You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 272 Future Development, Establishment of Umbrella Corporation


Brian was about to go in with Thirteen.

The well-dressed waiter quickly stopped him: "Sir, I'm sorry, pets are not allowed here. We have a special pet storage area and someone will take good care of it."


Thirteen shouted at the waiter unhappily.

Brian shrugged: "Dude, look carefully at what's on its neck. Strictly speaking, your remarks just now involve insulting police dog officers."

Waiter: This...

Police dogs are amazing!

Police dogs are also dogs!

He ran back to the front desk speechlessly, and then brought a person who looked like a manager over.

This manager was obviously much more discerning, and recognized the police badge on Thirteen's neck at a glance. It was not a simple K9 police dog badge, but a dog from NW, a violent criminal investigation agency in Los Angeles.

He quickly smiled and welcomed Brian and Thirteen in.

When Thirteen passed by the waiter, he proudly raised his lips to him, and said meanly.


This dog is so mean!

Brian kicked it directly: "I'm just following the rules, I'm not targeting you, Thirteen, why are you so mean now!"

He felt that he needed to strengthen Thirteen's quality education.

Thirteen quickly put away his face and rubbed Brian as if nothing had happened.

The waiter had a smile on his face the whole time, but he was angry in his heart.

He really wanted to tell Brian that you just threatened me and insulted the police dog officer, and your personality is much worse than this dog!

If the tip is not enough later.

He will definitely hide and scold these two dogs in secret!

Bryan came to the reserved position under the guidance of the waiter.

This is a window seat, and there are already two white men waiting in advance.

One of them is a little older, bald, looks to be in his forties, has a fat belly, many wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, and swollen bags under his eyes, giving people a feeling of haggardness and severe insomnia.

Brian has seen the other person's photo and knows that this guy is called Gandobu, a guy who is just idling around.

Because of his qualifications, Gandobu is currently the acting director of the Eden Institute.

The other man was tall and thin, with his head down, stirring the coffee cup in front of him awkwardly.

Brian was more familiar with him.

The two had met before.

The other person was called Alpha, and he was a talented person.

Seeing Brian coming with a dog.

Gandobu and Alpha quickly stood up and said to Brian respectfully: "Boss!"

Brian nodded.

He first extended his hand to Alpha: "Alpha, I'm sorry, after handling your sister's case, I was on a business trip and didn't have time to attend your sister's family's funeral."

Alpha was flattered: "Boss, I am very grateful for helping my sister to avenge."

His sister's two children were killed while participating in a camping activity, causing his sister to commit suicide.

In order to avenge, Alpha took the initiative to find the town sheriff and asked him to report the case to the B6 team, which was the operations team where Brian was.

For this reason, he also handed over his research results to Brian.

Alpha clearly remembered that Boss Brian valued him at the time and promised to twist off the murderer's head.

He thought it was just a polite remark from Boss Brian.

As a result, only one day had passed.

Alpha received a photo of the murderer's entire head and spine being pulled out.

Alpha was scared, but also a little touched.

The new boss is so real!

Brian saw the undisguised gratitude in Alpha's eyes and smiled slightly: "I said, you are mine, I will protect you. By the way, next, I plan to make your research project a core research project. Have you thought about how to deal with this project?"

Alpha shook his head a little blankly: "Sorry, I haven't thought about it yet. I mean, I was not very noticeable in the institute before, and I have never had experience in developing projects. I am not very good at these."

The temporary agent of the institute, Bald Gandobu, felt a little uneasy when he saw that the new boss ignored him.

Is he going to replace himself?

He forced a flattering smile towards Brian:

"Boss, our institute has a special team to deal with these problems.

After all, most researchers are only responsible for research results, but have no market experience.

These all need professional teams to evaluate.

They will always pay attention to the latest scientific research trends in society to ensure that the value of our research projects will not be lost."

