You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 267: Burn the shrine and kill Kojiro with a sword!


At a certain military base, a short old man smashed the satellite monitoring console in front of him with one punch, scaring the rest of the people so much that they dared not speak.

The broken screen clearly showed the speed of the other party's movement.

Brian's running speed with a person in his arms was as high as 40 to 50 meters per second.

This kind of monster, once it enters a densely populated urban living area, it will be a disaster.

It must be stopped!

The old man took a deep breath and looked at his subordinates: "What did the people at the Ninja Clan base say?"

A young man wearing glasses held back his fear and said: "They said that the elders have important matters and cannot be dispatched for the time being. It is recommended to find the head of the Yagyu family directly."

"These bastards!"

The old man cursed angrily.

Doesn't he want Yagyu Kojiro to take action?

The problem is that he dares not speak!

Yagyu Kojiro is too domineering and acts crazy. He has long attracted a lot of dissatisfaction and even resentment. He relies entirely on his powerful strength to suppress it, so no one dares to show up.

The few old men who had the power to suppress Yagyu Kojiro were in deep sleep most of the time in order to reduce energy loss.

This also caused Yagyu Kojiro's overbearing personality now.

If he asked for help, the other party would say: Are you teaching me how to do things?

What should he do if he was killed by a knife?

Helplessly, the old man had to suppress his anger and continued to ask: "What is the reaction of the head of the Yagyu family now? His son was captured by the attacker."

The young man glanced at the computer and said with a bad face: "The head of the Yagyu family doesn't care about the experience of his son Buyi at all, nor does he care whether Yagyu Buyi will reveal the secrets of the Yagyu family. In addition, the artillery regiment is asking us for new bombing coordinates."

"Bombing, I asked them to bomb just now!"

The more the old man thought about it, the more aggrieved he became: "If Yagyu Buyi hadn't been captured alive, I..."

Suddenly, his voice paused.

Yagyu Buyi!

Yagyu Buyi, the son of Yagyu Kojiro!

By the way, why did the attacker let Yagyu Buyi go?

The ancestral home of the Yagyu family is located in downtown Tokyo.

Could it be that the other party's target is actually the Yagyu family?

The old man hurriedly looked at the screen that was covered with cracks by his punch, and could barely see the direction in which the other party was moving, which was the residence of the Yagyu family.

Seeing this.

He smiled coldly.

Yagyu Kojiro, you don't care about your son's life and death and the face of the empire. Wait until the other party comes to your door and see if you can still be so calm!

The old man looked at his men who were waiting for his orders and said, "Let the Self-Defense Force go back, the armed helicopters are on standby, the special forces rush to the ancestral home of the Yagyu family, waiting for orders, and prepare to start public relations to divert the public's attention from Mount Fuji!"


A group of little Bakas all bowed their heads in response, in unison, and it was obvious that they had practiced a lot.

The old man nodded and returned to silence.

He didn't make too many moves.

The reason is very simple.

Although he didn't like Yagyu Kojiro, he still recognized the strength of this lunatic.

That was the reputation created by the other party's massacres.

The attacker went to find Yagyu Kojiro, which was tantamount to seeking death!

On the other side.

Brian carried the unconscious Yagyu Buyi, turned into a shadow, and rushed to an empty yard at a speed that ordinary people could hardly catch.

He first found a set of clothes to change, and then woke up the unconscious Yagyu Buyi.

Yagyu Buyi was not a normal person. Even though his limbs were cut off and he lost a lot of blood, he was still not in danger of life. Even the wound had coagulated and began to heal actively.

After Brian's gentle awakening with a few big slaps.

Yagyu Buyi stood up with a swollen pig face and struggled to crawl on his abdominal muscles.

He glanced around and said with some disappointment: "It seems that the group of cowards in the empire did not dare to use heavy artillery to bombard while you were slaughtering us."

