You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 261: Catwoman is harvested and leaves

Just when Brian was speechless.

The fat white man on the stage saw the uniform on Brian's body. His eyes lit up and he took the initiative to say hello: "Guest, are you interested in these? They are all high-quality goods. Do you want to buy one? They are on clearance at a special price."

NW’s second-level staff!

Los Angeles is a rich place, and the people who come out of it are not short of money.

Brian pointed to the three iron cages: "Are there also lycanthropes in here?"

The auction table is even covered with black cloth, and it is probably about to be closed down.

The fat man nodded: "They are all, but they are the kind of defaulters who accepted animal transformation but wanted to escape. According to the International Privacy Act, they have lost their normal civil rights in the country due to breach of contract. We have the right to auction them." they."

Brian has never heard of this international privacy act.

He glanced at the logo on the fat man's suit and recognized it as the logo of the Bounty Hunters Association of the Federation of America.

He nodded and pointed directly to the cage at the end: "That's it, how do you sell it?"

"You can give money directly, or you can choose to trade some enhanced reagents from NW. We have experts who will price the reagents in the market. We will refund the excess and make up for the less." Seeing that he had sold another trouble, the fat white man said in an even more enthusiastic tone: "Need Check it out, the other two are actually pretty good.”

Brian shook his head and took out a card from his pocket: "No need to inspect the goods. The women in the other two cages scolded each other too harshly and lacked quality. I prefer quiet women, so just swipe the card."

The fat man nodded in agreement: "Yes, if the woman in my family could learn to shut up, I would definitely like her more."

Swipe your card and pick up the goods.

Brian also signed a liability release agreement, which basically means that if the item is sold, they will not be responsible for the after-sales service. Even if he is killed by the purchased item afterwards, they will not be responsible for it.

It is estimated that similar things have happened before.

Brian signed it readily, then asked Fatty to give him a temporary tent, and lived in it with the iron cage he bought.

It cost him more than 1.5 million US dollars to buy this beastman.

This is indeed a special offer.

A safe animalization reagent is put on the market, and the price is usually around two million US dollars.

The market price of an ordinary strengthening reagent is about two million US dollars.

For this strengthening reagent, Brian can redeem it with merit points, which only requires about ten merit points.

These merit points, if converted into cash at the base, can only be exchanged for four to five million, but if the exchanged reagents are sold outside, the profit will be more than four times.

If you encounter the kind of upstart who has suddenly risen up and has never been exposed to certain circles before, a strengthening reagent can be sold for a sky-high price.

The only problem is that NW doesn't allow it.

Maybe when Brian is promoted to a third-level employee, he can get a share of the pie.

This free tent is somewhat like a Mongolian tent. It is square and square with an angle at the top. There is a simple bed and a chair inside.

The iron cage took up most of the tent's area.

Brian pulled off the outer black cloth.

Under the black cloth, a young white girl wearing a bikini, with a pair of furry cat ears on her head, and a light beard could be seen on her face, appeared in front of Brian.

The other person still has some baby fat on his cheeks, and he looks young. He is sitting cross-legged, closing his eyes and concentrating. Behind him, you can see a black and slender tail swinging uncontrollably in the air, which is very eye-catching.

The only pity is that the other party's changes were a bit too much.

Sandy's face can no longer see the previous human form, it is all black fluff. The key point is that these fluffs are not the cute type of cats, but are like thick pores and flesh-colored tentacles. Hidden in all this fluff.

It looks okay from a distance, but it makes people feel sick when they look up close.

Except for some people with special X addictions, it is difficult to accept this.

No wonder she has such a good figure and is not being photographed.

Brian knocked on the iron railing: "Sandy, long time no see."

Yes, the slave girl was Sandy, whom Brian met at the Mexican border before and finally asked her to help find Sandy who had a neurological response to strengthen the lycanthrope.

In fact, according to Brian's current growth rate, the general neurological reaction talent is meaningless to him.

But at least he met an acquaintance. More than one million was not a lot of money to him, so he could save it if he could.

He was quite curious about what happened to Sandy.

Sandy opened her eyes when she heard someone calling her name.

When she saw Brian, her eyes widened, and her calm face showed joy: "Brian, you bought me?"

Brian shrugged: "Yes, now you owe me $1.27 million."


Sandy rubbed her cheeks and subconsciously stretched out her sharp claws to scratch her fleshy chin:

“It may take me some time to pay you back the money I owe you.

My money was robbed by a villain.

I was very grateful when you gave me more than 400,000 yuan in black money, so after escaping the pursuit, I have been outside helping you find lycanthropes with neurological reflexes.

This information is very private.

So I haven't made any progress.

Until I heard a news in the bounty hunter's tavern that some high-quality lycanthropy reagents were leaking out of a certain black market, including cat lycanthropy reagents that favored neural responses.

