You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 274: Leaky Little Cotton-padded Jacket, Death Sense (6800 two-in-one, supplement)

By all accounts, Brian was a sweet and caring man.

In order to let Shisanduo learn some skills, he also deliberately turned on the computer and found the crow's personal hatching tutorials and videos to learn from him, teaching him carefully and step by step.

What a pitiful heart for the master of the world.

Brian's mind at the moment was all about hoping that the dog would succeed, and he had no selfish desires at all.

Thirteen agreed ignorantly.

It imitated the posture of the female crow in the video and stuffed the crow egg under its belly. Then it felt uncomfortable and moved the egg to its neck, using the egg as a small pillow and licking it from time to time.

Don't tell me, the eggs taste pretty good.

The more Shi San licked, the more delicious the egg became, so he simply put his tongue on it.

After a while.

Thirteen shouted to Brian with some fear: "Wangwangwang~ (big dog, there is something in the egg~)"

Brian waved his hand nonchalantly: "Nonsense, there is a little crow here. It will be your little brother from now on. Learning to take care of your little brother is the first step to becoming the boss. Thirteen, I like you."

This crow egg is the offspring of an enhanced beast. Similar to the offspring of an enhanced person, it is inherently better and more vital than the same kind.

This is why Brian felt free to let Thirteen hatch the egg.

He was simply afraid of losing the egg, rather than actually letting Thirteen hatch the egg.

Thirteen lowered his head again in confusion.

During the long night, it simply communicated with Dan in a low voice.

Seeing this, Brian smiled.

silly dog.

He returned his attention to the blood fruit in his hand.

"Gluttony Gene.."

In addition to the blood moon gift ability similar to the rules, the ability of the aberrant basically follows the law of conservation of energy.

Twenty kilograms of fresh flesh and blood, after being transformed by the blood-colored piranha containing the gluttony gene, can provide itself with nearly three hundred kilograms of energy that flesh and blood can provide. The magic of this is similar to the process of water turning into hydrogen as energy through electrolysis. , which made Brian a little surprised.

He felt that it was necessary to supplement his knowledge in his spare time.

Knowledge is power.

Such as flying

Brian was inspired by Alpha's research and wondered if he could find a racial talent like electric eels. After that, he could play with abilities such as electromagnetism, use the planet's magnetic field, and then realize his dream of flying.

Don't tell me, it seems like something is going on.

Just do what comes to mind.

Brian stood up directly, began to search for relevant knowledge on the Internet, and began to conduct preliminary studies.

Sleepless night.

After receiving a night of knowledge, Brian finished washing and kicked Shisan, who was sleeping soundly with a crow egg in his mouth: "It's time to go to work~"

Thirteen wagged his tail, trying to bark the first dog bark after waking up, only to find that his mouth was stuffed with crow eggs.

This stupid look looks like a Shiba Inu with a bulging mouth.

Thirteen quickly spit out the bird eggs full of his own saliva, glanced at Brian guiltily, and breathed a humane sigh of relief when he saw that the big dog didn't pay attention.

In order to make it easier for Thirteen to carry his little brother, Brian thoughtfully hung a small bag under Thirteen's police dog vest.

In this way, Thirteen can use his dog's paws to put the crow eggs into a small bag and carry them with him.

Finished breakfast ritually.

One person, one dog and one egg go to work together.

When we arrived at the office building, everyone was there.

The enhanced reagents that Brian had given to his colleagues before were not as good as heaven-defying, but they made their overall condition much better. Therefore, the efficiency of solving crimes has been greatly improved recently, and they have been living a happy life recently.

In fact, in most of the human life cases here, impulsive shootings are more common.

And generally, it is not the turn of the NW Operations Department to handle such cases.

Because when a case occurs, the nearby patrol police will rush over to understand the situation, and then a dozen or more police cars will be dispatched by the dispatch center to chase and intercept the murderer. If the murderer drives away, there will be more policemen in the sky. Helicopters conduct surveillance. If the firepower is strong, directly call SWAT to board the bulletproof armored vehicle. If you are hiding in the house, directly use the bulldozer to push the house.

