You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 260 Various rare goods, acquaintances

Brian hurried to the place where the noise came from.

In the end, the quarrel was over.

He left a small stall with bow legs and cursed.

At the stall, a middle-aged man in a Taoist robe also cursed and put a plate of black balls about the size of longan back on the table, sitting cross-legged, waiting for the next person to ask the price.

Brian noticed that the environment here was a bit like a vegetable market.

There were small stalls on both sides of the road, most of which were reagents, and some things similar to food, in small quantities, and some signs similar to introductions were placed on the side.

This kind of business is often done on orders, not really stalls.

And the area where the reagents are placed is marked to cooperate only with official organizations, and no transactions are carried out in private names.

The research focus of each place is different.

Some will select suitable objects for cooperation for the organization, and there are also private families that cooperate privately with some national organizations that are not suitable for cooperation for the development of the family.

For example, the stall of the Chinese Taoist who just had a quarrel sells something called Bigu Pills.

One pill can sustain the energy consumption of a normal first-level life for a day. It tastes sweet and is easy to carry. However, one pill costs five thousand dollars. You can negotiate the price if you buy in large quantities.

This price is really expensive.

NW where Brian is located also sells similar special energy bars to second-level employees in fixed quantities.

The taste is a bit worse, but it is much cheaper.

Just when Brian was lamenting that the things sold by the Taoist priest were expensive, a Middle Eastern guy wearing a headscarf came forward to talk to him, picked up another big black pill and put it in his mouth, then gave a thumbs up and packed up all the big boxes of the Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest took out a POS machine with a smile.

In less than ten seconds, he packed up, sold the things and walked out.

Seeing this, Brian touched his chin.

He suddenly realized that the employee who developed high-energy food should be paid more.

This thing is not only important to him, but it is also a necessity to sell it!

At this time,

When the middle-aged Taoist priest who was closing his stall passed by Brian, he paused, looked at Brian, stroked his beard, and acted like a Taoist master: "Big fool, do you also want my Bigu Pill?"

He spoke directly in Chinese.

Brian asked curiously: "How do you know I can speak Chinese?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest pretended to be mysterious and pinched his fingers: "I calculated it. Forget it. You won't understand even if I tell you. I'm out of Bigu Pills. If you want to buy some, you have to go to China. But I still have some Bigu Pills. Do you want them?"

"What is this for?"

Brian asked curiously.

This thing doesn't sound like an aphrodisiac from the name.

"To liven things up."

The expression on the middle-aged Taoist's face became subtle:

"Silly man, you look like a power-type enhancement, don't be embarrassed.

All of you power-type enhancements will lead to dull nerves, and you can't enjoy many pleasures. After eating this, you can feel the happiness of normal people again, but you will be more sensitive and the delivery will be faster.

It's not a big problem. Anyway, your body recovers quickly, and the comprehensive time is long.

Do you want it?

The Taoist just made some money, and this batch of Dianluan Daofeng Dan will be sold to you at a low price."

Brian rolled his eyes.

Who are you looking down on!

He originally came to watch the show and see if he could teach those who lived a good life a lesson, but there was no fight at all.

It's boring.

Brian turned around and left with a bit of disappointment.

Seeing him leave, the middle-aged Taoist didn't care and disappeared into the crowd.

Since he was here.

Brian simply wandered around the stalls and gained some knowledge.

There are many things to trade here.

There are not only various reagents, nutrient solutions and other things, but also various small technological items, weapons and ammunition, and even small detection drones. They look very high-tech, and come with a sci-fi LCD ring-shaped glasses. It is obvious that they are not bulk goods.

The most outrageous is the stall of Da Mao.

There is a one-meter-long, round shell on the stall.

When Brian saw the introduction of the missile, he was numb: micro-nuclear bomb, with a launch pad, effective launch distance of four kilometers, effective shock wave of five kilometers, radiation range

Are you kidding?

The key is that this thing, who knows how they got it here.

After all, the capital of the White Elephant Kingdom is only more than 300 kilometers away from here, and it doesn't matter.

Along the way, Brian was also eye-opening.