I thought, you must have your own ideas when you asked me to find a beastman with a neurological reaction, and it should be OK if you have a high-quality beast reagent.

So I took out all my savings and went there.

Then, I was ambushed and a villain robbed me of all my money, and he also injected me with a tube of reagent.

That guy stole the goods on the black market.

The people in the black market misunderstood me as a thief, and they didn't kill me because they saw that I successfully survived the beast transformation. "

"Then you were sold here?"

Brian asked.

Sandy nodded depressedly:

"After they confirmed that I was not a thief, they sold me to the bounty organization at a low price to make up for the loss.

I was going to work for the bounty organization to pay off my debts.

As a result, my beast transformation was imperfect and ugly.

Those bastards sold me again without paying attention to the contributions my parents had made to the bounty association.

I ran away and sold again.

I ran away again, but was caught by hunters again.

After changing hands several times.

I was sent here. "


She raised her head, revealing a pair of beautiful eyes with strange colors of gold and blue: "Fortunately you saved me, otherwise I would probably have my limbs crippled and sold to others as a sex slave or experimental material. You saved my life. "

These eyes are so beautiful.

Brian saw the gratitude in Sandy's eyes.

It seems that it has been a long time.

Some of his previous male succubus methods seemed to have lost their effect in front of Sandy.

At least Brian didn't see the obsession in Sandy's eyes when they parted last time.

He couldn't help pinching Sandy's chubby face, and then scratched Sandy's chin.

Sandy subconsciously made a snoring sound, then reacted and glared at Brian: "Don't be like this, my chin is very sensitive now, but thank you for not disliking my current appearance. "

Said, she sighed.

"There's no need to be depressed, at least you're still alive. ", Brian couldn't help but rubbed Sandy's cat ears again: "How about this, I recently acquired a research institute, you will go there to work and work to pay off your debts."

The ears feel really good.

Just like raising a cat.

Although this cat is a little ugly, it is still quite face-saving with a mask on.

Sandy was too lazy to hide.

She nodded helplessly: "Okay, boss, you will be my boss from now on. Can you let me out? It's uncomfortable to stay here. I want to change clothes.

"No problem."

Brian stretched out his hands, and in the other party's puzzled eyes, he forcibly opened the cage built by the bounty hunter organization using a special lightweight alloy to create a passage for people to enter and exit.

Sandy's eyes widened.

Looking at Brian's expression, opening the cage is almost as easy as tearing noodles.

This power is too terrifying.

Seeing this, Brian chuckled: "I am different from your previous buyers. If you don't work hard in the future, I will be angry!"

"Got it, boss! "

Sandy said timidly.

It's broken.

She really sold herself.

There are no clothes for sale here.

Brian could only tear off some corners of the tent and make her a simple set of clothes to cover her body.

After finishing these.

Brian asked her to stay, and he went out to attend the conference.

But the conference disappointed him a little.

He didn't see the so-called holy Buddha. There was only a middle-aged monk who showed up. The other party was crooked and made a weird gesture. He had a strong Hindu habit, and then talked about some unique ways of practice here.

Most of them were ways of self-torture.

Austerity and the like.

It was really amazing.

Brian actually saw a hint of formal practice from the other party.

It can be seen that in the exploration of this new era, this country with a long civilization has really figured out something.

The most powerful one is the "magic power".

It is called magic power, but it is actually the ability of distortion.

This guy is actually a distorter, and he has "cultivated" the ability of heavenly ears and feet.

It is actually hearing enhancement and speed enhancement.

But the other party's development level Very profound, and also proposed a theory of spiritual practice that the mind affects the body.

Unfortunately, except for some people from China and Southeast Asia, the rest of the audience were basically perfunctory.

There are some activities next.

One is some specialties of Holy Buddhism.

Among them, Holy Bull Blood is the most popular.

After taking this thing, it can enhance mental strength.

Anyway, it seems that many people buy it.

The second is a kind of sandalwood called Holy Relic Incense, the ingredients are unknown, and it can also keep the mind peaceful.

This is also snapped up.

Some of the others are some unique strengthening reagents here.

But fewer people like it.

The generic drugs here are more famous, but their own scientific research capabilities are not strong.

Most of the local generic drug institutions are actually foreign, and they dare not guarantee the effects of their own research.

After the transaction.

There are also arena competitions and private exchanges between enhancers from various countries.

Bryan dislikes the trouble and leaves directly.

The conference will last for three days.

It is said that on the third day, the strongest person in the White Elephant Country, the Holy Buddha, will also show up in front of these juniors.

Bryan plans to come back on the third day to take a look.

He was curious about what was so special about the strongest person in the White Elephant Country.

Before that.

Brian was going to travel to Japan.

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