You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 258 The old man leaves, the magical country of white elephants

at this time.

In the messy house, old man Meng put down his cell phone with a gloomy expression.

At his feet, two women in Chinese costumes, one black and one white, fell to the ground.

Their eyes were widened, their necks were twisted, and they were no longer breathing.

"I haven't seen you for more than ten years. You are having a lot of fun now, Tianji."

A young man in his twenties, who looked like no one else, was sitting next to the fierce old man.

As he spoke, his eyes turned to the old man Meng's cell phone: "Friend? Answer it, why don't you answer the phone?"

The old man Meng ignored him, looked at the corpses on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Xie Mei, with your strength, it is easy to stun them, why do you want to kill them!!!"

An invisible force burst out along the old man's inconspicuous withered body.

The young man felt the biological force field surrounding him and didn't care.

He took out a cigarette, lit it comfortably, took a deep breath, and puffed out the mist, saying somewhat dullly: "The blood moon a few months ago had a great impact on me. Now I often lose consciousness suddenly. I just don't want to accidentally kill someone." It’s just you, after all, there aren’t many old acquaintances left.”

When the angry old man heard this, the biological force field on his body was unable to dissipate.

He sighed.

Yes, there are fewer and fewer old friends.

He stood up, walked to the cabinet, and took out a compass: "Tell me, why did you come to me suddenly this time? Get out of here!"

"I feel like I won't be able to survive the next blood moon. While I'm still conscious, I'm going to go find those hyenas and kill them all."

Xie Mei flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said, "Boss woke up some time ago and will go back when he has time."

The fierce old man was about to reply.

The evil eyes suddenly became glazed over.

next moment.

The afterimage of a blood moon seemed to slowly emerge from the depths of the young man's eyes, turning his brown-black eyes into blood, reflecting an extremely evil red light in the dim room.


The old man Meng swallowed subconsciously.

Almost at the moment when the afterimage of the blood moon appeared in the opponent's eyes, all the hairs on his body stood up. Fear was like waves, waves beating at his heart, telling him to run away!

But the fierce old man didn't dare to move at all.

He knew that Xie Mei was out of control.


This short-lived ghost knew that he was about to lose control and came to find him.

Isn’t this a scam?

The gurgling sound attracted Xue Yan's attention.

The young man cast his gaze on the fierce old man, and the corners of his mouth turned up, revealing his continuously extending canine teeth, and dark lines spread across his body.


The clothes were torn, the body swelled, and sharp claws extended from his hands and toes.

in a blink.

The young man's appearance disappeared and turned into an evil mountain ghost that resembled Chinese myths and legends.

It opened its mouth, revealing its criss-crossed canine teeth, and looked greedily at the fierce old man. It was about to launch an attack, but a consciousness affected it, causing the monster's bloody eyes to struggle.

The consciousness is very weak and easily defeated.

It got rid of the influence, the emotion in its bloody eyes turned into cruelty again, and once again stretched out its claws towards the fierce old man.

The consciousness from before reappeared, interfering with its instincts.

After repeated sawing several times.

The monster seemed a little impatient.

It glanced at the old man with regret, and in a flash, it appeared in front of the two female corpses on the ground. The ten sharp claws on its hands grew to more than one meter in length and pierced into the corpses.


A disgusting sucking sound was heard.

In less than three seconds, the corpses of two young girls seemed to have been weathered by several years. The skin on the surface was tightened and wrinkled, and all the flesh and blood disappeared.

When the monster retracted its claws, all that was left on the ground were the costume packages and two huddled, shriveled corpses no bigger than a baby.

Taste the taste of flesh and blood.

The monster laughed silently.

Between the flashes of blood, the bloody afterimage slowly dissipated.

next moment.

The young man became his former self again.

His dull eyes regained their vitality little by little.

I saw my clothes disappear.

The young man sighed: "It seems that I just lost control again. Damn it. If you eat, you will lose control. If you don't eat, you will be forced to lose control. No matter what you do, you will die. I really envy you, boss, for being able to survive on air."


The frightened and paralyzed old man fell to the ground. He didn't care about attracting the attention of the neighbors and roared at the young man: "Xie Mei, get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here!"