Yagyu Buyi's posture was very strange now, like a snake without legs, relying entirely on the muscles of the body to maintain the balance of the trunk.

"At least you lived a little longer, didn't you?"

Brian took out a piece of white cloth and wiped his hands: "Tell me, where is your father, Yagyu Kojiro, now?"


Yagyu Buyi wanted to laugh at Brian.

Suddenly, his voice paused, and his eyes changed when he looked at Brian.

It was a very strange feeling.

Yagyu Buyi didn't know how to describe this feeling. It was probably that the more he looked at Brian, the more he liked him. In just a few seconds, his attitude changed from hostility to infatuation, and his consciousness became a little unclear: "Mother, I see you again, woo woo, mother"


I am a male succubus.

I am not your mother!

That's right, in order to save time, he directly activated his male succubus talent, allowing the pheromones emitted by his body to target the smell of Yagyu Buyi's body, producing the kind of charm similar to love at first sight.

Normally, Yagyu Buyi would subconsciously regard Brian as his favorite person.

What the hell is calling mother?


Brian is an experienced driver after all. He was stunned at first, but then realized that Yagyu Buichi was stimulated by the pheromones he emitted, exposing his fetish.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

As expected of the Yagyu family, none of them are normal.

Really perverted.

Brian was too lazy to correct Yagyu Buichi's cognition.

He asked again: "Where is Yagyu Kojiro?"

Hearing the name Yagyu Kojiro, Yagyu Buichi's obsessed eyes flashed with hatred: "This old immortal is in the ancestral home, and everyone in the family is in the ancestral home. Everyone is just his captive plaything, but he asked me to prepare a boat Submarine, prepare to go to Brazil and eat the leader of the Dark Sect hiding there. I’m not sure when he will leave.”

"It's okay, thank you for the information."

Brian took back the pheromones emitted by his body in a playful manner.

Yagyu Buichi's eyes were confused at first, then he reacted and looked at Brian ferociously: "Baga, you bastard, what did you do to me!"

"It satisfies a little Beibi's obsession with his mother."

Brian slapped him away.

Thanks to the coincidence, Yagyu Buichi's head turned in circles, and finally twisted his neck, facing behind him, his eyes widened, with a look of death.

Looking at the body, Brian politely added: "You're welcome."

next moment.

Two small balls of obsession emerged from Yagyu Buichi's body.

Brian was slightly surprised.

Double shot?

Not bad, really good.

Obsession balls, one is darker and the other is lighter.

Brian crushed the two balls and looked at them one by one.

Yagyu Fuichi's obsession number one: kill the hateful attacker and silence him, and absolutely no one can know about my Oedipus! My mother is always pure! !

Gift 1: 20 units of gift energy.

Gift 2: 1 unit of gift energy + weakened version of Mind Eyes.

Behind the obsession, there is a true portrait of Brian.


If you want to remain innocent, then you can. Why are you killing me to silence me? I'm not a talkative person!

However, this obsession accidentally let Brian know that even if he was in disguise before killing the person with the obsession, the other person did not know his true appearance. However, in the information provided by the obsession feedback, it was still his true appearance. .

This is quite interesting, I have never noticed it before.

Of course, Brian couldn't fulfill this obsession.

He continued to look at Yagyu Buichi's second obsession: kill Yagyu Kojiro, Ling Chi!

Gift 1: 52 units of gift energy.

Gift 2: 1 unit of gift energy + physical control.

Brian liked this obsession very much.

This guy, compared to Yagyu Itto, his potential is a bit lower after all. The two obsessions combined only give 72 units of gift energy. His talent is obviously not weak, but he doesn't even have a first-level life. He looks energetic at first glance. He has a weak will and is such a loser.

He spat at the dead man.

Amidst the sounds of corpses sizzling and corroding, Brian changed his appearance and body shape and blended into the crowd.

He changed his outfit and appearance several times.

