You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 262: Hearing the mysterious girl again, she arrives (7 more chapters with monthly tickets)

Find the receptionist at Camp White Elephant Country.

Brian and Sandy, who was wrapped up, took a helicopter and returned to New Delhi with some unknown people.

Return to hotel.

Sandy rushed into the bathroom with a few new sets of clothes she bought.


A young and beautiful girl, wearing a close-fitting sportswear, walked out.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Brian was stunned: "Where are your ears and tails?"

"Put it away."

Sandy smiled proudly: "The previous appearance was all fake. Being too beautiful is not a good thing. In fact, I can freely control my transformed form, and the reagent absorption effect is very good."

As she spoke, a pair of fluffy ears poked out from her long hair, and a long tail emerged from her pants, swinging in the air.

Sandy's eyes shrank and turned into big round eyes of a cat. The golden-blue eyes were exquisite and beautiful, giving her a unique nobility.

At this time, her face was fair and fair, and those disgusting granules and black hairs were completely invisible.

Brian had a chuckle on his face: "It seems I got a bargain."

"Big deal!"

Sandy looked at Brian with pitiful eyes: "You said before that as long as I help you find a lycanthrope with fast neurological response, you will help my parents avenge you. Is this promise still effective?"

Brian sat on the sofa and hooked his hand at her: "Let me see how fast it is."

next moment.

Afterimages flashed.

A pair of sharp nails rested on Brian's throat.

Sandy leaned all over Brian and took a deep breath before her eyes filled with tears and her voice changed into a different tone: "Is this speed fast?"

Brian was unmoved.

He knew it was false.

He pushed Sandy away: "You touch your neck."

Sandy put away the charm and touched her neck.

A slight tingling sensation came.

She pulled back her fingers in shock.

I saw a trace of blood on the white jade finger that was particularly conspicuous.

The moment she got closer, Brian had already scratched her neck!

Like a frightened kitten, Sandy's eye circles enlarged: "Impossible, my visual reaction speed is twelve times that of normal humans. I can even see the trajectory of the bullet being fired, but I didn't notice that you took action!"

"Because you are too weak."

Brian said calmly:

"But your speed and reflexes are already very strong. It's quite exaggerated that you can be so powerful with just one reagent.

If you train well, you may even have a chance to kill a first-level life in a sneak attack.

Why don't you take revenge yourself?

If it was just a leave, I would still agree. "

Sandy shook her head: "I can't do it. The aberrant who killed my parents may not be stronger than me now, but he joined the doomsday sect. I don't even know where he is, but you are from NW. , you might be able to help me find his whereabouts."

As she spoke, she gritted her teeth: "Aren't you curious about why I can be so powerful by using a beast-forming reagent? This involves a shocking secret of the bounty hunter organization. As long as you promise to help me take revenge, I will tell you. "

Brian became interested.

He really wanted to know.

If the lycanthropy reagent really had such exaggerated effects as Sandy, ordinary people would not have access to it.

She is an exception.

Thinking that he was going to Japan, Brian looked at the clock on the wall and nodded: "Sounds good, you go ahead."

Sandy shook her head decisively: "You agree first!"

Brian touched her ears and tail wordlessly, then suppressed his temper and said, "What's the difference? In the end, it doesn't depend on my integrity?"

Sandy said seriously: "If I expose this, I know you will be curious about why my strength has increased so much. This is my condition. Since it depends on your integrity in the end, why don't you agree first?"

"Okay, I promise, please tell me quickly."

Sandy breathed a sigh of relief:

“The bounty hunter organization is actually controlled by the Bush family behind the scenes.

They have been secretly capturing special aberrations and carrying out a plan called Life Escape.

When I was trying to help you find out about the neurological reactions of lycanthropes, I accidentally came across a container they were transporting. I thought it was something valuable, so I sneaked in and took a look, but it turned out that a girl was being held captive inside.

This is what she told me. "

Brian rolled his eyes: "Do you believe that all organizations that conduct research on aberrations have similar research?"

Who doesn’t want to live forever?

No matter how much wealth or power you have, you will eventually die.

The appearance of the blood moon gave this group of people hope.

To a certain extent, the core purpose of these powerful people in setting up various official organizations and research and development teams at the beginning may not be to study immortality, and the rest are just incidental gains.

Seeing the disappointed look on Brian's face, Sandy quickly explained:

"That's not the key. The key is that the girl finally asked me to drink her blood. I thought she was abnormal at the time, but she cut her wrist open and I took the initiative to drink it as if I had lost my mind.

she told me.