In this case, unless the murderer is a powerful aberrant, he will be shot to death before the NW Operations Department can take action.

Seeing his colleagues fishing skillfully one by one, Brian smiled slightly and joined the fishing team.

Susan hasn't come yet.

When Susan arrived, he was going to ask directly for Old Dean's contact number.

no way.

Brian didn't have Lao Deng's contact information at all. He only had the contact card that Lao Deng had given him previously for intelligence support.

It's impossible for him to contact that number just for this matter.

Not really.

Taking advantage of the fact that he had nothing to do now, Brian continued to conduct comprehensive and in-depth study of physics courses through the computer.

It's past eleven o'clock in the morning.

The B6 team finally came to life.

According to the information provided by the dispatch center, this was a serial murder case that was only discovered.

A community volunteer accidentally found a finger bone in the back garden of a house while helping out on a voluntary basis, and chose to report the crime.

By the time the case was forwarded to the B6 team, the police officers who rushed over had dug out no fewer than eight skulls from the ground in the garden.

Once Brian heard that there were no fresh bones, he lost his interest.

He asked Teddy to combine and bring Green and his assistant Thom over.

Brian has contacted Susan.

The other party has something to deal with today, so she can only come at noon.

As for the lizard girl Linda he brought back from Florida, Susan stuffed her into the NW new blood training camp for training while Brian was on a business trip, so he won't see her for a while.


Just when Brian was about to call Susan directly to ask for her father's phone number, she finally came.

Behind Susan, there was a white guy who was white and tender, wearing a pair of small glasses and looked gentle.

The guy looked young and not tall, only up to Susan's shoulders, wearing casual clothes, and still had the kind of restraint of not being in society and not liking socializing.

Brian didn't even turn his head: "Team leader, you finally remembered your subordinates who worked hard in the office."

Susan rolled her eyes, walked in front of Brian, turned his head over, bit his face, and then pointed at the little glasses standing at the door and said: "This is my uncle's son, a top student from Oxford. I went to pick him up this morning. You can call him Guy, Guy Adams."


She said to the man with glasses, "Guy, this is my boyfriend Brian. I think he can help you solve the problem you are facing now."


Guy waved to Brian a little stiffly.

This little submissive look made Brian laugh.

This guy, if he were in an American TV series, he wouldn't need any acting skills to play the bullied protagonist.

Bryan stood up and threw Guy, who was still standing at the door, to the office chair opposite like a chicken: "Hello, tell me, what problems do you have? For Susan's sake, I may be able to give you some advice."

Guy glanced at his elder sister Susan, trying to get some encouragement.

Susan rolled her eyes and clenched her fists.

Guy: ..

He took a deep breath and said to Brian with some stammering: "I fell in love with a girl in school, but she disliked me for not being masculine, so I hope to become more confident."

Brian shrugged: "What kind of family does she come from?"

"An ordinary family, but she is very outstanding."

"How much do you think she can earn after graduation with her own efforts?"

Guy didn't know why Brian asked this, but he quickly answered: "It must be hundreds of thousands of dollars before tax. If you are lucky, it will reach more than one million in a few years. I have studied these data before."

Brian snapped his fingers: "Very good, then how much pocket money do you have per month?"

"No, when I was in middle school, I used my pocket money to invest in stocks and saved several million. Now it should be more than 10 million, so I didn't ask my family for money later."

Guy said honestly.

Brian rolled his eyes:

"Man, you are already better than many people.

You have a good family background, but you don't have those bad habits.

The information you are exposed to is the upper-level information that ordinary people can't get in their lifetime. This has cultivated your unique vision, so you can make some gains in the stock market at a very young age.

These are your resources and advantages.

As for the woman you like, no matter how good she is, if she relies solely on herself and struggles for a lifetime, she may not even reach your starting point.

So, why are you not confident?"

Gu Yi was a little unconvinced: "I tried to contact her, she didn't refuse, and even often talked to me about some investment matters, and would accompany me to dinner and go out on dates, but when I proposed to date, she said that I was a good person, but lacked some masculinity... If I wasn't good enough, why would she disagree?"

Brian rolled his eyes.