The young man shook his head: "Please help me figure out where those bastards are now."

The old man nodded reluctantly and stretched out his palm: "Are you sure you won't lose control again?"

The young man shook his head affirmatively: "No, I usually eat twice now. At least two people can meet the body's needs each time. But after a while, I won't be sure. This will harm Tianhe after all, so I Just die early."

"Haha, isn't this why we came here from China in the first place?"

The fierce old man laughed at himself.

The deeper the distortion, the greater the change.

The demand for food is also higher.

This is nothing.

But if he loses control even once during this period and eats someone, he's dead.

Because it's addictive.

No one knows why.

The more people you eat, the higher the risk of losing control. The higher the risk, the easier it is to lose control. When you lose control, your body will actively eat more people.

This is an endless cycle.

Only by relying on some special methods to fall asleep can we delay some time.

The thing is, deep sleep also requires energy.

Moreover, the blood moon comes only once every thirty years, and each time it brings a heavier mental burden.

People who are not deformed can still be protected from the effects of blood moon radiation by hiding.

The aberrants are useless even if they hide a hundred or two hundred meters underground.

Because the blood moon seems to be implanted in their souls, when the time is up, whether they open or close their eyes, no matter where they are, they can see the rise of the blood moon.

Aberrants are simply a dead end from which there is no turning back.

In order not to harm one's own people.

They, a group of monsters who had eaten human elixirs, finally crossed the ocean and came to this country, hiding in every corner, not asking about things, not getting involved in the world, just looking for a way to transcend.

Human elixir is actually a human being.

In order to avoid increasing the psychological burden.

They specifically called the people who were eaten human pills.

This is also the reason why the fierce old man doesn't like to return to the organization.

Some unpleasant memories flooded my mind.

The old man slowly closed his eyes.

The fingertips of his withered hands were being ‘pinched and counted’ by Slow Express.

During this process, a pallor visible to the naked eye appeared on his dry old face.

quite a while.

The fierce old man stopped.

He opened his eyes weakly and shook his head: "There is no life for ten. The people in the beast pavilion did not know what stimulation they had, and they all huddled in a place in the north. It is very dangerous there, even if you are a third-transformation aberration. Even in the past, there will be no life."

The young man didn't care that the old man kept saying that he would die.

He asked curiously: "How did I die?"

"It should be some kind of missile. I can only see a few pictures. You are standing on a pile of Spider-Man corpses, holding a head in your hand, and then you are vaporized by something flying over at high speed. ”

"It's quite creative."

The young man touched his chin: "It would be great if I were a dragon. Is he still alive?"

The old man nodded reluctantly: "It should be in New York. I once felt like there was a walking nuclear bomb in the city there. People here would not do such dangerous things, so that should be him."

If Brian were here, he would definitely scold the fierce old man.

In addition to being able to sense danger, this guy can also count.

Also, predict good or bad luck.

This book is one.

The gift of the blood moon is also the power of spiritual reflection.

The fierce old man also hid his hand, which is normal.

Knowing that Long was really still alive, a little envy flashed in the young man's eyes.

Unfortunately, aberrants who have eaten human elixirs are doomed to die.

They are just hanging on for dear life now.

Even if Long is generous enough to tell all the aberrants how he survived the fifth transformation, for their group, it will only expand the destructive power after losing control.

It is not meaningful.


The young man nodded.

He suddenly stepped forward and hugged the old man.

By the time the old man gave up and struggled, the room, including the dry corpses on the ground, had all disappeared, leaving only three green glass reagents on the coffee table.

The old man looked at the coffee table with complicated eyes, then at the open door of the apartment, shook his head, and stepped forward to close the door.

These are three very precious compressed nutrients.

He is different from the people in the organization.

He has strange abilities, but he is mentally strong and physically weak. In addition, he has only been deformed twice, so there is no risk of losing control due to energy requirements.

But using ‘calculation’ is different.

Predicting good or bad luck is a passive ability and has no consumption.

After all, it is a taboo power that does not exist in the event. It seems to have been cursed by God. Every time it is used, the mental state of the fierce old man will drop a lot, and it will last for a long time.

