You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 26 Adrenaline Berserker, Questioning (Thanks to the two leaders of Eighty-Nine Fishing Man f

Friends who often kill people know this.

Killing is easy, but dealing with it is difficult.

It is not easy to make a person disappear perfectly from the world.

But this is only for ordinary people.

In an instant, many practical methods emerged in Brian's mind: pouring cement and throwing it into the sea, chemical corrosion burial, digging a pit to bury the body, mincing and feeding fish, pet cremation, private cremation plant, dog farm breeding, pig farm digestion.

These are methods with fewer side effects.

But none of them are suitable for Brian's current situation.

He is a little weak now.

This is the sequelae of passively stimulating the "rage" talent.

Brian once read a true report.

In 1982, Ms. Angela Carvalho in Lawrenceville, Georgia, in order to rescue her son who was trapped under the truck, her adrenaline burst out and she actually lifted up the 1964 Chevrolet Impala truck.

There are many similar examples.

The human body is a very magical structure.

Humans just lack some switches to open those magical places.

The rage talent is such a key.

It can stimulate the body to secrete a large amount of adrenaline comparable to stimulants when Brian is emotionally excited, open the body's self-protection restrictions, and maximize the body's muscle fiber strength.

The most amazing thing.

It is that this passive talent will control the secretion of this adrenaline within the range that the body can bear.

The key is that he can also obtain the gift of the corpse, use the gift to strengthen the body, and repair the hidden damage caused by the continuous burst of adrenaline to the body.

This means.

Brian will become an alternative adrenaline berserker in the future. Once he encounters a crisis, he can burst out with strength and speed far beyond the usual limit, and gain the ability to solve the crisis. Afterwards, at most he will be physically exhausted.

This is very cool!

It's a pity that the detective did not burst out a new obsession.

Otherwise it would be even cooler!

There are no suitable tools.

The body is also exhausted.

In this case, is there a simple, convenient and safe way to deal with the corpse?


Use nature!

Deal with the corpse.

The biggest difficulty is the exposure of the corpse.

In America, few people would leave their genetic information in the DNA database.

So as long as people can't find the complete body, or if they find it, they can't determine the identity of the deceased, it's fine.

The suburban environment provides convenience for this.

After Brian recovered some strength, he resisted the feeling of emptiness in his body, threw the detective's body into the trunk of the car, simply dealt with the scene, and then drove away directly.

He didn't worry that the detective had told others about the situation before the action.

Because in that case, it would not be alone.

He didn't want to explore why the other party came to find him privately.

The light goes out when the person dies.

None of this matters.

What Brian has to do is to deal with the body and go back to sleep quickly.

I have to go to work tomorrow!

After leaving the cemetery for some distance.

Brian drove directly off the main road of the highway, chose a mountain road without a road, rushed in, and didn't get out of the car until there was no trace of human habitation around, pulled out all the debris on the body, and set it on fire.

After the flames turned to ashes, they were covered with weeds.

Brian took the stripped corpse from the car, used the tortoise shell binding technique he learned in his previous life, wrapped it up in circles, fixed it in the hole for installing the tow hook at the rear of the car, and then started off-roading.

The area he chose.

It is a windy and sandy land.

The blood and flesh of the corpse began to separate and blend into the sand and gravel during the rapid friction.

In fact, at this point.

Even if these pieces of meat and internal organs are discovered, it is harmless.

Identifying the identity of the corpse.

is a big problem.

One day later.

These bloody traces will turn dark black.

These bloody internal organs will begin to rot.

Half a month later.

All the traces left here will be covered up little by little by the wind and sun of nature.

When Brian stopped the car.

At the rope connection at the rear of the car, only a skeleton with little flesh and blood was left.

The skeleton is much easier to deal with.

Brian drove directly to another section of the road with more mountains and forests, scattered the bones into the grass, and then buried the skull separately. After finishing all this, he took off his outer clothes and burned them.

When he returned to the city.

It was already past three in the morning.

He found a 24-hour automatic car wash.

After washing the car.

Brian dragged his tired body back to his apartment.

A sleepless night.

Brian only slept for more than two hours, and then got up early and started using chemical reagents to clean the vehicle again. He was relieved until his sense of smell was strengthened and he could only smell the smell of chemical agents on the car.

When he had time later.

He would also replace all four wheels of the car.

After all, the person who was killed was a detective.

It's better to be careful.

After all this.

Brian yawned, refueled the car, and drove to the meeting place agreed with Susan.

The two's mission today was to investigate Li Sen.

The meeting place they chose was the cafe opposite the hotel where Li Sen worked.

Susan arrived earlier than Brian.

She was dressed very neatly today.

Her long blond hair was tied up, and she was wearing a hunting short outfit. The two large revolvers hanging on her waist, one on the left and one on the right, were particularly eye-catching.

If it weren't for the LAPD badge hanging on her chest.

Brian doubted that Susan would have been able to enter this cafe.

Susan should have been here for a while. She was sitting in her seat, lowering her head, playing with a bullet, and was in a daze.

"Good morning."

Brian sat opposite Susan and greeted her.

Hearing the voice.

Susan looked up and saw the two dark circles on Brian's face. Zhang Yang frowned: "Did you not rest well last night?"

Brian picked up the coffee in front of Susan and drank it all. Then he yawned and said: "Sorry, team leader, you know, I used to stay in the Forensic Bureau and rarely went out on field work, let alone go to ask people questions. I was nervous and didn't sleep well all night."

Susan has a very generous personality.

She didn't care about Brian's behavior, but comforted him: "It's not difficult, don't worry, I'll leave it to you later."

In fact, Susan had no experience in interrogating people.

But her uncle Pavel, who was the head of NW's external affairs, was an expert in this.

After more than an hour of phone harassment last night.

Susan thought she had mastered the essence of interrogation.

The two briefly discussed the division of labor later and walked towards the hotel.

Susan's dress was too eye-catching.

Before the two entered the door, the lobby manager who was flirting with the black silk waitress at the front desk immediately came up to greet them.

After understanding the purpose of the two.

In order to prevent the guests from misunderstanding.

The lobby manager also specially arranged a rest room for employees, so that Susan and the others could rest temporarily, and it would also be convenient for questioning later.

"When Li Sen comes in later, you block the door.

Guard the door well and don't worry about anything!"

Susan gave Brian a serious look and started to move her body.

Brian looked at the girl, clenching his fists and kicking his legs, looking confused.

He has little experience.

Excuse me.

Do I need to stretch my muscles before asking questions?

Thanks to the book friend ‘80s Fishing Man’ for the 200,000 book coins reward. Thanks to the boss, to be honest, I am a little confused.

Brother, did you click the wrong button?

Or is there a network delay.

I rewarded two leaders in one go.

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