You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 265 Breakthrough, army siege!

On the lake in the distance, the boat boss put down his telescope, turned the ferry tremblingly, and controlled the boat to escape into the distance.

The young people on the boat were silent.

Although they couldn't see clearly the carnage on land, they could see the helicopter that crashed into the lake.

The police call was made by them.

I heard a weirdo treading water and rushing towards the Yakuza Sword Hall, and soon a helicopter with the Tokyo Police Department logo spray-painted on it came over.

But the opponent came quickly and crashed quickly.

Everything that happened today has subverted their worldview.

The police department received a summons from the pilot before his death.

They didn't think anyone would be stupid enough to attack the Kokudo Kendo Hall, so when they received the police call, they first called to inquire about the situation. After hearing that there was indeed movement outside, they sent the nearest police helicopter over. Check the situation.

It wasn't until the pilot called for help before he died and the helicopter lost its signal on the radar that they realized the seriousness of the matter.

A middle-aged man with a big belly wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked anxiously at the sweet-looking policewoman beside him: "Have you not contacted the sword hall yet?"

The policewoman shook her head, and before she could speak, a young police officer ran up to the middle-aged man: "Chief of Police, the reporting center just received seven or eight distress calls, all of which came from the Jidao Sword Hall, but they have already We couldn't get in touch with them, so we urgently contacted the captain of the ferry, and he told us that a strange man came out of the sword hall with a sword and left towards Mount Fuji."

Hear this.

The minister who hurriedly came from the office looked even paler.

Something big happened!

There's no way those lunatics at the Jida Sword Hall would let people pick up their swords and leave so arrogantly.

Unless everyone in the Jida Sword Hall is dead!

When he thought of that horrific fact, the police chief, who held a high position in the Tokyo police circles, fainted without saying a word and hit the ground heavily, scaring everyone in the office into panic.

Finally, the secretary of the police chief responded and suggested reporting the matter.

Before the gangsters from the police department began to shirk responsibility before they could figure out the situation, Brian had already arrived in front of several wooden houses.

In his sense of smell, the scent of those ninjas disappeared within these wooden houses.

"Why do these organizations like to dig holes?"

Brian felt a little irritable.

This group of little Baga were not afraid of the eruption of Mount Fuji volcano and they were all buried alive.

Actually this is normal.

The real climbing area of ​​Mount Fuji is all rocky and bare, with a very wide view. The key point is that there are many domestic and foreign mountaineering tourists. If the base is built on the ground, there will be no privacy at all, and the only choice is to develop underground.

But Brian just felt irritated.

The base is underground and the base is on the ground are completely different concepts.

On the ground, he is not afraid even if there is missile bombardment, but if it is an underground environment, a simple laser channel can slice him into pieces.

Even if there is no laser channel.

There is no place to hide with all kinds of hidden machine guns.

It was impossible for him to risk his life and take the initiative to give blood.

Just then, a crow made a croaking sound.

This unpleasant sound directly aroused Brian's irritable mood.


Invisible sound waves blasted out.

The unlucky crow sensed something was wrong and wanted to take off and escape.

next moment.


As soon as it flapped its wings, its body seemed to be hit by a missile, exploding from the inside out, spreading flesh, blood and feathers everywhere.

Smelling the blood in the air.

It was as if Brian had been injected with nicotine again after quitting smoking, and his mood calmed down again.

He was silent for a moment, touched his eyes, turned around and left with the knife in hand.

It wasn't until his figure disappeared from sight that an extremely subtle sound of exhalation came from the grass.

Keiko looked at the direction where Brian disappeared in horror and closed her eyes in pain.

That is definitely not Elder Taku Yamamoto!

Elder Taku Yamamoto will not kill his pets, nor will he not know how to enter the base!

This is an intruder that changes appearance!

Just when she was about to send a message to the base, an unrivaled force suddenly pinched her neck from behind: "Little mouse, what are you looking at?"

Keiko's face turned red and she wanted to fight back.


With the sound of bones breaking, the petite female ninja's muscles all relaxed, and she was carried like a dead dog in Brian's hand.

Squeeze the opponent to death and see that there is no obsession and the ball will pop out.

Brian casually threw the opponent's body back into the pit, came to the position of the crow's corpse, and crushed a small ball.

This crow is obsessed.

