You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 28 The clue is broken (please read it again on Tuesday!!!)

Audlin is a fast food stall owner in the commercial street.

He was an ex-con with a bad record, having been in prison twice for stealing and selling homemade explosives.

Because of business reasons.

There was also a fight between Odlin and the deceased Kenneth.

Even worse.

Odlin hasn't won yet...

All reasons combined.

Naturally, he was identified by Brian and others as the first suspect in the commercial street food truck bombing.

Neither Susan nor Brian expected it.

The other party actually died before the explosion!

Half an hour later.

The two drove to Audlin's house.

To Brian's surprise.

Odlin's home is just two streets away from his residence.

This area is an area of ​​independent houses in the early years.

Later, with the opening of decentralization in Los Angeles.

A large number of wealthy people emigrated.

This area has become an area where homeless people gather.

So the security here is not very good.

When Brian and Susan arrived, they saw many black people and middle-aged and elderly white people with shabby clothes, messy beards, and long hair like weeds, gathered outside the police cordon to watch the excitement.

The two pushed through the crowd, showed their IDs, and entered the house.

The entire house is a single-family double-story wooden house in a very American style. There is a lawn outside, but it has not been trimmed very much. It looks withered and yellow. Near the house, there is a shabby, long-abandoned small house for dogs. Room.

No one was in the house.

The two walked through the house and came to the backyard.

There is a tree in the backyard, but it doesn’t seem to be taken care of very much.

Next to the tree is the entrance to an underground storage room, and the door covering the entrance has been opened.

Ivan and Glenn were sitting nearby smoking cigarettes, looking not in a good mood.

Meet Susan and Brian arriving.

Ivan threw away the cigarette butt and said with some annoyance: "Down here is a small privately renovated workshop. There are many barrels in it. The smell is very pungent, and there are also some semi-finished explosives. Audlin died on the workbench. This This guy, secretly, is still selling explosives!”

"I'll go down and take a look."

Brian turned on the enhanced sense of smell, frowned and took two breaths to adjust before walking in.

Susan stayed above, talking with Ivan about the process and conclusion of questioning another suspect Li Sen in the morning.

This cellar looks very rough.

In fact, here in the United States, many families with independent houses will have a cellar to store some uncommon household appliances and items.

But the function of this cellar is obviously not that simple.

Go down the stairs.

What comes into view are some homemade filter barrels.

The liquid inside is turbid and generally appears tan or brown.

The smell is very pungent.

Further away, there are some separate white transparent bags containing white crystal powder.

Brian just smelled it from a distance and knew what it was.

TATP, which is triacetone triperoxide!

This stuff is a household chemical that is often used in furniture making, loading, etc. It has not yet been controlled and is not difficult to obtain. It is the first choice material for many criminals to make homemade explosives.


Ivan is right.

After Odlin was released from prison, for some unknown reason, he returned to his old business, openly running a fast food stall, but secretly still making and selling explosives.

Go over these objects and shelves.

A black body lying on a simple workbench came into view.

On the left side of the body, there were several bottles of unknown material, which were in a mess.

The style of this bottle is precisely the style of the bottle containing explosives in the bombing case that Old Harden used technical means to restore!

Really hammered!

The explosives that were found in the bombings were most likely made by Odlin!

This guy is not a participant, but he also knows the murderer!

"It's a pity that the obsession was not found."

Bray muttered to himself, took out the white rubber gloves from his pocket and put them on.

Ever since the disposal of the detective's body.

He will carry some gloves and other items with him.

It makes sense for a coroner to carry some gloves with him.

Just as Brian was preparing to conduct a simple inspection of the body.

Susan, Ivan and Glenn, who had finished smoking, also came down.

Four people are crowded here, which is a bit crowded.

Susan covered her nose and immediately noticed a few bottles on the workbench and exclaimed: "Aren't these the explosive bottles restored by Old Harden?"

Ivan nodded: "Yes, and those white powder crystals on the shelf are tripacetone triperoxide, the substance used to make explosives in the explosion. Audlin was not the murderer involved in the case, and he definitely knew the murderer!"

Hearing this, Susan's eyes lit up: "Does this mean that the case has made a breakthrough?"

Glenn, who was listless at the side, laughed: "How could it be so simple? This is actually the beginning of trouble for the case."

His partner, the strong man Ivan, also sighed and nodded:

“Team leader, the best cases to solve are single-line cases.

For example, Odlin hired murderers to kill people because of personal grudges, or he took the initiative to kill people himself.

In this kind of case, as long as we follow the deceased's personal connections, we can identify the suspect and solve the case quickly.

Once a third party is added.

This means that the complexity of the case will skyrocket.

Especially a person with complex social relationships like Audlin.

Because it is difficult for us to investigate the identity of another participant. "

While the three of them were chatting.

Brian had already taken off his gloves and quickly completed the preliminary examination of the body.

He interrupted the conversation between the three people:

"The preliminary time of death of the deceased is estimated to be the night of September 29.

The cause of death was most likely due to cardiac arrest caused by inhaling an overdose of anesthetic ether. In addition, the deceased's body should not have been moved, otherwise his relaxed muscles and the spots on the body would be obvious. This means that the murderer was very confident in his own techniques. , may not be the first time he commits a crime. "

Hear Brian's words.

Ivan nodded: "It's similar to my analysis, but I inferred the cause of death based on the expression of the corpse before death. The expression of a person who was anesthetized to death will show signs of struggle, but because the muscles quickly lose control, they will eventually change. It turned into a very weird smiling face.”

Brian thought of the strange expression on Audrin's face and nodded.

As expected of an old police detective.


He could analyze these things by smelling them with his nose.

Unfortunately, there are too many chemicals here.

Even with enhanced sense of smell, it is impossible to detect the odor left by the person who came three days ago from the pungent smell of chemical reagents.

Nothing useful was found at the death scene.

After everyone searched Audlin's home, they made an unexpected discovery.

Those are two ledgers.

Odlin's cultural level is not high.

Therefore, the account book recorded is also very simple and clear.

An account book should be the accounting book for shipments.

For dynamite, use X instead. A few X's equal several bottles of dynamite.

There is a string of numbers and dates at the back.

This should represent the selling price.

Don't tell me, it's quite cheap.

A bottle of dynamite only costs fifty dollars.

Such a low price is still an illegal business.

You don’t need to guess, most likely it will be a cash transaction.

However, Odlin's shipment frequency is not high.

This is also understandable.

Explosives and bullets have completely different effects.

A free America can let bullets fly.

But don't let the explosives explode randomly.

This is a country of principles!

Another ledger contains some donation records.



Because there is a heart painted on the outside of the ledger.

Underneath the love is a pair of hands held together.

This guy Audlin actually donates to the surrounding homeless homes and camps every month.


Neither of these two ledgers brought any new clues to Brian and the others.

They returned to the police station with regrets and Audlin's body.

The most likely suspect is dead.

But the clue here is broken.


Even Ivan, who has the most experience in the case, is a little confused.

They have to figure it out.

Odlin, the guy who had a conflict with the deceased but died the night before the bombing, what role did he play in this bombing?

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