You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 273: Exaggerated Blood Fruit Effect

Seeing Brian asking about his research project, the somewhat inarticulate Alpha immediately became energetic.

He danced and explained to Brian:

“I said before, this is a genetically modified technology.

The cause was a magical substance I saw called the 'Gluttony Gene'.

It allows a suitable host to have the ability to devour its own powerful self.

However, according to previous research records, this gene has very high requirements for hosts. It is difficult to find a suitable host among tens of thousands of people, and such experiments are also too cruel.

I think this gene is amazing, but it would be too cruel if it were used on animals.

So I wondered if I could compile this gene into plants.

This process is not easy. "

Brian interrupted Alpha: "This is actually a mutant gene. Will the institute provide these resources for you to research?"

Alpha nodded:

“The institute has different levels for researchers.

The newcomer is D and can only perform some simple auxiliary chores.

Newcomers who have joined the institute for more than three years, or who are appreciated by the project leader, can be promoted to C-level researchers. At this time, they can apply for some research projects with no more than 10,000 US dollars, or join other project groups to continue to provide auxiliary research. and assistance.

Researchers who have achieved good results or have served the institute for more than ten years can become B-level researchers after passing the assessment.

At this time, they can be responsible for some independent projects, and can also review and accept some special research tasks issued by the head office.

I was well-received by my previous supervisor, and I was at this level within a few years of joining.

Until I came into contact with the ‘Gluttony Gene’.

I feel that this gene is very magical and want to compile it into suitable plants.

This idea caused me to produce no results for many years, and I gradually became a marginalized figure in the institute.

There is also an A-level researcher at the top.

Researchers at this level are mainly responsible for some projects arranged by the head office.

In fact, at the Edener Research Institute, only the previous director, Benjamin, was able to reach the level of an A-level researcher.

I heard that he previously served the NW organization and was an A-series second-level staff member.

Of course, I don't understand any of this.

In fact, I was able to complete the research on the Bloody Piranha project later on, thanks to the failure of a gluttony gene research project decades ago.

That is currently the only successful gluttony gene compilation project

Unfortunately, this project failed not long ago for unknown reasons.

I heard that it was declared a failure because the research target died in an accident.

Research data are fed back to the head office.

But some leftover resources from that project were recycled.

Later, Director Benjamin didn't know what he had done. He killed people from the NW organization and escaped. The institute was out of control, so I secretly received those resources for research. Only then did I complete the research on the bloody piranha project and obtain Results. "

After finishing speaking, Alpha licked his dry lips, picked up the coffee on the table and drank it.

After drinking.

When he saw Thirteen opposite him, he realized that it was the leftovers from Thirteen's drink.

After hearing this, Brian also felt that fate was a magical thing.

Because the gluttony gene research project mentioned by Alpha failed, it was precisely because the research target was executed by him personally, and he also gained the gift of ultrasonic perception, possessing the ability of perception + large-scale destruction.

I didn’t expect that Alpha’s research project could be successful because of myself.

This is the fate.

Alpha doesn't know these inside stories.

He put down his coffee cup awkwardly.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but he felt that the coffee in this restaurant tasted very good and refreshed his tired mind.

A refreshed Alpha continued:

“It turns out that my research direction was correct.

Considering the effect of the gluttony gene, I specially selected carnivorous plants, which are a large species. There are currently more than 600 known species of carnivorous plants in the world. After five or six years of research, I found A suitable method for gene compilation.

This process is difficult.

Animal genes and plant genes are naturally isolated.

Until I thought about symbiosis”

Next, there were a bunch of nouns that Brian didn't understand.

He just nodded silently.

At this moment, Brian felt his lack of knowledge.

But let him choose, and he will still spend more time improving his strength.

When he is strong, there will always be smart people to help him do things.

That's it now.

After Alpha explained his research ideas, he continued:

“The most difficult thing to achieve here is the symbiotic approach.

What I initially chose was to mix special microorganisms with plants for symbiosis. The best result was just to enhance the digestive gland function of those plants.

They speed up the digestion of food, and the speed of growth and development is also accelerated, but the plants are not essentially different from before.

Until I saw a research report on the formation of Cordyceps sinensis in China.

I was inspired.

So I first debugged the 'gluttony gene' by selecting certain plant parasites, and finally parasitized them on the selected plants.

It took me more than two years, and I achieved some results, but not much.

Until some time ago, I got some special serum.

I added them to the experiment, combined with the special microorganisms I had developed before, and finally I got this thing. "


Alpha took out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Brian.

Seeing the photo, Brian had reason to suspect whether Alpha had played a game of Plants vs. Zombies.

The real Piranha plant is actually called the Rafflesia.

This thing grows in the rainforest and looks like a big flower with a big disc in the middle and several particularly fat petals on the disc. When mature, it is half the size of an adult and has a gorgeous appearance. However, when it blooms, the smell it emits is similar to the smell of a rotting corpse, and this smell can float very far.