He found an open space, and while waiting for the siege to come, he closed his eyes and began to examine the previous loot.

He gained a lot from this operation.

Killing Yamamoto Taku completed the obsession of five ninjas to kill their masters.

Most of the talents of those ninjas were highly overlapping. Brian directly received Gift 1, the choice of a pure gift unit.

Here are 180 units of gift energy.

Excluding the consumption of previous injury recovery, Brian's gift energy units came to 270 units.

Big head is the obsession of Yagyu Itto.

The other party's obsession is to kill his father Yagyu Kojiro.

Gift 1: 100 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 30 points of gift energy + two uses at once.

Gift three: 10 points of gift energy + Heart Eye.

Gift four: 10 points of gift energy + body activation.

Yagyu Itto's strength is actually quite average, probably a first-level life that is good at swordsmanship, but his innate heart eye is very abnormal, which can easily penetrate the enemy's flaws and launch fatal attacks, and is good at counterattacks. It almost forced Brian to expose all his strength before.

As for the body activation, it is a kind of recovery ability.

Yagyu Itto originally died at Brian's hands. Afterwards, Brian found that the other party came back to life after returning to the hotel. He was not really dead, but because he lost his handy weapon, he was cut into pieces by Shinnosuke behind him.

This is the function of the body activation talent.

Unfortunately, Brian does not need this talent.

He needs the heart eye to strengthen his talent shortcomings!

"270 units."

Brian resisted the urge to strengthen it and checked the obsession he had just obtained.

The first one is Yamamoto Taku's obsession.

The opponent's strength is a bit strange. With a sharp sword and the ultimate swordsmanship, he is able to hurt Brian, and his body is so active that he almost turned into mud, but he is still alive.

If he had changed his opponent, the opponent might not have died.

Unfortunately, he met Brian who fought with his life for his life, and there was also the flesh and blood corrosion capsule that restrained his recovery ability.

Brian had great expectations for the obsession gift of this enemy.

Yamamoto Taku's obsession: to wipe out the Yagyu family in revenge for the pain of taking his wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter-in-law!

Gift 1: 150 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 70 points of gift energy + Grandmaster swordsmanship.

Gift 3: 70 points of gift energy + Weak Mind Eye

Gift 4: 50 points of gift energy + Energy Insight Eye

Gift 5: 20 points of gift energy + Body Activation

At the end of the obsession, there is the address of the Yagyu family and all the family members: the ancestral home is located in an old courtyard next to a temple in Tokyo. It doesn't look conspicuous, but there are many people, more than 200 people, most of whom are women and children of all ages.

Strangely, among these children, there are very few members over ten years old.

There are also very few elderly members, only three.

As for Yagyu Kojiro, he looks like a handsome and mature middle-aged man.

Brian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Five gifts!

Five gift options!

And the quality of these gifts is so high!

This kind of enemy, before meeting Yagyu Itdao, I am afraid I may not be the opponent of the other party.

As a result, now I can kill the other party with one punch!

My growth rate is too abnormal!

The most dramatic is Yamamoto Taku's obsession

What kind of hobby does the head of the Yagyu family have? He likes other people's wives so much?

The only problem is that Brian doesn't know the location of Yagyu Kojiro at all, let alone destroy the Yagyu family.

Helplessly, he could only check other obsessions.

This look was full of surprises.

In addition to Yamamoto Taku's obsession, Brian also gained the obsessions of two students, five ninjas, and a crow in the previous massacre. One of the ninjas was a first-level life, which was equivalent to a second-level employee of an ordinary official organization.

The obsessions of the two students were very strange. They were all the senior brothers who killed their sword hall.

One gifted twelve units of energy, and the other gifted fifteen units of energy.

Normal humans, even those with strong obsessions, can hardly give more than ten units of energy.

Obviously, the blood of these two guys is not normal.

In the entire Jidao Sword Hall, Brian didn't even let go of a fly. These two obsessions were immediately completed when he checked.

Five ninjas, two wanted to kill Brian and directly refused the order.

Two wanted to kill Yamamoto Taku.


These two were also completed directly, adding up to another fifty-five units of gift energy.

The remaining one was the obsession of the old man who led the team: to kill Yagyu Kojiro to avenge the hatred of stealing his wife and killing his son!

Gift 1: 110 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 70 points of gift energy + master swordsmanship.