The blood would help me, and in return, she hoped I would bail her out if I had the chance.

Afterwards I realized that I had not changed at all.

Until I got attacked by that bastard.

After he injected me with the beast reagent, I seemed to see the girl in my dream when I was unconscious. Afterwards, I perfectly absorbed the beast reagent and had the strength I have now. "

Sandy didn't notice.

When she said blood sucking, Brian's pupils contracted violently.

It's this girl again!

This is the second time Brian has heard about the other party.

He has another obsession related to the girl.

The owner of the obsession comes from the mantis beastman who helps the Doomsday Cult to grow heaven grass in Florida.

The other party is also the beneficiary of this mysterious girl.

The question is, didn't the other party get mixed up with the Doomsday Cult? How come he was caught by the bounty organization again?

Sandy looked at Brian excitedly:

"Do you know what this means? This means that you can rely on her to form a powerful organization alone, do what you want, or make you stronger, or even immortal!

Isn't this a shocking secret?"

Sandy's news is very important to Brian.

But he doesn't like Sandy's arrogant look: "She helped you. "

Sandy shook her head: "This is just her investment. I don't have the ability to save her, but you have the ability. You go and get her out, and the deal is done."

Don't say it, it's true when you think about it.

Ding Dong~

The midnight alarm rang.

Brian picked up his phone, took off the NW watch on his wrist, threw it on the sofa, and began to take off his clothes.

Seeing this, Sandy was a little flustered: "It's not impossible to give it to you, but can you help my parents get revenge later..."

Because of emotional fluctuations.

The little tail behind her shrank, and her ears drooped and stuck to her hair.

Brian ignored her.

After changing into casual clothes.

He squatted down and pinched Sandy's chin: "Why did you ask me to agree before you said it? "

Sandy shook her head: "I don't know, but my subconscious mind trusts you, thinks you are reliable, close, and want to get close to you. I don't know how to describe it, but I feel very safe and believe that you will not lie to me."

She also felt strange.

I am not in love!

Brian understood.

It seems that he used succubus pheromones on Sandy before, and it was still effective.

It's similar to quitting smoking.

Over time, Sandy's body quit nicotine, but her psychological addiction to smoking did not quit, and she still had a good impression of me.

This feeling is really good.

Brian couldn't help but rubbed Sandy's cat ears again: "I guess I will be out for a day or two, you just stay here, don't run around, wait for me to come back, but if there is something, don't stay there stupidly, I will deal with it when I come back. "


Sandy wanted to say something.

The wind flashed in front of her eyes, and Brian's figure was no longer there.

She walked to the window with a little loss of emotion, looked at the prosperity of the dark street outside, and touched her ears.

The little tail behind her moved around, showing that she was not calm.

In fact, Brian did not leave the hotel at all.

This is the capital of a country, and who knows how many people are patrolling in secret.

He found a place in the air, took out the clothes hidden here in advance, changed his clothes again, and then turned into a white elephant countryman, walked on the street, took a taxi, and came to the airport.

This place is thousands of kilometers away from Brian's destination, Mount Fuji.

After looking at the map, he chose to take a plane from the bottom of his heart.

Otherwise, if he swam over, not to mention the possible dangers in the ocean, the distance alone would be a bit unbearable.

There are flights at this time.

Many small airlines, in order to make a profit, will specially book night routes and then offer some special tickets.

Many tour groups for cost-effectiveness will also choose similar flights.

Brian naturally would not choose to buy a ticket.

He leaned on his body shape, confirmed the flight number, and then turned into a shadow, followed the position of the landing gear, sneaked into the cabin, and hid.

It was a little after one in the morning.

The plane took off.

Brian looked at the landing gear that seemed to have some cracks, and the very bumpy takeoff process, and his face darkened.

This pilot is probably from the White Elephant Country, and the airline may also be.

It's broken.

I forgot to prepare a parachute in advance!

With a nervous mood.

Brian finally arrived in Tokyo, Japan smoothly.

He changed his body shape again and followed the crowd out.

Standing outside the airport, he lit a cigarette with some fear: "If there is a chance, I must learn the ability to fly. At the very least, I have to be able to glide in the air like old Dendeen, otherwise I might fall to pieces one day..."

Finished with a cigarette.

Brian walked towards Mount Fuji.

He had the obsessions of six ninjas, but only two targets.

These obsessions gave nearly three hundred units of energy!

After killing those two, Brian could try to strengthen himself again!

I really look forward to how strong I will be by then!

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