Isn't this self-PUA?

He looked at Susan:

"Team leader, he simply made a cognitive error.

Similar to the noble ladies in some knight novels, if he continues like this, I think he will soon be regarded as a fool by the scheming opposite sex, and then he and his family will give up everything for love.

He is protected too well by his family."

Susan spread her hands helplessly: "Is there any way to solve it?"

"It's very simple."

Brian pointed to Glenn's seat: "Just let him hang out with Glenn for a while."


Susan raised her eyebrows and refused: "I don't want Guy to become a scumbag."

"Becoming a scumbag is better than becoming a fool. In addition, Guy is an adult. He has his own cognition, but he has less experience. You should believe him. He will not be led astray, but will only have more understanding of the reality of this society."

Brian said in an affirmative tone.

Guy is just lucky, or the object he likes is still a little reserved and not so shameless. Otherwise, looking at Guy's silly state, he has been domesticated into a dog.

The best way to solve problems such as the dog-licking mentality and not knowing how to communicate with the opposite sex is to be well-informed.

Brian is an experienced person.

"Who is that... Glenn?"

Guy said weakly.

"He may have slept with more women than you have ever seen. Don't you want to be confident? Believe me, follow him and you will soon become confident." Brian patted Guy's shoulder: "By the way, remember to stay away from Ivan beside him."


She originally planned to let Brian take care of Guy, but Brian suggested that Guy follow Glenn.

The more she listened, the more she regretted bringing Guy to Brian.

We talked for a while.

Susan reluctantly agreed.

She asked Guy to go to her office first, then walked to the sleeping Thirteen, and while stroking Thirteen's dog head, she said to Brian: "By the way, Brian, what are you looking for my father for?"

Brian held Susan in his arms and took out the blood fruit: "Open your mouth."

Susan didn't hesitate and opened her mouth.

A piece of aspic-like flesh on the fingernail fell smoothly into her throat and slid down.


Susan looked at Brian in confusion, wondering why he only gave her such a small amount of food.

next moment.

A wave of heat spread from her body, causing her to let out a slight exclamation.

After a few seconds.

Susan hugged Brian's neck and asked in surprise: "What kind of fruit is this?"

Since breaking through the first level of life, her appetite has increased significantly.

Nutrition bars taste terrible.

Normal food, but also a lot to eat.

Susan was still troubled by this.

She didn't expect that the fruit Brian brought out was so magical. Just a little bit of it made her feel full.

"This is the blood fruit, the research results of the researcher below me. You know, if this stuff is leaked, I won't be able to keep it by myself, so I want to get your father to cooperate..."

Brian briefly stated his thoughts.

Susan patted her chest: "No problem. After get off work today, I will go to my father personally to talk about this matter. You don't have to worry about the raw materials."

"How about dividing it into these?"

Susan was confused: "What share? It's okay, Brian. When the time comes, I will invest the money and you will provide the technical person in charge. This will be treated as an industry for both of us. My father will not have any objections."

"That's so kind of you, Susan."

Brian pouted and kissed passionately.

It's great to have a wife from the Gu family. Now you can save the middleman from making the difference.


Thirteen, who woke up after smelling the fragrance, watched with resentment as Brian stuffed the remaining fruit into his mouth, and could only lick the crow eggs under him to quell his craving.

the next day.

Brian hugged Thirteen, and Thirteen hugged the crow egg, sleeping soundly.


Brian felt his pubic bone tremble.

He shuddered.

This is an early warning of danger perception!

Brian opened his eyes suddenly, his five senses diverging.

next moment.

Countless sounds, smells, sonar feedback... were sent to his mind.

Brian flashed, pulled out the modified Kodachi, and looked at the sky above him with a serious expression.

next moment.


The whole apartment building shook slightly.

Old Dean's unhappy voice also came to Brian's ears: "Get to the top of the building!"

Brian: Broken.

Lao Deng discovered that his little cotton-padded jacket was leaking air, and he was in trouble!


Dean, whose whole body was steaming, looked at Brian who jumped up with a dark face: "Boy, you've gone too far!"

