You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 29 New clues (please read on Tuesday!)

Office surrounded by smoke.

Several people were sitting at the conference table, holding cigarettes one after another.

Even Susan, the female group leader, is no exception.

Brian couldn't help but feel a little depressed as he smelled the strong second-hand smoke.

He pushed open the doors and windows of the conference room for ventilation, walked back to the writing board, and listed all the information currently known.

But I thought about it for a long time.

Still no so-called flash of inspiration.

In terms of solving crimes.

He listened a lot.

Practical operation, this is the first time.

Without any obsessive reminder.

With his ordinary person's IQ, there really isn't much he can analyze.


Brian thought of something!

He walked up to Susan and pulled off the thin stick she was holding in her mouth: "Do you still remember what Li Sen said about the deceased Kenneth?"

Susan was stunned, thought for a moment, and said uncertainly: "It's true that I knew he was cheating on his studies, but he didn't expose him. Li Sen also said that he originally considered accepting Kenneth as an apprentice, but before he opened his mouth, because he was willing to Nice stole his secret sauce, and the two had a conflict."

"There's something wrong here!"

Brian slapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

He crushed the thin stick in his hand, wrote the few messages just now on the writing board, and analyzed: "Li Sen has a very sensitive personality due to racial discrimination. He usually uses a bad temper to disguise himself and avoid being bullied. , Such people are often very accurate in their evaluation of a person.”

Ivan glanced at Brian's finger that crushed the cigarette butt, and said calmly: "So?"

"Why would a person with a good personality and who can constantly learn new things with Li Sen's acquiescence suddenly want to risk angering Li Sen and steal the other party's secret seasoning?"

Brian drew a bold horizontal line on the secret sauce:

“This stuff is not ketchup, no one will care if it’s more or less.

As a young man with his own ideas.

Kenneth should have known the consequences of exposure.

He is still very young.

Follow the previous growth route.

You can predict that your future will not be bad.

But he took the risk anyway.

What was the reason that drove him to take such a risk? "

Hear this.

The eyes of several people who had been unable to find their way lit up again.

Ivan clapped his hands: "Money, he needs more money!"

Glenn affirmed:


Only a woman can make a young man with his own ideas make impulsive decisions.

Follow Brian's line of thinking.

I suspect Kenneth had the idea for a food truck before he stole the secret sauce.

correct! "

Glenn slapped the table and stood up: "Remember that box with the number on it?"

Susan, who was a little confused at first, saw this sentence and she was able to catch up and said quickly: "Of course I remember, didn't Old Harden say that it was a new way of selling sex and went to investigate it?"

"now it's right!"

"Why did Kenneth, a young man with a good job and simple connections, get in touch with people involved in this type of industry after he opened a food truck?" Glenn chuckled on his handsome face: "There is only one reason, that The woman he likes is a member of this industry chain. Maybe Kenneth’s food truck was funded by her!”

Ivan and Susan had expressions of surprise on their faces.

Brian even thought of the obsession of the deceased Kenneth: to let Shaina stop falling into the world and live happily throughout her life.


Everything is right!

Sure enough, three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang!

It was just an idea that suddenly came to him, and with everyone's supplements and improvements, it formed a new investigation route!

From Glenn's speculation.

Brian has a new idea!

He looked at everyone: "I agree with Glenn's guess. Have you noticed one thing? Kenneth's food truck business is very popular. Have you calculated how much money he can make in a day?"

"How many?"

Susan comes from a good family and has no idea about these things.

Although Ivan and Glenn often hang out at the bottom, they have never come into contact with these humble vendors.

Under the puzzled looks of the three people, Brian wrote a number on the blackboard: "Two thousand US dollars! This is just the lowest figure I estimated. Kenneth's daily net profit definitely exceeds two thousand US dollars!" "


"FK, are you kidding me?"

Except Susan.

Ivan and Glenn both exclaimed.

As front-line police detectives in murder investigations, they go through life and death, and their annual income before tax is only more than $70,000.

This is also because police detectives in Los Angeles earn relatively high salaries.

Now Brian told them that the net profit of a small food truck stall owner in one day was worth half a month to them.

Who can believe this?

Brian spread his hands:

“After I graduated from high school, I looked into this.

Normally, a small stall, as long as the location is well chosen, can make a net profit of about three to four hundred US dollars a day.

Kenneth's signature dish is Chinese delicacies, and a portion of fried rice costs seven or eight dollars.

The actual cost will not exceed one dollar.

He is the star food truck of that commercial street again.

You can figure out the rest by yourselves..."

Why is it that at this time in Los Angeles, most Chinese immigrants are middle class and very few are poor?

It's not because they have any background.

But America at this point in time.

If you are willing to work hard, there are really many ways to make money.

"FK, if I had known that I would sell hot dogs, my ex-ex-girlfriend would like to eat my hot dogs." After Glenn finished the calculation, he felt a little unbalanced.

Ivan is really not that interested in money.

He thought about the meaning of Brian's words: "Brian, are you saying that Kenneth had more ideas after discovering how profitable his food truck was?"

Brian nodded:

"This is human nature.

Maybe before opening this food truck, Kenneth just wanted to save some money, and then take the woman he liked and return to a normal life.

But he didn't expect his business to be so popular.

So Kenneth moved this time forward.

The problem is that his food truck is not only engaged in selling fast food, but also a channel for converting prostitutes.

If you are the owner behind this industry chain, and then you find a guy who can bring you customers, you will not only stop working, but also want to take away your money printing machine.

What will you do? "

Ivan touched his rough beard and looked at the confident Brian with admiration: "It seems we have found a new suspect!"

He liked Brian's confident look.

A man's confidence is more attractive than his good-looking skin.

Just when everyone was preparing to arrange investigation tasks along this new clue.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

An old black man in trendy clothes choked on the strong second-hand smoke and coughed: "Ahem, God, did you set a fire in the conference room?"

Seeing that it was Old Harden, Susan quickly asked: "Did you gain anything from your investigation?"

Old Harden rubbed his sore waist and nodded: "There is an important clue, I think it is very useful, but"

"But what?"

Brian and the others couldn't help but ask.

Old Harden was a little embarrassed and took out a haircut invoice worth 500 US dollars with a red lip mark on it: "Can this be reimbursed?"

To protect the safety of the citizens of Los Angeles.

He could endure the destruction of his body.

But not the wallet.

This is the principle!

Everyone looked at Old Harden's unchanged hairstyle and constant movements of rubbing his waist:.

What kind of haircut costs five hundred dollars a time?

Does this old guy treat them as idiots?

See you tomorrow at five o'clock.

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