Brian made sure that the satellite had lost track of him, then he changed into a junior high school student's clothes, transformed into a little bastard, got into the car of an interested housewife, and headed towards the city.

More than twenty minutes later.

Brian arrived at his destination.

"Thank you, Mrs. Sansheng."

Brian politely thanked this middle-aged woman who complained about her husband's various incompetences and kept hinting at her, and hurried towards the shrine building in front.

"Hey, Shinnosuke, remember to come to my house tonight."

The middle-aged Obasan stuck out his head and shouted at Brian's back, unwilling to give up this little fresh meat who seemed a little hurt.

She didn't believe that she couldn't capture this adolescent boy with her rich experience and free money.

next moment.

Her long mouth was dull and she looked forward stupidly.

I saw the 'little fresh meat' who ran to the J Country Shrine. He seemed to feel unhappy. He suddenly took out a few dark things from his pocket and threw them inside with precision.

This is not enough.

The other party actually walked up to the street lamp, broke it off, and then used it as a stick to overturn the cars. He tore off their fuel tanks with his bare hands and threw them into the shrine.

Street light, broken!

Overturn the vehicle!

Is this the filming location of Ultraman?

Before passers-by and the housewife could react, screams and explosions were heard inside the shrine.

"I must be dreaming!"

The housewife suddenly turned the car around and ran away in a panic. She even knocked away passers-by who were running away in panic without slowing down the speed of the car.

She was afraid that she would be considered an accomplice of the monster.

A police officer on duty came over and saw Brian holding on to a street lamp a few meters away with one hand and playing with the car, which made him feel numb.

Those with stronger psychological qualities will turn around and leave.

In front of this kind of monster, he can't even protect himself, and he can't protect the citizens at all.

Those with poor mental qualities simply slumped down in shock.

There were also those who had a stronger sense of responsibility. They suppressed their fear, took out a small pistol, and shouted at Brian: "Stop, or I will shoot!"


Brian looked at the young-looking policeman and nodded: "Very courageous."

The words fell.

The streetlight in his hand made a whirring sound, grazing the little policeman's hands.

The young policeman felt pain in his hands holding the gun, and then saw that his pistol was broken into pieces and exploded all over the floor.

"I'm not dead?"

The little police officer froze on the spot and muttered.

He is a little confused now.

The thick street lamp pole looked like a small baseball bat in the opponent's hand.

How could such a monster exist in reality?

Brian dropped the bent light pole, walked to the other party, smiled politely and said, "Is there a fire?"

The little policeman shook his head dully.

"OK, thanks."

Brian was about to ask someone else.

at this time.


A kerosene metal lighter suddenly shot out from the front.

This speed is almost no slower than a pistol bullet.

Brian drew an afterimage with his right hand, and while accurately grabbing the lighter, he also removed the inertial force that was enough to deform the metal lighter.

He looked at the handsome middle-aged man standing on the wall in the distance and nodded: "Thank you."


Brian lit the lighter, threw it back, and then walked towards the other party without looking back.

The kerosene lighter landed accurately among the pile of fuel tanks.


The J country shrine, which was full of incense, turned into a raging sea of ​​​​fire under his evenly sprayed gasoline.

The handsome middle-aged man who threw the lighter to Brian was none other than Yagyu Kojiro whose ancestral home was next door.

When he heard the noise, he immediately guessed that the person coming was the attacker who attacked the Jida sword hall and took away his son.

Yagyu Kojiro's current condition is not good.

When the son is gone, he is gone.

He once had hundreds of children, and it was common for one or two to die and be reborn at any time.

Doing it yourself will lead to further loss of control.

If not necessary.

Yagyu Kojiro didn't want to take action.

But the other party wants to die.


Yagyu Kojiro sighed slightly.

He had a sword on his waist and wooden clogs on his feet. He looked at Brian who was at his feet. He spoke condescendingly and said in a condescending tone: "You are not from the Dark Sect. You are from China. Only Chinese people can hate Country J so much." The shrine is the glory of the empire and your shame.”