Brian shook his head: "I will follow up Alpha's research projects personally and will not directly include them in the institute. Mr. Gandobu, are you ready for what I asked you to bring?"

Hearing this, Gandobu looked at Alpha with some envy.

I don't know what this guy gave to the new boss, and he was so valued.

He nodded, took out a safe, and after tedious verification, took out a stack of printed paper from it: "Boss, this is our current open project. As for the previous confidential projects, only the person in charge has the electronic key, and I can't access it."

Hearing this, Brian nodded and took the white paper.

The confidential projects mentioned by the other party are actually the project library of Black Light Biotechnology Company.

These are not allowed to be disclosed at will. Only the project leaders of each institute are qualified to review them, and each institute has its own fixed research tasks.

Now that the institute belongs to Brian, all these are gone.

However, according to Brian's previous negotiations with Blacklight Biotechnology Company, he could still access the research mission data that the institute was previously responsible for, and he also obtained the access electronic key.

These need to be studied and dealt with.

Brian lowered his head and flipped through the project information Gandobu brought to him.

Seeing him flipping through the items, Gandobu and Alpha became quiet again.

Thirteen felt bored, stretched out his dog paw, and pointed at Alpha's coffee.

Alpha was stunned and whispered: "Do you want to drink?"

Thirteen nodded.

Gandobu had a sharper eye and handed over his coffee directly.

He knew that some wealthy people would strengthen their pets, so they could not be treated as mere pets.

In this era, pets can also blow pillow wind.

Brian paid no attention to the interaction between the two dogs.

He frowned a little as he flipped through the items in his hand.

These projects look good but have no special features.

The biggest project is the medical aesthetics project of blood transfusion.

The effect of this project is quite good. Through a special blood transfusion process and some specially cultivated strains of bacteria, middle-aged and elderly people can regain a relatively youthful appearance without undergoing surgical aesthetic surgery.

But this project is only useful to ordinary people.

Moreover, the technical means of this project are not mature enough and cannot be put into the market immediately.

The key is that after Benjamin died, the people from Blacklight Biotechnology directly removed all the researchers responsible for the project.

In fact, Brian already knew about this project.

Because the previous head of the Eden Institute was the victim of his case, named Mycroft.

In order to protect his wife, Professor Mycroft chose to commit suicide. Finally, Benjamin took the opportunity to take over, came out of the NW, and became the new head of the Edener Institute. The following story follows.

Speaking of which, Brian got a portrait of the 'Curse Mark' in the conference room of the institute after Professor Mycroft committed suicide.

The portrait is still under his desk.

Going round and round.

Brian didn't expect that this research institute was now his.

This is the fate.

Take back your thoughts.

Brian looked at the research project behind him.

The second project is to study the treatment of hair loss.

The person in charge of this project was also taken away by Blacklight Biological Company.

The third project is about myopia.

The person in charge of this project is still there and is about to produce results. However, when applying for in vivo experiments, he was warned by the Optical Industry Association and the project was canceled directly.

The fourth project is a comprehensive research project.

These include various secondary development of adults, rapid shaping using special strains of bacteria, secondary skeletal development and height growth, etc.

Yes, there are all the developments you think of.

There are huge ways to make money.

The only problem is that all the researchers on these projects were packed away by people from Blacklight Biotechnology.

Those guys did a great job and didn't give Brian any chance to pick it up.

There are some weird research projects later.

But they are all sky lofts, and they seem to be purely for defrauding research funds.

Brian put away the project book.

He sighed.

Judging from the project content, any successful research in these projects can make a fortune.

No one!

Blacklight Biotechnology Company simply left the shell of a research institute for itself.

Shells will do, too.

At least the land, buildings, and high-end research equipment are all our own.

Brian looked at Gandob seriously: "You are an old man from the Edener Institute and have been acting as an agent for some time. Next, our institute will lose the technical and financial support of the head office, and the researchers will also need our own Responsible for recruitment, what advice do you have?”

Gandobu immediately realized that this was the boss's assessment of himself.

