You call this a coroner in North America?

Chapter 275 The corpse can talk, Thirteen is happy to be a mother

It turns out that biological talents with low energy donation also have their own magical features.

For example, the supercomputing perception in Brian's hand, or the current death perception.

Brian is not clear about the principle of this talent, and the effect still needs to be studied, but at least it will be much more convenient to work part-time in the future.

He can collect more fresh obsessions, and accumulate them little by little. Over time, the harvest may not be worse than those difficult obsessions.

In a good mood, Brian returned to the morgue.

The bones in the morgue have been pieced together.

There are a total of eight victims.

Through some subtle details, it can be seen that the deceased are five women and three men.

Looking at the state of the bones and the wear of the teeth, it can be roughly determined that the youngest victim is also in his thirties, and the oldest is over sixty years old. The other party is also the only victim whose identity can be confirmed.

Assistant Tom found the identity information of the other party through the number on the inside of a lost denture of the deceased.

The deceased is named Osa, a white male, 63 years old, with relatives, but after contacting them, it was found that they had not been in contact for many years.

When Osa was young, he was a blue-collar worker and had a pretty good life. But when he was middle-aged, he went bankrupt because of stock speculation. After that, he lost everything and became a homeless person. There was no subsequent record of him.

Homeless people... have been dead for more than five years.

These two pieces of information together are basically invalid information.

Except for Osa, the other seven victims really couldn't find anything to prove their identities.

Faced with this situation, even Brian, who is a hacker, was somewhat helpless.

He could only conduct some simple trace investigations.

The examination of bones is somewhat different from the complete examination of corpses.

This stuff relies more on modern technology and experience.

For example, through bone testing, the race and gender can be determined. Through the wear state of teeth and the shape of the skeleton, the age, possible job, and height of the other party can be roughly determined. Through the traces on the bones, the possible encounters before the other party's death can be determined, such as blunt killing, sharp killing, or other causes of death...

Brian is actually not very good at this.

Even when he was in the Forensic Bureau before, he rarely encountered such victims who were completely bones.

Similar cases are usually handled by senior forensic doctors, and they don't need hard laborers like Brian to help, so they rarely come into contact with them.

Fortunately, he has a hang.

Brian wears gloves, his eyes become magnifying glasses, and he observes the cleaned corpses bit by bit.

Judging from the surface traces, there is no obvious damage to the bones of these dead people.

They seem to be manual laborers when they were alive, and there are very serious wear and compression marks between the skeletons.

This is a symptom that can only occur when carrying heavy objects for a long time, climbing stairs for a long time, bending over, etc., which is reflected in the living, that is, the intervertebral space becomes smaller, the body is reduced, the cartilage is severely worn, the lumbar disc is herniated, and the calves, toes, fingers, etc. are obviously deformed.

The periodontal condition of these victims is also not good.

This means that their economic conditions were not good when they were alive.

Many people here like to eat sweets, or are forced to eat sweets, so dental health risks are a common problem.

Going to the dentist is not cheap, it is a big living expense.

Most people will buy medical insurance for themselves to reduce the possible expenses.

The problem is that this insurance is not something that everyone can afford.

Let's take his younger brother Green as an example.

Before joining NW, Green was a low-level patrolman in the LAPD.

His annual salary after tax is about 40,000 to 50,000 US dollars. This is because Los Angeles is a wealthy metropolis with abundant finances, so he can be paid so much.

The average hourly wage per capita in Los Angeles last year ranked seventh in the world, with an average hourly wage of 19.6 US dollars before tax, which is about 15.3 US dollars per hour after tax.

In other words, an income of about 3,300 US dollars per month after tax is considered average.

The gap between the rich and the poor in Los Angeles itself is large.

If you look at it per capita, you will understand.

Green's income is slightly higher than the average annual income in Los Angeles.

But he lives a very tiring life.

He has to bear the monthly property tax, house insurance, his own supplementary commercial medical insurance, the rising insurance of his car, daily travel and other expenses, which makes it difficult for him to take his family to a restaurant a few times. He can only eat those high-calorie cheap foods like most people.

What about people who earn less than Green?

They must first ensure that they can eat enough.

Then they can consider other things.

To sum up.

These eight victims are all from the bottom of society. They have done a lot of "unskilled" physical labor, do not have good medical insurance supplements, and have low risk resistance to the outside world.

The reason why the "unskilled" physical labor is emphasized is that the labor here is expensive, and it is expensive in technology, not in simple labor. Simple mechanical labor is not worth much in Los Angeles, where there are many illegal black workers.

Don't think that there is no money here.

When the smuggling policy here is relaxed, dishwashers who used to earn three or four thousand dollars before tax and work eleven or twelve hours a day will be rolled up to eight or nine hundred dollars a month. Excluding meals, the working hours can even reach fourteen hours, turning you directly into a cheap human dishwasher.

Therefore, this kind of mechanical, unskilled manual labor often has another characteristic: that is, the working hours are long.

