she comes back?"

Yes, this strange woman is the Linda he brought back.

The opponent's body shape and appearance have changed a lot, but the biological smell is almost the same as before, only slightly changed.


Green's eyes widened: "Boss Brian, do you think this is Linda?"

Looking at the tall woman in front of him who looked to be in her mid-twenties, Green thought he had heard wrong.

Isn't Linda a little girl of fifteen years old?

It’s only been a few days since I last saw you!

Are children growing so fast these days?

Seeing Green's surprised expression, Linda smiled, made a face at him, and then retracted behind Susan.

Faced with Brian's questioning look, Susan reacted.

As if she was carrying a chicken, she slipped out Linda who was hiding behind her, and explained: "The lycanthropy reagent Linda injected is somewhat special and has the effect of catalyzing cells, so after absorbing enough energy, she It became what it is now.”

Hearing this, Brian frowned slightly: "Are there any sequelae?"

Susan shook her head:

"I asked the A-series staff at the base, and they said that this is a normal phenomenon, that there is plenty of energy, and that her physical condition is much better than before.

The only problem is that in the next period of time, she will have some uncontrollable changes in her personality due to changes in her body's hormone secretion."

Brian: "..Okay, I can see it."

Linda is somewhat detached now.

She held up her little bun in frustration: "Brian, why doesn't it get bigger?"

The scene was quiet.

Green reacted the fastest.

He grabbed the things and ran outside: "I'm going to get off work first. My mother made me pizza."

Old Harden and the female clerk also made an excuse and disappeared into the office regardless of Brian's life or death.


Linda also realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She stuck out her tongue and said, "Sister Susan, please do your work first. I'll wait for you guys outside."

Linda slipped out in a hurry.

next moment.


The office door was half-detached, hanging limply on the door frame, which was very desolate.

'Lightly' close the door.

Susan turned to look at Brian.

Brian spread his hands and said, "I am innocent."

Susan nodded: "I know, clerk Brian, come with me to the team leader's office, I have something to talk to you about!"

More than half an hour later.

Susan panted and tidied her clothes: "Have you eaten?"

Brian nodded obediently.

He was just eaten.

Thanks to Linda's help!

Susan had been reluctant to take the last step before!

"If you are full, don't eat anything outside, otherwise I will beat your head!"

Susan snorted, held her head high, and limped out of the office.

In the blink of an eye.

Brian was the only one left in the office.

He got up from the ground, and the expression on his face turned into fear.

Luckily, he reacted in time and took the initiative to kill his own genetic material. Otherwise, according to his cell activity, Susan would have to go to work with a big belly in a while.

The situation where enhanced people and deformed people are difficult to produce offspring seems to have lost its rules in front of him, a deformed person.

Brian could feel his genetic material, the urgency to leave his body and find a target to reproduce, as if his stuff had its own weak instincts.

"It seems that I have to continue to become stronger as soon as possible, and then find the organization of the fierce old man to find a solution to the hidden dangers that my offspring may be strange."

Brian thought for a moment, and then couldn't help grinning: "Thank you Linda!"

It was not in vain to bring this girl back to Los Angeles.

After being dry for several months, I finally ate meat again!

The next day.

Susan recovered as before and came to Brian's apartment at around five in the morning to take him to the airport.

Of course.

When she went out, it was already past eleven in the morning.

When Brian left in his second-level staff uniform that he had hardly worn before, the sofa in the apartment that had accompanied him growing up and shed countless sweat had become a wreck.

People often say that men are lustful.

Those who say this must not be married yet.

Even with his physique, he felt a little weak at this moment.

Susan's physique does not seem to be as simple as it seems.

Her resilience is exaggerated.

It was so exaggerated that Brian suspected that Susan might have inherited some of the talents of Old Dean, but they had not yet discovered them.

After all, when he first met Old Dean.

Brian deliberately used the incident in the forest park where they encountered a distorted beast and almost died to stimulate Dean Old Deng. As a result, Dean Old Deng was so angry that he retorted that he would be the only one to die, and Susan would be fine.

But Old Deng reacted in time and did not finish his words.

"It seems that Susan does have some secrets..."

Brian rubbed his kidneys and felt more bitter.

He felt more and more that his and Susan's future offspring might not be too normal.

I hope she won't be pregnant for three years and give birth to a Nezha.

After eating meat, Susan has a special charm.

She is very beautiful and has a good figure. In addition to her height that puts pressure on many men, she has a high rate of turning heads outside.

Today is even more exaggerated.

It made Brian a little jealous.

If he wasn't wearing a black uniform, and Susan had two revolvers on her waist, especially in a place like the airport, she looked like someone who was not easy to mess with. Some men would probably ignore him and approach him directly.

Susan hugged Brian, reluctant to let go, and said, "Come back soon after you're done. I'll miss you."

"Me too"

Brian was let go after another disgusting time.


Brian came to the business class and dared to show a relieved expression.

It's not that he couldn't beat Susan, it's simply because of the structure of the body. For some things, men's happiness is only for the first ten minutes, and it becomes uncomfortable after a long time, but it's different for women.

Susan's resilience is ridiculous.

Slightly sighed.

Brian glanced around, took out his mobile phone, and called the old man Meng.

This time he was not only going to the White Elephant Country for exchanges.

He was also going to Japan.

It was necessary to make a phone call and check his safety.

After all, he was going to have a good time this time.

The call was made, but the old man got a busy tone.

Brian frowned slightly.

Although the old man was a deformed person, he was just obsessed with studying the Book of Changes.

Even if he felt there was danger, he should have told me.

What does rejection mean?

Something is wrong.

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