You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 268: Abnormal Gift List, Fusion: Semi-finished Death Perception Mystic Eyes

Faced with the temptation of eternal life from Yagyu Kojiro, Brian cut it with a knife without any hesitation.

The meat ball on the ground was split into two pieces.

A strange scene appeared.

The meat ball on the ground was split into two pieces, struggling and trying to turn into two little men who were only about 30 centimeters long.

The appearance of the little men was vaguely similar to Yagyu Kojiro.

The two little men, under the corrosion of Brian's flesh-corrosion mist, were like melted wax, and their flesh was constantly melting and shrinking.

They showed painful expressions, their mouths wide open, and made silent screams and howling postures, twisted and weird.

"Isn't it too outrageous?"

Seeing this scene, even Brian, who was knowledgeable, felt his mouth dry at this moment.

He guessed that Yagyu Kojiro, like Benjamin, had merged with the deformed octopus on the seabed and gained the ability of the secondary brain, but he didn't expect the process to be so weird.

This was different from the state presented by Benjamin and Brian through the gift of talent simulation.

The silent wailing lasted for more than thirty seconds.

Having lost the power to resist, the flesh and blood resisted. Facing Brian's flesh-corrosive poison, the remaining flesh and blood of Yagyu Kojiro resisted for more than thirty seconds before it completely melted into a pool of dark liquid.

The liquid was still evaporating.

Above the unpleasant white steam, a nearly dark obsession ball slowly took shape.

It's shipped!

Almost at the same time, three warm currents surged in Brian's body, representing that he had completed the other three obsessions.

Brian clenched his fists excitedly.

This trip to Japan was a big profit!

Take off!

Brian didn't care about the gift after completing the obsession.

He crushed Yagyu Kojiro's obsession ball as soon as possible.

A dark rainbow light shot into his eyes, turning into a large amount of information that emerged in his mind:

Yagyu Kojiro's obsession: My heart is like a knife, everything is cut!


He didn't quite understand this obsession.

Brian continued to read with patience.

Behind the obsession, there are gifts.

Gift 1: 299 units of gift energy

Gift 2: 1 unit of gift energy + plunder

Gift 3: 1 unit of gift energy + four lives

Gift 4: 1 unit of gift energy + extreme heart (knife)

Gift 5: 1 unit of gift energy + heart eye (extreme)

Gift 6: 1 unit of gift energy + physical activation (extreme)

Gift 7:

Gift 18: 280 units of gift energy + quirk

Looking at this long list of gift displays, Brian took a breath of cold air.


Too luxurious!

299 units of gift energy, which is the highest value Brian has seen since the blood moon, except for Benjamin's 300!

As for those talents

Take a look, the previous gifts are all one mandatory unit of gift energy, and the rest are one talent, which means that the potential value of these talents is all 298 units of gift energy, which can be called the strongest Brian has ever seen!

To use the words of the game, it means that once the treasure chest is opened, it is full of golden legends!

Too perverted!

Brian then felt heartache.

With so many gifts, he can only choose one.

The key is what Yagyu Kojiro's obsession is now, he is a little confused.

This place is not a good place.

There is not much time for Brian to tangle.

He forced himself to suppress the chaotic emotions in his heart and began to check the introduction of these talents.

[Plunder: Your talent is good. If I eat you, you will be mine!

Note: Plundering talents will have strong sequelae. The stronger the physical fitness, the weaker the sequelae. The weaker the gene rejection, the weaker the sequelae.

[Four lives:

You have four heads.

When your main brain is damaged, the secondary brain will quickly transform into a new main brain and carry your consciousness.

Each time it transforms, the secondary brain cells will release a large amount of stored energy to maintain your life.

Every time you lose a head, you need to spend a lot of time to breed it again.


Continuously changing brains in a short period of time will cause loss of consciousness.

Lack of energy will cause the secondary brain to instinctively compete with the main brain for nutrition, and even give birth to new consciousness.

Ensure that the body's energy is stably supplied, so that you will not be replaced by the new self! 】

[The Heart of the Extreme (Sword):

The cruel training since childhood has made your character extremely extreme.

You killed your parents with your own hands and cultivated the intention of the extreme.

Under the will of the extreme, your heart will never waver.

Anyone who dares to go against you will be killed by you!

Your belief can allow you to burst out the most extreme power of your body under normal circumstances.


Under the will of the extreme, your emotions will be indifferent and extreme, and extremely self-centered.

The existence of the secondary brain has suppressed this talent to a great extent. 】

[Mind's Eye (Extreme):

You have eaten hundreds of children, and by plundering their talents, you have plundered their mind's eye talents that have been cultivated.

A little bit makes a lot, and this talent has reached a certain limit.

When you activate this talent, your eyes can see the trajectory of the return of all things to silence.


