You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 266: One man destroys an army, thousands of people are killed

Amidst the countless flying dust, drops of blood splashed onto the ground, so hot that it made a sizzling sound similar to tar on the ground.

Brian wiped the burning blood from the corner of his mouth.

Pieces of shrapnel were squeezed out of his body.

His body at this moment, except for the head, was almost a rag, with dense blood holes that were extremely terrifying, all piercing wounds.

Brian was also surprised by his current vitality.

In this situation, he actually felt that he was only slightly injured.

Reality is not a movie.

The missiles of the armed helicopters are all small missiles, and their power is not great, but the shock wave generated at the moment of the explosion has a sweeping speed of up to 3,000 meters per second, and it decays rapidly with the distance. Even so, once it hits within the killing range, no carbon-based creatures can escape.

Brian couldn't do it either.

The impact force generated by the explosion has a killing power of up to several tons, which can tear clothes and shake trees to death and blow them away.

This is also why the battlefield that has been bombed is bare, the trees are toppled, and the intact bodies are also naked.

After all, Brian had never experienced a real battlefield, so he was a little naive.

He wanted to wait for the moment when the bomb fell, and then speed up immediately to avoid the most central strike explosion area. As a result, facing the covering bombing, even with his speed, he could not escape the explosion range, and was shaken inside and outside by the violent shock wave.

In the unavoidable environment just now, the only thing Brian could do was to protect his head from being penetrated by the stones and shrapnel.

Facts have proved that the second-level life is not as simple as the change of blood.

At this moment, his five internal organs were broken, and his muscles and bones were like broken glass, all torn and concussed.

As a result, in addition to feeling a little weak, Brian's special blood in his body was actually releasing some strange special substances continuously, stimulating the activity of his body cells, so that even if his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all broken, he did not feel dying.

He felt that as long as the energy and nutrition were sufficient, even if he did not need to give energy to repair his injuries, the damage to his body would heal automatically in ten days and a half months at most.

"Pervert, I'm too perverted!"

Brian no longer dodged.

A light green mist slowly emanated from his body, corroding the remaining biological traces around him while also concealing his figure.

"Unable to observe... The radar did not detect any humanoid creatures."

An armed helicopter hovered in the air and said to the communication.


A drone with a high-definition camera appeared in the bombing area where large pits were blown out.


A cry came from the communication: "It's foggy, and green fog has been found in the bombing area."

Then there was a sizzling sound and a series of exclamations.

Just as the helicopter pilot was puzzled, the electronic parts of the drones that flew into the green fog were corroded and fell to the ground. At the same time, a figure jumped high, grabbed the external rack of the helicopter, and climbed up.

The young officer in command on the other side was shocked when he saw the pictures sent back by the other drones!

Not dead!

How could he not be dead!

He shouted angrily: "All units, use machine guns to shoot down that helicopter!"

Da Da Da~

The dense rain of bullets, without any hesitation, directly locked Brian's climbing helicopter and pulled the trigger.

Countless powerful machine gun bullets drew visible shock waves in the void, instantly punching the valuable armed helicopter into a hole machine, and smashing the remaining missile suspension compartment on the helicopter, causing a secondary explosion.


Accompanied by sparks.

Countless parts flew like fairy flowers, and the main wreckage of the aircraft also fell on the lake.

Looking at the scene that returned to calm.

Everyone stared at the lake.

This time the other party must be dead!

Machine guns can be called human crushers.

One bullet can kill an elephant, break a person in two, or even turn him into a blood mist.

Even if they knew that there were non-human deformed people and enhanced people in this world, no one believed that carbon-based creatures could survive in this situation.

The other party must be dead!

No one noticed that a wave under the water was approaching the bank on their side quickly.

Brian couldn't withstand the power of the machine gun.

The problem is, you have to hit it!

When this group of people were frantically blowing up his helicopter, he forced the door of the helicopter down, covered his body, and fell into the lake in advance.

He originally wanted to seize control of the helicopter, and then use supercomputer perception to turn the nose of the helicopter to kill all around.

But this group of people didn't give him face.

Then let them see what cruelty is!

There was no movement on the water in the distance.

The young officer waved his hand and said to the communication: "The drone starts patrol mode, the helicopter is pulled up, and the underwater detector is urgently mobilized for me. I want to see the body of the attacker!"

After that.

He still felt unsafe, took out a black box, made a phone call, contacted the Ninja Clan base not far away, and asked them to send people to assist.

No one noticed.

At this time, several soldiers on armored vehicles that were parked on the road and could not be approached had fallen to the ground at some point and fell into a baby-like sleep.

This is the neurotoxin and anesthetic liquid stored in Brian's body.

This time it was all cleared out.

The neurotoxin was used to poison this small group of soldiers.

Brian walked out of the water.

He was immediately spotted by the dense drones on the water.

The operator quickly reported: "The attacker was found on the east bank. Amaterasu, he is unharmed! Repeat"

The Self-Defense Forces nearby immediately approached the reported location.

The hovering helicopter also locked this side again.