For such people, their social circle is generally not too large and their mobility is not too high.

Because mobility and social interaction require an investment of time, energy, and money.

This feature is very important!

It can even be said to be the core idea of ​​​​detecting the case.

the reason is simple.

For socially narrow victims, they were collectively killed by a murderer, which means that they have certain characteristics that overlap with each other. For example, the murderer is an intermediary who specializes in hiring cheap labor, or the murderer specializes in a slum area. Hunting the undercover

In short, the murderer must have targeted these low-level victims because of a specific factor.

Find this specific factor and you can identify the murderer!

So how do you find this specific factor?

This requires a comprehensive consideration of the method and location of the corpses, the approximate time they were killed, and even the gender of the victim.

The simplest point.

There were eight victims, five women and three men, among whom the men were relatively older.

This shows that the targets chosen by the murderers are the old, weak, sick and disabled.

He was most likely not strong enough, and he might not have even done a robbery before committing the crime. Otherwise, the proliferation of pistols would give him enough confidence, instead of deliberately selecting the old, weak, sick and disabled.

In addition, strong people tend to be impulsive and habitually use muscles and violence to solve some problems. Weak people have no physical advantages since childhood, so they will probably develop the habit of using their brains to ensure their own survival.

These all fit the profile of the murderer.

There were no obvious instrument injuries on the bones of the eight victims.

One can also be said to be a coincidence.

All of this means that the murderer most likely used drugs, suffocation, or similar soft methods to subdue and kill the deceased.

This is actually not an easy task in a neighborhood with chaotic underlying security.

The more chaotic the lower-level neighborhoods, the more vigilant residents are outside.

They are very sensitive to danger and will even look at their surroundings from time to time to avoid a mugger or a speeder gang suddenly jumping out in front of them.

It is really not an easy task to take action against such a person and succeed eight times in a row without anyone running away or having an accident.

Based on the above factors: before committing the crime, the murderer most likely had no similar experience, the murderer was thin and weak, and the murderer used dirty tricks...

The possible speculation comes out: these victims knew the murderer, or at least were acquaintances, which gave him the opportunity to hurt themselves.

"My brain is really getting better and better."

Brian took off his gloves, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote down his analysis one by one.

Wait until you are done.


The door to the morgue was pushed open.

Assistant Thom came in with a yellow paper file: "Brian, are you performing an autopsy on those corpses?"

Brian waved the pen and paper in his hand: "Yes, there are some gains, Thom, you look good now."

Thom looked several years younger and no longer looked like the sickly, heavy drug addict he once was.

He chuckled: "This is all thanks to your previous strengthening reagent. God, when I feel the beauty of being a man again, I feel like I'm back in my twenties. It's such a wonderful state."

With that said, Thom handed the file bag in his hand to Brian:

"This is the test result of the corpses I brought back from the Department of Chemical Medicine of the Forensic Medical Examiner Bureau. According to the test results, it can be determined that eight victims were all drug addicts.

Their bones contained a large amount of painkilling drugs.

This situation generally occurs in some cheap labor industry groups.

Long-term physical labor causes their bodies to develop various discomforts after middle age.

They can only rely on painkillers for relief, and eventually become addicted to drugs.

However, due to economic and living habits, this group of people will not buy real drugs.

They will only continue to increase the dosage of painkillers they take to ensure their quality of life, but this is actually another road of no return.

This group generally does not have comprehensive pension arrangements.

When they can no longer work, that's when they fall into hell.

Many middle-aged and elderly people commit crimes because of these people.

When I was a police detective, I saw too many criminals like this.

Under the influence of drug addiction, they either commit crimes or do other illegal things, such as robbery and carrying goods.

At this time, the law is in front of them, and not a single painkiller is useful. "

Brian flipped through the test report that Thom brought back, smiled and handed the paper recording his analysis to Thom: "This is consistent with my speculation after the autopsy. I suspect that these victims are in the situation you mentioned. "The murderer knew them well and took advantage of this to kill them, but I haven't figured out the murderer's motive yet."

He was really a little confused about the motive.

After all, judging from the current inferences, these victims are in need of money and body, and their lives are lost. The harvest from the killing is probably not enough to cover the labor cost of processing the corpses, and they also take huge criminal risks.

The gain outweighs the loss.

Hearing this, Tom shrugged:

“Many serial murderers have mental illness.

They may have been bullied when they were young, or they may have been subjected to domestic violence by their parents for a long time. They had unhappy childhoods and could only torture and kill small animals to show their strength.

Wait until you reach adulthood.

If such people are exposed to certain stimuli again, they will subconsciously repeat the things they did when they were children.

They will again use massacre to show their strength, but this time they will often target their own kind. "

Brian nodded: "Maybe, but I have already found the investigation ideas for this case."

"You are the most talented coroner I have ever seen, Brian." Thom praised sincerely: "It will be much easier to be a colleague with you. Sometimes I even wish you could stay in the operations department longer. some years.”

In his opinion, people like Brian would rise up after not staying on the front line for too long.

