You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 269: Extermination of the clan, return

The drones and satellites in the sky saw the fog in the building dissipate, and only when Yagyu Kojiro came out, some people were happy and some were sad.

In the base, the old man who had been paying attention to this place finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Yagyu Kojiro, a bit perverted, but really strong.

The attacker didn't know how to live or die, and chose Kojiro as an opponent, which was simply looking for death.

That is

The old man thought of the horrifying scene of Yagyu Kojiro tearing off his old head and growing a new head, and his mood became complicated again.

It's really an era where people and ghosts can't be distinguished.

But so what.

As long as Yagyu Kojiro can stay in Japan, other countries are afraid of beheading with a single sword, which will help Japan and other countries communicate. As for Yagyu Kojiro's love of human Q and love to devour his own offspring, it's just some harmless details.

Under a lot of surveillance.

Bryan carried a small sword and walked towards the ancestral home of the Yagyu family.

The streets have been cleared.

The police blockade is everywhere.

Seeing the battle was over, one of the leaders tried to get close to ‘Yagyu Kojiro’, but was directly repelled by Brian.

His walking posture, voice, appearance, body shape, and even hair style were all exactly the same as Yagyu Kojiro. Not only did outsiders not notice anything unusual, but when Brian walked to the ancestral home of the Yagyu family, no one noticed anything unusual either.

When he stepped in, a group of waiting young women, wearing Japanese kimonos, stuck out their buttocks, knelt down in unison, revealing a white HH inside.

Good guy.

This is vacuum clothing.

Unfortunately, Brian only knew from Yamamoto Taku’s obsession that these were the wives and maids that Yagyu Kojiro had snatched away, and he didn’t know their specific information.

So he followed Yagyu Kojiro’s scent and came to an open hall, saying to everyone: “Let everyone in the family come over, I have something to say!”

It took less than ten minutes.

About two or three hundred women, with some young children, all came here ‘calmly’.


No, where are the clothes?

Are you so short of fabric?

Next, Brian realized how disgusting Yagyu Kojiro's "quirk" talent was.

Before he could speak.

These women and children found their positions.

They took some weird poses, looking like they were waiting for "wet" luck.

Looking at their skilled appearance, this is not the first time they have held such a meeting.

Yagyu Kojiro, this beast, didn't even let his own child go.

No wonder the other party controlled all the family members to stay here, and apart from his own children, he didn't see any other men.

In this environment, the goods cultivated are either perverts or mentally ill, there will be no normal people.

Brian sighed.

He slowly stood up.

A colorless and odorless gas escaped from his body.


One body after another fell to the ground unconsciously.

After clearing the last bit of anesthetic reagent in his body, Brian drew out his sword: "You are too tired to live in such a twisted way. Let me take you out of this purgatory on earth..."

Along the dotted line of his eyes.

The sword light is precise and sharp.

Life after life leaves without pain.

This group of people from the Yagyu family also became the first test subjects for Brian to use his mind-eye talent.


Every time he harvests a life, Brian feels a little relieved.

This is different from his previous killings.

This killing is mercy.

When the last life passed away, Brian also fulfilled the obsession of Yamamoto Taku, who is known as the Japanese swordsman.

Yamamoto Taku's obsession: to wipe out the Yagyu family in revenge for the pain of taking his wife, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter-in-law!

Gift 1: 150 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 70 points of gift energy + master swordsmanship.

Gift three: 70 points of gift energy + weak mind's eye

Gift four: 50 points of gift energy + energy insight eye

Gift five: 20 points of gift energy + physical activation.

The opponent's gift is not bad, you can choose any one.

For example, the energy insight eye is actually an alternative mind's eye that can see various light waves.

In human terms, it can see the fluctuations in the air and enhance dynamic vision.

Cooperate with the opponent's weak mind's eye, the master's swordsmanship.

Yamamoto Taku's strength is actually not weak.

After thinking about it.

Brian still chose gift two, the master's swordsmanship.

Yagyu Kojiro's mind's eye (extreme), acts on everything, including invisible wind and light.

This is why the opponent can cut out a vacuum area.

So Brian currently wants to quickly improve his combat effectiveness. The most correct way is to complete Yagyu Kojiro's obsession as quickly as possible.

The master's swordsmanship is no longer a simple skill, but a sword-using perception generated by talent after the swordsmanship skill reaches the peak.

This is not something that Brian can easily master with his physical body.

It takes time to immerse himself in it.

Practicing by yourself is not as fast as just copying it.

Following Brian's choice.

