You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 30 Sorry, I spoke too loudly before

Seeing Old Harden looking at her helplessly, Susan spread her hands: "Sorry, we are still a reserve team and don't have much money. Brian spent a lot of money on hospitalization and examination. If you can't give a suitable reason, I refuse to help. You reimburse."

She's just straight-minded and doesn't like to turn around. She's not stupid.

If you agree to everything, it will be difficult to manage people in the future.

Old Harden was anxious: "It's not my fault. There are people guarding the place with guns. I can only pretend to be a prostitute so that I can ask for something."

Seeing his displeasure, Glenn sneered and said: "You're right, the best way to open a woman's mouth is to ask her to squat down. You spent five hundred dollars on this."


"Okay!" Brian interrupted the two people's nonsense: "Our most important task now is to solve the case. Old Harden, tell us what you have learned. If it is useful, then the reward for solving the case will be paid. Susan The team leader will reimburse you!"

"Okay." Old Harden gave up his struggle:

“That apartment room is controlled by a small gang called the Dingo Gang.

Most of those women were drug addicts or girls picked up by gang members.

They used to stand in motels or at intersections.

After June this year, a new boss of the Wild Dog Gang came to power, changing the previous methods.

Now they are cooperating with some food trucks to provide takeaways and proactively let prostitutes come to their homes. They are doing pretty well so far. I heard that their boss has even consulted a lawyer. He is a smart guy. "

"Are there many women there?"

"What are the new and old people yelling about?"

“I don’t know exactly how many women there were.

The apartment has three floors.

The first floor was the activity area for those gangsters. I only saw seven or eight people at that time, and they all obviously had guns on them.

The upper two floors should be the living areas of those prostitutes.

A lunch box worth two to three hundred dollars can only be purchased on the second floor.

It costs five hundred dollars for a lunch box to get to the third floor.

After going up.

You can knock on any door at will.

What do you want to do to the woman in there.

She will cooperate. "

Hearing this, Glenn mocked: "So you went to the third floor?"

Old Harden ignored him and continued: "As for the new boss, his name is Ike. Everyone in the gang calls him Mad Dog Ike. I feel that the prostitute is very scared when she mentions this name."

"Mad Dog Ike?"

Ivan and Glenn looked at each other in shock.

Brian saw their reactions and said, "Do you know that guy?"

Ivan nodded: "This man has some brain problems. He is reckless and stupid. He bought a lot of explosives before and blew open the insurance door of a small bank. In the end, he didn't even buy the explosives with the money he got. There was a lot of money, so he was so angry that he went to the director of the bank to ask why the bank didn't release the money, but he was arrested. Unexpectedly, he was released. "

"Buy dynamite"

Susan's eyes lit up: "Maybe this Ike knew Aldrin. He also had conflicts with the deceased Kenneth and acted recklessly. The suspicion is really high!"

Ivan and the others nodded, feeling that Ike was very suspicious.

Brian wondered about another point.

How could a guy with brain problems and impulsiveness come up with the idea of ​​using takeout to organize sales of Y, and even consult a lawyer?

Is Longchang Enlightenment really so awesome?

Want to know more.

Merely speculating on the situation is useless.

Under the leadership of Susan, several people were fully armed and wore body armor. They also called eight armed patrol officers to work together and surrounded the apartment where Old Harden had gone before.

Old Harden also deliberately wore a black hood similar to that of an anti-terrorist unit, with only his eyes exposed.

This is a fastidious person.

According to old Harden's words.

I only went to patronize the business in the morning and took people to arrest people in the afternoon.

This can easily ruin your reputation.

There is surveillance outside the apartment.

I haven't called the door yet.

A thin, brown-haired man with sunken eyes had already rushed to the corridor with seven or eight people and blocked the door: "This is a private area, who are you?"

As this guy spoke, his nose kept twitching and his body was shivering.

A discerning person would know that this guy had just taken drugs.

"NW Group 6, I am the team leader Susan, who of you is Ike?" Susan had two big revolvers hanging on her waist and didn't even wear a body armor. She stepped forward without fear.

It's not that she doesn't want to wear a body armor.

Instead it took a few tries.

As a result, the adjustable body armor squeezed her so much that she couldn't breathe.

"NW team?"

The short man grinned: "Sorry, I haven't heard of it. Besides, we don't know the Ike you're talking about. Get out of here right now, otherwise..."

He didn't know whether he was high or had a mental problem, but in front of Susan and the seven or eight LAPD officers behind her, he pulled out a pistol to show his intimidation.

next moment.


A special bullet with a caliber of 11.18 mm opened his skull, and at the same time took his whole body flying up. He hit the ground hard, and white-red stuff that was either plasma or brain was scattered all over the floor.

Brian leaned closer.

You can still see those things on the ground steaming.

Everyone was stunned.

Is this a shot?

Ivan and Glenn, two veterans, even felt chills on their necks.

What a fast gun!

Just now they didn't even see the leader Susan's shooting action clearly.

A precise headshot.

Susan's beautiful face was cold at the moment.

She put the Smith \u0026 Wesson M29 revolver, which was more than 30 centimeters long, back to her waist with an expressionless face, and said coldly: "NW team has the right to directly arrest all suspects in the Los Angeles County area, but I don't think you need to know this!"


"This bitch killed the boss's brother..."

Several gang members who were also on drugs, regardless of the many police standing outside, actually went crazy, opened their clothes, and wanted to draw their guns.

Bang bang bang~

The gunshots were like firecrackers.

Wait until the sound stopped.

The seven or eight gang members who were originally standing in the corridor of the apartment, who had drawn their guns or stretched their hands to their waists, had all fallen to the ground and slept peacefully.

Only one was left who was slow to react, with his eyes wide open, as if he had been scared silly.


Is this the American Iai that Susan mentioned?

Thinking of his frivolous agreement to compete with Susan before, Brian felt that his life was in countdown.

It was too scary.

Even killing a chicken was not that fast!

He turned around and glanced at his companions behind him.

Except for Glenn and Ivan, they quickly pulled out their pistols.

The rest of them all stood there stupidly, as if they had not yet reacted to what happened.

Susan lowered her head and frowned at her holster that was shot through.

She just used a holster rapid-fire with a very dangerous coefficient, which is also called the ultimate secret of American Iai.

It sounds scary.

In fact, it is to shoot directly without drawing the gun.

This method takes rapid-fire to the extreme. The only disadvantage is that it is easy to hit your feet.

But this is for Susan.

The biggest disadvantage is that you have to change the gun belt every time you use it.

This is handmade from deerskin.

She doesn't have much left.

Reload the bullets.

Susan kicked the iron door and woke up the frightened people.

She pointed at the gang member who was still alive: "Ask him where Ike is, go in and catch him, if you encounter resistance, just shoot him!"

"Yes, team leader!"

Ivan and Glenn, with admiration in their eyes, called the eight patrolmen, took out their pistols and rushed in.

Old Harden on the side walked to Susan shyly: "Boss"

Susan glanced at him: "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I spoke too loudly before"

"Well, be careful next time."

Susan pinched her sore fingers and strode into the apartment.

Before, her father said that she had no brains and couldn't lead people.



These old-timers are so obedient now.

Looking at Susan's back as she walked into the apartment without changing her expression, stepping on the brains and blood plasma on the ground.

Brian swallowed his saliva.


Why do I feel so safe with this woman?

Or, just chase her.

At worst, I can become a good woman in the future!

Brian feels that even his uncle may not be able to beat Susan.

Long and soft thighs!

So safe!

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