You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 264 Human Slaughter (Supplement)

When a supersonic aircraft flies at low altitude, the sound shock wave can shatter the tempered glass of a high-rise building more than ten meters away.

The explosion of Brian's accumulated attack is almost as strong as that.

This is the terrifying effect caused by the concentration of power and speed at one point.

The strong wind whistled.

The lake water carried by it was like a high-pressure water blade, giving people a sharp feeling of cutting gold and breaking jade.

The expression of the old man on the high platform on the shore changed slightly.

"Break the waves!"

He shouted in a low voice, and the muscles of his whole body gathered in his right hand. The sword on his waist turned into a meteor that broke through the air and slashed accurately through the invisible air and the splashing water.

With a tearing sound~

Under a subtle force, the strong wind and high-pressure lake water carried by Brian's palm wind seemed to be separated by a vacuum, and were cut off by the old man with a knife. When they fell again by inertia, they had no lethality.

"What a powerful force technique."

Brian's eyes were surprised, and he panted slightly, stepped on the water, and did not continue to attack.

The opponent's knife just now seemed simple, but in fact it was accompanied by high-frequency vibrations, which forcibly changed the air environment where the knife trace was located, and removed his probing attack.

Even if Brian absorbed the master-level knife skills of the previous Shinnosuke, and could control his body and exert his strength 120%, he still couldn't achieve the exquisite level of the old man.

This is almost the pinnacle of a certain skill.

The old man was even more shocked than Brian.

He looked at Brian with a serious expression: "When did the Dark Sect have a master like you!"

Just now, he accumulated momentum and slashed on the nothingness shock wave and water splashes, almost thinking that he slashed on the real iron wood.

How terrifying power does it take to create such an effect?



This guy's strength is definitely comparable to that of a second-level life!

Although the old man is not afraid, he has been in a high position for many years and does not want to fight meaninglessly.


There is no need to do anything, this guy will be surrounded and killed.

Thinking of this.

He sheathed his sword: "The Ninja Sect and the Dark Sect have been fighting for many years, but they just have different philosophies. Now that the great country is at its peak, we can only break the slavery of the ghosts and reproduce the glory of the empire by taking the extreme path. You can come to this point now, you should understand this truth!"

"It's true that a dog can't change its eating habits..."

Brian was about to make a sarcastic remark.

Suddenly, his ears trembled slightly and a smile appeared on his face.

Here it comes!

Brian slowly walked towards the shore: "Your support is quite fast, it seems that I can start."

"Why are you here!"

The old man tried to ask again.

The other party's calmness made him feel a little bad.

According to the agreement, how could the masters of the Dark Sect suddenly attack himself as the foreign affairs elder of the Ninja Sect.

Could it be that the group of trash in the Dark Sect felt that they had the strength to replace the Ninja Sect?

How could this be possible!

"My purpose is very simple!"

Brian took a deep breath: "To pay the blood debts of those predecessors in my dreams!"

The old man was stunned: What?

The next moment

Brian's clothes exploded, and the water surface under his feet seemed to have been bombarded by a nuclear bomb, splashing more than ten meters high. The residual power spread, turning into a terrifying wave that squeezed both sides, and even hit the ferry in the distance and made it shake.

Where are the people?

The old man's eyes turned pale, and he glanced around, and then he seemed to penetrate the layers of water and saw Brian's figure jumping seven or eight meters high.

The opponent seemed to be inflated, and his body expanded by more than one time, with hideous muscles all over his body, like a demon among men.


The old man no longer hesitated, and his clogs crossed his feet, like a flea, and he jumped in front of Brian lightly, drew his sword and fought, not giving Brian a chance to accumulate power in the air.


The alloy sword was so sharp that it cut Brian's skin, muscles, and ribs, which were as tough as rhinoceros skin and as hard as ordinary steel.

Just when the old man unexpectedly solved Brian's powerful opponent so easily.

Brian's mouth curled up, revealing a mocking smile.