Brian smiled shyly and pretended to be dumbfounded: "Mr. Dean, what's wrong?"

Dean laughed angrily at him: "Just pretend to be stupid, you..."

"A child!"

Brian held out a finger: "In the future, Susan and I will have children, and one of them will have Susan's surname!"


"Two!" Brian stretched out two fingers with difficulty: "One boy and one girl, guaranteed!"

Old Dean should be quite rich. One child cannot inherit that much wealth. Two children, each with half, is about the same.

Dean couldn't bear the sugar-coated bullets now.

His face was gloomy and he nodded with some confusion: "Okay, two, one male and one female, no less!"


He also added:

“You and Susan should have a baby sooner.

Try to break through the second level of life.

Your sperm activity is too strong, and the probability of conceiving offspring will be very low.

If you get to my level, it's almost impossible to have offspring.

That's why I only have one daughter, Susan.

Hey, it’s all my fault that I was too good back then.

Although you are a little worse than me, since you can be recognized by the Holy Buddha, it means that you have the opportunity to reach our level. "

Seeing Lao Deng pretending to be cool in front of him again, Brian rolled his eyes.

He asked tentatively: "Third-level life?"

Dean nodded: "I barely have the fighting power of a third-level life, but it is a little different from a normal third-level life. As for the Holy Buddha, he is indeed a third-level life, and he is one of the first ones to break through to the third-level life. The aberrants have a natural advantage in this."

Brian had guessed that Dean was very aggressive before, so he wasn't surprised.

He seized the opportunity and quickly told the strange scene when he came into contact with the Holy Buddha that day.

It would be foolish to not ask if you have thighs.

After hearing Brian's description, Dean's face suddenly darkened: "This old immortal is still so insidious!"

Brian had a bad premonition: "He plotted against me?"

Dean nodded:

"The Holy Buddha, an old and immortal man, has very strange deformation abilities. He can transfer his consciousness to other living beings, so almost no one knows where his true body is. It is also from him that everyone knows that he is really spiritual. Awareness of this thing.

The thing is, spiritual consciousness carries a strong imprint of personal consciousness.

This thing is similar to our sperm.

If he leaves you psychological hints, it means he is on you

You may not feel anything now, but your consciousness may have been polluted by his consciousness. "


Dean, this old man is good at using metaphors.

It makes him feel weird now.

He said with a grim face: "Is it troublesome?"

Dean shook his head: "I don't know about these, but if it affects you, the most direct reaction is nightmares. Saint Buddha is a deformed person, and his consciousness is heavily polluted, so the feedback will be very obvious on you. "

Deformers, mental pollution...

Brian heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

He hadn't had a dream for a long time.

Fortunately, he was also a deformer, so that was probably why he was not affected. If he was affected, it would probably be cross-infection at most.

Seeing Brian's reaction, Dean knew that he should be fine.

He also subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, his daughter liked him, and she promised to give him a grandson and a granddaughter to raise for fun.

After he was relieved, Dean couldn't help but think of his daughter Susan's elbow, and the more he looked at Brian, the more unhappy he became.

He snorted: "I'll have someone contact the researcher about the blood fruit. You should say hello to him in advance. You don't need to worry about the rest. Don't go out if you have nothing to do. Stay in Los Angeles and have a baby with Susan! "

After saying that.

Dean's body was surging with heat, as if there was a furnace in his body. He rushed up into the sky with rolling heat waves and disappeared into the horizon.


Old Deng is a dog-faced person. He was talking well before, but suddenly he turned sour!

He looked at Dean's departing back with envy.

This old Deng can really fly. He was pretending to glide in front of him before. Now he probably thought it through, and he stopped pretending when he heard that he would give his daughter and son to him to raise.

How insidious!

Looking at the red morning mist in the sky, Brian sighed.

Enhancers are only difficult to give birth to offspring, while deformers are not only difficult to give birth to, but their offspring will also mutate uncontrollably.

I don't know where the fierce old man is hiding.

If he doesn't solve the genetic problem, how dare he let Susan get pregnant.

Brian went back unhappy and hugged Thirteen to continue sleeping.

For more than a week.