Gift 3: 30 points of gift energy + danger perception.


He suddenly became curious about the growth process of these little bastards.

Among peers, they all resent Yagyu Kojiro.

Among juniors, they all resent Yamamoto Taku.

Are they all so deformed and weird?

If he kills Yagyu Kojiro and then destroys the Ninja Clan, won't he take off?

With this magical idea, Brian looked at the obsession of the last crow.

Crows are a kind of bird with a high IQ.

Many institutions have bred special crows for exploration and vigilance.

In China, this thing is regarded as a symbol of filial piety, but the people don't like this animal very much. Including the West, many people think that crows are unclean and will bring death.

Every time you check the obsession of an animal, you open the box and often get some special talents.

With expectations.

Brian's mind moved.

Crow Obsession: Hatching offspring.

Gift 1: 15 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 1 point of gift energy + death perception.

At the end of the obsession, there is also the address of a small tree.

Brian's consciousness stayed on the death perception.

A message emerged again.

Death Perception: I have seen your death. Within the field of vision, you can see the fluctuations when life disappears. VBNMC

Brian licked his lips.

This talent may not be useful, but it is very rare.

He saw that the big tree environment in the crow's memory seemed to be nearby, so he simply started looking for it.

A moment.

Brian really found a man-made nest that looked a bit cute, and there was a black, apple-sized egg in the nest.

He could feel the activity in the egg.

This is a live egg.

As for the nest, it should be built by the owner of the crow, the female ninja.

"It's quite loving, but it's a pity that you are the enemy!"

Brian thought about it, put the egg away, and ran towards the lake.

After absorbing a large amount of spiritual crystals, his originally agitated mood regained some clarity.

He planned to hide in the lake first to see if he could break through once before the siege arrived.

Brian now seems to have an invincible posture, but in fact, in the strongest state of bursting clothes, the power is only about five tons. It is completely relying on speed + skills + various talents to kill the same level like killing chickens.

Essentially, his physical and mental strength is still 1.3.

Every time he improves by 0.1.

His strength will change qualitatively.

Brian believes that if he can break through to 1.4, he will be better able to face the next siege.

When Brian returned to the lake, he still did not see any signs of the army and a large number of ninjas.

These people reacted too strangely and too slowly.

Brian hid the egg first, then jumped down and disappeared into the lake.

He sat cross-legged at the bottom of the lake and began to strengthen his body.

The obsession of slaughtering and harvesting, unexpectedly gained 82 units.

Adding the previous 270 units of gift energy, a total of 352 units of gift energy.

Brian has never accumulated so much gift energy, plus the previous enhancement and the improvement under his talent, I don’t believe that I can’t break through this time!

Driven by his thoughts.

Large streams of accumulated energy flowed in Brian’s body.

This time, the duration was exceptionally long.

Brian could feel his body temperature rising rapidly. With the continuous nourishment of energy, his body turned into an active volcano, and his blood turned into extremely hot magma, evaporating violently in his body.


As Brian's body temperature continued to rise, the lake water around him actually had a boiling reaction.

A large amount of black blood was discharged from his capillaries, and at the same time, new blood was born from his bone marrow and joined the body's metabolic cycle.

With the blessing of the gift of energy, Brian was like a perpetual motion machine, with a constant supply of energy to support the body's transformation again.

Every time he exchanged blood, he could feel that his blood viscosity increased a lot.

I don't know how many times it lasted.

Seeing that the energy was about to be exhausted.

Bryan's body changes finally ended.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at his palms.

On the palms, visible bubbles kept rising.

This was because the lake water changed due to excessive body temperature.

"It seems that the world is different."

Bryan's clothes had been destroyed in the changes just now.

He stood up, his feet seemed to be stepping on the solid ground, and he returned to the ground with a clear footprint.


A long white steam sprayed out from his mouth, extending more than one meter away before disappearing.

He had only seen this phenomenon on Dean Lao Deng before.

So that's it!

So that's it!

Is this the true state of a second-level life!

Seeing this familiar scene, Brian laughed silently.


In the fourth month of the blood moon, he grew from a young man with kidney deficiency and overdraft to a second-level life!

In the NW organization, a second-level life is a third-level staff member, and there are only two of them on the surface!

"My current state is so strange!"

