You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 271 The popular Brian, Research Institute (Monthly ticket plus 8 9)

After answering the three questions.

Shengfo began to talk about the way of cultivating the mind on the stage.

The terms used here are very obscure.

After being translated into English, which has the widest audience, it sounds even more strange.

This is of little value to the many enhancers or beastmen in the audience, so everyone began to be distracted.

Shengfo did not express his opinion on this, and said some very mysterious and tongue-twisting words as if reading a script.

Brian was not in the mood to listen to this.

He was a very insecure person. He would not be able to sleep or eat well if he did not figure out what was wrong with him just now.

After thinking about it.

Brian found Nemo, whom he had just met in the crowd, took a stone, and threw it accurately on the other's head.

Nemo reacted very quickly. Before the stone arrived, his right hand strangely appeared behind his head and accurately grabbed the stone.

He glared behind him, but saw Brian waving at him.

Brian was surprised to find that Nemo's angry face turned into a smile at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There was even a little flattery in this smile.

Ah this

The other party's reaction made Brian even more confused.

What happened after he went on stage?

A moment.

The two left the high platform in the center of the camp and came to the periphery.

Nemo was very happy that Brian came to him, very abnormally happy and enthusiastic: "Congratulations, Brian"

Brian interrupted him directly: "Nemo, can you tell me what I was doing on the stage just now?"

Hearing this, Nemo's eyes were strange:

"You jumped up very handsomely, and then asked the Holy Buddha if you could break through to the second level.

The Holy Buddha nodded.

He affirmed your potential.

This means that you are likely to become a second-level enhancer.

Hey, man, I know this is cool and something to be happy about!

After all, a second-level enhancer can become a senior member of any official organization in the world.

Your name will soon spread to major official organizations around the world.

But there is no need to show off to me in this way.

Really, my mouth is sour now"

He thought Brian was sharing and showing off in this way because his potential was confirmed by the Holy Buddha.

This kind of showing off is not uncommon in North America.

Nemo was indeed a little sour.

But he was happier.

After all, apart from friends, it is rare to show off to strangers in this way.

Does this mean that Brian treats me as a friend?

Saint Buddha's judgment has never been wrong.

Having a potential friend like Brian is a great thing for a marginal figure in the family like himself!

Brian didn't know what Nemo was thinking.

He felt cold at the moment.

It's not like that at all!

He didn't ask about potential at all on the stage!

Brian wanted to tell Nemo the real question he asked, but found that just when he wanted to say it, the image of Saint Buddha appeared strangely in his mind.

The other party looked at Brian with a smile, stretched out his finger and put it on his mouth: "Don't be afraid, this is just a mental suggestion. Your question involves the fact that I broke through the third level. I don't want too many people to know about this. Kid, keep it a secret for me."

The voice fell.

The shadow of Saint Buddha disappeared in Brian's mind.

"Hey, Brian, what are you thinking about?"

Nemo's nagging voice came into his ears:

"Canada and the United States are together.

Would you like to go to Canada with me tomorrow?

I'll introduce you to some new friends.

We can hold a grand celebration party, or I'll arrange some beautiful beauties for you. As long as you need, I can help you. We are friends."

Brian came back to his senses.

He rubbed his temples: "Yes, we are friends, but I remembered something urgent, Nemo, I have to go back to Los Angeles early."

Nemo was a little disappointed.

He thought Brian called him over for something special.

The result was that he asked a strange question and then was in a daze.

Brian also felt that he was too abrupt.

He found a topic and mentioned his research institute, saying that there were suitable scientific research talents who could be introduced to him, and he would pay a good commission.

Nemo was happy then.

It's good to ask for something from me!

Friendship is about giving and receiving.

After getting along for a long time, there will be some feelings.

He happily agreed to Brian's request.

When the two returned to the center of the camp, the conference was over.

The White Elephant Country's ascetics who maintained order returned to their previous positions, allowing the staff from various countries who attended the conference to move freely.

Brian subconsciously looked at the place where the Holy Buddha was before.

This time, he was shocked again.

It appeared!

