You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 27 The person with the greatest suspicion had actually died a long time ago?

In the lounge, I waited for more than ten minutes.

A middle-aged man in a white chef's uniform knocked on the door and walked in.

"I am Li Sen. What can I do for you two?"

Li Sen is not tall, probably less than 1.6 meters, with a square face, a slightly fat body, heavy crow's feet at the corners of his eyes and forehead wrinkles. The first impression he gives is that he is a serious character who often has a stern face.

Susan winked at Brian.

Brian took the opportunity to stand behind Li Sen and blocked his retreat.

Li Sen sensed something was wrong: "What do you want to do?"

Susan's face was serious, and she took out her ID: "I am Susan, the leader of the criminal experiment team. I want to find you to understand something."

"Fuck your mother", Li Sen reacted strongly and acted very angry: "Are you asking questions? You clearly treat me as a criminal, bitch, I'm going to complain to you."

Fuck your mother.

Li Sen spoke in Cantonese, and Susan didn't understand.

Susan understood the bitch behind.

The next moment.

Li Sen was grabbed by Susan and fell to the ground.

After doing all this.

Susan was not done yet.

She pressed Li Sen's body joints, making him unable to use his strength, crumpled his chef's hat into a ball, stuffed it into Li Sen's mouth who was still trying to curse, and then pressed her thumb under her index finger, clenched it into a fist, and hit Li Sen's armpits and other parts hard.

"Woo woo!!!"

The strong pain hit Li Sen's mind.

His eyes widened, and he wanted to let out a painful wail, but his body was locked tightly, and he could only struggle like a fish out of water.

Brian didn't expect Susan to be so violent.

Li Sen is a fellow villager after all.

In addition, in Brian's mind, the black fast food vendor named Odlin is more suspicious.

So he hurried forward, trying to calm Susan down.

But before he could speak,

Li Sen on the ground had already pushed the hat out of his mouth with his tongue, and continued to pant and curse: "You damn bastards, white people come to bully us, black people come to bully us, you are just like those beasts in the homeless camps, if you have the guts, kill me, otherwise I will make you take off this dog skin!"

"Bully you?"

Susan sneered and stopped beating: "Li Sen, 47 years old, divorced, has a son with his ex-wife, but the son has Down syndrome, so most of your salary is spent on your son."

"What do you want to do?"

When Susan mentioned her son, Li Sen's forehead veins bulged.

"I don't want to do anything!"

Susan got up from Li Sen and clapped her hands: "I beat you because you are foul-mouthed, but if you still have this attitude next time, I guarantee that no hotel in Los Angeles will dare to hire you."

The son is Li Sen's weakness.

He got up from the ground in a mess and compromised: "You ask."

"Do you know Kenneth?"

"Yes, he is my former colleague."

"Have you ever had a conflict?"


He wanted to steal my secret seasoning.

In fact, I knew he was stealing some of my skills.

But he is a good person.

So I pretended not to know.

Because my son has Down syndrome, he will definitely not be able to inherit my skills in the future.

So I even thought about whether to take him as my apprentice.

But this does not include secret seasoning!

For me, this is equivalent to the gun on your body.

I feel that my kindness has been betrayed.

So I was very angry at that time."

When Li Sen said this, his face was still full of uncontrollable anger.

Susan couldn't understand Li Sen's mood, and continued to ask: "Where were you after 5pm on September 30th?"

"In the hotel, I didn't get off work until the early morning, and then went straight home.

I do this every day."

Li Sen continued:

"I learned about what happened to Kenneth on the news.

But I can swear to Mazu.

It wasn't me!

Although I was very angry about Kenneth's theft!

But I would never sacrifice myself for revenge!

I couldn't abandon my son and do something impulsive!"

Susan felt that Li Sen was not lying.

Because the other party had shown anger and concern after hearing his son's message, it was difficult for ordinary people to fake it.

She thought for a moment, frowned and said:

"But according to my colleagues' investigation, you have a bad temper and often insult your colleagues in the kitchen.

You are not an emotionally stable person."

Li Sen's face showed bitterness:

"This is just an image I deliberately erected in order to live a better life.

I don't have a good physique.

Most people's impression of Chinese people is that they are easy to bully.

In places like kitchens, the turnover of grassroots personnel is very fast, and it is difficult to establish long-term and stable colleague relationships.

Many colleagues are also very jealous of me, who is not as good-looking or tall as them, but gets a high salary every month.

If I don't show a little more strength.

Maybe I can't even guarantee my basic interests."


He also smiled: "I once volunteered to help in the homeless camp, but in return I was bullied and complained by those beasts. Since then, I know how to communicate with these beasts."

Hearing this, Susan and Brian looked at each other and both thought Li Sen's words were very credible.

Because a person with weaknesses will not go to extremes easily unless he has to.

Brian handed Li Sen a cigarette, patted him on the shoulder, and said in Chinese: "You are a good father."

"Okay, Mr. Lison, we will verify the information you provided. Please do not leave Los Angeles in the near future."

After Susan finished speaking, she left a personal doctor's number for Li Sen:

“I’m sorry for my rude behavior towards you earlier.

If you want to file a complaint against me, I will accept it.

In addition, this is the phone number of my personal doctor.

He has many high-end connections in the medical field, which may be helpful to your son’s condition.”

Susan left a little embarrassed.

She felt that she had become a very dishonorable villain in the movie today, bullying a good father who had to endure hardships to survive for his son.

This made her feel tortured inside.

After leaving the hotel.

Susan suddenly slapped herself: "It's all my fault. If you want to ask questions, you should first find trouble, beat the other person, and then seize the other person's weakness and threaten him. It will be much smoother, but I feel so uncomfortable now."

Bullying such a good and responsible father.

She felt so damned.

Brian is much more open-minded:

“Susan, there’s no need to feel so guilty.

You just used some means to solve the case.

Whether you are a police officer, a doctor, or a forensic scientist, people with strong empathy will not do well. "

Susan rolled her eyes at Brian: "You have such a good attitude."

Brian shrugged:

"I'm just selfish!

Instead of tormenting yourself, it is better to torment others.

As long as you put down your personal moral qualities, you will feel as good as me. "

Susan thought Brian was joking to comfort her.

I was about to compliment him on his humor.

A phone call made the smile disappear again on her face.

Put down the phone.

She looked at Brian solemnly:

"Ivan called and said.

Audlin, the most suspected, died in his underground tool room.

The body was already somewhat decomposed.

The time of death was probably more than three days.

He had no time to commit the crime! "


Brian was also confused.

The person who was the most suspected was actually dead long ago?

Thanks to book friend ‘20201115103830246’ for the five hundred book coins reward, and thanks to the boss.

Dear brothers and sisters, if you have nothing to do, you can go to the book friend circle and leave a comment on your current reading experience.

It was so deserted.

By the way, tomorrow is Tuesday again, and it’s another day to catch up on PK. Please follow up on time at five o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

Kowtow and beg!

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