The name of the Piranha plant is largely influenced by the smell of rotten stench.

In fact, it can only catch some small insects such as flies and butterflies as food by secretions, and it can't really eat people.

The Piranha plant in Alpha's photo is completely different from the real Piranha plant:

This ghost thing, isn't it the image of the Piranha plant in the Plants vs. Zombies game!

Brian looked at Alpha in surprise: "Are you sure you are not kidding? "

Alpha nodded:

"I had raised the finished product in my backyard before.

When it was first cultivated, it was only the size of a ping-pong ball and looked similar to a normal piranha plant.

I was worried at first that it would not adapt to the climate of Los Angeles.

It turned out that I was too naive.

I fed it for about a week, and it bloomed. It did not have the rotten smell of a normal piranha plant, but a sweet smell.

It attracted a large number of insects to actively feed it.

A normal piranha plant will wither in a few days after blooming, and a half-rotten fruit will be born.

It turned out to be different.

Not only did it not wither, but it also began to grow a trunk with fruits from the cavity in the center of the flower, and increased its demand for food.

About three weeks later.

It grew into the creature in the photo, about two meters long, and had this scary appearance.

But it was all fake.

Those things that looked like teeth were its sensory organs.

Once a creature is attracted by its flower fragrance, it can sense it immediately and secrete digestive juice to digest the creature into nutrients, which are quickly absorbed, and the excess nutrients will be condensed into blood-colored fruits on the surface of the body.

So I guess this should be its maturity period.

As for the effect of the blood-colored fruit, I have told you before.

A little bit is enough for the experimental mice to meet their physical needs for a week. If they eat too much, they will also have symptoms such as nosebleeds, excessive energy, and difficulty in digestion.

I was originally planning to apply for primate experiments, but the institute had problems.

I was worried that my experimental results would be unexpected, so I physically destroyed my research records and the finished piranha in the backyard, and then concealed the matter until my sister's child encountered an accident. I was ready to use this as a bargaining chip and found you, the boss! "

Hearing the last sentence, Brian was a little surprised: "You mean, only you know about this research project at present?"

Alpha shook his head: "Some colleagues have known about it for a long time, but because there has been no results, everyone has stopped paying attention to me, but now I can't be sure. ”

He pushed back the USB disk on the table that stored his research data:

“Boss, you should keep this.

It may not be safe for me to keep this thing.

After I contacted you, someone from the head office contacted me.

They asked me what research technology I gave you and took away my research data on the computer in the institute.

Of course I didn't say anything. ”

Hearing this, Brian frowned slightly.

It seems that the people from Blacklight Biotechnology have been paying attention to him.

He pointed to the photo: "Are you sure they didn't find this?"

Alpha shook his head:


When there was chaos in the institute, I destroyed the Piranha plant in the backyard.

This thing looks big, but it is actually very fast to cultivate.

It usually senses light and releases smell to hunt at night. The food I feed is also some special pet cans, which are mainly composed of some animal offal. I also have a big dog, so it doesn't attract attention. "


After hearing Alpha's answer, Brian wanted to rush over and give him a warm hug.

He is indeed a research talent cultivated by America.

He may not understand the ways of the world, but the awareness of knowledge protection is really embedded in his bones.

Brian likes such good employees who care about the boss!

According to Alpha's current research.

The blood-colored carnivorous plant he developed is not picky about food. It eats as long as it is meat, and after meeting the basic needs, the remaining energy will automatically be converted into small blood-colored fruits.

The fresher the blood and meat, the lower the cost.

On average, the cost of a fruit is no more than 20 kilograms of fresh meat.

But the energy provided to the organism is about 15 times that of the same meat.

It's not that the energy has increased, but that the digestion and absorption efficiency of the organism eating this blood-colored fruit and eating meat is different.

There is a system conversion process of the blood-colored carnivorous plant.

This thing is so powerful.

The only problem is that the digestion limit of the bloody piranha is ten pounds of fresh flesh and blood a day, which means it will take two days for a bloody fruit to grow. The efficiency is a bit low and cannot be compared with modern technological assembly lines.

Brian felt itchy at Alpha's description.

After dinner.

He immediately took Alpha and went to his home.

This guy also hid a few bloody fruits harvested before, preparing to use them as evidence for the project.

More than half an hour later.

Brian saw the blood fruit in Alpha's mouth.

This thing looks a bit like an ordinary tomato, about the same size. The skin is very transparent, and you can see that the inside is full of scarlet paste-like pulp.

The surface of the fruit exudes a faint fragrance, but the skin is a little shriveled and seems difficult to preserve.

Thirteen, who was following Brian, smelled the smell of fruit and immediately became restless.

It barked at Brian: "Wangwangwang~ (big dog, smells so good, wants to eat~)"

"I'll try it first."

Brian kicked Thirteen away and stuffed the fruit into his mouth.