The previously invisible weak dotted line appeared on the body of the Holy Buddha!

In his excitement, Brian's eyes turned pale, and bloodshot lines bulged in his eyes. Everything turned into data, and all perceptions were enhanced, forming a distorted world.

In this world, dotted lines appeared on the throat, heart, and other positions of the Holy Buddha.

These are the opponent's weaknesses.

The problem is, there was no weak dotted line before, so how come it appears now?

At this moment.

‘Holy Buddha’ seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked up at Brian’s location.

A strange scene appeared again.

In Brian’s eyes, the dotted lines on the Holy Buddha disappeared again as he looked up.


He no longer hesitated, followed the crowd, and rushed outside.

Even if he had no sense of danger, Brian didn’t want to stay here.

He was going back to Los Angeles!

In Los Angeles, even if he really got into trouble, there were still the NW organization and Dean Laoden.

Before the breakthrough, Brian was not going to come to the White Elephant Country again.

Looking at his disappearing back, the corners of the Holy Buddha’s mouth curled up, and he murmured to himself: "Interesting little guy, I seem to see a suppressed volcano from him, ready to explode at any time. What route is he taking? I can’t see through it, I can’t see through it."

He closed his eyes again.

On the other side.

Brian and a group of people got on the shuttle helicopter together.

After more than ten miles away from the mountains, he looked at the direction of the Holy Buddha through the unclosed door.

Dotted lines appeared on the other party’s body.

Brian retracted his gaze, and calmed down again from his previously inflated mentality due to the breakthrough.

There are always people who are better than you.

Keep a low profile!

I still have to keep a low profile!

This trip to Japan was too impulsive.

Although some of this was affected by emotions, the main reason was that I developed too smoothly and there was no external crisis, which led to my inflated mentality.

People are born with fear of the unknown.

Brian admitted that this weird Saint Buddha made him a little scared.

The rest of the people on the helicopter have been secretly looking at Brian since Brian came up.

There is envy, jealousy, and some inexplicable emotions.

Second-level life!

In many official organizations, second-level life represents the third-level staff sequence, power, and decision-makers.

In the words of China, it is a real carp jumping over the dragon gate.

Although in their eyes, Brian only got the recognition of the Saint Buddha and had the potential of a second-level life, not real strength, but they still envied him.

After all, 99% of people don't even have this potential.

After the helicopter flew for a while.

Seeing that they were about to return to New Delhi, everyone went back to their own homes and mothers.

A female enhancer walked up to Brian, who was resting with his eyes closed, with a thick face: "Brian, hello, nice to meet you, my name is Nicole, from the Netherlands..."

Brian was too lazy to open his eyes and interrupted the other party's self-introduction: "What's the matter?"

He was not in the mood to meet people now.

Nicole didn't care, she smiled and whispered: "The night is long, the bed in the hotel I booked is very big, do you want to come for a drink?"


Brian said, and ignored her.

The next moment.

A female enhancer with a hotter figure directly pushed Neeko away: "Ignore this bitch who wants to get fucked for free, Brian, look at me, half a month, as long as you accompany me for half a month, I will offer you 10 million US dollars, if the pregnancy is successful, I will give you 50 million US dollars!"

Another female enhancer with average looks and figures was no longer reserved, and offered a more fierce price: "I offer a company with a market value of 80 million US dollars, as long as you can make me pregnant, I will directly transfer the company left to me by my father to you, and you can transfer it in advance!"

This hot scene made several men with some strength in the self-reliant family come on stage.

Some promoted their sisters, and some promoted other women in the family.

Some who could not offer too high a value also offered to ask for a copy of Brian's genetic material.

The stronger the vitality, the more difficult it is to combine and give birth to life.

Not to mention test tubes.

But it is always a hope.

Looking at the emotional crowd, Brian felt the charm of the second-level life for the first time.

This is forcing a soft meal on himself.

He suspected that if he wanted to, these people would even sell his mother.


The outrageous live auction of this group of people also relieved Brian's nervousness a lot.

He was too lazy to pay attention to this group of psychopaths and thought about the advice given to him by the Holy Buddha.