The mind affects the body.

This is also when he is most likely to lose control.

At this time, in order not to lose control, the old man often needs to stay away from the crowd, 'bury' himself, and rely on this compressed nutrient to survive.

"You bitch, you're going to make me a ghost for a while!"

Old Meng wiped his tears and put away the reagents.

Think about it.

He took out his cell phone, sent a text message to Brian, then crushed the phone and disappeared into the night.

Brian only received the message from the fierce old man when he arrived in New Delhi the next morning.

Along with the text message, there are two pieces of account debit information.

It was probably sent to his mobile phone before he flew out of the Los Angeles area. It was only because he was on the plane that the reminder did not pop up.

But this is not the point.

The point is to seal off the sense of smell.

After Brian got off the plane, everyone was numb.

His powerful sense of smell told him that he was now in an endless public toilet.

The smell of feces and farts, the stench of burning corpses, various domestic wastewater, and curry spices

The smell of this damn place is worse than being in a garbage truck.


An old white man who was also traveling in business class was probably his first time in New Delhi. He was caught off guard and knelt on the ground and retched.

Not a moment.

He was taken away by airport medical staff.

"It's too awful"

Brian shook his head and quickened his pace to leave.


The people in the NW organization are just useless. They actually arranged him to such a place and said it was a reward and compensation.

Damn it!

Compensation for me to smell shit, piss and fart, right?

Brian was a little unhappy about this business trip.

He was originally going to go to the research institute to have a good chat with the guy who developed high-energy food.

After all, he really needs high-energy food now to enhance his strength every day.

As a result, he was arranged to go on a business trip to the White Elephant Country.

If he hadn't considered that he could just deal with a few obsessions in the Japanese country, he really didn't want to come out.

In the White Elephant Country, not only is the environment outrageous.

The people are also a bit nonsense.

Brian didn't see anyone who came to receive him until he walked out of the airport.

In desperation.

He could only take his passport, take a taxi, and ask the other party to go to the best hotel.

There is no need for a local card.

This time, he brought a NW employee watch, which can be used for satellite calls, without any trouble.

Pay the fee to check in.

The waiter who led Brian upstairs, knowing that Brian came from the United States, kept reminding him that there was clean water in the refrigerator of the suite, and he must not drink tap water, and he could not brush his teeth with tap water.

Of course, this was not out of kindness and service attitude, but entirely because of the twenty-dollar bill tip Brian threw out.


Brian took out the laptop and mobile phone from his luggage.

The mobile phone had no signal.

The mobile phone card was not supported.

However, there were three text messages received more than ten hours ago.

Two were bank VIP large-amount consumption deduction notifications.

The card he gave to Meng Laotou was deducted more than one million US dollars.

The remaining one was Meng Laotou's text message.

"Two transfers, more than one million US dollars. How could Meng Laotou suddenly spend so much money?"

Brian opened Meng Laotou's text message with some surprise.

[The content of the message is very long:

Because of a sudden incident, Uncle has to go out and hide for a while.

At least nine months.

So don't come to me.

If you encounter something that involves life-threatening situations, you will log on to this website and order a bowl of rice with beans and eggplant, no chili, no sugar, and more dark soy sauce.

Don't do the rest of the actions, someone will come to find you.

Just tell the person who comes that you are my godson.


No matter who the person is, it is definitely dangerous.

If it is not really a life-threatening matter, don't contact him! Don't contact him! Don't contact him! 】

Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay as long as the person is fine.

He admitted that when he first contacted the fierce old man, he had the idea of ​​​​blasting the old man's gold coins.

But the other party was really good to him.

Brian didn't want the other party to get into trouble.

After thinking about it.

Brian contacted Lahadon, who was still in Los Angeles, through the watch and asked him to help check the account owner who received the funds in his account.

The fierce old man has the ability to know good and bad, and he is sure that this will not affect Brian, but Brian wants to know what happened to the fierce old man.

If it is very troublesome, he will help.

There is only one reason: before the other party left, he left himself a way that he thought could help him.

Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Although Brian didn't think he would need to use that website, he was still quite touched.

Time passed.