If you answer well, you will continue to receive a high salary and enjoy a luxurious life.

If you get the answer wrong, you may have to sell your mansion, otherwise the annual property tax will be a burden.

Gandobu had already made a draft.

He organized his language and said confidently:

"Boss, after studying the above, I think we should continue to specialize in blood transfusion medical beauty projects.

This project does not involve strengthening, nor does it need to consider the issue of life extension. It is easy to pass the review and put on the market. We also have sufficient technology accumulation. The key is that there are too many biological research institutions on the market and many projects overlap. But studying this One piece is not much.

As long as we can keep security and costs down, we will be able to harvest the largest number of middle class groups and some wealthy people. "

Hearing this, Brian nodded.

This society is very deformed.

Biotechnology relies on the explosion of aberrations, but due to the "Global Biotechnology Blockade" treaty, most biotechnology cannot be applied to civilian life.

Even those who are rich have no way to get access to enhanced reagents if they don't have channels. The most they can do is buy some unsafe products from the black market.

Only those truly wealthy people who have joined official organizations, or employees of organizations, have the opportunity to enjoy these biotech technologies.

The institute's blood transfusion medical beauty technology is just a side project.

It has significant medical and aesthetic effects and has no genetic effects. It is not subject to the control of the "Global Biotechnology Blockade" treaty and can pass the review.

“The project is fine, but what about the researchers?

We don't have many researchers left now, most of them are newbies who have just joined and are responsible for starting a team. "

Brian agreed with Gandobu's suggestion and asked rhetorically.

Gandobu took out a stack of lists:

“Boss, there’s nothing we can do about this.

The previously mature researchers, when they heard that the institute had been separated from the head office, were unwilling to stay and left.

I realized then that this was an opportunity.

So I took the time to research the current employment landscape and found a great group. "

Brian took a look at the list and was happy.

It turns out that the lists prepared by Ganduobu were all Chinese students, ethnic Chinese, children of overseas Chinese, etc.

They are all young people, or unlucky people who failed to achieve their goals after joining the organization.

This guy is really a talent, he actually pays attention to this group!

This is the same as Brian's previous plan!

Simply looking at their grades, these people's grades in prestigious schools are really not bad, and they are all elites.

Unfortunately, in European and American societies, invisible discrimination exists in all aspects.

Let’s just say here in Los Angeles.

Many Chinese who have obtained green cards to settle down or immigrated here, no matter whether they were medical masters or executives of listed companies in China, those statuses are useless when they come here. There are not many jobs they can choose from, and Respectability is not on the shelf either.

Those without money or skills can only choose to wash dishes, wash toilets, etc., and do things that locals don’t like to do.

Those who don’t have money but have skills can just get certification and work as construction workers, welders, chefs, etc. They can get a foothold in these and live a good life.

Those who don’t have money or skills, but have a little bit of brains, can become an intermediary.

This group is also a group that is easier to get ahead of.

Those who have some money but not much usually start small businesses.

They will choose to open shops, laundries, restaurants, etc.

As for the group of people who want decent jobs, there are only two types of people who are easier to achieve.

One is second-generation Chinese or above.

They grew up in this land and went to a prestigious school here, so it would be easy for them to enter a good company after graduation.

The other type is those who are international students from prestigious schools and stay directly after graduation.

This group is similar to second-generation Chinese, and it is easier to get decent jobs.

But they all have a problem.

After they enter the company, they will be ostracized by white groups, united Indian groups, and other minority groups.

Skin color is an invisible mountain of stereotypes.

For these two groups, the jobs may look decent and high-end to outsiders, but only after entering, you will find that their promotion will be more difficult. After reaching a certain position, they will be discriminated against and unable to continue. Go up.

These two groups were Brian's targets from the beginning.

At this point in time, people who can go abroad to attend prestigious universities, or Chinese people who can attend prestigious universities in China, are truly elites who are one in a million, with very little water!