Brian stretched out his finger and made a shushing motion on his mouth: "Dead man, no need to say more."


Yagyu Kojiro nodded, and suddenly drew his sword and slashed through the air.

The sword shines!


The air was torn apart and made a sharp sound, and the hurricane was like high pressure.

Brian responded quickly.

He dodged in a flash, brushing against a sharp gust of wind.

next moment.

Screams rang out all around.

A terrifying knife mark was seen, spreading back more than ten meters from where Brian was standing, cutting open the concrete floor paved with cement steel bars, and cutting off all the vehicles and unlucky passengers on the road!

Looking at the knife marks behind him, Brian was a little stunned.

too exaggerated!

This attack method is similar to the principle of high-pressure water jet.

How fast can this guy draw his sword so that the pressure of the sword can be transformed into an attack similar to the sword energy?

Yagyu Kojiro is definitely the strongest master he has ever seen!

"Nice speed."

When Yagyu Kojiro saw Brian dodge his attack, there was a little interest in his eyes.

He held the knife with both hands, assumed an attacking posture, and chuckled: "Unfortunately it's not enough, you are too slow!"

After the words fell, Yagyu Kojiro's figure was no longer on the wall.

"So fast!"

Brian was startled and dodged again to avoid the opponent's knife aimed at his neck.

The speed of both of them is astonishingly fast. Ordinary people can only see two illusory afterimages moving at high speed, and cannot see what they are!

Afterimages intertwined.

The infinite sword light shines in the clear day sky.

Brian dodged left and right, but was entangled by a strange air viscosity. As the opponent's knife was getting faster and faster, the air pressure of this entanglement became stronger and stronger, causing his speed to increase. Slower and slower.

He was about to be chopped down with a knife.

The muscles in Brian's legs instantly expanded several times, leaving two cracked footprints on the ground, turning him into an afterimage and jumping more than ten meters into the air.

He took a sharp breath, opened his mouth and roared downward: "Get out!"


Circles of tangible air rings exploded from his mouth, turning into shock waves that swept forward.

A strange scene appeared.

Those ultrasonic shock waves disappeared as soon as they got close to Yagyu Kojiro. They could only lift up the dust on the ground and shatter the glass of the surrounding buildings.

"Playing sonic attacks in my vacuum realm?"

Yagyu Kojiro smiled disdainfully: "The game is over, kid."

When fighting, the most taboo thing is to fly in the air.

Follow countless dotted lines.

The Tai Dao in his hand seemed to be slow but was actually very fast. Amid the shadows, he charged up and slashed in mid-air.

The sword was like a steel wind, roaring across a distance of more than ten meters in an instant, and struck between Brian's Pythagorean bones as he started to land.


An invisible energy spread along Brian's Pythagorean face to his face. A red line appeared, which was actually pressed by the wind. It followed the weakest part of the body, just like a chef trying to untie a cow, avoiding the bones of the body. Directly cut open his entire chest.

When Brian's feet landed on the ground, his chest opened uncontrollably, like a blooming bloody flower.

"What a big heart."

Yagyu Kojiro looked at Brian's blazing waves of energy and his violently beating heart, his eyes shining brightly.

As a foodie.

He could tell at a glance that the other person's heart belonged to the finest ingredients!


Yagyu Kojiro looked away, frowned and raised the sword again: "A deformed person? Or a lycanthrope transformed from flesh and blood?"

In front of him, the man whose flesh and blood were torn apart had grown tentacles dancing in the air, which closed his torn body again, leaving only a light pink knife mark on his body.

Yagyu Kojiro was a little surprised at Brian's change, and Brian was also surprised at Yagyu Kojiro's swordsmanship.

This guy can actually cut out a moment of vacuum!

It's really outrageous.

It seems that we have to get serious.

