You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 32 Who is the murderer?

To Brian's surprise.

Glenn did not take Shayna to some places more suitable for the two of them to get along, but followed the traffic and came to a hospital in the city.

Wait for the two to leave.

Brian went in to ask, and then he learned.

Glenn just came to accompany Shayna for some gynecological examinations.

Shayna's condition is not good.

She has been indulging in sex, taking drugs, and having a reversed schedule for a long time, which has caused her body and uterus to be in poor condition.

The baby is at risk of miscarriage.

If you want to keep the child.

It takes a lot of money.

Shayna obviously doesn't have so much money.

In fact.

If she doesn't quit drugs.

Her second half of life will be short and she won't be happy.

In order to satisfy her growing drug addiction, she will continue to become a prostitute.

This is her normal fate.

"What a poor woman."

Brian shook his head and lost interest in participating.

This Kenneth's obsession is likely to be unfulfilled.

The next day.

The wanted order for the bombing suspect, Ike, has been issued to the entire Los Angeles County.

Ivan and Glenn also mobilized their former informants.

In this regard.

Brian took a fatalistic attitude.

If he wanted, he could also ask his uncle for help and let him search for Ike's whereabouts through the power of the Blood Gang.

But before he had the confidence.

Brian was very reluctant to contact his uncle again.

Anyway, the case was basically solved.

He was not in a hurry.

As for Glenn and Shayna's affairs.

Brian did not say much.

This was the other party's private matter after get off work.

He had no control over it.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Susan's face became more and more ugly.

She was like a relative who came to visit. She was not happy with everyone, which made Brian and others dare not stay in the office. They simply drove the police car of the police station and went out for a stroll in the name of a search.

In the evening.

Just when Brian thought that today was also safe.

The police car's radio suddenly received a call from the alarm center: ". Wanted criminal Ike found, repeat, Sunset Boulevard Apartment 332, wanted criminal found."

"Apartment 332?"

Brian's heart moved.

Isn't this the apartment where Susan went on a killing spree a few days ago?

Mad dog Ike, is hiding there?

Good guy.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, right?

Brian didn't hesitate, sounded the siren, turned the car around, and rushed to the direction of Apartment 332.

When approaching the apartment street.

There were already a lot of police cars on the roadside, surrounding the apartment building from all directions.

Brian even heard dense gunfire in the car.

He subconsciously slowed down the car.

Just then.


The ground shook.

A large ball of fire reflected the gradually darkening sky red.

The police car radio also heard screams and messy calls for help:

"Call for support, call for support"

"FK, the other side has rockets!"

"Oh my God, Bob is dead, ambulance, someone is injured"

Brian took a breath of cold air.


Rockets are out?

So outrageous!

His hand speed was extremely fast, and he drifted horizontally 180 degrees, brushing the passing police car and rushed to the street behind the apartment.

Brian was not timid.

This is just a tactic: block the back road, shoot from behind, fight and retreat, and turn to victory!

Brian hid the police car, put the police badge in a conspicuous position on his chest, took out the pistol and the M4 issued in the past few days, and found a corner to squat.

After the explosion.

The sound of the gunfight in front was weak for a while, and then it became strong again.

Brian cheered up.

If it was a few years ago, Ike might have been able to suppress the police with heavy firepower.

However, ever since two robbers, wearing bulletproof vests and holding automatic submachine guns, beat dozens of Los Angeles police officers to a pulp, the firepower of the LAPD (Los Angeles Police), which is not short of money, has been qualitatively improved.

No matter how crazy that Ike is.

He can't hold on for long!

Brian was right.

He just squatted for less than five minutes.

Several embarrassed figures, holding pistols and carrying several backpacks, ran out from the side community of the front apartment and rushed to the car parked on the roadside.

Brian's eyes lit up: "Wow, is there a tunnel?"

The key is that these guys can't see the long guns and short guns in their hands, probably all of them have been fired.

It's time for me to make a contribution!

Seeing that several people are about to leave the field of vision.

Brian can't care so much, find the right angle, raise the gun and shoot randomly.

Da da da~

The trajectory of the M4 is very stable.

After a few random shots at close range.

Three of the five men who just ran out in front fell directly.

The remaining one is not tall, but his reaction is very fast.

At the moment of the gunshot.

He grabbed a companion and blocked him.

When Brian's bullets stopped.

He raised his pistol without hesitation and was about to fight back, but his body froze in place.

He saw a tall man in a bulletproof vest squatting in a corner seven or eight meters away from him. The most important thing was that the muzzle of the opponent's pistol was already pointed at his body.

Brian took a deep breath and said coldly: "Drop your weapon. You can also bet whether I can hit you at such a close distance."

A trace of madness flashed across Ike's face.

He sneered and dropped the pistol in his hand: "Damn cop, ah ah ah, I was framed. The bombing was not done by me!"

While speaking.

Ike's left hand inadvertently touched behind him.

As long as this damn cop was distracted by his words, he could kill him back!

Seeing the other party standing up.

Brian pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The bullet grazed Ike's body and shot at the ground behind him.

Before Ike could get angry.

Five or six subsequent bullets finally hit.

Ike's eyes widened, as if he couldn't figure out why he dropped his weapon and didn't run away, and this damn cop shot him!


A muffled sound.

The body fell heavily to the ground.

Mad dog Ike bowed out.

Brian replaced the new magazine, walked to Ike's dead body, and shrugged: "Sorry, my shooting skills are very poor. I asked you to stop just to make it easier to aim. I can't let a mentally ill person like you go to jail alive, otherwise what will happen if you escape?"

After saying that.

Brian shot at the bodies on the ground one by one.

Cut the grass, uproot it!

He couldn't bear the risk of being retaliated.

Just as Brian was waiting for other police officers to arrive.

A strange perception came to his mind.

Brian looked in the direction of the perception and found that above the body of Ike, who had just died, two bright red balls slowly emerged and finally stayed above the body!


Two obsessions at once!

This Ike is really a good man!

Brian was surprised and happy at first, and hurried over to crush the two obsession balls.

As the obsession balls broke.

Two messages emerged in Brian's mind:

One: Kill that bitch to avenge my brother!

Two: Find the bastard who slandered me and kill his whole family!

Brian was stunned.


Ike, it turns out he wasn't the murderer of the bombing.

Who was the murderer?

One more chapter, it should be at nine or ten o'clock.

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