As long as he can give these people a fair and just environment, their potential will definitely be no worse than those of white researchers!

"Yes, Gandobu, I am very satisfied with your vision. Next, your main job is to recruit people. Try to recruit as many motivated newcomers as possible. If there are talented but rejected talents, you can also Pry it over!"

Brian tentatively approved of Gandob.

Being able to think of selecting talents from the Chinese group shows that the other party does not have such stubborn racial discrimination thinking, and it also shows that he has considered the economic situation of the institute. Being able to think of these in advance also shows that the other party wants to take a chance on the future of the institute.

These three points alone make Brian more satisfied.

Gandobu beamed with joy after hearing Brian's arrangement.

Knowing that he passed the assessment, he quickly stood up and nodded: "No problem, boss, it's just the funds..."

"I will first transfer 50 million funds to the research institute."

Brian said, as if he had thought of something, and smiled: "But there are two things I need you to do right away!"

"Boss, please tell me."

Gandobu was relieved again when he heard that there was no problem with the funds.

“The first thing to do is to change hands of Edener Mental Hospital.

I don’t care if you sell it to other research institutes or whatever, I don’t need this industry, together with those doctors and researchers, to be packaged up. "

Gandobu nodded: "This is a high-quality industry that can be easily packaged and sold."

Mental patients have long become a high-quality industrial chain in this world, even more high-quality than serious criminals.

“The second thing is to change the name of the institute.

I don't like the name Aidenle. "

Gandobu nodded again: "Of course it's no problem, as long as you like it, boss. What should we be called in the future?"

Brian smiled wickedly: "It's called Umbrella Company. This is the company's logo. The current research institute is just the beginning of the company. In the future, I hope we will have our own research institutions and security departments around the world."

With that said, he handed Gandobu the colorful hand-painted LOGO pattern he had prepared long ago.

Umbrella Corporation is the name of the villain company in a game in Brian's previous life. Its full name is Umbrella Corporation, also translated as Umbrella Corporation.

This also represents some of his ambitions.

When he has accumulated enough funds and technology in the future, he also wants to set up a huge security company.

He had already thought of a name, and it was called Black Watch.

I’m really looking forward to that day!

With Brian's arrangement, Gandobu left in a hurry.

Brian touched the head of Thirteen Dog, who looked like a human and looked like a dog drinking coffee.

After ordering the meal, he said to the somewhat reserved Alpha: "Alfa, don't be so nervous. I value you very much, especially your research, which helps me a lot. Let's talk?"

Alpha scratched the corner of his clothes unaccustomedly: "But apart from research, I don't know much about anything else."

"Just tell me about your research."

Brian took out the USB flash drive that Alpha had given him before from his pocket: "I was very busy before and never read the contents in detail. Please tell me directly."

Alpha studies are high energy foods.

Alpha didn't know how important his research was, but Brian did.

High-energy food, in this special era, is almost equivalent to the blood moon era version of ‘oil’.

The real food version of petroleum.

Why are there so few second-level lives in major official organizations?

Besides the fact that there are only one individual with this potential, it also represents a great burden.

For example, Brian.

After his constitution reached 1.4, ordinary food could no longer guarantee his daily needs.

It's not a matter of pulling or not.

But even if he eats all day long, it is difficult to maintain a healthy body, let alone use self-deception + super-adaptive talent to strengthen it.

He now consumes the gifted energy almost every day to suppress the body's hunger and maintain the normal operation of the body.

What about those second-level life enhancers who don’t have gifted energy?

They can only rely on high-energy food produced at the base to satisfy their hunger.

The cost is not low.

After all, every official organization, in addition to maintaining normal operations, also has warheads used to maintain stability at sea. The daily consumption of these soldiers is also a large amount.

Therefore, Alpha's research is an opportunity, and it can easily turn into a crisis.

This is also the reason why Brian didn't rush to deal with this matter before.

He wasn't sure he could keep the research.

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