The next moment.

The two fell down.

Brian ignored the scars on his body that almost cut him in half, and punched out fiercely.

The old man's face changed drastically, and he raised his knife to block!

That terrifying punch, without any pause, hit the blade.


A burst of blood mist left a long mark in the void, hitting the wooden platform below.

The wooden platform more than three meters high under his feet exploded and broke, turning into ruins.

A large amount of sand and gravel splashed up.

Brian followed and fell to the ground.

He kicked away the surrounding wood debris, walked to a big pit, and looked at the rotten meat branded on it with surprise.

This old man has a strong vitality.

He punched the opponent's arms and most of his ribs, and the residual power was comparable to a grenade exploding at close range, which could not only knock people away, but also smash the solid wooden platform into ruins, and even knock a big pit on the ground.

With this power, even an elephant would have to kneel down.

But the old man is still alive!

In the pit, flesh and blood squirmed.

The old man's best preserved head slowly emerged from the pit with the efforts of flesh and blood.

He looked at Brian with white eyes in horror and begged for mercy: "You can't kill me. The nearby Ninja masters and armed forces are coming soon. If you kill me, you will be seriously injured!"

He responded with a mouthful of green saliva.


When the saliva came into contact with flesh and blood, it instantly turned into exaggerated concentrated sulfuric acid, corroding the bloody flesh and bones of the old man at a terrifying speed.

His tenacious life became a shackle for him to torture himself.

He screamed for more than ten seconds before he was completely corroded by Brian's flesh-corroding poison into a pool of liquid and stopped moving.

Five warm currents surged in Brian's body, relieving the pain of his serious injuries.

The old man was one of his targets: Yamamoto Taku.

The other party taught five excellent disciples, and the last obsession of the five disciples before their death was to kill their master, which was quite rare.

Seeing the last trace of the other party quickly dissipating in the air, Brian sneered: "What I'm waiting for is the support here and your ninja master to come over!"

He glanced at the helicopter approaching in the sky in the distance, and his figure flashed to a katana stuck in the sand and gravel, stretched out his right hand, and wanted to pick it up.

This katana is extremely sharp and tough, which is the best he has ever seen. It is better than the two katana of Yagyu Isshin before, and it is just right for slaughtering later.

However, when Brian exerted force, a red line appeared from the middle of his right palm, dividing his bones and flesh into two, and drooping in the air weakly, like two petals of a branch.

It turned out that it was a punch just now. Under the effect of force, Brian's entire right hand, from the fist shoulder to the forearm, was torn by the blade of the blocking katana.

Not only that.

Between Brian's exaggerated muscles, a knife mark that slanted upward and spanned his entire body appeared, almost spreading out half of his body.

Brian was not surprised but happy: "This knife is really good!"

He controlled his body that was about to break and reattached it, and closed his arms. Under the warm current, it only took three or four seconds to restore his severely injured body to its peak.

Brian twisted his neck, pulled out the sword on the ground, and was ready to face the next battle.

Hua La La~

A group of people wearing white kendo uniforms and wooden clogs, holding various small swords in their hands, rushed over from the building not far away.

There were also many men in suits, expressionless, following behind this group of students, trotting over.

These should be the students of Jidao Sword Hall and those armed security guards.

They reacted quite quickly.

After all, Brian seemed to have fought with the old man for a long time, but in fact, the whole process, including the conversation, was less than two minutes. The real battle was just one shot.

One shot determines life and death.

Brian looked at the spoils in his hand, then looked at those people, and nodded.

Killing one is also killing.

Killing a hundred is also killing.

Then kill them all!

The students were the ones who rushed to the front.

This group of students looked young. They were probably outside the sword hall when they heard the noise, so they reacted so quickly.

Facing the mess.

This group of young people who looked like they were only in their teens were not afraid at all.

One of them was tall, handsome, and had long hair. He looked at the damaged platform with an angry face: "Baka! This is the place where Elder Taku meditates, and you blew it up!"