This talent is affected by the strength of the spirit, and when it is activated, it may change the appearance of your eyes. 】

【Physical Activation (Extreme):

You devoured a large number of blood relatives.

You devoured higher genetic organisms.

Your cells mutated.

You can store a large amount of energy in your body and burn it at once when needed to obtain a large amount of vitality supplement and accelerate cell division.


You lack the key to a special gene.

Each time this ability is used, a percentage of the maximum cell life span is lost. 】

【Physical control:】

[Quirk: The twisted you can get ultimate pleasure from some weird things. The more depraved you are, the happier you will be, and the risk of you losing control will be greatly reduced.


Your happiness threshold will continue to increase.

The more ethically challenging something is, the stronger the effect. 】

Brian has all the talents, read them all.

So shocking.

These talents of Yagyu Kojiro made Brian realize for the first time that he was not the only one blessed by the blood moon.

Brian saw a bit of himself in Yagyu Kojiro!

Yagyu Kojiro must be a deformed person like him!

The opponent's abnormal talent is definitely plundering!

Relying on this talent, Yagyu Kojiro has so many talents.

The only difference is that this looting talent is too disgusting.

Brian could accept even devouring the bodies of aberrant beasts.

But looking at the introduction of the talent, Yagyu Kojiro definitely directly regards his children as the main objects of use, in order to reduce the burden and sequelae caused by using the plundering talent.

In addition, this plundering talent is still uncontrollable.

Otherwise, Yagyu Kojiro would not have coveted the "Four Lives" talent even though he possessed the "Ultimate Will", causing himself to waste one of his powerful talents.

Let’s take a look at the introduction of the ‘Ultimate Will’ talent: To put it simply, level A is the ultimate move.

Will is also the main weapon of the aberrations against aberrations.

Look at what happened to Kojiro Yagyu.

This guy was okay in the front, but he was dying in the back, and he started begging for mercy.

Without the will to fight to the death, it is difficult to fully display one's fighting power.

Begging for mercy is not something a strong person would do.

They will only look for every opportunity to make a comeback in times of crisis. Even if there is no chance, they will do their best to cause damage to their opponents.

Judging from these two talent introductions, Yagyu Kojiro was definitely even stronger at his peak than he is now.

The talent of plundering the giant octopus is completely self-inflicted.

However, the talents of 'Plunder', 'Four Lives', 'Physical Activation' and 'Ultimate Will' are all too extreme and have serious consequences.

Brian was greedy, but didn't really want it.

He prefers Yagyu Kojiro's talent of 'mind's eye'.

Yagyu Kojiro's son Yagyu Itto also has this talent and is also Brian's goal.

As a result, I was even more exaggerated.

What does it mean to be able to see the trajectory of all things returning to silence?

Isn't this horse-riding a direct act of death?

Of course, Yagyu Kojiro's intentions were definitely not so exaggerated, otherwise Brian would have been killed by the opponent's sword.

"If I can fulfill my obsession, I need this talent of mind and eye!"

With some expectation, Brian finally looked at Yagyu Kojiro's last obsessive reminder.

If the prompt is also vague.

Then he will have a headache.

The prompt this time is also different.

When Brian received it, he actually saw Yagyu Kojiro sitting cross-legged under a waterfall.

He looked at the waterfall with confused eyes and murmured to himself: "Ever since I swallowed that big octopus, my knife is no longer as sharp as before."


Yagyu Kojiro turned his head and looked into the void, as if he could see Brian, who had only one conscious body, and said, "Where is my way?"

Brian didn't expect that Yagyu Kojiro's obsessive reminder could still communicate.

He thought for a while and said directly: "Your sword way is a heart like a knife, cutting everything, the extreme way of death and no life. Now that you know how many lives you have, you have a way out, and you can face extreme situations. , and there are more opportunities to escape, so your Ji Dao heart will be destroyed. "

"Sou Ga (that's what it is)."

Yagyu Kojiro nodded and disappeared.

The next moment, Brian naturally understood Yagyu Kojiro's obsession: to find the way of the Yakuza that he had lost.

In human terms, let him rely on himself to cultivate to the ultimate state of mind where his heart is like a knife and he can cut everything.

Knowing the obsession, Brian breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be nice if it could be completed.

To others, Yagyu Kojiro's obsession is somewhat outrageous, and may even be impossible to complete in his lifetime.

the reason is simple.

Faith needs to be cultivated.

It is difficult for people to lie to themselves.

To achieve the ultimate state of mind where the heart is like a knife and everything is cut off, the difficulty is similar to that of an impotent and premature ejaculation man who tells himself: he can exercise for half an hour or an hour at a time, and the result is really the same.

It's basically impossible.

Brian was different.