He didn't It's learning, it's going on duty.

It's just that the progress of obsession is not ideal.

In most homicide cases, the victims are not fresh, so naturally there is no obsession.

You can try your luck in the hospital.

But it's unstable.

Brian also began to try to hand over some of the obsession tasks to Spider-Woman Eliana and Catwoman Sandy.

After the two met, because they were both beastmen, there was no trouble.

They didn't say much about Brian's inexplicable request.

In the middle, Brian also participated in Susan's promotion ceremony.

There was no trouble this time.

Brian's affairs in the White Elephant Country have long been spread within NW. Behind Susan is the notorious Dean Laoden, who dares to come up and make trouble.

Now everyone looks at Brian and Susan as a golden boy and a jade girl, and they are only envious.

If they Prepare to go the management route, and you can easily get some good positions in NW.

Neither of them has any idea about this.

This day.

Brian was looking through the investigation report submitted by Green.

The serial murder case they investigated before encountered trouble, and it was stuck for more than a week without any progress.

This is actually normal.

For an old case, it is a hassle to just confirm the identity of the deceased, not to mention finding the murderer.

However, the people in the B6 team are used to Brian's high efficiency in solving cases. They subconsciously feel that it has been delayed for a long time and want to deal with this case as soon as possible.

The information of the case is simple:

When the volunteer was helping to mow the garden, he found a finger bone in the soil.

Afterwards, the police excavated eight skulls in the garden.

After testing.

The owners of these skulls have died for more than Five years.

The problem is.

The house had been rented out for the previous nine years, and the tenants changed frequently. The last tenant was the current owner of the house.

The original owner of the house owed property fees for a long time, and the house was auctioned.

The last tenant took a photo of the house more than a year ago.

From the perspective of time, the eight victims have no connection with the current owner of the house.

In fact, this is not the difficulty.

There are two main difficulties in this case.

One difficulty is that the identities of the victims cannot be determined.

Another difficulty is that some of the previous tenants of the house cannot be found.

Although renting a house requires tenant information, Los Angeles is a high-consumption city with frequent traffic. Residents here can move around at will, and phone numbers are not real-name registered and can be changed at will.

This also makes it very troublesome to find someone.

After reading the information brought by Green.

Brian suddenly asked, "Green, why is there no information about the previous owner of this house?"

Green shrugged, "The other party is Mexican and has been missing for a long time. That's why his house was auctioned."

Brian nodded.

This makes sense.

When it comes to Mexico, people subconsciously think of drug dealers.

This is true.

There are many small drug dealers there. After making money, the smarter ones will take their families to the United States and settle there. Otherwise, sooner or later they will die in vendettas and gang assassinations. It is difficult to have a good ending.

But even if you run over, it doesn't mean it's safe.

It is normal to be retaliated by enemies that appear out of nowhere.

This is also why it is said that once you enter the world, there is no way out.

If you want to wash your hands in a golden basin, you can't bear others to bear grudges.

Think about it.

Brian threw the information on the table: "Check it out, and also prepare a copy of all the tenant information for that house. I'll go and see the bones before I look at it."

"Okay, Boss Brian."

Green hurriedly left with the information.

Brian stretched.

He glanced at Thirteen who was sleeping soundly, and without disturbing Gouzi, he got up alone and walked out of the office.

Come to the morgue.

Brian changed his clothes and was getting ready to work when a warm current surged through his body.

An obsession is completed.

Brian had an idea and a smile appeared on his face.

The little crow hatched.

With a move in his heart, he received the gift of 'death perception' from Little Crow's mother.

The acceptance process is surprisingly simple.

Brian only felt his eyes freeze, and had no other reaction.

He blinked and looked around, but found nothing unusual.

Out of curiosity.

Brian changed his clothes again, took the elevator to the top floor of the office building, and then looked into the distance.

this moment.

He finally discovered something unusual.

Only a distance is seen.

In the sky above a certain area, several inconspicuous lines of black mist rose continuously from below, and finally dissipated into the air.

"If I remember correctly, it was a large hospital."

The corners of Brian's mouth turned up.

It's amazing.

I saw death!

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