Without waiting for Brian to respond.

He raised the wooden sword in his hand and rushed over with a small step: "Unforgivable, let me teach you a lesson! Give me Nishiuchi!"

The next moment.

Brian flashed, holding the sword diagonally, brushing against the body of Matsushita Yamamoto, and walked towards a group of students who were preparing to watch the show.

These young students couldn't help but wipe their eyes.

Was it teleportation just now?

Matsushita Yamamoto didn't realize what happened either.

He took two more steps with the momentum, and then he felt something strange. He looked down subconsciously, but found that his vision rolled and fell to the ground.

He kept holding the sword and lay on the ground screaming.

Half of the body hit his face, and the surging blood and digestive matter from the cut intestines filled his mouth, blocking the dying screams of this kendo genius.

"Cut in half!"

A girl who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old was so scared that she dropped the small sword in her hand to the ground and screamed sharply: "He cut Shanyi in half!"

The other students looked at Brian who was walking towards them, and finally realized the horror.

Those black-clad security guards had seen more.

The leading strong man's face changed drastically: "Danger, kill him with a gun!"



A group of little bastards who rushed faster than anyone else dropped their wooden swords and fled frantically, directly breaking through the formation of the security guards.

This is a monster!

The leading security guard had a ferocious expression: "Don't worry about these new bloods, shoot, shoot!"

If they don't shoot, they will all die!

Bang Bang Bang~

Several students fell to the ground first.

The rest of the people finally calmed down and lay on the ground trembling, leaving room for the remaining bullets to shoot Brian.

The following scene made these people even more desperate.

Brian did not speed up at all.

One bullet after another cut through the air, and the trajectory was clear in his eyes.

He waved his right hand.

Ding Ding Ding~

Bullets were cut off by the afterimage of the sword in his hand. At a distance of just over ten meters, these elite security guards could not get a single bullet within two meters of Brian.


In the blink of an eye.

The magazines in the hands of these security guards were emptied.

Most of the time, they were to maintain the peace around the kendo hall, not really for fighting, and they never thought that someone would attack here without knowing the danger, so they were all equipped with small pistols.

The sense of oppression Brian gave them was too strong.


A monster, under the shooting of more than a dozen pistols, faced the rain of bullets, not slow or slow, and cut off their bullets one by one, approaching them.

That was a kind of despair of waiting for death!

These elites were so frightened by this scene that their minds were confused. They only knew to hold the trigger tightly and even forgot to reload.


Brian was too lazy to give them a chance to reload. He put the sword away and stood at his cheek, posing a standard sword-swinging posture.

The next moment.

The afterimage flashed by.

Brian was like a ghost, shuttling in front of the group of security guards and students. When he appeared in front of the kendo hall building, his blade was as cold as frost and bloodless. The figures behind him were like grass, regardless of gender, like harvested straw. Their bodies were slow to react and slowly slid down under the action of gravity, revealing the sharp knife marks that cut their bodies at the waist.

Buzz buzz buzz~

The helicopter above finally arrived.

The pilot looked at the shocking scene below with dull eyes, where the upper body of the people slid down like straw, and screamed in horror: "Help, help quickly, there is a monster below, and everyone in the Jidao Kendo Hall has been killed, killed!"

The next moment!

A piece of gravel made a sharp whistling sound, spanning a distance of several hundred meters, like a meteorite, smashing the window of the helicopter, hitting the pilot's head, and shaking the entire helicopter.

The headless corpse, splattering blood, still held the joystick tightly in his hand, and the helicopter fell powerlessly towards the water in the distance. Only in the communication, there was a sweet female voice asking doubtfully: "What?"

Looking at the out-of-control helicopter.

Brian retracted his hand that took the stone ball out of the stone lion's mouth.

Now it's as easy to blow up this low-flying helicopter as to crush an ant.

So cool!

Brian somewhat understood why 'Dragon', the strongest known deformer, could resist a modern army with his flesh!

He might be able to do it now!

