Brian has a total of six Japanese ninja obsessions.

One of the most powerful obsession masters is a guy named Yagyu Itto.

The other party’s gift of obsession is almost the same as that of his uncle Billy, and the content of the obsession is also very simple: patricide!

The other party hopes to kill his father Yagyu Kojiro.

The remaining five ninjas were all the younger brothers who had gone to Los Angeles with Yagyu to challenge Brian.

The obsession of these five people is also very simple: kill the master!

Their master is still the same person, named Yamamoto Taku.

It is equivalent to saying that Brian only needs to kill these two people to complete six obsessions at once.

The key is that this group of Japanese ninjas have a very high explosion rate.

Brian had previously accidentally encountered Shinnosuke, the ninja leader of the Ansect who killed Yagyu Itto and his group. After killing the opponent, he not only acquired various master-level fighting skills, but also learned about a thing called the Crazy Blood Project from them.

Yagyu Itto and this group of young ninjas are the victims of this plan.

The Mad Blood Project is similar to the phenomenon of the White Elephant Kingdom that Brian was in before. It is also a mixture of deformed people and strengthened people. It is just that one gathers by religious belief and the other gathers by the threat of force. There is still a difference between them.

But they have one thing in common: a high explosion rate.

This time I traveled across the ocean to see Xiao Baga and only killed two, which was somewhat inappropriate.

Brian wanted to test his limits.

Brian had investigated Kojiro Yagyu and Taku Yamamoto a long time ago.

Both men are famous in Japan.

Yagyu Kojiro is the head of the Yagyu family. He controls the Yamaguchi-gumi, the largest Yakuza organization in Japan, and is actually the leader of the underworld.

However, the Yakuza organization here is relatively formal. Official members are not only required to wear suits, but also have their own operating logic and company, and participate in adult film shooting, community real estate, loan sharking, nightclubs, catering, etc. During the New Year holidays, they even give gifts to neighbors and help poor students to go to good universities.

Many people here even think that joining the Yakuza organization is a job in itself, and it is still the kind with a relatively promising future.

Of course, this refers to large associations, the kind with many industries.

Otherwise, if you join a small club, the middle-aged boss may take you secretly to the sea to fish in order to prevent you from starving for nine meals in three days, and then sell takoyaki, seafood ramen restaurants and the like to make a living.

As for Taku Yamamoto.

This guy is also very famous. He is known as the modern swordsman of Japan. He likes to perform in some shows, performing events such as cutting wooden swords, shooting tennis balls, and pistol blank ammunition.

The two men had a very good relationship in private. They also established a kendo headquarters at the foot of Mount Fuji to discover and absorb outstanding talents from young people for training. In addition, many police department employees were also members of the kendo association.

This group of people formed a very complex network of people.

In Brian's memory, although he relied on obsessive reading to know the appearance of Yagyu Kojiro and Yamamoto Taku, he could not locate their locations, so the place he went to this time was the kendo main hall - the Jokudō Kenkan.

That place is very famous, and there are a lot of cherry blossom trees around it, so tourists often go there to camp, take photos and check in, and there are also special bus routes.

When getting on the rail car, Brian also met a group of well-dressed, youthful and energetic Japanese middle school students.

They were wearing sportswear and were discussing their visit to the sword gym later.

Some people are also discussing preparing to sign up to learn karate during the summer vacation.

A person's name suddenly caught Brian's attention.

A girl sitting in the front row said to her companions enviously: "I heard that Matsushita Yamaichi is very talented. He became an official disciple of the Jido Kendo Hall and joined the school's kendo club. With this resume, he will be a great success in the future." University life will be much easier.”

The fellow girls also nodded with envy: "I really hope to become Yamaichi-san's girlfriend. It will definitely be very honorable."

Her words resonated with this group of students.

In their eyes, classmate Matsushita Yamaichi is an innate kendo prodigy. Not only is he good at various sports, he can crush ordinary people like them. He is also very lucky and has always been someone else's child.

Listening to the chatter and gossip of this group of students.

Brian realized that Japan's official organization was deliberately guiding the martial spirit among the people and stimulating the aggressiveness in the genes of the new generation.

This may also be part of Mad Blood's plan.

Got off the rail car.

The drop-off point is at Lake Kawaguchi.

Across the lake, you can see a conical mountain front without a sharp tip, white above and dark green below, with white clouds rolling overhead, giving people a sense of desolation under the refraction of the sun.

Brian took a deep breath of air.

The air here is really nice.

The soil around Mount Fuji is rich in nutrients, resulting in lush vegetation in this area.

At this time, it is at the end of the red leaf season, and everything you see is yellow and red. Standing on the path by the lake, hiking on the fallen leaves, being in it does have a bit of a cartoon feel.

Not from a distance.

A little family spirit.

The Gokudo Kenkan is located on the other side of Lake Kawaguchi, at the foot of Mount Fuji.

There are ferries running nearby.

Brian followed the group of students and got on the ferry.

A yellow-haired man of fifteen or sixteen years old saw that Brian had been following them since the previous tram ride. Zilaishu struck up a conversation and said, "Uncle, are you also going to the Jida Sword Hall?"

Generally, mountaineering will start from the Yamanashi Prefecture or Shizuoka Prefecture's climbing route map. For lake cruises, there are also special cruise ships and ferries, so the other party's purpose should be the same as theirs.

Brian nodded: "Yes."

The yellow-haired companion saw him chatting up and said with a smile: "Uncle, you have come in vain. The Jidao Sword Hall is only visited once a week. It is not open on weekdays. We are also invited by classmates. His name is Matsushita Yamaichi, and he is a kendo genius in our school."

A girl also nodded: "Thanks to classmate Yamaichi, we are here on behalf of the school to cheer for his first battle, so we got the invitation. Uncle, you should go back directly later, otherwise it will be too embarrassing to be driven away."

Brian shook his head: "I'm not a tourist."


He suddenly got up and came to the deck, looked into the distance, and then said to everyone: "Today is not suitable for visiting. Your classmate Yamaichi should not have the opportunity to have any first battle. Go back early, maybe you can still have a chance to eat the rice balls your mother rolled for you."

Everyone was puzzled.

The next moment

Brian jumped down and actually jumped into the lake.

Everyone on the boat exclaimed and rushed to the deck.

Unexpectedly, a figure walked on the water, like a violent yacht, with white waves splashing on both sides, approaching a high platform on the opposite bank at an exaggerated speed.

On the high platform, an old man with a ball head seemed to have sensed something.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Brian who was sprinting with a sharp gaze.

Before the person arrived, the undisguised killing aura enveloped him.

The old man's face changed slightly, and he slowly stood up and made a gesture of drawing his sword towards Brian who was still a hundred meters away: "Who are you!"

"An Zong!"


"Kill your people!"

As the voice fell, Brian crossed the hundred-meter lake in an instant, his right hand turned into a sword, and with the momentum of rushing to kill, he rushed into the sky, and stabbed with a knife at a distance of five meters!


The sound of a sonic boom exploded.

Driven by the impact of the air, a large amount of water splashed and turned into a huge water knife, stabbing at the old man.


On the cruise ship, everyone was stunned.

Are they watching a movie now?

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