Brian was naked, standing on the water, and there were visible heat waves surging around him.

He could feel infinite energy, which was brought to all parts of his body with the circulation of blood, nourishing all parts of his body.

His heart also underwent subtle changes, just like a small pump turned into a high-pressure water pump, and the blood vessels and other blood circulation systems also changed.

Brian could feel that as the blood continued to circulate in his body, his body was getting stronger little by little.

But when it came down to it, his strength and speed didn't seem to have changed in essence.

"Could it be that the second-level life forms were starting from a point and needing time to be baptized?"

Brian stood on the water in a daze.


He looked into the distance.

In the distance, a large number of armed helicopters flew over here.

On the opposite land, Brian also heard the sound of a large number of truck engines.

Is this the army?

Brian's mouth curled up.

Since he felt that his changes didn't seem to be big, he might as well try his hand on this group of Self-Defense Forces.

Actual combat brings true knowledge.


Accompanied by the noisy sound of helicopters.

The armed helicopter in the front stopped at an altitude of more than ten meters, and the barrel aimed at Brian who was conspicuous on the water: "This is"


The lake surface seemed to be bombarded by a ground-to-ground missile, the ripples were shaking, and the waves were blown up more than ten meters high by the recoil.

In the pilot's horrified eyes, a figure looked like a flea, jumping up to a height of fifteen or six meters on the water, and punched him in the air.


The huge armed helicopter seemed to have been hit by a missile under Brian's petite fist. The nose of the helicopter was dented and cracked. The entire helicopter lost control and was unable to hit the water.

By recoil.

Brian flew more than twenty meters across, landed on the shore, pulled out the Kodachi stuck on the shore, and ran towards the cabin he had discovered earlier.

far away.

The pilots of the other helicopters swallowed subconsciously when they saw that the helicopter that had landed more than ten meters above the ground to shout was submerged in the lake.

Blow up a helicopter with one punch?

Getting excited?

At this moment, a cold voice from above came from the earphones: "Catch him, kill him, you are allowed to use all weapons!"

Buzz buzz~

next moment.

More than a dozen missiles disappeared into the bomb bays of these armed helicopters, drawing white air waves in the sky, spinning around and covering Brian, who was not very fast.

Because of fear, they didn't even dare to get close and directly chose to launch missiles.

far away.

Carloads of heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles also blocked the entire area on the other side of the lake.

Heavy machine guns were set up one after another.

Military drones bought at a high price from Mei Dad took off and flew towards the other side of the lake.

The officer leading the team at the scene held a command knife and looked at the location where the missile disappeared with cold eyes.

The enemy is dead!

at this time.

A handsome middle-aged man fell from the sky and appeared next to him.

The middle-aged man crossed his chest with his hands, looked at the buildings on the other side of the lake expressionlessly, and asked the officer beside him: "Is Yamamoto Taku dead?"

"Dead, father."

The middle-aged man nodded: "After killing the enemy, prepare a submarine for me to go to Brazil."

The officer looked at his father in surprise: "Brazil? Father, are you going to avenge Yida?"

The middle-aged voice was cold: "The dead good-for-nothing is not my son. Counting the time, the good-for-nothing from the Dark Sect should be almost out of control. I'm going to harvest the fruits."


He showed a weird smile and looked at the officer: "Buyi, grow up well and don't let me down."

Seeing this smile, the officer trembled in fright, lowered his head and said: "Hi, father!"

It wasn't until the man jumped more than ten meters high and returned to the helicopter above his head, far away, that he looked at the back of the helicopter in the distance with hatred.

There are hundreds of his brothers and sisters.

There are only a few people alive now.

"Yagyu Kojiro, wait! When I get the support of those Yankee garrison, I will definitely kill you!"

The officer roared in his heart, but lowered his head subconsciously, fearing that Kojiro, who was far away, could feel his murderous intention, and he was quite cowardly.

He suppressed the killing intent in his heart and turned to look at the small flame mushroom clouds produced by the explosion on the other side of the lake.

Although the missiles of these armed helicopters are not powerful, the power of the explosion can cover a radius of thirty or forty meters, and the shock wave generated is equivalent to being hit and squeezed by a force of several tons in an instant.

A dozen missiles cover a distance of more than a few hundred meters.

No one can survive this kind of power!

Except for his monster father!

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