From then on, they were people from two different worlds.

Tom was a little reluctant to give this blessing.

The days when I hug my thighs, whoever hugs me knows, it’s really fun.

If it weren't for Brian, he would still be sick and waiting to die. Apart from playing games that could bring some spiritual comfort, the future would be dark and he would just live a mechanically numb life.

Hearing this, Brian smiled: "Maybe."

come back to the office.

Brian saw Thirteen looking at a small meat ball with a confused expression.

The little meat balls were drilling back and forth in its fur, and its little mouth kept making hoarse sounds of "uh uh uh". It looked full of energy.

Thirteen experienced this situation for the first time.

It was so anxious that it raised its head and called out from time to time, but it didn't dare to move for fear of crushing the little meat ball or squeezing it to the ground.

Old Harden and the female clerk Edna were watching the fun.

Saw Brian coming up.

Edna, the female clerk, asked curiously: "Brian, where did Thirteen get this little bird? It's so plump and cute, but the sound is a bit unpleasant."

Old Harden on the side touched his chin and said a little uncertainly: "It looks like a crow cub, but it's a little bigger, and the eggshell looks strange. What kind is it?"

The crow eggs are not small and the color is very strange.

"This is the small-billed crow, a type of crow from the Eastern Hemisphere. This one should be the descendant of the enhanced crow. I picked it up when I was on a business trip to the White Elephant Country. I didn't expect it to actually hatch." Brian had previously passed it on the Internet. The mother form of this little meat ball has been checked to find out the type of the other party.

Old Harden suddenly realized: "The offspring of the enhanced crow, no wonder I feel that it is very energetic, not like a newly hatched chick at all."

Edna, the female clerk, looked very envious.

She had seen the exchange interface of NW's internal network on the computer of team leader Susan before. There was an enhanced small animal bred internally, which started with more than 20 merit points. It was not like them who even relied on strengthening reagents. Lane can only obtain what the 'fake' staff can obtain.

Why can’t I pick it up myself?

Brian knelt down and touched the small ball of flesh with his fingers.

The little meat ball was so frightened that it quickly burrowed into Thirteen's fur and made a louder sound.

The cry of this little thing is similar to the sound of "uh uh uh" that people make with the ending sound. It is also the most common dubbing of crows in many oriental horror movie scenes. It is placed in the old tree with dead vines and the mass grave below. The environment has a desolate and gloomy feel to it.

Thirteen students looked at Brian helplessly: "Wangwangwang~ (Big dog, the thing inside the egg came out, it's so noisy~)"

"Take it well and give it to you to eat!"

Brian rubbed Thirteen's dog's head and flicked a drop of his processed blood into the little meat ball's mouth.

After hearing the fruit, Thirteen calmed down.

It stuck out its tongue and licked the little meat ball.

The little meat ball seemed to be red and warm, and the hairless body was red all over. It was staggering as if it was drunk, and finally it fell on Shisan's belly and fell asleep.

Brian's blood, even processed, was too much for the little guy.

It has some indigestion.

Green went out to get information and hasn't come back yet.

Brian called him and asked the other party to check the missing persons cases in the neighborhoods around the house where the corpse was buried and the distribution of low-level residents. He could also ask his brothers from the slums to help inquire about the situation.

Those who will pay attention to the bottom layer are only the bottom layer.

Some of the old homeless people who still live nearby may still have some impressions of the people from a few years ago.

Waiting process.

Brian began to teach Thirteen how to raise baby birds.

Little Meatball showed a very strong dependence on Thirteen.

The previous behavior of the other party calling and crawling around was actually treating Thirteen as his 'mother' and asking for food from Thirteen.

This is actually the ‘imprinting effect’.

Animals that hatch out of their shells have basically fully developed body functions, have vision, and instinctively regard the first creature they see as their mother.

There is another main reason, that is, Shisan is a bitch who licks his balls from time to time.

When this little meat ball is still inside the egg, it smells like Thirteen.

This smell can give it a sense of security.

The little meat ball is the only one who doesn't think of it as its mother.

Thirteen loves to be a mother at such a young age.

As its owner, Brian naturally had to teach it how to be a good dog mother.

Small-billed crows are actually quite easy to raise.

They are omnivorous birds, feeding on carrion, garbage and other debris, and also eating seeds and fruits of plants. They are considered as the cleaners of nature. They usually live in groups in the wild, grow fast, and can reach 40 to 50 cm when they are adults. They can use primitive natural tools in a simple way, and have simple ways of communication among tribes. They can cooperate with each other and are a very smart type of crow.

So as long as Thirteen keeps the little meatball warm and feeds it regularly, he can raise it.

To be honest, this kind of knowledge is new and crazy to Thirteen.

It finally accepted the fact that it was a dog, but now it has to raise a bird

Hey, it's all for the fragrant fruit.

Thinking of this.

Thirteen licked the little meatball in his arms again with grievance.

Salty and fragrant...


It licked again...

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