You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 259 Rakshasa Savannah, Holy Bull, Conference

Under the envious gazes of a group of people, the woman followed Brian to the room somewhat restrainedly.

Brian saw her standing at the door like a wooden man, and said speechlessly: "This is New Delhi, the capital of your country. I will not eat people. You don't have to be so restrained. Talk."

The woman nodded blankly, and then looked at Brian blankly: "What?"


He felt powerless as if he was chatting with a child.

Or the kind of not-so-smart child who could be deceived by a lollipop.

Why would the Foreign Affairs Department of the Holy Buddha Organization recruit such a person?

Before coming, Brian had some understanding.

The White Elephant Country is similar to the United States Federation. In fact, it is also a federal country. It is particularly chaotic internally, but there is only one official organization: the Holy Buddha Organization.

Not considering modern weapons, purely from the perspective of strengthening the strong, even if NW is a single organization, it must show a friendly attitude towards the Holy Buddha Organization.

There are many strong people here, and they are taking a different path from technological strengthening.

The deformed and strengthened people of the White Elephant Country live in harmony.

They only target and surround the out-of-control mutants.

Just when Brian was thinking about how to get words out of this silly woman.


A cow cry broke through the clouds.

The somewhat dazed woman, like a snake, shot out more than ten meters away, came to the window, knelt down in the east direction, and muttered something.

The other party spoke some kind of minority language of the White Elephant Country, which Brian could not understand.

He came to the window curiously.

I saw that on the bustling street below, the well-dressed high-caste wealthy people of the White Elephant Country, at this moment, kneeled on the ground in rows regardless of the dirt on the ground.

In the distance.

A big bull that was more than three meters tall, covered with disgusting tumors and a pair of sky-high horns on its head, slowly appeared from the other side of the street.

On its back, it pulled an open two-wheeled cart.

The car was covered with various unknown small flowers in orange and white.

A nine-year-old child, wearing the clothes of a Buddhist disciple, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and murmured, a black bracelet on his hand was constantly being fiddled with, and it actually emitted a dark light...

This strange pair quickly passed through the commercial street below the hotel.

Until the other party's figure disappeared in the gate of a small temple, the woman kneeling in front of the window slowly stood up.

But her temperament was completely changed.

The woman first looked at Brian twice, and then said coldly: "Sorry, I am a Rakshasa woman. Before the parade of the holy bull, it was all subconscious activities. You can call me Savanna for a formal acquaintance."

Rakshasa woman...

Brian was a little surprised to hear this name.

He thought this woman was a rich high-caste person here, but he didn't expect it to be just a Rakshasa woman.

The White Elephant Country in this world is different from Brian's previous life.

The White Elephant Country in his previous life had too many beliefs.

Believe in Hinduism, Islam, Christianity...

As for Buddha, it has been in decline for many years, and only a very small number of groups still believe in it.

In this life, the entire White Elephant Country has only one belief, that is Buddhism.

As for other sects...

In the thirty years after the first blood moon appeared, they were all killed and exterminated by the resurgent Buddhism, and all the texts were burned.

Of course, in order to integrate the believers of those sects.

Today, Buddhism in the White Elephant Country has incorporated a large number of doctrines from other sects and has become unrecognizable.

As for the Rakshasa woman, she is the saint of Buddhism.

Of course, this is a more elegant way of saying it.

In the records of the NW organization, the Rakshasa woman is actually the temple prostitute of the Buddhist temple here.

These temple prostitutes are usually sold to the temple by their families when they are very young because of usury or other reasons.

They do hard labor during the day and entertain the monks in the temple at night.

The annual loss rate of this group is very high.

At least in the records of the NW organization, it is described as cruel.

Let the NW organization, which has a large number of deformed people and radical Black Light Biotechnology, think that the cruel things in it are for themselves to think about.

Brian was very curious, wouldn't this group of people all be transformed into deformed people today with the blood moon?

As a man of manners, Brian naturally wouldn't show any curiosity or contempt on this matter.

He smiled at Savannah and said, "Nice to meet you, Savannah. By the way, is that cow the holy cow you mentioned?"

Savannah nodded:

"Yes, the holy cow is a sacred animal that Buddhism has cultivated through special means to protect religion.

The voice of the holy cow is strange, which can calm the hearts of the deformed people and make ordinary people forget the existence of the holy cow and only remember a vague figure.

It is a bridge to maintain peace between the deformed people and the enhanced people.

Every day, the shepherd will parade the holy cow in the streets."

Hearing this, Brian narrowed his eyes slightly: "So you are a deformed person?"

Savannah nodded:

"All Rakshasa women are low-caste deformed people, because this will make our skin white and tender, and more popular with those venerables.

The Holy Buddha organizes religious unity.

There are special means within the organization that can allow us to be in a holy state during the day and worship the Buddha in the sky to wash away the dirty original sins on us in exchange for a superior life in the next life.

Wait until night falls.

When the holy cow guides us, our consciousness will come down from the sky to deal with the organization's affairs, serve the organization's believers, and accumulate blessings for future events. "

All right

Brian was speechless.