He still has a gift to receive, and that is the low-end version of the Heart's Eye in the hands of Yagyu Kojiro's son, Yagyu Itto!

With the cooperation of the low-end version of Heart and Eyes, he has a high probability of completing Yagyu Kojiro's obsession!

Brian smiled and opened the two gift options he got after killing Yagyu Kojiro.

The first gift came from Yagyu Kojiro's son, Yagyu Itto.

Yagyu's one-sword obsession: kill his father Yagyu Kojiro

Gift 1: 100 points of gift energy

Gift 2: 30 points of gift energy + double use

Gift three: 10 points of gift energy + mind’s eye

Gift 4: 10 points of gift energy + physical activation

Brian chose gift 3 without any hesitation.

The low-end version of the mind's eye can greatly help him complete the obsession of Yagyu Kojiro. As for the remaining three options, only 100 energy is barely useful. The rest of the talents are stronger.

After the selection is completed, the next moment.

Brian felt his eyes slightly hot, so he subconsciously closed his eyes.

A few seconds later.

When Brian opened his eyes again, the world changed.

In his already exaggerated visual range, everything has some faint dotted lines.

For example, he can see the weak areas of the car body in the parking lot, the uneven stress points of the concrete line above his head, and the overall stress points of the concrete pillars..

These areas are the most vulnerable places of these items.

This feeling is very strange, similar to the sixth sense, but you can see real, very faint dotted lines.

Even ordinary people can achieve the effect of attacking the vital points by bombarding along these dotted lines.

Of course, whether it is useful or not is another matter.

After all, ordinary people can't break a concrete support column by hitting it with their fists at its weak point.

Only when it is placed on a monster like Brian can this talent play its role.


When you find that you can cut anything with a sharp blade in your hand, the belief that you can cut anything will naturally be cultivated.

This may be the reason why Yagyu Kojiro's swordsmanship was formed.

Brian felt the wonder of the mind's eye talent, and without wasting too much time, he looked at the second gift.

The second gift came from an old man who led a team to support, and the other party was also a first-level life.

The obsession of the old man: Kill Yagyu Kojiro to avenge the hatred of taking away his wife and killing his son!

Gift 1: 110 points of gift energy.

Gift 2: 70 points of gift energy + master swordsmanship.

Gift 3: 30 points of gift energy + danger perception.

There is still a battle next.

Brian did not hesitate and directly chose gift 3.

It was probably because of his high mental strength. This time, he shuddered, and his hair stood up uncontrollably, and then he ended the talent absorption.

Brian understood.

The feeling just now should be the feedback effect of the danger perception talent, similar to the sixth sense.

After obtaining the talent of "danger perception".

Brian could feel that he was in a dangerous environment, and it seemed that something that could endanger his life was covering the area where he was.

It is not difficult to guess that it must be some big killer of the Japanese government.

Once the situation gets out of control, if he goes out and kills indiscriminately, he will be destroyed by the other party regardless of the cost.

Brian would naturally not do such a stupid thing.

After his mental state stabilized, he set up a plan of action.

While the people outside were still watching.

Brian seized the time and checked the last gift.

This gift was left by the young officer, Yagyu Kojiro's son, Yagyu Buichi.

The other party directly revealed two obsessions.

One was to silence Brian, but Brian directly rejected the order.

One is to torture his father, Yagyu Kojiro.

The flesh-corrosion poison in front of Brian acted on Yagyu Kojiro, achieving an effect similar to that of torture, so it was also judged to have completed Yagyu Buyi's obsession.

The other party's gift was nothing special.

Brian directly chose the gift energy option of 52 units.

Hearing the drone buzzing in the sky hundreds of meters away in his ears.

Brian looked at the underground parking lot that was corroded by his green mist, causing the power outage, grabbed Yagyu Kojiro's sword, picked up a piece of rag and wrapped it around his body, jumped back on it, and walked out.

Every step he took forward, his figure and even the details of his hair changed significantly.

When Brian walked out of the broken hole in the building, he had turned into Yagyu Kojiro.

Seeing someone coming out, countless eyes shrouded Brian.

Brian also glanced at the creatures in his field of vision, and then frowned slightly.

The version of Yagyu Ichidao's "heart eye" is still a bit low.

It was fine to look at dead things in the underground garage before.

When looking at living things, the vague dotted lines give people a feeling of delay, and the effect is greatly reduced.

It can be used, but Brian is a little disappointed.

This means that the real version of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception that he thought he had only obtained a semi-finished product.

He still has to complete the obsession of Yagyu Kojiro as soon as possible!

With the appearance of Yagyu Kojiro, Brian walked out calmly.

He is not going to leave directly.

There is still a high-quality obsession that has not been completed!

After completing that obsession and getting a gift, maybe Yagyu Kojiro's obsession will be easier to complete.

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