But when the Self-Defense Forces soldiers approached this side within a few dozen meters, they seemed to be poisoned by an unknown toxin. They lost control of their bodies and lay on the ground, unable to even breathe. They watched helplessly as suffocation swallowed their consciousness.

The latecomers finally realized that something was wrong and said in horror: "Biochemical toxins, there are biochemical toxins here! Wear a mask, wear a mask quickly."

The helicopter above the head also took into account the Self-Defense Forces' armed armored vehicles around, and did not launch an attack immediately.

It was too late after such a delay.

Because Brian had already taken the anti-aircraft machine gun on the armored vehicle!

The reason why he attacked here first was for these weapons that could threaten his life.

Without waiting for the young officer to command again.

Brian held up an anti-aircraft machine gun that was as tall as his body, aimed at the helicopter above his head, and pulled the trigger.

Da Da Da~

The muzzle flames spurted out more than half a meter away.

Bullets that were thicker than an ordinary person's thumb and more than 20 centimeters long shot out one by one, as if they had their own navigation, and concentrated on the cockpits and missile suspension compartments of those helicopters.


One after another, the expensive armed helicopters were blown up by Brian's shots like targets.

The extremely powerful recoil of the machine gun, acting on his exaggerated physical strength, almost turned into a recoilless weapon, and the bullets were so accurate that they seemed to be automatically aimed.

In the blink of an eye.

Seven or eight armed helicopters in the sky became wreckage, either self-destructing or losing control, and crashing into the lakeside and the lake surface.

"And these buzzing little bugs!"

Brian turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed at the area with the most dense population of the Self-Defense Forces.

Bang Bang Bang~

A stream of blood mist exploded.

The bulletproof vests on those soldiers were almost the same as rags, and they couldn't even save their bodies. They were directly beaten into bloody and fleshy debris by the machine guns. The scene was extremely cruel.

After the shooting, they changed guns!

He was in a killing mood.

Brian jumped directly onto the roof of the car, killing anyone he saw and blowing up any car he saw.

He almost turned into a real-life invincible version of the Grand Theft Auto cheat code.

It took just over a minute.

All the anti-aircraft machine gun bullets around Brian were cleared.

The Self-Defense Force of several hundred people were killed and dispersed before they even had time to pull the trigger. They were killed instantly when they showed their heads. Even if they were seven or eight hundred meters away, they could not escape Brian's eagle eye + supercomputer perception of the ballistic correction. They all died tragically, and the scene fell into a dead silence.

Some lucky people witnessed the tragic death of their comrades in a short time, and the scene turned into a bloody and fleshy Shura field. They were either scared to the ground, mentally ill, and screaming crazily, or vomited continuously due to the strong smell of blood, and wanted to call their mothers fragilely.

Listening to the dead silence in the communication channel.

The young officer and the group of people around him felt cold in their hearts.

Hundreds of modern elites, just gone?

Killing a chicken is not that fast, right?

Brian dropped the machine gun in his hand, took off the clothes from a soldier poisoned by neurotoxin, casually wrapped them around his waist, then pulled out the small sword and rushed towards the enemy.

Seeing the enemy turned into a shadow and rushed over at an exaggerated speed, the young officer knew that the other party had deliberately let them go.

The other party's exaggerated speed made it impossible to escape!

He pulled out the small sword from his waist, his face grim: "Fight to the death!"

Some people wanted to escape.


The knife light was sharp.

The fleeing soldier was directly cut in half by the young officer, and his body struggled on the ground, screaming and wailing, with a shrill voice.

This also shocked the other soldiers.

They gritted their teeth and pulled the trigger at Brian who was rushing over a few hundred meters away.

Ding Ding Ding~

Countless bullets were blocked by Brian using the blade.

This small sword from Yamamoto Taku, no one knows what material it is made of, but it is extremely tough. Even if the blade is broken, the blade is still strong.

After getting used to the impact of bullets.

Brian can even adjust the angle of the blade slightly to easily let the bullets change direction by rubbing against the blade to reduce the impact on himself.

The huge recoil spread along his palm to his whole body, but was relieved by his muscles surging like waves. Except for forming a circular knife shadow absolute space visible to the naked eye, no bullet could hit him.

Several elite snipers, holding modified sniper rifles, wanted to shoot suddenly, but found in despair that even if they were all soldiers with enhanced vision, they still couldn't hit the conspicuous blade storm.

The opponent's dynamic vision is even more exaggerated than theirs.

Every time they fired, the opponent would instantly dodge to avoid the large-caliber sniper bullets and armor-piercing bullets they fired.

If they can't hit people, it's useless to let their bullets penetrate the steel plate!

How can you kill such an enemy except using missile bombing and anti-aircraft guns to cover the enemy?

Except the rain of bullets fired by machine guns.

Brian rushed forward like a giant python pouncing on its prey, exuding suffocating despair.

Facing the charge of such a monster, what is the difference between watching a truck crash into you?


Too desperate!

This time, even with the cruel execution methods of the young officers, they could not restrain the soldiers from dropping their weapons and running away regardless.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Brian was about to rush to the front, the young officer left his last words to the communication: "The enemy is too strong, XX unit is defeated, all members are in pieces, coordinates XX, XX, apply for artillery coverage."