Until night fell, Brian didn't wait for the official receptionist from White Elephant.

Old Harden did reply.

He didn't have a staff watch, so he sent the results of the investigation to Brian via email.

The owners of the two accounts were two men Brian didn't know.

Old Harden was very reliable and sent the family information of the two men together.

One was a white family and the other was a black family.

Brian suddenly realized when he saw the two girls in their family photos.

He had seen these two girls.

When he went to Meng Laotou to improve his relationship, the other party showed him photos of the two girls.

They were college students, and they learned opera the fastest and were the most liked by Meng Laotou.

"Such a large sum of money, it wouldn't be that Meng Laotou lost control and killed the two girls. After regaining consciousness, he couldn't bear it and gave compensation."

The more Brian thought about it, the more likely it was.

He began to worry whether the old man was out of control.

However, the two families were mentioned in the investigation email of Old Harden, and there was nothing unusual.

Maybe he thought too much.

Unfortunately, Brian could not contact the old man. Even if he could, he could not help him.

After all, he himself would occasionally lose control, and he could only alleviate the negative effects of his killing by constantly devouring the spiritual crystals contained in the gifts of obsession.

"Old man, I hope there will not be a day when I send you away personally."

Brian sighed slightly.

Not in a good mood.

Brian simply left the hotel and bought a world map first, preparing to go back and plan how to go to Japan, and tasted the food here.

He didn't dare to go to the roadside stalls.

Brian's physique was not afraid of diarrhea at all, it was simply disgusting.

Who would spend money to buy food made by hands with a feces smell! ! !

Along the way, Brian passed by more than 20 small stalls, and 19 of them had feces and urine residue on their hands! ! !

There are many strange sights on the road here.

There are cows and chickens wandering on the road.

The cows walked and pulled, and occasionally an old woman came forward with food that she was reluctant to eat.

When they see a cow peeing, some people rush over to get a cup to drink it, and then drink it all in one gulp under the envious eyes of a group of people.

A woman who was walking suddenly walked to the side, squatted down, pulled up her skirt slightly, and started shushing without paying attention to the people coming and going on the road. Passers-by were not surprised, as it seemed that this was a normal behavior.

Brian was stunned.

No wonder many of them wear skirts!

There are also men squatting in plain sight on the roadside without shelter, squatting in a row and umming.

Well, that's it. Some people scraped it with pieces of wood, some people wiped it with something they don't know, and some people started doing it directly.

These ghostly scenes were even more outrageous than the White Elephant Kingdom videos Brian had seen in his previous life.

After all, this is New Delhi, the capital of the White Elephant Kingdom! ! !

Considering this is the end of 2005

All right.

Brian was relieved.

Even though this is a parallel world, the White Elephant Kingdom is still the White Elephant Kingdom.


After shopping around, Brian finally returned to the high-end commercial street where his hotel was located.

Because he found this to be the best place nearby.

It can be seen that the people on the streets here are not only dressed in a Western style, but most of their skin colors are white. They should be high-caste people.

The food in the high-end restaurants here is actually quite good.

Especially the chicken curry.

It looks sticky and disgusting, but it tastes pretty good.

The long sticky rice here also has a unique taste.

But looking at the price, it should be a little different from the long rice on the street stalls.

There are also a lot of Western restaurants in the high-end neighborhoods here, but how about the taste? As a country colonized and deeply influenced by the British Commonwealth, don't expect their taste aesthetic.

I ate more than a thousand dollars in one go.

Brian touched his only half-full belly, returned to the hotel, and was about to go up.

In the rest area, a fair-skinned and beautiful woman suddenly stopped in front of him and asked with a somewhat embarrassed look, "Is this Mr. Brian?"

Brian glanced at the other person's seemingly delicate and supple skin, and nodded: "It seems that you finally remembered me, the unlucky guy that no one cares about."

This woman is very powerful, not an ordinary person.

The woman apologized again and again: "Sorry, I just joined the Foreign Affairs Department of the Holy Buddha Organization not long ago, so I thought you were on the shift tomorrow."

This scene attracted the attention of many people.

Brian didn't like being a monkey for people to watch.

He nodded: "Let's talk in my room."

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