The information revealed by the other party was not known to be true or false.

But there are two points.

Deformers need to cultivate their spirits to break through the third level.

Enhancers and beastmen need to perceive themselves to break through.

Spirit should refer to mental strength.

During Brian's trip to Japan, his physical fitness broke through 1.4, and he also swallowed a lot of high-quality spiritual crystals, but under the supercomputing perception talent, his mental strength was still 1.3, and he did not transform.

Brian didn't care about this.

Continue to brush up on obsession, and breakthrough is a matter of time.

But this self

Brian suddenly thought of the changes in his body.

Not to mention that blood contains energy.

Brian felt that his genetic material seemed to have some kind of instinct before...

Could this be the self?

After thinking for a long time, Brian lacked enough information and finally did not think of anything useful.

The only consolation is that he is a deformer.

If the Saint Buddha didn't lie to him.

As Brian's mental strength continues to increase, the third-level life will also break through naturally.

In addition, after Brian returns, he will temper his temper, reduce his arrogant emotions, and put more energy on the research institute to see if there will be any unexpected gains, and build his own capital power.

After getting off the helicopter.

Brian threw a bunch of contact information into the trash can and took the shuttle back to the hotel.

Early the next morning, he immediately took Sandy and the spoils of the trip to Japan and boarded the flight back to Los Angeles.

There were only two trophies.

One was the small sword of Yagyu Kojiro.

The sword was made of a special material and could split bullets. Although the blade was still damaged, it was still worth studying, so Brian decided to take the risk and bring it back.

The main reason was that this sword was basically the same style as the sword he had obtained from Yagyu Itto.

A simple modification of the decoration would not be a big problem.

The other trophy was the crow egg.

After Brian wiped out the Yagyu family, he took advantage of the relaxation of the blockade on the lake and actually went back to get the egg. By the way, he wanted to touch the bodies of the ninjas he shot before leaving to see if there were any new obsessions.

As a result, the bodies had been taken away long ago.

The crow egg is related to the obsession of the crow and the gift of a sense of death.

This obsession is very suitable for Brian to do part-time work.

He was going to finish hatching the little crow seriously.

If he couldn't, he would leave it to Thirteen.

Thirteen hatching eggs, it was fun just to think about it.

Because it was business class, and Brian's special status, he didn't go through security check, and he boarded the plane with Sandy smoothly.

More than ten hours later.

The plane landed.

He returned to Los Angeles.

Outside the airport.

Susan, who came to pick up the plane, leaned against the car body, amusing herself with special seed bullets with her little hands, with a faint smile on her face.

She heard the news from the White Elephant Country early in the morning.

Brian, her boyfriend, was personally admitted by the mysterious Saint Buddha to have the potential to break through to the second-level life.

He is worthy of being the boyfriend she chose.

He is so outstanding!

Susan still remembers the jealous and envious tone and excitement of her best friend Caroline when she told her the news.

The second-level life is a third-level employee in NW.

Her father was once one of the earliest third-level employees in NW, and now her boyfriend has the opportunity to reach that level.

By then, even those old men in the family would not bother me too much because of my relationship with Brian.

Having such a boyfriend is really a face-saving thing.

Susan doesn't care about these things, but it doesn't stop her from being proud of Brian.

Just happy.

Suddenly, the smile on Susan's face disappeared, and the bullet in her hand fell to the ground and rolled out.

She looked at the exit of the airport with a sharp look.

Another one!

Bring back another one!!

Damn Brian, every time he goes on a business trip, he brings back a woman!!!

Airport exit.

Brian was explaining his girlfriend Susan's temper to Sandy.

Suddenly, he felt the two kidneys in his body beating violently, as if he had some bad premonition.

This is the danger perception talent activated!

Under the sixth sense, Brian subconsciously looked outside.

In the distance, Susan was wearing a denim suit, expressionless, with a pair of big eyes, looking at him without blinking.


He felt that Susan's possessiveness became much stronger after sleeping with him.

Alas, this is what women are like.

Under Susan's powerful aura, Sandy obediently sat in the back seat of the car, lowered her head and pretended to be dead.