The words were finished.


The violent wind blew away the young officer's figure and rushed into the middle of the fleeing soldiers. The sword was like a silver wheel, rolling up streaks of blood mist...

Dotted lines flickered in the young officer's eyes.

He tried his best to unleash his ultimate killing intent, trying to follow those fleeting dotted lines and slash towards Brian's back.


The knife cuts off the hand and flies away.

The young man lowered his head sluggishly, only to see a delayed knife mark appear on his hands and feet. Then his torso fell, and he could only squirm on the ground like a worm, letting out a painful and unwilling roar.

Just a moment.

His limbs and sword were cut off by Brian, leaving him defenseless!

More than a minute later.

Brian, who had killed more than a hundred people again, stepped on the bloody soil, carried a captured heavy sniper rifle, and came to the young officer. He lowered his head and looked down at him: "A child of the Yagyu family?"

He had seen Taku Yamamoto's portrait in his obsessive message.

This is the only reason why the other party is still alive.

It’s just a pity that Yamamoto Taku’s Kodachi.

After experiencing the baptism of bullets.

Brian had been chopping people happily just now, but in the end, he was overwhelmed and broke.

The young man laughed crazily: "Kill me, haha, kill me, my father will kill you with his own hands."

"That'll be fine, me."

Brian wanted to say something else, but suddenly he looked up at the other side of the lake.

On the other side of the lake, on top of the building where the Jidao Sword Hall was located, figures jumped up and looked at him from a distance.

The young officer tried to raise his head.

When he saw the situation clearly, he laughed even louder: "Those are all masters of the ninja sect. You are dead, you are dead! You ugh!"

Brian stepped on the noisy little bug's head into the blood, raised the sniper rifle in his hand, and pulled the trigger.


More than a thousand meters away, a ninja who had just jumped onto the roof lost his head before he knew what happened, and his headless body hit the ground like a dead dog.


Everyone did not expect Brian to be able to snipe from such a long distance. Without any hesitation, they immediately jumped off the building and wanted to leave.

Bang bang bang~

Someone was beaten into blood mist in mid-air.

As soon as someone jumped off the roof, a special sniper bullet penetrated the wooden wall, and the partition wall was broken into two pieces...

A modified heavy-duty sniper rifle that would dislocate an ordinary person's arm due to the recoil when he fired it, turned directly into an automatic rifle in Brian's hands. In five or six seconds, he emptied the magazine and killed and maimed ten people rushing from the base. Ninja coming over.

The remaining few lucky ones did not even dare to rescue their companions who were still alive, and fled towards the base in embarrassment.

Brian replaced the magazine with a new one.

Shoot again.

In his field of vision, the entire world turned into a world of data, and the perception of all things controlled him to accurately adjust the muzzle of the gun and shoot with preview.

The last escapee, after rushing nearly two thousand meters away, thought he had escaped the reaper of death.


A bullet hit his chest in an unstable arc.

The distance was too far, so the special sniper bullets that could blow up a person's body only made a bloody hole in his chest this time.

He stood there blankly, stretched out his hand to touch his chest, but only felt one hand of internal organs and fleshy foam.

"Am I shot?"

"I was shot from such a long distance!"

With disbelief, the fastest ninja widened his eyes, faced the base, knelt on the ground, and lost his breath.

"All the trash fish are dead."

Brian threw aside the sniper rifle with a slightly deformed barrel, and lifted the young officer's torso on the ground: "Let's go, it's too lonely and cruel for you to go on the road alone."

"Nani (what)?"

Before the young man could realize the meaning of Brian's words, he was knocked unconscious by Brian.

A majestic male voice came out from the communication equipment on his body: "The attackers have more than forty heavy artillery aimed at this side. Put down Yagyu Buichi and capture them without mercy, otherwise you will see the true destructive power of the army!"

Heavy artillery, one shot down, will turn an entire football field into ruins in an instant.

This is a tourist area, but it is close to the Ji Dao Sword Hall. Except for the opening day, there are usually not many people. During the battle just now, the few tourists had already disappeared.

The other party really dared to bombard this side directly.

Brian looked disdainful: "Come on, at worst, I'll jump into the lake in front of you and sneak into downtown Tokyo. I'm looking forward to you bombarding the city with heavy artillery. Why don't you use nuclear bombs? Ask your father to drop nuclear bombs. All peace.”

His words were like a knife, stabbing directly into the other person's heart.

Why are modern weapons so terrifying, and many high-level officials still hold the status of enhancers so high?

What Brian did was speak out from his own experience.

Wilderness is okay.

If you want to surround and kill this kind of existence in a densely populated urban area, you dare not use heavy weapons, and light weapons are useless.

too difficult!

He suppressed his anger: "Who are you and what do you want?"

"An Zong, Shinnosuke! As for the want, you will know it soon, hehehe!"

Brian laughed strangely, grabbed Yagyu Buyi in his hand, jumped more than ten meters, and ran towards the city of Tokyo...

It's a rare opportunity to travel to Japan.

He is very busy!

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