Seeing this, Alpha became anxious: "Boss, no primate experiments have been conducted, and a whole fruit is equivalent to the nutritional value of eating three hundred kilograms of fresh meat. You won't be able to stand it!"

Brian chewed twice.

The paste-like pulp of the blood fruit has a slightly sticky texture with a faint fishy sweetness, which is a bit like eating double-skinned milk.

He swallowed it in one gulp and licked his tongue: "It tastes pretty good. Also, don't forget, humans are also primates. It's suitable for me to eat. This thing won't pose a threat to me."


Apart from being afraid of high concentrations of neurotoxins and narcotic substances, he didn't care about anything else.

He dared to swallow even arsenic alive.

When the pulp of the blood fruit enters the stomach, a large amount of heat immediately bursts out.

Brian's internal body temperature is already normal for normal people. He only relies on controlling his body's low-frequency consumption in order to live a normal life.

With a huge influx of energy.

Wave after wave of heat escaped along the pores of his skin, causing air fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this unusual scene, Alpha was stunned.

He was a little worried and said: "Boss, there are ice cubes in my refrigerator..."


Brian waved his hands with a pleasant smile on his face: "I feel warm all over now and very comfortable."

The energy contained in this fruit is almost lethal to ordinary people.

It's just right for myself.

Brian controlled his body to quickly digest the energy contained in the pulp.

Under supercomputer perception, he could feel the hunger in his body disappearing quickly.

This is completely different from the feeling of using gifted energy to keep the body running.

One is empty contentment.

One is the satisfaction of being full.

Brian calculated that one blood fruit was enough to sustain his normal activities for a whole day.

Really high quality.

At least it's much better than the NW energy bar he redeemed before!

“Very well, Alpha, you gave me a big surprise!

This blood fruit is great and very important.

I can tell you for sure that you want financial freedom! "

Brian patted Alpha on the shoulder and said seriously.

Alpha looked at Brian excitedly: "Boss, are you going to give me a reward?"

Brian drew a pie:

“Yes, I’m going to give you dividends from this project.

However, this research cannot be exposed yet and can only be used privately by me, otherwise we will all be in danger.

I can only guarantee you that you will be able to get your share within two years at most.

That’s a lot of money!

You know, I keep my word! "

Thinking of the photo that Brian sent him before, showing the murderer's head connected to the bloody spine, Alpha nodded affirmatively: "I believe you, boss!"

"Okay, it's not too early. You can go to work at the research institute tomorrow. I will say hello to Gandobu and ask him to acquire all the slaughtering companies in Los Angeles. We can slaughter livestock for those farms for free. Of course, the reward will be those Animal entrails.

To the outside world, just say that you are studying a flesh-decomposing microorganism.

Of course, those internal organs will be used to cultivate bloody piranha.

As for the cultivation address, I will arrange it for you later. "

Brian immediately thought of how to bring out the characteristics of this plant.

At this point in time, in the United States, animal offal such as cattle, sheep, and pigs have not yet been speculated by unscrupulous dealers. The world's expensive shipping costs have also restricted the development of this industry.

So the probability of success of the plan is very high.

It doesn't matter if there are slaughterhouse owners or farm owners who are unwilling.

If you agree, a reasonable compensation will be given.

If you don't agree, you will be threatened and then given a reasonable compensation.

In the face of power, I believe those slaughterhouses and farms will be happy to accept this win-win cooperation.

Leaving Alpha's house, Brian felt a little emotional.

The warrior who slayed the dragon finally became the evil dragon.

Now that I have become powerful, I end up living in the way I hated most before.

Brian has also thought about the place where the blood-red piranha should be cultivated.

Doesn’t my father-in-law have several private islands and there are security guards stationed on the islands?

He plans to enlist his father-in-law Dean to work together to develop the bloody piranha.

Dean only has a daughter anyway.

What belongs to my father-in-law, doesn’t it still belong to him in the end?

Thinking of this, Brian slapped himself in the face: "With my brain, how could I think of becoming a dentist when I was in college? Accounting is the most suitable for me!"

In the car, Thirteen looked at Brian with resentment.

Fruit, fragrant, want to eat!

Until returning to the apartment, Thirteen still looked at Brian with resentment.

Big dog eats alone, bad!

Bryan's little hand trembled, took out a blood fruit, and took out the crow egg from the incubator, and smiled at Thirteen: "Thirteen, do you want to eat fruit?"

"Wangwangwang~ (I want, I want, I want~)"

Thirteen sucked his saliva and wagged his tail happily.

It took back what it said just now.

Big dog is so good!

Under Thirteen's dog eyes, Brian tossed the fruit up and down, tempting Thirteen's dog head to shake, and finally put the crow egg in front of Thirteen: "Thirteen, how about this, you help me hatch the egg, and I will give you a fruit to eat."

Thirteen looked at the egg that Brian stuffed over: ? ? ?

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