The people who came to participate in this conference are basically official employees of their own country, or descendants of rich people, not ordinary people.

It is probably the same.

Many things here look very "torture" and can be "tortured".

The best-selling items are some special reagents, such as the one sold by the middle-aged Taoist priest before, and some special reagents for private exchange. The rest are leaves.

The leaves are not ordinary leaves, but the heaven grass that Brian had seen before.

A long line has formed in front of the stall selling these things.

Some people who bought them have already sat aside and started smoking, causing the air to be filled with the stench of burning leaves..

Most of the items here are accepted for cash transactions.

Most are settled in US dollars and gold.

There are also some that accept certain virtual currency settlements with good reputations.

However, in the reagent category, people tend to barter and are not willing to ask for money.

while walking.

Brian came to a dividing line.

In front of the dividing line, there are also stalls, but they are cleaner and have less traffic.

What is sold here is no longer physical goods, but lives.

Such as various pets.

The pets here are naturally not natural creatures, but special creatures that have been modified or enhanced.

There are various enhanced flying pets similar to those exchanged by Susan's best friend, as well as rats, cats, dogs, snakes, etc. They seem to be well tamed, and business is also very good, with people making deals from time to time.

Some of the cargo is people.

Just literally, real people.

These human goods, according to the logo, are private transactions. As long as you pay the money, the ownership of the goods belongs to you. As for how you take them away, it is your own business.

These people are not ordinary humans either.

Some are experimental materials.

These experimental materials, judging from the information, are basically children born between aberrations and normal humans, or between aberrations and aberrations. They range in age, and some have deformed limbs. It seems that they have been experimented on. .

These goods are insensitive and unintelligent in their eyes.

Brian couldn't even see the unique wisdom and spirituality of human beings in their eyes. It seemed that they had not received normal education since birth.

At the end of the introduction of these goods, there was also a line written in bold ink: Base breeding, exclusively for dummies.

Oh, fake people, that is, they are not Renluo.

No wonder everyone is not surprised.

Brian passed these stalls with good business and continued to move forward.

There are also some goods that are also people, but very active.

They stood in front of the stall and actively solicited customers.

These are usually handsome guys and beauties, all in yellow, white and black, with good spirits and good clothes. They look almost the same as Brian and others. If they didn't have collars around their necks, people would even think they were guests at the conference. .

Brian even saw a beauty at a stall who was not inferior to Susan in terms of appearance, body and temperament.

The other person is smaller in stature, and judging from his skin color, he is South American.

These people all have genetic testing reports on them. Most of them have undergone basic reagent enhancement and are classified as enhanced people.

In other words, these ‘goods’ are very high-end.

A black man who was probably a new arrival opened his eyes wide when he saw the South American beauty.

He walked to the stall excitedly: "Hey, are these all real? God, there are goods of this quality. How much does it cost? I"

"Get away!"

Unexpectedly, the beauty's face darkened: "Niggas are not welcome here. I can smell the smell of poverty on you from dozens of meters away, nigga!"

The black guy was so stunned by the other party's scolding that he forgot to get angry.

After a while, he came back to his senses and looked at the female stall owner beside him unhappily: "Hey, tell me, is this how you do business? I was called a nigger by a lowly bitch. This is discrimination. I It’s the American Federation”

"You're so noisy!"

The female stall owner waved her hands: "I don't care what organization you are an employee of. This is a free market. I am an intermediary. If they don't want to, I can't control it. But if you want to get into the ring, I can agree to your application."

As she spoke, the female stall owner raised her head, and ferocious black veins slowly appeared on her delicate face.

Black guy:.

He left the stall silently, and then excitedly ran to the stall in front to ask.

They also sell handsome boys and beauties, most importantly with various ears and tails.

These tails and ears can also move! ! !

Brian was about to follow him to watch the excitement, but the South American woman who scolded the client away suddenly lit up, stopped him, and handed over the genetic report in her hand with a delicate voice: "My name is Felicity Bint, and today 18 years old, biological evaluation registration A+, not yet had children.”

Brian glanced at the report and looked at the female stall owner whose dark veins had not yet faded.

There isn’t much introduction here.