His body and memory emerged with countless basic sword techniques, followed by a lot of actual combat with sword swings, and finally a sword technique realm that is difficult to describe, but can be handled easily in any situation.

To put it in fantasy terms, when Brian picked up the Kodachi again, he had the illusion that water and milk were in harmony, and the man and the sword were one.

As a conscientious coroner.

After Brian kills someone, if possible, he will often help clean up the body so as not to cause trouble to his colleagues later.

He piled the corpses together and arranged them neatly.

During this period, I also unexpectedly gained a few small obsessions.

In the end, Yagyu Kojiro was killed...

Brian conveniently used some gift energy for free.

After feeling almost the same.

He put the trophy Kodachi on his waist and walked out openly.

Thanks to Yagyu Kojiro's evil reputation, no one even came close this time.

Brian easily blended into the crowd and became an inconspicuous little character again. He first retrieved the crow eggs, then sneaked into the airport, then found a suitable flight and hid on the plane.

More than an hour later.

Feel the weightlessness of the plane taking off.

Brian gently stroked the Kodachi made of special material in his hand and smiled slightly: "This trip to Japan was really profitable. I will come back often if I have the opportunity!"

Night falls.

After Brian hid the Kodachi, he frowned and returned to the hotel where he lived.

The smell here is torture for someone with a sensitive sense of smell like him.

The big bed in the suite.

Catwoman Sandy is lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone. Her legs are in the air and her little tail is swaying happily.


She was like a kitten with hairy fur, her eyes widened, looking at the open window in horror!

What a strong smell of blood!

next moment.

One hand grasped the edge of the window and exerted force.


The ground shook slightly.

Brian's figure appeared in front of Sandy.

Hearing the movement, he was speechless.

My physical fitness reached 1.4 and I became heavier again.

When wearing shoes, no matter how clever you are, it is difficult to avoid movement when you move.


On the bed, Sandy huddled up in a ball. After seeing the face of the visitor clearly, she called out with some uncertainty.

It's not that she doesn't know Brian anymore.

But she couldn't understand at all why the smell of blood on the other person's body was so strong after they hadn't seen each other for two days!

This is the first time Sandy has seen someone with such a strong smell of blood since she turned into a beast.

Ordinary people may not notice it.

In Sandy's nose, Brian felt as if he had been soaked in a pool of blood for days and nights.

The smell of blood was fresh and had something that made her feel scared.

Hearing Sandy's slightly frightened cry, Brian retracted his thoughts and nodded: "Well, it's me. Are there any problems in the past two days?"

He knew why Sandy reacted the way she did.

no way.

Too many people were killed in a short period of time, and the smell penetrated his body.

There is also evil spirit.

Evil spirit is a kind of aura of a person.

For example, when animals see the old butcher, they will run faster because they feel the special aura of the old butcher.

The smell of blood can be covered up by cleaning it with chemicals.

That kind of evil aura that kills thousands of people with one hand will take some time to pass away.

Sandy quickly got up from the bed and shook her head cautiously: "No, no one came to see you at all. By the way, I answered a satellite phone for you. It was a call from a woman named Susan. She said she She was promoted and she seemed a little unhappy when she heard that I answered the call.”


He took the stored satellite watch from Sandy with a black face!

Come to the bathroom.

Brian soaked himself in body wash and dialed Susan's satellite phone.

The call was picked up in seconds.

This made Brian feel pressured.

Susan won't always be waiting for her call back!

"Hi Susan, did you miss me?"

Brian said dryly.

"I want to! I really want to!"

Susan's answer was very gentle.

It's gentler to speak without gritting your teeth.

Brian knew Susan's attitude and quickly changed the subject: "Sorry, I went to deal with some personal matters in the past two days, and then I left the watch with a friend for safekeeping. By the way, I haven't congratulated you on your promotion. I feel for you. Proud, God, my team leader is now a Level 2 staff member. What could make me happier than this news?”

On the other end of the phone, Susan rolled her eyes, and then couldn't help laughing.

She was indeed very happy about the promotion: "Well, actually I was also surprised. For some reasons, my promotion speed was relatively slow. I didn't expect that after the morning you left, I took a nap at noon and was promoted. This feeling is amazing, I feel like you give me strength.”

The two continued chatting for a while, and finally ended the call after Brian swore that he was outside and would stay safe for Susan.

Putting away his watch, Brian had a strange expression.

Susan may be right.

His cell activity was always high.

Maybe it was his genetic material, which was absorbed by Susan's body and allowed her to break through early.

He really gave Susan strength.

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