It seems that his previous idea was indeed correct.

The reason why the Rakshasa girls suffered so much here is probably to catalyze them to become deformed people. Although deformed people are not easy to appear, if the base is large, it will not be a problem.

The key point is that Savannah looks really tamed.

He even thinks that everything he does is to wash away the original sin that does not exist in him.

The official organization here is so wild!

Brian couldn't help but become very curious about this holy Buddhist organization.


He just likes to be different!

For example, the holy cow before.

Brian now really wants to obtain the other party's strange sonic talent that can calm his mind.

Brian originally wanted to talk more.

It's a pity that Savannah didn't give him a chance.

She glanced at the time on the watch on her hand, and apologized on her cold face: "Mr. Brian, we have to attend the Saint's alms-giving conference. The conference location is a bit far away from here. We must rush there now, otherwise the Saint will be angry."

"What's this?"

Brian nodded, did not pack his things, stood up and said, "What is the charity meeting?"

Savannah explained while leading the way:

“The almsgiving conference is actually an event where major official organizations send people to participate.

This event will last for three days. You can compete with each other and exchange some resources. The Holy Buddha Organization will also come up with some special things as donations.

The technological power of Baixiang Kingdom is very weak.

This is also a means to maintain relations between White Elephant Kingdom and other countries. "

Brian was surprised: "Can you say this?"

Savannah's expression remained unchanged:

“This is a fact that everyone knows.

The saint believed that the human body was the greatest gift given by the Buddha to his followers.

Developing the potential of the human body and getting closer to nature is the most correct path. As for technology, it will only hinder us from moving towards the correct path! "

Following this brainwashed woman, Brian got into her car.

The car traveled east and arrived at a small airport.

Then Brian met a few unlucky guys like him here.

Among them are people sent from the European Union, as well as people from other states in the American Federation.

Together they boarded a transport helicopter.

The helicopter flew north this time. It flew about three to four hundred kilometers in a straight line, and the endless mountains came into view.

The air around me finally became fresher.

Only then did Brian realize that they had arrived at the Himalayas.

Speaking of which, the capital of the White Elephant Kingdom is quite close to the Himalayas.

The history of this world has been in chaos since World War II.

But in Brian's previous life, there was an army in the White Elephant Kingdom that provoked its neighbors and crossed the border. As a result, they were almost beaten into a battle to defend the capital by the neighbor's border defense team...

Thinking of the news from his previous life, Brian couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

When Brian was laughing, opposite him, a blond guy was also holding a tablet-like thing. He looked at what was on it and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey man, what are you laughing at?"

Another person couldn't help but ask.

After leaving the city full of smell, everyone is in a good mood now.

The guy pointed the tablet at everyone and said in Commonwealth language: "This is the local online news I watched. They told people that they were the second country to take people to the moon after the Commonwealth of America."

Seeing the evidence in the picture, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they all laughed.

Just because the picture is too funny (timeline advanced, spoof):

Another person pointed at these 'astronauts' from the White Elephant Kingdom and said with a smile: "Hey, are the helmets on their hands modified from motorcycle helmets? I think they are very good at riding motorcycles."

The blond guy shrugged: "Probably, otherwise they wouldn't mind being too hot and out of breath, so they would take them off to get some air."

Brian added: "It's also possible that they think they can't take pictures of their faces while wearing helmets. Isn't that a waste of time?"

The pilot flying the helicopter turned dark.

Due to colonial influence, Commonwealth language is also one of the official languages ​​of Baixiang Country, and many people can speak it.

He couldn't help but said: "This is the White Elephant Kingdom, and you should learn to respect the people on this land!"

As a result, no one paid any attention to him.

If they hadn't fallen in love with the good things here, they wouldn't be willing to come to this country where they would go back more and more.

In the driver's resentment.

The seven or eight people who arrived were thrown into a camp inside the mountains.

It's very lively here at the moment.

While high in the sky, Brian saw over two thousand people.

And that's not counting those in tents.

But this is normal.

For example, in the Commonwealth of the United States, there are so many states and so many official organizations. At least fifty or sixty people came in one breath, plus those small EU countries with much larger land areas, and other countries.

This gave Brian a little more to look forward to tonight's conference.

This place is located in a high-altitude area, covered with snow and the air is cold. If ordinary people come here and don't wear strict clothing, they won't be able to survive a night.

There was not a single oxygen bottle in sight in the camp.

Everyone was either wearing cool clothes with shoulder straps, or wearing small suits, or the slim-fitting uniforms of the organization like Brian.

A little bit of cold was a joke to them.

Following the signs of the big tents, Brian found the tent belonging to the United States.

Just as he was about to go over, recognize people, and accumulate some connections that he didn't know whether he would use, a noise suddenly came from a distance.

Listening to the clear quarrel a few hundred meters away, Brian raised his eyebrows.

Interesting, it turned out to be a contestant from Xiaoshi.

On the other side were people from China.

What should I do next?

Brian twisted his neck and strode over there.

His anti-Japanese blood in his previous life has awakened!

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