However, looking at the genetic report of this 'goods', the other party is indeed a very healthy individual, and has completed more than three basic enhancements, crushing the colleagues in Brian's team.

From the point of view of enhancement alone, if this beautiful woman is placed in the armed forces of NW, the enhancement opportunities that those soldiers will get in exchange for their lives will be at most this level.

The female stall owner saw that Brian was tall and handsome. He also showed a heroic temperament under his black slim-fitting uniform, and his face looked much better.

She explained:

“Felicity Bint is free.

She is an investment from our organization and is specially sold to some customers for the purpose of breeding and strengthening offspring.

You don’t have to get married, but basic protection needs to be provided to her. Someone from us will visit you regularly until the service period ends.

Of course, you can also choose surrogacy, as long as she agrees.

In addition, we also provide customized fertility services. If you are willing to pay a high price, you can even purchase mature eggs from a first-level life female enhanced human."

After saying this, Brian understood.

He also had a similar industrial chain in his previous life.

For example, some wealthy people who don't want to get married and want to have better offspring will find similar intermediaries to find people with different surnames who are highly educated and good-looking, buy their genetic material, and then find someone to be a surrogate mother...

There are also customizations for future generations’ skin color, hair, eyes, etc..

As long as you have money, no company can do it unless you think of it.

Brian shook his head and kept walking.

That South American beauty, it was probably rare to see a high-quality client like Brian, and she wanted to actively promote herself: "I can do it for free, and I will pay the agency fee myself. As long as you are willing to give me a name, I don't care how many you have." woman!"

Brian didn't look back and walked further, where the stall selling lycanthropes became busy.

Beast-eared girl!

These guys actually did it.

How outrageous!

The world is really getting crazy.

Looking at his back, the female stall owner smiled and said: "You do have good taste. Look at the uniform. This guy is a second-level employee of Los Angeles NW. He is so young. He either has a powerful family or a strong talent. If you can follow him, , give birth to a few children, maybe I will still lower my head when I see you in the future..."

The South American beauty is emotionally depressed.

But when another young and handsome man came over, she immediately appeared in her most beautiful state and greeted him again.

As far as she is concerned, she doesn't care who the child's father is.

It doesn’t matter if you give me a title or not.

As long as the mother is worthy of the child, it will be fine.

Some of the male goods around who also wore collars around their necks looked at this side with envy.

Their options are too small.

Either selling genetic material or selling it in bulk.

They are not even qualified to know who the child's future mother is.

Either he sells his body to do hard work to some not-so-good-looking strong women, working day and night in exchange for the high agency fees he owes.

The stall on the lycanthrope side was very popular.

Most of them are male customers.

I understand everything.

Moreover, the sign here clearly states that these beast-turned-humans are all targeted and cultivated. Their combat effectiveness is very low and they pose little threat. They have been trained for more than ten years and have no sense of resistance. You can take them away if you give them money. , you can also get it delivered to your door for a little extra money.

So business here is very booming.

Each iron cage was labeled sold.

Looking at the OEM, the cheapest one costs several million US dollars. One of them seems to be a product modified by a Leopard Girl type lycanthropy reagent. The price tag is as high as more than 13 million US dollars. If it is sold, it will really make a huge profit.

Brian was also amazed at the ingenuity of these institutions.

They were actually able to develop such directional mutation animalization reagents. It can only be said that money is the first production and research and development power.

I just don’t know how many innocent lives were lost during the research and development process.

With this inexplicable thought, Brian unknowingly came to an auction-like open-air platform at the end of the stall.

The auction scene here is very similar to the scene where slaves were auctioned in the past.

In fact, there was an actual slave auction on the stage.

There are also special offers marked on them.

The stage is not big, only a dozen square meters.

There were three large iron cages on it. The cages were covered with cloth, so you couldn't see clearly what was inside. You could only hear the rapid insults of some women!

Brian's nose twitched twice as a habit.

next moment.

There was a slightly speechless look on his face.

Good guy.

Met an acquaintance.

He was in the cage and smelled the scent of an acquaintance.

Life is full of encounters.

No wonder the other party never contacted me after they broke up. It turned out that he was taken away for training.

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