It's this stone lion..

Brian frowned slightly and looked at the two stone lion sculptures at the entrance of the kendo hall.

These little bastards, when you are strong, bow their heads and act like dogs, more obedient than dogs, and learn everything from you. When you are weak, they show their ferocious teeth and commit countless massacres.

Listening to the movement from the kendo hall.

The smile on Brian's face turned into a hideous one.


Kill everyone here before the main force arrives!

He waved his knife, kicked open the door of the kendo hall, and rushed in.

Behind him, the lion's head hit the ground, and the two mighty lion sculptures had sharp knife marks on their bodies, turning them into headless sculptures.

If you want to kill, kill them all, not even the sculptures!

Screams came from the kendo hall.

Under Brian's horrible perception, even the little Baka who hid because he felt something was wrong could not escape the coming of death.

When Brian came out again, he was already filled with a strong and extremely bloody smell.

He jumped seven or eight meters and stood at the highest point of the kendo hall.

Circles of invisible sound waves were transmitted in all directions along his body.

Brian's eyes turned slightly red, and a large amount of heat source perception appeared in his mind.

He looked at the bamboo forest in the distance and chuckled, "You are finally here!"

Brian's voice seemed not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the masters who had just arrived.

Figures walked out of the bamboo forest one after another.

The leading man was an old man with white hair.

He wore wooden clogs and led a group of ninjas who covered their heads and only showed a pair of eyes. They surrounded Brian: "Who are you and why did you attack our new blood breeding base!"

"Where is Yagyu Kojiro?"

Brian glanced around and said dissatisfiedly: "Why didn't he come?"

The old man said coldly: "Why would the head of the Yagyu family appear in such a place? Tell us who is behind the scenes, and we will keep your body intact. Otherwise, when Elder Taku Yamamoto comes back and sees that you have soiled his territory, he will definitely skin you alive!"

"Taku Yamamoto?"

Brian pointed to the ruins of the wooden platform in the distance: "Are you referring to the owner of this knife? The first person I killed was him. That old thing has some strength, but not much..."

The group finally noticed the small sword in Brian's hand.

The moment they saw the blade, a piercing coldness ran through the bodies of these masters.

Yamamoto Taku, dead?

But Brian didn't give them the opportunity to continue talking nonsense.

Mo Ji, just to catch the smell on them, follow the smell, kill into the nest of this group of people and kill them all.

Now, they should die too!

The ninja masters couldn't see Brian's movements at all, they just felt that the figure in front of them seemed to be becoming nothingness.

Only the old man in the lead changed his face: "Disperse!"

The next moment.

A knife mark spread along his forehead, turning him into two pieces of flesh and blood falling to both sides.

With the blessing of speed and strength.

Brian's every strike could create a sonic boom.

A group of people who were only first-level life forms at most, equivalent to NW's second-level staff, never saw his moves clearly until they died.

Looking at the corpses and body parts on the ground.

Brian strolled among the corpses and began to count the obsessions that exploded.

The so-called new blood had a very low explosion rate.

He killed more than a hundred people before and after, and only gained two obsessions.

Among these ninjas who came, only the old man who led the group was considered a first-level life form, but ten people provided a full five obsessions.

The explosion rate is too high!

The previous Yamamoto Taku also provided Brian with a high-quality obsession ball.

Such a high explosion rate should be related to the perverted training method of these little bastards.

This prey is too high-quality!

Looking at the sky and the lake, which were still motionless, Brian's eyes loomed with the afterimage of a blood moon.

Can't wait any longer!

He changed into the clothes of Yamamoto Taku found in the kendo hall, transformed into the other party's appearance, and rushed in the direction where the group of ninjas came.

The army won't come, right?

Yagyu Kojiro won't show up, right?

Then kill them!

Kill them all and turn the world upside down.

Kill them all and make rivers of blood flow!

If there's no ninja base, kill them in the city.

If there's no city, kill them in the countryside.

Kill everyone you see!

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