She had been in society for a long time, and she could see at a glance that people like Susan could not be approached by just talking.

Playing dead was the best choice now.

At least it would not make the other party have a worse impression of him.

Brian explained how he met Sandy, and his arrangements and plans for Sandy.

In response, Susan just told Brian in a very affirmative tone: "You don't need to go on business trips alone in the future!!!"

Brian nodded obediently.

At his current level, it is difficult to improve further, and it takes time to grind.

The existence of the Holy Buddha also gave him a great sense of crisis.

Brian had been settling down for a while, so he agreed readily.

Susan's emotions came and went quickly.

After she personally took Sandy and arranged a place to live, she took Brian back to his apartment directly, and tossed until nightfall, and then came down with satisfaction.

Susan lay in Brian's arms, drawing circles without any instruction:

"Two major events happened in the two days you were away.

Japan was attacked by a powerful mutant, and I heard that thousands of people died. An FBI base hidden in the mountains was also attacked, and many people died. My father suspected that a powerful mutant organization was active recently, so we should try not to leave Los Angeles during this period."

After listening, Brian was a little surprised: "Is there anyone who is looking for trouble with the FBI?"

After all, the FBI in this world not only has various high-tech weapons, but also various powerful warriors. The key is that in critical moments, the garrison can be mobilized.

A single soldier invading is courting death.

Susan shook her head: "I don't know the details. I heard that the attacker is still a second-level life, but you don't have to worry. I am very strong now. I will protect you if there is danger!"

"Then let me see how strong you are now!"

Looking at Susan's little expression, Brian couldn't help but pounced on her


Susan pushed Brian away with disdain, but found that she couldn't push him at all.

How could this ghost thing be so heavy?

No wonder he didn't want to go to bed and wanted to go to the floor!

The next day, Brian resumed his work life.

Susan's promotion ceremony is next week.

This gave him some time to deal with personal matters.

After not seeing each other for a few days, there was no change in the team.

The biggest change is probably Thirteen.

It sat lazily in Brian's position, looking bigger. It was only four months old, but it looked stronger than the average adult Labrador. The key point was that there was a pile of high-calorie meat next to it, like a grandfather.

Brian looked at Susan in confusion: "What's going on?"

Green on the side whispered: "For Thirteen's holy water, that thing is much more effective than ordinary coffee and sports drinks, and it sells very well."

Brian only then knew that during the days when he was away, the two bastards of the Teddy Group, together with Old Harden, had experimented with Thirteen's urine and found that it did have the effect of refreshing and anti-fatigue. After negotiation with Thirteen, they finally reached a friendly cooperation.

As for the sales targets, it was other team members of the Operations Department.

According to Green, business has been particularly good these two days.


Selling dog urine to colleagues, you are quite business-minded.

Brian immediately decided to add Thirteen to the list of research subjects in his institute.

However, when he saw Thirteen coming back with a bag of cash in his mouth, wagging his head and tail, waiting for his praise, Brian finally softened his heart.

What a good dog.

In the future, he should use anesthesia first when conducting research.

Of course, studying Thirteen is just a joke.

Brian guessed that the magic of Thirteen's urine should actually be the effect of the reagent that Thirteen did not digest.

In order to avoid attracting attention, he still spoke up to stop the commercial behavior of the team members.

A day of slacking off.

After work, Susan, who had eaten her fill from Brian, rejected Brian's dinner invitation with disdain.

She planned to take Sandy, who had just arrived in Los Angeles, to buy some clothes and introduce Linda to Sandy.

Seeing this, Brian had to take Thirteen to meet the temporary agent of the institute.

After getting this institute, he has never had time to take it over.

To be honest.

He was still very curious about the research projects left in this institute.

Let alone.

The high-energy food that the researcher gave him before was worth commercial development. For Brian, who had the talent of super adaptability and self-deception, it also had another way to strengthen himself.

Ever since he took the unreliable airline of White Elephant.

Brian had been thinking about the problem of human flight.

Don't mention it, there are some feasible solutions.

With expectation.

Brian brought Thirteen to the restaurant they had agreed on.

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