Brian's figure began to expand slowly: "I'm going to be serious!"


Yagyu Kojiro waved his small sword: "I was just warming up, and I almost killed you. What qualifications do you have to say you're serious in front of me?"

Brian didn't speak.

He stared at Yagyu Kojiro, his blood roaring like a river, his voice gurgling, and blue-black muscles emerged. The muscles on his back were like ghost faces. In the blink of an eye, he expanded into a terrifying little giant of two meters and five.

Brian, after the breakthrough, was even more terrifying in his clothes-exploding state!

Seeing the heat waves distorting the air around him to a visible degree, Yagyu Kojiro's hair stood up.

He retracted his previous relaxed posture and whispered, "It's a bit bad."

The next moment.


The sound of sonic boom exploded in the void.

Before the fist arrived, the exaggerated fist wind had turned into a whistling gale, blowing Yagyu Kojiro's body back uncontrollably.

His eyes turned pale in an instant, and under the strong wind pressure, he slashed along the invisible dotted line.

The next moment.

Brian's figure flashed and appeared in front of the opponent's blade.

Punching the blade.

He was completely in a posture of exchanging his life for his life!


Brian's right hand was split into two, and the flesh and bones in the fist tip area were directly cut off, leaving only the remaining bones rubbing against the blade, and hit Yagyu Kojiro's face fiercely.


Yagyu Kojiro's head exploded and deformed, and his body flew up like a meteor, with a whistling sound, and hit a high-rise building more than 20 meters away.


The whole building shook violently.

In the dust.

Yagyu Kojiro tilted his drooping head, letting the brain and blood flow out of his deformed head continuously, and slowly walked towards the dust, picking up the knife he dropped on the ground. Under the torn clothes, his belly squirmed and laughed strangely: "What a powerful force, it hurts me so much."

Looking at Yagyu Kojiro who looked like a ghost, Brian frowned.

Is it so difficult?

His strongest punch in the exploded state blew up Yagyu Kojiro's head, and the opponent's eyes, ears, nose, and brain were all severely damaged!

At this level, the opponent was actually fine?


Yagyu Kojiro directly tore his head off and threw it on the ground.

His headless body twisted twice.

A ball of soft white flesh spurted out from the cavity of his neck, and finally solidified into a new head.

All those who relied on satellites to monitor this battle had some scalp troubles when they saw this weird scene.

What kind of monster is Yagyu Kojiro?

Brian had no expression on his face.

The bursting state is not his limit.

Normal state, bursting state, desperate state...

Even if Yagyu Ichiro is a monster, he is definitely a more terrifying monster than the other party, and there is no reason to be afraid of the other party!

In addition, Brian felt that Yagyu Kojiro's state was strangely familiar.


Brian looked at the other party's somewhat limp left hand.

He looked at the other party's somewhat limp left hand: "I understand."

The head grew out, and the left hand was limp.

Isn't this similar to the secondary brain talent of Squidward Benjamin!

Yagyu Kojiro twisted his neck and taunted: "What do you understand, little ingredient?"

Brian also showed a grim smile: "I know what you are, little octopus!"

The next moment.

He didn't give Yagyu Kojiro a chance to reply. Like a human tank, he grabbed a car and rammed it violently, directly knocking Yagyu Kojiro, who didn't resist, into the building in front, blocking the satellite photography above.

More than ten seconds later.

Countless green mists swarmed out of the crumbling building, corroding the surrounding buildings.

For the first time, Yagyu Kojiro screamed in a way that was worse than death.

In the basement of the commercial building.

Brian threw the deformed car aside and stepped on the twisted meat ball wrapped in green corrosion mist on the ground: "Change for me, keep changing your head, you bastard!"


The twisted meat ball kept struggling and made a weak voice: "Forgive me, I'll tell you the secret of eternal life."

"Go to hell with the secret!"

Brian raised Yagyu Kojiro's sword and slashed it with one knife.

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