There were corpses all over the floor, and none of them had any obsession.

Could it be because they died too quickly?

With a strange thought, Brian finally walked into the apartment.


Mad Dog Ike was not in this apartment.

According to the ladies in the apartment and the remaining younger brother, Ike had not appeared since the end of last month.

The only person who knew his whereabouts was probably Ike's younger brother.

But that unlucky guy was the first to be shot in the head by Susan.

Now the corpses are all hard.

In desperation.

Everyone had to take all the ladies and prostitutes in the apartment back for interrogation, hoping to get useful clues.

This question.

Really got useful information!

Outside the interrogation room.

Brian and Susan looked at the surveillance in the interrogation room.

Ivan and Glenn, two experienced detectives, were responsible for re-video-interrogating the ladies who provided useful information.

The object of the interrogation was a tall woman with three-dimensional features.

The woman wore heavy smoky makeup, but her delicate features still showed that she was not very old. The only thing that was not beautiful was that her left cheek was swollen and the slap marks could still be vaguely seen.

"Shayna, you mean, you know Kenneth?"

"Yes, he is my neighbor.

We have a good relationship.

Last month, I borrowed money from the boss Ike and bought a fast food truck for Kenneth."

Hearing this.

Not only Ivan and Glenn in the interrogation room, they became more energetic.

Susan and old Harden outside the interrogation room also became more energetic.

This woman named Shayna might know a little about the inside story of the bombing!

Brian couldn't help but light a cigarette.


The obsession of the deceased Kenneth.

The relationship between the two is indeed unusual.

In the interrogation room, Shayna's face was a little sad: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have involved Kenneth in Ike's affairs, otherwise he wouldn't have been blown up by Ike's mad dog."


Ivan straightened his back: "Ms. Shayna, you mean, Kenneth was blown up by Ike's people?"

Shayna nodded and said affirmatively: "It must be him!"

"What do you know?"

"Ike told me this himself, I can testify against him!", Shayna's eyes flashed with hatred:

"I am Kenneth's girlfriend, and I am pregnant with his child.

But I always feel that I am not worthy of him.

So I don't let Kenneth tell outsiders.

After Kenneth knew I was pregnant, he wanted to make more money from Ike. Redeem me.

So we discussed getting a food truck.

I was forced to get addicted to drugs, so I didn't have much money, so I had to borrow from Ike.

After he knew Kenneth wanted to open a food truck, he promised to lend money as long as Kenneth was willing to help him attract customers to the apartment.

Kenneth agreed.

As a result, unexpectedly, the food truck business was very good.

Kenneth soon earned enough money to pay back the food truck.

The day before the accident.

Kenneth came to the apartment to pay back the money.

He wanted to stop attracting prostitutes to Ike in the future.

Ike beat him up and threatened that if Kenneth didn't continue, he would blow up his food truck and kill me.

Unexpectedly, he still blew up Kenneth, woo woo."

Shayna lowered her head and sobbed.

Glenn couldn't bear to see beautiful women crying.

He took out a piece of toilet paper that he always carried with him from his arms, stood up and handed it to Shayna, and said gently: "The wound on your face was also caused by that Ike?"

Shayna didn't say anything, just nodded.

Because of her beauty and tall figure, Shayna had always been a cash cow for the Wild Dog Gang, so she knew a lot of information.

According to the information she provided.

Susan and the others returned to the apartment and found a secret basement.

In the basement, there were not only a large number of drugs and guns, but also the same explosive bottles as those in the black victim Odlin.

It's confirmed!

This guy is most likely the perpetrator of the bombing!

Meeting room.

Ivan took a pen and wrote the name of Mad Dog Ike on the writing board:

"Ike, from Los Angeles, 46 years old, unmarried, no children, only a younger brother.

More than ten years ago, Ike was arrested for blasting a bank and threatening bank executives, but because there were no casualties.

He was released from prison last year."

After that.

He looked at Old Harden.

Old Harden neatly distributed a stack of information to everyone: "I retrieved the police database and found that the person who sold explosives to Ike was the deceased Odlin. He was also arrested because of that case. The two knew each other for a long time!"

After seeing Susan's American-style Iai.

This newly formed sixth team is not only much more harmonious, but also much more efficient.

After listening to the two people's narration.

Susan slapped the table: "No mistake, the mastermind of the bombing is this mad dog Ike, issue a wanted order for him!"

Old Harden nodded: "Based on the evidence found so far, plus Shayna as a witness, it should not be difficult to issue a wanted order, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

Hearing this, several people nodded and smiled.

This bombing case not only has a significant impact, but also affects whether they can be regular employees.

Everyone has their own reasons for choosing to join NW.

Now there is hope of passing the assessment.

Everyone's psychological pressure is not so great.

It's Ivan and others who are worried that Susan will have problems if she kills so many people in one go.

Although the police have great power.

But if there are casualties of criminals, they have to arrange administrative leave, and there are various procedures to go through, which is very cumbersome.

So many people died this time.

As a result, Susan directly said: As long as it is a case handled by NW, they will be the biggest in the future!

This also made several people realize the unique status of NW again!

Because the murderer has been locked.

Everyone's spirit is not so tense.

After Brian completed the autopsy report for the previous black victim, Odlin, he was ready to go home after get off work.

As a result, at the door of the police station, he unexpectedly saw Shayna getting into Glenn's car.

"These two guys are hooking up like this?"

He had seen it a long time ago.

In the group.

The team leader Susan should have a good background, which makes her mind relatively simple. She is not stupid, but she is stubborn and acts faster than thinking. Overall, she is a good person.

Old Harden is an old-timer who doesn't like to meddle in other people's business.

Ivan, who is strong and powerful, is very normal most of the time, but the look in his eyes occasionally looks a little strange.

Glenn is left.

Brian can only know from the few words leaked by the other party that this guy should have a rich love history.

But Glenn doesn't do anything extra on weekdays.

I don't know if it's because he just came and is more restrained.

Or some other reason.

Now it seems.

He is undoubtedly an old pervert.

"But, speaking of it, Glenn is still quite handsome, and his income and career are not bad. If this Shayna can really get together with Glenn, wouldn't it be equivalent to fulfilling the obsession of the deceased Kenneth?"

Brian suddenly thought of this.

Although this Shayna takes drugs and sells Y, it's buy one get one free.

But it doesn't prevent her from putting down the cow in her hand, turning a good man ashore, and being a good woman in the future!

Glenn covets her beauty.

The child in Shayna's belly also lacks a father.

I can also fulfill an obsession.

Kill three birds with one stone!


Thinking of this.

Brian no longer hesitated, slowed down the car, and followed quietly.

As a good person.

If necessary.

Brian doesn't mind becoming Glenn's wingman, so that Glenn can get a fat son for free!

Thank you all for following the old reader.

It shouldn't be a problem to advance to the first round of recommendations.

Gou Zei is going to catch up on the last episode of the old book.

The old book should be finished today.


Brothers, see you tomorrow at 5 pm on time.

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